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private Lord of Stalliongrad 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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Rasputin Stalliongrad, descendant of Ironhoof Stalliongrad founder of the city of the same name. Rasputin Stalliongrad, known as the largest crime lord in the history of Equestria, bringing the entirety of his family's city securely under his control, defying even Princess Celestia's royal guard to remove him. Rasputin Stalliongrad, known among modern playgoers as the pinnacle of talent and charm, to play his part is to make or break any actor's career. Rasputin Stalliongrad, Idolized by actors, crime lords, and noblestallions, Adored by mares of every generation, presumed dead by a rival for hundreds of years...

Sat furious at a writing desk.

...acting was absolute rubbish, the single worst rendition of Lord Stalliongrad I, Pulitzer Prize, have ever seen in all my years. This so called 'actor' has no business playing the role of a town fool, much less the prestigious role of Lord Stalliongrad.

It is my hope, that the Canterlot Star Theater will learn from this atrocious performance, and their second rendition will take the time to cast actual talent for their roles, rather than the gutter trash they pulled from the back alley the night of.


Rasputin sighed, "What was he thinking? The fool barely even had a Germane accent, not even close to the true Stalliongrad dialect. And his acting, he almost made me look," he shuddered, "imbecilic."

He closed the review in an envelope, placing the letter in Pulitzer's mailbox for delivery as he shed his disguise. The real Pulitzer had been out drunk, and wouldn't remember if he had or hadn't even attended the play, but enough would have seen him there, or rather, seen Rasputin disguised as Pulitzer, to assure the drunk stallion that he had attended it, and had hated it.

His new disguise as he walked the streets was of a curious mare, he was looking for someone to kill, and nothing brought out the lowlife of a city like a defenseless looking young mare. He'd get the anger out, and no one would look to far into it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Redd stepped off the train, determination quietly seated in his expression as he made his way towards the luggage car to fetch his things.

Dear Redd, I've finally hit the big time; they're finally letting me do STALLIONGRAD!  Can you believe it!?

He grabbed up his baggage, settling it upon his back before making his way toward the taxi stands.

The best way to chart an actor's stardom is through all the work they get after performing in Stalliongrad - you know this, I know this... but now, I have the chance to show the WORLD!

Reaching them, he hailed a taxi with his hoof... but was shoved aside by another pony, who climbed in and closed the door in his face.  Redd's muzzle went angry for all of three seconds... then, he simply blew out a gust of a sigh.

I want you there more than anything, big brother - I'd never have even gotten on stage in the first place if you hadn't encouraged me as foals; this is for YOU, Redd!

He hoisted his luggage onto his back again, then pulled a slip of paper from his thick winter coat's pocket and looked at the address on it, seeming puzzled.  He glanced around a bit, then sighed again and chose a direction, headed down the street with his bags like a cargo camel.

You've always been my lucky charm; tonight, with you there to see it, you'll bear witness to the start of my brilliant career!

- Love, Rising Star


"Damnation," he muttered under his breath.  Then he shook his head, trying to clear the memory of the next letter he'd gotten - because it had not been a pleasant one...

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Rasputin's ire was growing, were there no low lives to be hunted this day? He had traipsed in front of every dark alley, paused at all the unscrupulous hangouts, and not a single stallion had even given him a second glance. Had he lost his touch? Was his form not feminine perfection? He gave him form a vain look, No, there was definitely something wrong with the hoodlums today.

He shook himself from his ruminating, he hadn't passed the train station yet, there were usually plenty of cutpurses and pick pockets whenever a train came in. Any of them would make for easy targets for his bloodlust. As he neared the station however his eye caught not a mark, but a face. The face of a stallion he had been told about, a forepony of the quarry his grandaughter had plans to build a hive into. Now would be as good a time as any to insert some closer watchers, but first he had to get close.

He expertly navigated the crowd, following his emotional trail, smiling inwardly as it soured. With the faintest flicker the vibrant eyes of his form her replaced with clouded blind ones. From the outside he looked like a blind young mare doing her best to navigate the crowd. He used this guise to collide, rather forcefully yet apparently accidentally, into Redd.

He'd quickly spin around to face Redd with his blind eyes, an apologetic look on his face, "Oh! So sorry sir! I seem to have lost my guide, as you can see" he gestured to his blind eyes, "I'm a bit lost without them."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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23 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Oh! So sorry sir! I seem to have lost my guide, as you can see - I'm a bit lost without them."

Redd was known among his peers at the Blackwater Quarry for being vain, egotistical, snide and shifty.  He had a reputation as being a bit of a jerk, and had few friends, if any at all.  The workers did as he ordered, as he was a forepony, but not a one of them had ever thought anything more of Redd than the fact he was a self-important creep.

Which was all just a part of the act.

Redd actually was truly a marvelous method actor; it happened to be his Special Talent.  The cutie mark on his flank was of a pair of theatre masks, one smiling and one frowning; the frowning mask was in the forefront.  Most ponies, after having seen him at the quarry, generally took it as proof of his nasty attitude, and found it fitting - but it meant so much more than that...

It was simply that no one had ever cared enough to find out.

His suitcase dumped off his back with the jostle, and as she spoke, Redd simply stared down at the sight:  it had come open, and what few bits of clothing he possessed were now spread in the slush and dirt on the sidewalk.

He let out a long sigh... then turned to the mare.

"Yes, yes, I... there, there. His irritation was obvious on his muzzle, but his voice was soft and precise.  "Let's at least get you out of the weather - I'd ask you for a description of your guide, but I don't think it would do me much good, would it?"

He took hold of her hoof and placed it on his shoulder.  "There - that's me.  Just stay right here..."

Redd looked down at his filthy clothes and sighed.  "I need a moment," he said resignedly, as he began to pick up his belongings and shove them unceremoniously into the broken suitcase.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rasputin was surprised, while this stallion certainly looked and felt like the stallion described at the quarry, he certainly didn't act the same. According to his scouts reports he had expected a more aggressive response to having his belongings tousled, a verbal lashing perhaps? But this stallion was almost polite, not quite a gentlecolt, but much better than the one described. Perhaps my spies need better observational skills, they've clearly misprofiled this one. Or I've found his identical twin.

Nonetheless, he had a role to maintain. He gave Redd an innocent smile, "Oh thank you Sir! I'm sorry to have hit you, I'm usually good about my surroundings but I got all turned around when I lost my guide." His ears perked up as he went about putting his items back in his case, "Oh dear! Did I break something of yours? Terribly sorry Sir, I can pay to have it fixed or replaced if you like?"

Rasputin had found that the truest form of a creature was revealed when they thought they were unobserved, they spoke true when not heard, and acted true when not seen. So by pretending to be blind Rasputin could see how ponies truly acted, because they wouldn't put on a face for a blind pony, and a false voice was easy to spot when a false face did not accompany it. So he could see that Redd was acting truly here. He wondered where it would go, now that he had been offered money.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Oh thank you Sir! I'm sorry to have hit you, I'm usually good about my surroundings but I got all turned around when I lost my guide."

"Yes, it's... it's nothing, don't worry about it."

He continued to shove wet bundles into the broken case, but his muzzle said his mind was elsewhere as he did so.

I felt it necessary to write to you as soon as it happened, Redd - and it makes me sick to think of what could happen to her if he succeeds.

He glanced over at the mare, giving her a shrewd once-over before simply shrugging and returning to his work.

Why someone would do such a ruinous thing to any play is beyond me, but such a masterpiece as Stalliongrad?  The NERVE of such!

He picked up his favorite vest; it was caked with mud, and had snow-slush dripping from the inner pocket.  Ruined, was all he could think.

You have GOT to warn Rise about this!  I know how much a play like this means to someone with her career right about to spill over the edge into the Big Time... but she won't accept my messages after the falling out we had; she still doesn't deserve this though, even if we're no longer friends.

His once-proud fancy cloak - now, not only soaked and slushed, but with the extra gift of a candy wrapper stuck to it.  Oh, joy.

He'll be the star.  You'll know the slug when you see him.  And if at all possible, kick him one time for me!  He made our troupe look like CLOWNS!

He gathered the last of his soiled laundry, and gave another sigh as he realized he'd have to carry it like that.


2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Oh dear! Did I break something of yours? Terribly sorry Sir, I can pay to have it fixed or replaced if you like?"

He didn't even pause in his response.  "No, ma'am - it's..." he glanced at the broken suitcase full of wet clothing, "... nothing important.  Far be it for me to take money from a blind mare, anyhow."

Even though that was exactly what his co-workers at the quarry would say about him.  There were times he wished he could simply stop the charade and possibly make some friends... however, part of his quest to the quarry in the first place had been to work on his skill at playing the heavy, the antagonist...

... the villain.

Ever since he was a foal, Redd had always found the villains in the stories he read to be the most interesting characters in the entire book; he didn't agree with some of their actions, but he could understand why they were led to such things.  He GOT what each dastardly deed was all about, and the intrigue and sympathy he'd garnered for those roles had ultimately led to his big moment, when he'd earned his cutie mark...

But underneath?  He was no heartless and vile villain; he was a stallion with a dream to help his little sister achieve her own dream.

A dream that someone was going to try to smash to pieces.  And he was NOT going to have THAT, oh no sir.

"So, er... do you know of an address I could escort you to, or do you and your guide have a particular place to meet up at if you get separated, or..?"

Redd spoke as he led her beneath one of the shop awnings, letting her stand out of the snow.


  • Brohoof 1

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9 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"... nothing important.  Far be it for me to take money from a blind mare, anyhow."

Rasputin giggled, "Come now, I may be blind but that doesn't make me helpless. Like they say in Stalliongrad, 'A true stallion always returns the favor, every good deed rewarded, every evil act punished.' well, there's no reason why it can't apply to a mare like me as well no? I insist on repaying your kindness."

The line he gave was an almost direct quote from the play, it was one of the lines between Rasputin and Dynamite when he first began to court her by saving her from a gang attack which was later revealed to have been orchestrated by himself.

9 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"So, er... do you know of an address I could escort you to, or do you and your guide have a particular place to meet up at if you get separated, or..?"

Rasputin waved him off as he trailed off, "That fool left me as an indication that he no longer desires my employment. Whether his loosing me was intentional or not, I will not be meeting him again. Nonetheless, I'm headed to the Silverhoof estate, but if you can get me as far as town center I can find my way from there." The Silverhooves were an extremely wealthy family, but they weren't too influential in the noble court, rumors circulated that they were related to criminal elements in Canterlot while others said that they had harbored changelings before and after the attack. Nothing had been proven or even investigated on either count, causing many to believe that the Silverhooves enjoyed the distance such allegations afforded them.

Rasputin would wait until they had started moving to continue speaking, "Forgive me, but you seem rather preoccupied with something? I'd be a poor ward indeed if I didn't ensure my guide's well being."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/2/2020 at 2:02 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Come now, I may be blind but that doesn't make me helpless. Like they say in Stalliongrad, 'A true stallion always returns the favor, every good deed rewarded, every evil act punished.' well, there's no reason why it can't apply to a mare like me as well no? I insist on repaying your kindness."

Redd paused a moment - it was enough for Rasputin to feel that tug of recognition; the faorpony knew of the play, apparently.  Interesting, as there was no previous mention of the stallion having any culture to begin with.

However, all he said was, "In my world, madam, it's more to the tune of 'every good deed thwarted, every evil act applauded'; still, I appreciate the offer, but keep your bits all the same.  Now, if the Silverhoof estate is where you're headed, I can take you that far - though I can't guarantee anything past the front gates.  I don't wish to tempt Fate any further than my mere existence seems to do."

He began to lead her along, taking care to help her around potholes and breaks in the sidewalk.


On 7/2/2020 at 2:02 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Forgive me, but you seem rather preoccupied with something? I'd be a poor ward indeed if I didn't ensure my guide's well being."

The face he gave was one of worry and concern; what he said, his voice sounded bored, at best.

"I have a sister who's going to be a big star soon... I've come to see the play she's in, where she shall no doubt shine like she deserves to."

The worry on his features spoke of volumes more to say.

  • Brohoof 1

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10 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I have a sister who's going to be a big star soon... I've come to see the play she's in, where she shall no doubt shine like she deserves to."

Rasputin raised an eyebrow at that, "A big star you say? Are you telling me you're related to that up-and-coming mare that's been kicking about? I've heard her perform before, and I've heard plans for her to star in Stalliongrad. I do hope so, it's my favorite play."

He gave a bit of a shrug as they continued walking along the road, "Though it sounds like you expected as much, like this came as no surprise. But with your worry, it's clear that all is not well. Either you're jealous, worried she'll outshine you, or you have reason to think she won't succeed." He turned to face his blind eyes towards Redd, "If it's the latter, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I've connections in the industry, could get her whatever help she needs!" Her look turned a little more sly, "If the former, I could use those connections to push the other way I suppose, though I'd hate to ruin such a play as Stalliongrad to do it."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/6/2020 at 3:13 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"A big star you say? Are you telling me you're related to that up-and-coming mare that's been kicking about? I've heard her perform before, and I've heard plans for her to star in Stalliongrad. I do hope so, it's my favorite play."

Now, for the first time, a small smile played across his muzzle.

"Yes; my sister.  Please, don't spread it around - her fame should be all hers, as she's earned it.  But yes, she's in the...

His muzzle went back to its' sour expression.  "The play.  Yes..." 

However, he shook it off and continued, unabated.  "Stalliongrad is an exquisite study in not only drama, but the august and wholly insidious history of Lord Stalliongrad himself, no less.  A rogue of utmost caliber and wit, one perfect for emulation in such a performance piece as the play which bears his name.  A fitting, er..."

He gave her a look, then shook his own head.

"I DO go on, though - it happens to be my favorite play, as well.  I even recognized the line you used earlier; scene 14, act 2, I believe?"


On 7/6/2020 at 3:13 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Though it sounds like you expected as much, like this came as no surprise. But with your worry, it's clear that all is not well. Either you're jealous, worried she'll outshine you, or you have reason to think she won't succeed.  If it's the latter, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I've connections in the industry, could get her whatever help she needs!  If the former, I could use those connections to push the other way I suppose, though I'd hate to ruin such a play as Stalliongrad to do it."

Redd slipped her a sidelong, suspicious look.

"No, no - I have every want to see her succeed; my worries are... elsewhere."

He sighed a bit, then continued walking.  "You hardly know me at all, and you offer such connections already?  If you were Lord Stalliongrad himself, I'd wonder what you wanted from me..."

Redd then chuckled, shook his head and sighed.  "But my worries are with my sister's performance; I have full confidence in her..."

Rasputin could now feel the slow-cooking anger under Redd's surface.  "I simply am concerned whether her co-stars' performances are up to par..."

Did he already know?


  • Brohoof 1

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2 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

I'd wonder what you wanted from me..."

Rasputin giggled in good humor as he waved him off, "Nonsense! It's the least I could do for someone so kind."

2 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I simply am concerned whether her co-stars' performances are up to par..."

He looked thoughtful as they walked, "Hmm, I can't say I know who they've cast for the part, but I could look into them. Though I doubt they could be any worse than the stallion they had last night." He shuddered, "He was so hollow! You could tell he wasn't speaking from the heart."

He shook his head as he turned back to Redd, "But do tell, are you just worried for your sister? Or do you know something about this Co-star that worries you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/8/2020 at 11:16 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"But do tell, are you just worried for your sister? Or do you know something about this Co-star that worries you?"

"I am always worried for my sister, madam - she's always been the one destined for greatness, and I would be a poor brother if I were to not help her find that star... and catch it."

He spoke a bit dramatically at the end... and realized it, blushing a bit as he reined himself in.

"That... and a letter from a friend which spoke of tonight's starring actor.  And spoke exceedingly poorly of his performance with their troupe... of Stalliongrad, no less! And I shall not abide by some fool making a mockery of my dear sibling's performance.  And this mockery may be worse than even she might expect..."

He then gritted his teeth, cold fury rolling only lightly against his demeanor.  "As in, I believe this fool plans to sabotage my sister's opening night."

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Rasputin's expression fell from jovial to aghast, then a cold fury. Now it's personal. "That simply won't do." As furious as he was, he wasn't about to lose a good disguise or risk revealing himself, he'd have to switch out. He stopped where they were, "That's wholly unacceptable! Tell you what, I can get the rest of the way from here, and there's a certain friend I need to meet with first who might be able to help ensure that your sister's performance goes off without a hitch and that this potential saboteur gets what he deserves."

He started to walk off before quickly returning, "I, um, didn't catch where you're staying. Where should I have my friend meet you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/12/2020 at 5:11 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I, um, didn't catch where you're staying. Where should I have my friend meet you?"

Redd paused, then shook his head.

"No need to complicate things; send any help you might have to the venue itself - I daresay I'll be there anyway."

To be suddenly lost in a crowd, helpless... and then, just as suddenly, prove to be quite capable?  Damnation, I hope I didn't just run into one of the bugger's henchponies...

The maroon stallion watched her go, then made sure to take an extra long route to his hotel; he'd have to deal with his broken suitcase and soiled clothes later.

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Rasputin shrugged, "Alright then, They'll be asking for you by name since, you know, I can't exactly give them a physical description besides having a masculine voice. They'll be looking for you tomorrow."

With his magic he produced a sort of blind cane made of light, it would pass through ponies but collided with the ground, and with it he'd be able to see without bumping into anyone or hitting anyone with a stick. It also gave the perfect cover to cast some other magic, namely placing a certain item in his suitcase and cleaning/repairing the case and it's contents.

When Redd would look at the suitcase he'd likely notice the effects, everything cleaned and repaired, but most especially the black envelope on top. It contained a small obsidian loop and a short note: "Debts repaid, Sins punished." Redd might recognize the loop as a Stalliongrad's Knife, a magic dampening ring that instead of preventing the use of magic would spin whenever the wearer used magic, causing deep cuts in the horn, scalp, and skull of the wearer ultimately resulting in the horn being removed entirely if too much magic was used. A prop one was used in the Stalliongrad play, one of the final scenes where Stalliongrad was forced to wear one while rescuing Countess Dynamite from the final rival gang. Many of the unicorn actors lacked the physical strength to pull off the feats of acrobatics the scene required, and so relied on magic to pull off the act (A bit of a ramble I'm sorry).

The question was though, why did he now have a real one in his case? If Redd was familiar with the history of Stalliongrad receiving a knife was an invitation to enact revenge.

After Redd opened the first note there would be a poof of magic, another letter appearing in the air in front of him before falling to the floor. It would read: "Smart taking the long way, our conversation did not go unnoticed. It seems this saboteur is quite intent on his plan coming to fruition. Don't be alone for too long. ~Raven Silverhoof"


Rasputin held one of the ponies who had attacked him aloft in his magic, the other two dead in the alley they had dragged him into in an ambush. "So, you thought you'd jump a poor defenseless blind filly?" He chuckled inwardly as none of those adjectives applied, "Who paid you? What do they want? Because personally I want your teeth, but I could be content with your answers."

(I hope this is acceptable? The villain having escaped the curse would likely have a gang in his control to ensure his plan comes to fruition. Did you want to play out the villain or would you like me to?)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

(I hope this is acceptable? The villain having escaped the curse would likely have a gang in his control to ensure his plan comes to fruition. Did you want to play out the villain or would you like me to?)

(Go right ahead; I run ENOUGH RPs, heh heh heh, and you can consider it practice for playing you-know-who in the future.)


It wasn't until after he'd reached the hotel, argued with the front desk clerk, as they'd given his room to someone else, waited while they made arrangements, then eventually shuffled him into their only available 'economy suite'... a considerably more run-down room than the full suite he'd supposedly reserved.  They apologized profusely - especially because they didn't want to refund the difference - and offered him the same access to their order-in kitchen as the full suite he'd paid for.

With everything else that was on his mind, he just wanted a place to drop his stuff; he needed to get to the venue, and he needed to get there NOW.

However, when he reached the room (whose radiator was rattling softly, but constantly) and tossed the suitcase unceremoniously onto the bed, he stopped... and examined the suitcase further.  What he found was like something out of a dream...


4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Debts repaid, Sins punished."

He knew FULL well what the loop was for; as a colt, he had often worn one on his own horn when he and his sister performed the play for themselves - granted, his had been a piece of black yarn, but he'd done it all the same.  And he had ZERO hesitation as he took it and shoved it into the pocket of his vest... if he found that bogus actor, this would be the perfect punishment for the sin that fool was going to commit.

He did stare at the note for a bit, wondering how it got into his bag in the first place... but Redd was also someone who had seen (and survived) a run-in with magical items before; he had no doubt that it would work; he wondered who had put it there, and in what way was he becoming a pawn in this.


4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Smart taking the long way, our conversation did not go unnoticed. It seems this saboteur is quite intent on his plan coming to fruition. Don't be alone for too long. ~Raven Silverhoof"

A Silverhoof.  Of COURSE, it was a Silverhoof.

The family's name hadn't been lost on him; they were mostly untouchable, due to their wealth and status, but they were supposedly a family that seemed to follow after Stalliongrad's own heart - rumours abounded as to their shady dealings, yet nobody DARED speak them in their company.

Or, if they did, they tended not to speak too much afterwards.  If they ever spoke again.

As an aspiring villain actor, he'd done a light study on the family, along with a few others in Equestria as a whole.  If THEY were the ones pulling the strings here, he figured there would be one of two possible outcomes:

ONE - This was actually a plot set up by the Silverhoofs, and they were going to manipulate Redd into a hole he couldn't climb out of, or

TWO - This actor had upset them as well, and Redd was a convenient tool for their usage.

Of the two options presented, he sincerely hoped it was the latter; he'd rather be manipulated than DEAD.

Folding the note carefully, he slipped it into the vest pocket with Stalliongrad's Knife.  Part of him wanted to pretend he was a spy, preparing to secure the target before... before...

Oh, what's the use?  Everywhere I go, I'm either a tool or a nuisance; the very least I can do is try to find the culprit before I end up upsetting the wrong individual.  As long as Rising's performance is a success, then whatever Fate has in store for me, I shall deal with.

Redd quickly locked the door behind him as he made his way out of the hotel and down the street to the venue... where his sister would be, with no clue he was even here.

It had been eight years... eight long years since his brothers Empty and Heavy tricked him into going to the quarry in the first place... then cleaned out his bank account.  He'd HAD to stay at the quarry while he scrimped, worked and saved to be able to eventually TRY to make his way home to Applewood.  He had only communicated with his darling sister through the mail these past few years - he was low-key excited to get to see her again after so much time, yet part of him wondered if she'd even recognize him.

He continued along, turning up his coat's collar to block out the lightly falling snow.


  • Brohoof 1

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(I'll mask what goes on where Redd can't see so he can be the star of the story, occasionally a tidbit of Rasputin will be glimpsed by the readers.)

Redd would get the distinct impression that he was being watched as he made his way to the venue, the snow making him very easy to track that any pursuer would not need to follow him. Nonetheless, he would not be accosted on his journey to the venue.

Once there it wouldn't be long before he was approached by a tall, thin, well dressed stallion with a silvery mane. He spoke with a low even tone with a hint of intrigue. "I do say, Mister Redmond, you look dreadful. Furthermore, you're late. I refuse to wait a moment longer, come. This way." He'd walk with a determined gait directly past Redd and without missing a beat whispered: "Raven sent me." Then with a gentle but firm magical tug on Redd's vest to turn him the right way he proceeded out of the entryway into a side room.

The encounter had drawn some attention, many whispering their amazement that 'Redmond' had come in person, and further their small surprise at his appearance. Others watched him with a more suspicious gaze.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/16/2020 at 11:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I do say, Mister Redmond, you look dreadful. Furthermore, you're late. I refuse to wait a moment longer, come. This way."

Redmond?  Nobody's used my full first name since I was a foal; what the Tartarus is going on here?  Besides, nopony expected me, save for Rise... and even she didn't know if I would show up or not.  Curiouser and curiouser...

He gave a light nod, then followed without a word.

What could this possibly be about?


On 7/16/2020 at 11:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Raven sent me."

Ahhhhh... of course.  Well, she works fast, I'll give her that.  But now it just makes me think of what she might possibly want in return.

He did give a small, sardonic smirk.  Well, I suppose that dealing with a play like Stalliongrad, one should expect intrigue.  I simply hope it doesn't get me killed; Rise would be devastated.

He walked along with the stallion, not bothering to look directly at any of the others around him... but his peripheral vision was exceedingly good, and he could tell he was certainly a point of interest.  Why, he wasn't certain - but he was quite sure he'd find out soon enough.  And he was also just as ready to discover what his oncoming debt might be.



  • Brohoof 1

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The door closed behind them as they entered a private room, it looked like a dressing room given the mirrors and articles scattered about. Once the door was shut the thin stallion bathed the room in his magic before slightly relaxing his posture and turning to Redd, "I apologize for the theatrics, one can't be too careful." He extended a hoof to Redd, "Filigree Silverhoof, at your service. Raven tells me you have some information on the upcoming play, I had my suspicions on the actor and his entourage before, this further implicates that he has more, nefarious, purposes for the play. Would you care to tell me what you know?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/28/2020 at 2:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Filigree Silverhoof, at your service. Raven tells me you have some information on the upcoming play, I had my suspicions on the actor and his entourage before, this further implicates that he has more, nefarious, purposes for the play. Would you care to tell me what you know?"

Redd inspected the hoof before tenatively shaking it.

"Yes... though I suppose it would be foolish of me not to wonder if you, yourself, were working for the opposition; I would be remiss if I didn't ask for some means or manner to prove your credentials?  After all, I may be a bit of a fool at times, but I believe myself to be at least savvy enough not to reveal truths without some reassurance that I'm not playing into enemy hooves, yes?"

He gave a slight smirk.  "Or perhaps Miss Raven would have figured me for a fool, and merely sent someone to competently do what I might not be able to accomplish on my own?  THAT, I can handle - so long as my sister's big night isn't ruined, then I'll accept whatever humilities I must endure."

He looked pointedly at Filigree.  "And believe you, me - I have endured quite a few humiliations in my lifetime, thank you kindly."

He wasn't trying to be rude; on the contrary, he was trying to be smart about this.  Others could have overheard the conversation, word could have gotten back, and Redd's proverbial goose would be fricassee'd.

  • Brohoof 1

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Filigree had a bit of an intrigued expression as Redd spoke, and nodded once he had finished his explanations. "Of course, given what we're up against you want to be sure not to advantage them any further than you must. But if it eases your mind any, the opposition has no use for you alive. So far as we've gathered they want you as far removed as possible so you cannot stop their plans. We however would like to do everything possible to ensure you can see your sister succeed. But if you need more assurance that we don't wish you harmed... we could just as easily put the knife on your horn instead of in your bag."

He leaned back to watch Redd, "Now, are you satisfied? Otherwise, how might I prove that our interests are in fact in line?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Of course, given what we're up against you want to be sure not to advantage them any further than you must. But if it eases your mind any, the opposition has no use for you alive. So far as we've gathered they want you as far removed as possible so you cannot stop their plans. We however would like to do everything possible to ensure you can see your sister succeed. But if you need more assurance that we don't wish you harmed... we could just as easily put the knife on your horn instead of in your bag."

Proof perfect - nobody else but Raven would have known about the Knife; well played.

"Yes, well... as I said, my own welfare is at the bottom of my list."


4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Now, are you satisfied? Otherwise, how might I prove that our interests are in fact in line?"

Redd gave a nod, then a sigh as he began.

"My sister and I have acting in our blood; she's destined to become the star her namesake speaks of, and I wish to see nothing more than her dreams come true.  And so, she has been working hard and perfecting the craft for quite some time.  Naturally, she lets me know about any and all developments through the post; when I heard she had captured the female lead in Stalliongrad, I was naturally overjoyed..."

Now his muzzle darkened.  "... until I read the letter that came with it.  A former colleague of hers sent me a message that warned me of an actor they'd had in their own troupe - also performing Stalliongrad - and that this lead was terrible... yet she believes he was terrible on purpose.  And in my opinion, anyone who goes about ruining a play purposefully is a boor and deserves nothing but scorn.  Especially one who seems to have developed a history for ruining Stalliongrad, specifically."

He faced Filigree directly.  "My own research revealed his name to be Fait Accompli, though I am certain that is a pseudonym; the description of this lout is always the same.  Handsome, arrogant, pushy... but he seems legitimate during the rehersals; it's when he's actually onstage for the main event that he makes Stalliongrad himself look like a fool."

Redd ground his teeth.  "Such an august character, a personality larger than drama can fully portray... and he's tearing that character apart, bringing down the very viability of the play itself as a standard!  WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE!"  His sudden burst of fury was aimed not only at the actor, but at the very thought that someone would deface such a work as this.  "The very NERVE of such a..."

He caught himself; no, Redd - don't get dramatic... nobody came to see YOU emote.

Smoothing his mane back and taking a slow, deep breath before speaking again, Redd refocused on the stallion with him.  "My apologies; this infuriates me doubly, as not only a fan of my sister, but a fan of the play itself.  It OFFENDS me, what Fait's plan may be... but you had BEST believe that I plan to see to it personally, if I must, that my sister gets her moment to shine."

His eyes narrowed.  "And anything which stands in the way of that must stand against a stallion with very little to lose."

  • Brohoof 1

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Filigree pursed his lips in thought as he listened to Redd's story, nodding when he finished. "Indeed? That does seem to fall in line with some ideas I had, the fact that he continues to even be considered at auditions indicates that he has strong connections, and I've seen more than a few indications that the directors of this particular rendition have been influenced in their decisions. Some more pleasantly than others."

Filigree took a more appraising eye as he looked over Redd, "You have some true passion, a fire within. You say you have acting in your blood... do you have much experience? Given what Raven heard from you I wouldn't be too surprised if you could recite an entire scene of Stalliongrad from memory... Your coat isn't all that different from a typical color for Rasputin, the mane would need adjusting but that's a simple enough dye job."

He seemed lost in thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes I think that would work out well. So, you say you have little to lose, am I to believe that that means you'd do most anything to ensure this play succeeds?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 7/31/2020 at 12:19 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Filigree took a more appraising eye as he looked over Redd, "You have some true passion, a fire within. You say you have acting in your blood... do you have much experience? Given what Raven heard from you I wouldn't be too surprised if you could recite an entire scene of Stalliongrad from memory... Your coat isn't all that different from a typical color for Rasputin, the mane would need adjusting but that's a simple enough dye job.  Yes I think that would work out well. So, you say you have little to lose, am I to believe that that means you'd do most anything to ensure this play succeeds?"

For the first time in over a decade, Redd's theatre-mask cutie mark gave a soft glow...

Redd wheeled on Filigree, his muzzle a dark rictus of anger and loathing as he glared rivers of hatred at the stallion.  His entire physical stance changed, his mental signature shifted, and when he spoke, it was not in his own voice, or the one of the arrogant forepony the quarry knew so well... when he spoke, he WAS Stalliongrad.

"DAGGERS?  You dare speak of such trifling wounds as a dagger can place upon my body, but you know NOTHING of Pain; it is a living thing, breathing, seething, waiting to TEAR AWAY far more than the prick of a mere dagger could ever achieve, even in the hooves of a MASTER!  A Pain that I shall see fit to visit upon those who would EVER dare stain my house with their LIES and RUMOURS..."

He stepped close, authority and gravitas in every move, in every word, in every step, his eyes narrow, his voice filled with venom.

"... which is such as yourself is likely to bear, as everyone is FULLY aware of the sort of filth you are.  So heed this SINGULAR warning, you pus-filled boil on the face of this world - should I even HEAR of the DREGS of a rumour that slanders me - I shall assume its' origins lie with you... and I shall personally introduce you to my dear friend Pain, and he shall become a PERMANENT part of your existence... for as long as I allow you to breathe."

The moment was intense... and then, just as quickly, Redd smoothly stepped back from Filigree, his muzzle calm, his point made.

"Act Three, Scene Eight - one of the better scenes, I believe," he said with a smirk.

Redd had a number of faults that he always harangued himself over... but he NEVER doubted his ability; he KNEW what he was good at - he just kept it quiet, in deference to his sister.  But now, the stallion had shown his true acting chops... and he was perfect in his portrayal.

  • Brohoof 1

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Filigree was very impressed, if his raised eyebrows were any indication, which in high society was akin to a standing ovation. Once Redd finished his 'audition' Filigree nodded firmly. "Yes, you'll do nicely."

With a flash of magic he obtained a copy of the script for Stalliongrad, it was a bit worn around the edges with a number of personal annotations written between the lines, "While I trust you have the script memorized in it's entirety, you're well aware that each director has their own take on the base script, so you'll do well to read up on this version, specifically..." he turned to the page after the scene where Stalliongrad rescued the Countess with the knife on his horn, "Here and onward. We can't tell until the play begins if it is in fact the same stallion whose been ruining the plays before, this scene is late enough that he'll have made an obvious mistake by then if he is, but early enough that you'll be able to turn the play around after he suffers an... unfortunate accident. Historically the knife scene was a turning point for Rasputin, so changing the actor will hardly surprise the more seasoned viewers, especially in renditions where Rasputin loses his horn to save the Countess." Filigree had a bit of a cunning smile at that. He stood, preparing to leave the room and to leave Redd with the script. "You better get studying Rasputin, opening night's less than a week from now, and if all goes according to plan... I suppose you have more than opening night to prepare for. You might just have to stay on for the whole run. Come to the Silverhoof theater tomorrow, we'll give you all the training you need. Until then, farewell."

If Redd didn't stop him, Filigree would leave him alone in the room.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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