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adventure Elements of Equestria: Chapter 13


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Chapter 13: Truth and Consequences

It was a calm and beautiful day and it seemed that there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. A small village was basked in the sunlight and the village was known as Hydrea. 

Many ponies called this quaint little village their home and it held all the necessary shops and commerce for a village to thrive: A general store, a library, doctor’s office and a park for ponies to relax and play.

Within the park, a dark blue furred Pegasus pony approached a nearby fountain and examined her reflection within the water.

“Hmm, I wonder what I’ll do today? Hehe, maybe I’ll stop by the bakery and get some warm donuts... Yes, that sounds very delicious.”

The pony made her decision and made her way down the street and went towards the store on the far end of the road, titled “Muffin Mare” and with a large muffin decorating the roof of the building.

Before entering, the pony checked to make sure that she had money with her and groaned when she realized that she had forgotten her money at home.

“Oh foof! Can’t believe I forgot that! Oh well, I’ll go and fetch it real quick and then get me some donuts!”

The pony giggled as she thought about the donuts and made her way back to her house to grab her money pouch. On the way back, she looked to the sky and noticed as clouds started to gather around and blocked the sunlight.

“Hmm, I hope it doesn’t rain. Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about!”

The pony smiled happily as she continued walking towards her house.


Deep within a distant mountain range, a smoldering crater on the north face of the mountain let off a bunch of smoke and fire as snow cascaded down the side of the mountain.

Inside the crater, the sound of somepony groaning came from within. The pony inside was Storm Breaker and she struggled as she tried to sit up, but she was hurting too much to move an inch at first.

Storm looked around at her surroundings as felt a heavy chill on her fur. She covered herself with her cloak and managed to keep herself warm.

“Grr... What happened? Tempest...”

Storm remembered back to her fight with Tempest, before remembering that Tempest had unleashed a very large amount of magic on Storm.

“How? How can she have such power?! I’ve never seen anything like it in my life...”

Storm finally stood up and walked out of the crater she was lying in. She slid a little bit down the side of the mountain and landed in a blanket of cold snow. The chill inside continued as she traversed the mountain and back down to the forest bellow.

Due to the pain she had and the fact that one of her wings was injured, Storm lacked the strength to lift herself off the ground and fly towards the trees, but she remained determined all the same on her revenge against Tempest.

“Do not think that you’re safe from me yet, Tempest... I will find you again and finish this once and for all.”

Storm kept muttering Tempest’s name to herself as she continued walking down the mountain.

Hours upon hours went by and Storm wasn’t even close to the foot of the mountain. She looked to the horizon and saw that the sun was going down, making the cold air feel even more chilly.

“No... NO!! I can’t stop... I will not stop!”

Storm pushed through the unbearable cold and relentless snow, not stopping for a moment, but she soon felt the cold setting into her skin and made her shiver immensely.

“Gah... So cold. So cold...”

Storm finally decided to find some shelter from the cold and walked a little further until she found a nearby cave and quickly walked inside. Storm found a couple of branches and other pieces of wood to use for a fire.

Once Storm got a small fire going, she sat close to the flame and warmed her hooves. After looking outside and feeling hopeless to the weather clearing anytime soon, she decided that it would be best to get some rest and continue onward tomorrow.

Storm wrapped her cloak around herself tightly as she drifted off into slumber, but felt inside as the chill in air settled onto her skin, making her shiver and shake as she tried to sleep.


Back at her house, the pony entered and went to her room and saw her money pouch laying on her desk. She smiled and quickly grabbed it as she looked to make sure she had enough money inside.

"Perfect! Can't wait to try the new donuts!"

The pony walked back outside and looked to the skies to see that more storm clouds were gathering and blocked the sunlight. Sounds of thunder, heavy winds and a downpour of rain accompanied the clouds as other ponies around the village went for shelter.

"Ahh, why must it storm now? Oh well, I won't let this stop me."

The pony covered her head with her wings as she ran to the bakery. Once she entered, she dried herself off and wiped her muddy hooves on the rug. The clerk behind the counter greeted the pony and waved her over to the counter.

"Welcome back, Ms. Storm! What can I get you today?"

"Hello, Doris! I'm in the mood to try some delicious donuts today! I'll take 5 of them please!"

The baker smiled to Storm as she went to grab the fresh donuts off the rack for her. The aroma of the donuts graced Storm's nose and loved the wonderful smell, unable the wait any longer to try the donuts.

"Here you are, Storm! Hope you enjoy them!"

Storm paid the baker for the donuts and smiled to her before walking back towards the door. Just as she reached it, however, Storm heard the sound of an explosion and ponies screaming outside and Storm told the baker pony to get to cover.

"What in the world is going on out there?" The baker pony asked frantically.

Once she had finally opened the door, Storm looked up at the sky in horror and saw a fleet of iron airships floating above the village. Masked ponies draped in black cloaks came down upon the village and started wreaking havoc on everything around them.

Storm ran to the side of a nearby building and peaked around the corner to see one of the masked intruders with her back to Storm. She heard the masked pony uttering orders to the others and heard her tell them to destroy everything, but to not hurt anypony unless provoked.

"Grr... I can't let these strangers get away with this. I must do something!"

After making sure the masked pony couldn't see her, Storm grabbed a long piece of wood next to her and whacked the pony in the back of the head, making her fall to ground in pain and rendered her unconscious. The sound of this caught the attention of the other masked ponies however, and Storm quickly tried to run off.

"They're not gonna catch me! Just you ponies try to!"

The masked ponies gave chase and tried to blast her with magic, but she managed to avoid the attacks. The ponies lunged forward to try and grab her but Storm managed to kick them both in the sides, sweeping them off their feet with her wings and then tossed them towards a building, making the structure collapse onto them.

Storm opened her wings and managed to get off the ground, hoping she could get away in time. As she flew towards the nearby forest, however, she felt as something grabbed onto her back leg and she looked behind her to see that a rope was attached to her leg and that somepony was trying to reel her back in, but she managed to cut the rope off of her and get herself free.

Another pony launched another rope at her, but Storm grabbed the rope and yanked hard on it, making the pony loss his balance and fall into a nearby pond.

"Hmph! Is that all you guys got?"

Just then, Storm saw a dark red pony with a Mohawk mane slowly approaching her from below and saw an evil smile run across her face. Storm tried to fly away again, but felt as a surge of energy coursed through her skin, making her tumble back towards the ground.

Once she hit the ground and still felt the pain inside of her, Storm saw as the same dark red pony slowly approached her and Storm noticing that the pony had a broken horn, but was still able to use magic.

"Please, just go ahead and surrender... It'll make it easier for both of us."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know the meaning of that word!"

Storm lunged at her and tried to attack, but the pony simply moved to side a few feet as Storm fell to her face again. The pony laughed at her attempt, but this only made Storm more angry.

Storm continued to try to land a hit on the pony, but she simply dodged and evaded every one of her attacks. The pony decided to stop playing around with her at that moment and used her magic to blow Storm off of her feet and blast her clear through a burning house. Storm tried to get back up to fight her, but the pony pushed her back down by putting her armored hoof on her torso.

"Fool! Fighting is pointless and it will only cause more suffering! All of Equestria will soon be ours and there is nothing worthless ponies like you can do to stop it!"

Storm was starting to lose her breath as the pony kept her hoof on her, but she still managed to grab a nearby rock and slam it against her hoof, making the pony step back in pain and Storm quickly stood up to catch her breath again.

The pony screamed in anger as she lunged at Storm, but Storm managed to evade her and used her hooves to kick up a bunch of dirt from the ground and then used her wings to blind the pony with the dirt.

"I'm stronger than you think! Ponies like you... you will never get the better of me!"

Just then, the pony suddenly started laughing and Storm stepped back when she had noticed that the pony's eyes lit up with energy.


"Silly pony... I am Tempest Shadow and you... YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!"


The pony summoned storm clouds from above and a large array of lightning bolts rained from above. Storm tried to dodge the lightning, but one bolt of lightning finally struck her and her she let out a large scream of pain as she clutched the ground in agony.

"S-Stop... Please, make it stop!!"

Storm then felt as the pony tossed her into the air, kicked her repeatedly in her sides and finally blasted her towards the fountain in the center of the village, which shattered the fountain and left Storm wet and shaking in fear.

The pony approached her again and laughed at her. Storm backed away, but the pony kept walking towards her until she cornered Storm.

"Look at me... I said LOOK AT ME!!"

Storm did as the pony said and stared at her with both fear and fury in her eyes. The pony placed a hoof under her chin and kept it in place for Storm

"You will remember this name: Tempest Shadow, soon to be your new ruler! I am Tempest Shadow... and you will remember the name for the rest of your pitiful life!"

Just then, one of the masked ponies approached and looked at both the pony and Storm.

"Commander Tempest, we must go! He requests your presence at once!"

The pony waved the masked pony away and the pony gave one last look to Storm before walking away. Storm in vain to strike one more time, but the pony simply kicked her again as she laid in pain next to the now broken fountain that she loved. One of the airships landed next to the pony and she quickly got on board and all the other masked joined as they waited for it to took take off again.

"Farewell... you weak little pony."

The airship and the others in the fleet took off towards the horizon and the storm had finally started to go away. Once realizing that the ships were gone, Storm stood up, but she felt very weak as she tried to stand back up.

Storm looked around the destruction and saw many ponies injured or crying over what was lost. Storm limped back to her house and fell to the ground again as she struggled to stand up. She looked down at her reflection in a puddle and noticed her shaking form.

"I... I'm shaking? ME?! Impossible!!"

Storm held her head as she remembered all that the pony said to her.

"Weak? W-Weak? I am not weak! I AM NOT WEAK!!!"

As Storm let out a scream of anger, she remembered the name that pony gave to her: Tempest Shadow. She repeated the name over and over again in her head until she screamed the name out loud.

"Tempest Shadow!!! I will not forget you so that I can find you and end you! I. AM. NOT. WEAK!!!"

Storm screamed again as she felt a dark presence envelop her, made entirely of hatred and anger for her new enemy: Tempest Shadow.


As Storm woke from her sleep, she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and noticed that she was now in a house and looking at ceiling. She sat up slowly and looked down at her figure to notice that she was wrapped in bandages.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

Storm got from the bed and limped towards the door, but stopped when she saw somepony enter. Her first reaction was to attack the mint green pony and pin her to the floor, but the pony quickly asked her to calm down and that she was there to help her.

"Who are you?! Tell me where I am!!"

"Take it easy, please! My name is Lyra and my friend Sky is here with me too! W-We were taking a hike in the mountains and found you in a cave half to freezing to death! We carried you back here and patched your wounds up to keep you healed. Y-You've been unconscious for 6 days, but that's all I know!"

Storm released the pony and stood against the wall as she realized her mistake.

"F-Forgive me for that... Can't be too careful with... strangers. Truly, I do thank you for your hospitality."

Storm bowed her head in respect to her rescuer and the pony stood up and brushed herself off.

"No worries really. I understand your suspicion, but we were only trying to help you."

A knock came at the door and another pony with sky blue fur entered to see Storm glaring at him and Lyra looking at him with concern before walking back towards him.

"Oh our mysterious guest, you're finally awake! I didn't think you'd ever wake up!"

Storm smiled at the pony a bit, but still felt a bit of pain inside. The sky blue pony approached her and examined her wound and decided to put more bandages over it to keep it from festering.

"Don't worry, you'll feel better soon enough! My name's Sky and this is my marefriend Lyra! What's your name?"

Storm looked at the pony couple before her in confusion, but still wondered if she should tell them her name. She never felt comfortable with telling strangers her name in the fear that they would fear her.

"It's... Storm. My name is Storm."

Lyra was surprised by the name and looked at Sky for a second before looking at Storm again.

"Storm? That's a very interesting name. Anyway, I bet you're starving and we do got a fresh pot of vegetable soup made of you want some."

"No, thank you. Listen, I thank you for your help but I really need to get going."

"What? Right now? But you're still injured and you can't do anything on an empty stomach! Please, just stay and let yourself heal!"

Storm suddenly shouted as she felt a big feeling of pain inside, making her sit down again.

"NO!! No... I'm just trying to find somepony and I won't stop until I do!"

Sky and Lyra wondered what Storm had meant by what she had said and questioned her.

"Somepony? Who would that somepony be?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you this... but her name is Tempest Shadow. She's... the one I'm looking for."

Lyra immediately recognized the name and looked at Sky again, who was now the confused one.

"Tempest Shadow? Who's that?" Sky asked.

"She's the one who tried to take over Canterlot and turned the princesses into stone. I was there when it happened and I saw her with my own eyes, but Twilight was there and she actually helped turn Tempest around. Last I heard, she left and she's been helping out other ponies in Equestria."

"Hmph, help? Yes, she... definitely helps ponies." Storm tried to hide her disgust for Tempest from Sky and Lyra to keep them from being suspicious.

"I haven't seen or heard from her since though. Maybe you could ask in the village nearby here. It's called Hydrea and we go there a lot for some food and the beautiful sights there too."

Storm looked at Lyra with a surprised look on her face at the name of the village that she mentioned.

"Wait... Did you say Hydrea?"

"Yeah, it's not far from here. Have you been there before?"

"It was... my home a long time ago. It's been at least... five years since I've been there."

Lyra looked at her happily and smiled at her a little.

"Oh really? How interesting! I'm sure that you got some friends and family who can help you. Why don't we let you show you the way?"

"No, I think I can find my way from here... but here, let me give you something for your troubles."

Sky used her magic to make a bag of full of gold appear and dropped it next to Sky and Lyra. They both looked at the gold in shock, unsure if the gold before them was real.

"W-Wait? What? Where did you... get this?" Sky asked with suspicion.

"From my... job. Trust me, I have plenty of money. Please, I insist you take this and I once again give thanks to you two for your help and kindness."

Sky and Lyra both smiled at Storm as she went towards the door. She still felt sore all around, but she felt good enough to walk.

"Well, if this goodbye, we're happy that we could help you out. Please take care of yourself Storm and I hope we'll run into you again sometime!"

Storm smiled at the couple and felt a warm feeling in her heart now. She placed a hoof over her heart and felt strange at the feeling.

"Is this... what I've been missing the last five years. Love? Kindness? Friendship?"

Storm shook the feeling a moment later as she thought about Tempest.

"No, I cannot be happy. Not while she remains... Once she is gone, maybe then the pain will finally stop. Tempest will soon know my true strength and we'll see who the weak pony really is!"

Sky and Lyra waved goodbye to Storm as she walked out the door and started making her way to the village of Hydrea, uncertain of what was going to be in store for her.

A/N: Finally got a new chapter out now! Hope everyone enjoys it!

Edited by DivineDash1000
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2 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Loved seeing Tempest back to doing evil deeds again, though I don't think Bon-Bon would be happy with Lyra having another marefriend. :P Good work as always! 

I'm glad you like it. It was kinda weird showing what Tempest was like before her reformation, but that just shows you who she was!

The bit with Lyra is a reference to a good friend of mine on here, @LyraLover

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This chapter was excellent! It was really interesting to find out more about Storm's backstory and why she has a beef with Tempest, and the appearance of Lyra and Sky was an awesome surprise! Keep up the great work, my friend! :kirin:


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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37 minutes ago, LyraLover said:

This chapter was excellent! It was really interesting to find out more about Storm's backstory and why she has a beef with Tempest, and the appearance of Lyra and Sky was an awesome surprise! Keep up the great work, my friend! :kirin:

What do you think of Storm Breaker so far?

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1 minute ago, DivineDash1000 said:

What do you think of Storm Breaker so far?

I think she's a really interesting villain. She makes a very good anti-Tempest character, and this chapter shows that she might be able to reform herself.


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3 minutes ago, LyraLover said:

I think she's a really interesting villain. She makes a very good anti-Tempest character, and this chapter shows that she might be able to reform herself.

In the next chapter, Tempest visits Storm's village and she has to relive what she had done in the past. She definitely feels remorse and guilt for her actions, but that's when Lee comes in and tells her not to let the mistakes of the past define her now. If Tempest is willing to make amends and seek forgiveness from those she hurt, she can have a bright future!

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2 minutes ago, DivineDash1000 said:

In the next chapter, Tempest visits Storm's village and she has to relive what she had done in the past. She definitely feels remorse and guilt for her actions, but that's when Lee comes in and tells her not to let the mistakes of the past define her now. If Tempest is willing to make amends and seek forgiveness from those she hurt, she can have a bright future!

Sounds great! I'm looking forward to reading it.


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