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adventure Elements of Equestria: Chapter 14


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Chapter 14: Power of Friendship

Back at the hospital, Lee was sleeping on his hospital bed to let himself heal as Celestia watched over him, waiting for a response from Luna about her and Tempest’s location.

“Hmm, still no word from Luna... What should we do?”

Lee woke up as Celestia paced around the room and he sat up, stretching his still sore wounds, but he definitely felt better than he had in the last few days.

“Celestia? Everything alright?” Lee asked.

“Oh Lee! I didn’t realize you were awake... Uhh, yes everything is fine.”

As Lee thought about the situation, he lowered his head as he thought about Tempest. Lee had decided that the next time that he saw Tempest that he would tell her how he felt about her.

“Easier said than done... What would she think if I told her? Would she still be my friend? Gah, it’s too much to process!!”

Lee groaned out loud and fell back down onto his pillow and Celestia looked over at him with a concerned look.

“Lee, are you sure you’re okay?” Celestia asked.

“Physically yes, but mentally no. I can’t stop thinking about her...”

“You mean Tempest? I can tell that these feelings are more than... friendly. Tell me, how long have you known her?”

“Tempest? I’ve known her for at least a month. After I... ran away, she saved me from a pack of timberwolves and offered me a place to stay and friendship. She didn’t have to do that for me, but I could tell that she really did want to help me.”

“Well... our first outing with Tempest was less than friendly, but that was only because someone else was controlling her. We of course forgave her for what had happened, but I didn’t know where she had gone afterwards. It definitely pleases me to know that she’s been helping other ponies now.”

“I know... She told me what she had done, but honestly, even after she told me that, I still considered her a friend because I knew how generous and kind and friendly she was. I felt sorry that she had to endure such pain and suffering, but I had hoped I could help ease her burden by sticking with her and helping her out.”

“Hmm... Why does that sound familiar?”

Celestia looked at Lee and she smiled as he immediately knew what she was talking about: Him burning down somepony’s house and running away because of it.

“Celestia... Listen, I’m sorry for everything that has happened, I’m sorry for running away and I’m sorry for dragging you and Luna out here because of me... I’m sorry.”

Again, Celestia nodded her head in response to Lee’s apology.

“It’s okay Lee, really it is. What had happened was simply an accident... I’m sure that you would never mean to do something like that. What I don’t understand is why you ran away when we could have helped you.”

“I ran away because... because I was scared to face you and Luna, afraid that you would be angry at me and have me tossed into a dungeon. I didn’t want you two to think I was-“

Celestia interrupted him by scoffing at him and placing her hoof next to his face.

“I’m gonna stop you right there Lee... Listen to me right now: You are not a bad pony and you are in no way worthless, so please do not even think of such words! You are a very good and nice pony who just had a very bad string of luck, but you have to realize that you’re not in this alone anymore.”

Lee looked to the side for a moment before Celestia turned his head back to her using her hoof. He smiled a little as he looked at Celestia, with Celestia smiling back at him.

“You have me and Luna, Twilight and Starlight who all care about you and want you to be safe. And now... you have Tempest to add to the list! Remember that you’re in this bed right now because you protected your friends from harm.”

“No... that? That was nothing... that was just-“

“Just you helping your friends and keeping them safe! You’re more than what you think Lee and your friends will always be there to help you realize your potential”

“My potential?”

Celestia pointed at him and he was confused as he wondered what she was pointing at.

Lee removed his blanket to see his hip and was shocked when he saw something there: a cutie mark that consisted of two crossed silver swords. Lee had no cutie mark ever since he was born and he never bothered discovering who he was because he thought it would be a waste of time for him and he was definitely surprised to see one now.

“W-Wait what? When did... I get this?”

“Well, you didn’t have that when we met, but you’ve had it since we brought you to the hospital. I’ll let you figure out why...”

Lee smiled when he realized how he had gotten his cutie mark: From defending Tempest and making sure that she was safe.

“Tempest... hehe, of course it was Tempest.”

Celestia placed one of her wings around Lee and he hugged Celestia tightly.

“Thank you for helping me Celestia... You really are a great friend!”

Just then, a scroll appeared from thin air and Celestia caught it with her mouth. Celestia opened the letter and sat down next to Lee as she read it.

“Oh, it’s from Luna! She says that she and Tempest are near a village called Hydrea and she wants us to meet up with them if you’re feeling okay. She said that they’re not far from here.”

Lee closed his eyes as he gently tried to stand up. Celestia kept her wing around him in case he fell down, but he felt confident in himself as he stood up without his legs shaking.

“I’m good. I feel... really good!” 

Lee laughed a little as he started walking around. Celestia was happy that Lee was feeling better now, but knew that they still had to catch up with Luna and Tempest.

“Well, if you’re feeling better, we should get going. We can be in Hydrea before sundown if we go now.”

“Yeah, let’s go! I can’t wait to see Tempest...”

Lee and Celestia both left the room and went to the front counter to check out.

“Ah yes, Mister Lee and uhh... what was your name dear?” The clerk asked Celestia.

“Oh, it’s Celestia and my sister Luna was here earlier too. Sorry we forgot to tell you... hehe.”

The clerk gasped in surprise when she heard the name.

“C-Celestia and L-Luna?! Like... the princesses of Equestria? Here, in my hospital?!”

The entire hospital looked at Celestia in awe, but she and Lee simply went to the door as the ponies continued staring at them and Celestia laughed nervously.

“Don’t mind us everypony! We’ll be out of your hooves momentarily. Lee, let’s go!”

Lee and Celestia finally made it outside and Lee saw the bright sun in the sky. Celestia nudged him in the side to get his attention.

“We should catch up with Luna and Tempest in no time at all!”

Lee and Celestia both took off from the ground and flew above the trees as they made their way to Luna and Tempest.

Deep in the forest, Tempest and Luna had stopped to take a break from their trek to the village of Hydrea and Luna started unpacking the lunch that she brought.

Luna looked at Tempest as she noticed how Tempest remained vigilant on their surroundings, but Luna decided to help Tempest calm down.

“Tempest, you must eat something! I’m certain that we’ll find this Storm and bring her to justice.”

Tempest looked back at Luna and nodded her head to her.

“No, that’s not what I’m worried about... I’m more worried about Lee right now.”

“Celestia already sent a letter saying that she and Lee are on their way here. I’m certain that Celestia will keep Lee safe.”

“I just... I just need to see him again with my own eyes again. That’s the only way I’ll be completely reassured about him.”

Luna walked over to Tempest and handed her a sandwich that she prepared for her. Tempest thanked Luna for the sandwich and took a bite of it. She loved the taste of the sandwich and finally decided to sit down next to Luna as they ate together.

“Umm, princess... o-or I mean Luna, or whatever...”

“You can just call me Luna, Tempest. Is something on your mind?”

“I uh... just wanted to properly thank you and Celestia for helping me and Lee. Truly, I am grateful for your aid and I hope to repay you two in the future. Especially since our... first meeting didn’t go so well.”

Tempest tried not to think about what she did to Celestia and Luna when she took over Canterlot, but Luna simply smiled at Tempest to reassure her.

“Don’t worry about that, Tempest. All that had happened back then... we know it wasn’t your fault. Trust me when I say that I know that pain of losing something important...”

“Yes, I know the stories... Nightmare Moon.”

Luna glared at Tempest for a second, but knew that she was just having trouble speaking to her.

“Yes, that is... who I was. A pony jealous of her sister and a pony who only wanted love and respect from those I protected...”

Tempest continued listening to Luna as she thought about her own predicament.

“It took me 1000 years of loneliness and pain to realize my mistake: The fact that Celestia did love me like no other sister could and that the ones I thought hated me... mourned for my banishment and cheered with joy when I returned.”

Luna got up and went to the other side of the hill and looked up at the cloudy skies above her.

“And now... I’m just proud to be the Princess of the Night that brings forth the beautiful nights every night and guarding ponies from their nightmares. Now all I am... is Princess Luna.”

Tempest stood up after Luna finished talking. She never knew the exact details of Luna’s journey and after hearing it just now, Tempest felt both saddened and glad for Luna that she managed to come back from such pain and suffering, which Tempest only compared to herself now.

A smile ran across Tempest’s face and she called to Luna. Luna looked over at Tempest and saw as she kneeled to her in respect. Luna was surprised by this and told Tempest that she didn’t need to do that.

“I never thought I would do... this, but you deserve it for everything that you’ve been through. Truly, I do respect you!”

Luna remained humbled by Tempest’s words and simply bowed her head in return. After that, Luna and Tempest finally decided to go back and eat together without interruptions as they both waited for Lee and Celestia to arrive.

A few hours passed by and Luna decided to keep watch while Tempest went into the nearby town for more food. As Luna watched the scenery, she looked up at the sky and saw two figures come closer and closer into view. Luna jumped up when she saw that it was Lee and Celestia.

“Hey you two! Down here!” Luna shouted toward Lee and Celestia and they both smiled happily when they saw Luna.

Lee and Celestia landed next to Luna and the first thing Luna did was hug Lee tightly.

“Oh Lee, thank heavens that you’re okay! We were all so worried about you, but I’m so glad that you’re safe now!”

Lee laughed a little as both Celestia and Luna hugged him, but he happily hugged them back and thanked them.

“Thanks to you two... thank you both for everything. B-But... uhh where’s Tempest? Is she here?”

Lee looked around frantically for Tempest, but Luna calmed him down gently. Luna told him that Tempest would be back shortly, but Lee remained anxious as he wondered what he would say her.

“There’s so much I need to tell her... I don’t even know where to begin because I’ve never felt like this with anypony before.”

Celestia and Luna both sat down beside Lee and looked at them for a second before returning his eyes to the skies.

“How can I possibly tell her... that I love her?”

A/N: Chapter 14 is up and I’m running up on the end of the story too! Thank you all for your interest in the story!

Edited by DivineDash1000
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  • The title was changed to Elements of Equestria: Chapter 14
21 minutes ago, DivineDash1000 said:

I really liked doing the chat with Luna and Tempest too because they're both similar in a lot of ways!

Indeed they are! I liked that part too.


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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