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private Thundy's New Life (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@Dynamo Pad

It was a rather cool morning. Sadly, for little Thundy, things were very difficult. After his transformation from human to griffon, his parents kicked him out the house and didn't ever want to see him again. Thundy was sobbing under a parked wagon, just wanting someone to take him in. Whether a mom or a dad, little Thundy needed love right away. Thundy continued to sob, shivering under the wagon, his face burrowed in his little talons. 


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@Prince of Waifus

During the late morning in Ponyville, a blue unicorn named Dynamo, was making his way throughout town. He yawned, rubbing his left front hoof in his eyes as he was still trying to wake up. He had attempted to stay up late in a video game marathon, but he only managed to stay up for a few hours. Only to promptly fall asleep and wake up early in the morning. He was now up and out on the town. Making his way towards the arcade, the place he worked at in town. It was near the shopping district, so it wasn't that far of a walk. He made sure to wear his gaming jacket as it was slightly chilly in the morning. He remembered hearing that the weather for today would be slightly chilly, but warm in the afternoon. As he was entering the shopping district, his ears perked as he heard the sound of sobbing nearby. Looking around, he managed to locate what appeared to be a griffon. He was genuinely surprised as he knew that griffons weren't that common in Ponyville. Seeing the griffon continuously sobbing was disheartening to Dynamo. He never liked seeing others to be sad and wished he could help. Looking around to see that nobody was noticing the griffon, Dynamo nodded as he knew what he had to do. He calmly and carefully walked over towards the griffon, before kneeling down to get on eye level. "Hey. Is everything okay? Are you lost?" 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo frowned as the tiny griffon continued to sob. "Would you like to talk about it? Maybe we can talk where it's warmer." He would say, before a thought crossed his mind. "I was heading to a place that I work at in town. We can talk there, if you'd like." He says, holding out his left fore-hoof for the griffon to take. "I know we just met, but I think it'd be better to be some place that's warm instead of feeling cold. What do you say?" He asks, offering the griffon a kind and caring smile.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As the little griffon grabbed onto his hoof, Dynamo helped the sobbing creature out from under the wagon. He lifted the griffon up as he pulled him into a tight hug. "I hope a hug will be able to help. I know that whenever I felt sad, a hug always helps in making one feel better." He explained, patting the griffon's back as he provided some comfort. Standing back up, Dynamo lifted up the griffon as he placed him on his back. "Come on. We can talk on the way, as well as where we are going. How about we start with our names. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. What's your name?" He asks as he started making his way towards the arcade.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"It's nice to meet you Thundy. Is this your first time in Ponyville? I don't recall ever seeing a griffon before." He had recently moved to Ponyville about a year ago, but he had heard from the townsfolk about two griffons being in Ponyville beforehand. He wondered if Thundy was perhaps related to the two griffons that were seen here before. Granted, he had never been to the griffon's homeland or know of their relation to each other, but he felt it was better to be safe than sorry.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I-I...I'm not even originally from Equestria...I didn't even know that...*sniffle* griffons lived here..." Thundy said with a sniffle, trying to stifle more sobs that felt like coming out. Thundy hoped that Dynamo wouldn't ask about his parents...for it would be a hard truth to tell. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo blinked as his eyes glanced to the side. Craning his neck to look up at the griffon that was still sitting on his back as he walked. "You're not from Equestria?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion, yet curiosity. "We have all kinds of creatures that live here. You've got ponies like unicorns, Pegasi, earth ponies. There's also griffons, like you, dragons, changelings and more. We all just live in different parts of Equestria. Although, what you said has me confused. If you're a griffon and not from Equestria, then where are you from exactly? Maybe somewhere that's far away from Equestria?" He remembered learning some geography back in school. Outside of Equestria were towns that had different creatures like cats and such, but ponies had never been there before. Maybe Thundy was born there, or something else along those lines.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Earth? I hope you can forgive me, but I've never really heard of that place or town. You also weren't born as a griffon? How is that possible when you look like a griffon now?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion as Thundy wasn't making much sense. He couldn't blame the young fledgeling as he was still a kid. Maybe he was lost, or maybe there was more to this griffon that meets the eye. He could hear the sounds of sobbing once more as he wished he could do something for Thundy. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you know if your parents are here? I was thinking that maybe we could find them in case you are lost. I'd hate for them to worry."

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@Dynamo Pad

That was the one question Thundy feared that Dynamo would ask. He tried to hold in a sob, but ended up breaking into hard sobs. "I have none! Th-they...a-abandoned me!" Thundy cried out, burrowing his face into Dynamo's fur, hugging him tightly. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As he was listening to the young fledgeling's response, Dynamo's eyes widened in shock as he heard what had happened to the griffon. He was even caught off guard as he hugged him tightly. Looking around, he noticed that a bunch of ponies were starting to stop and stare at the scene before him. Shaking his head, he ignored the group of onlookers as he knew they weren't important to attend to. Right now, he needed to get to the bottom of this and make sure that Thundy was okay. Turning around, he sat down and pulled the griffon into a warm and comforting embrace. Gently rocking him back and forth to try and help calm him down. "Shh...it's okay. I'm really sorry to hear that as I don't get why someone would abandon their child. I know that griffon's are kind of greedy among other things, but you don't seem to be that type of creature." He explained, remember what Thundy had told him earlier. "Maybe when there's time we can talk about it. Unless you want to talk about it now. I promise that I'll here you out and I won't leave you. If there's one thing I learned about friendship, then no friend gets left behind. I promise that I'm right here for you."

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@Dynamo Pad

"I...I just want to be loved again!" Thundy cried out still sobbing and hugging Dynamo close. "I used to be a human, but after I was struck by lightning, I was turned into this and then my parents didn't want me anymore!" Thundy said hugging Dynamo, really tight, letting all his emotions out, sobbing hard. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"He was about to try and reassure the young griffon, but stopped at the mention of lightening. "Wait a minute. You were struck by lightning!?" He exclaims, his eyes widening as his jaw dropped in utter disbelief. "Are you okay? You're not hurt or suffer any injuries, right?" He picked Thundy up as he examined him from head to toe, or in this case, from head to talon. He even flipped the griffon around in an attempt to try and get the griffon to laugh. Regardless, he sighed in relief as he didn't see any sort of injury. "I'm glad to know that you aren't hurt, but it still seems strange. Being hit by lightning and turning from what you call a human into a griffon. It almost sounds unlikely as I've never seen a human before." He would say, before being hugged tightly by Thundy. He continued to gently rock the griffon back and forth, while patting his back comfortingly. "I'm still really sorry that happened to you. I don't know what it's like, but nobody should ever be abandoned. Especially if one was abandoned by their family. You don't look scary, mean or anything like that. If you ask me, then all I see is a sweet, kind and caring little griffon." He wasn't sure if he should say that he could take care of the griffon. He wanted to meet the parents and try to figure out why they would say such things. From what he could see is that Thundy didn't deserve to be told these harsh things. Instead to be cherished and to be raised with kindness and love.

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@Dynamo Pad

The only major issue was that Thundy's "parents" were back on earth and there was no way to get back to earth as of now. Thundy was still sobbing when Dynamo flipped him over to check if he was okay. The lightning strike was painless. "Pl-please mister Dynamo...can you...please be my daddy?" Thundy asked as he slowly recovered from his sobbing fit. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo frowned as his idea to make Thundy laugh had not worked out. He wished there was something he could do to make the griffon smile again. As he heard the question of being Thundy’s dad, Dynamo’s jaw dropped in shock. He honestly wasn’t expecting Thundy to ask such a question after meeting him. Given that the griffon was still a young fledgeling, he definitely needed a parental figure. “D-Don’t get me wrong, Thundy. I’m not saying no, but it’s just that what you asked was out of the blue. No pun intended, of course.” He would say, given that the fact that his fur color was blue. “I don’t really know much about you, but I’d like to get to know you more. Would it be okay if I can think on that for a little while and give you my answer? There’s still a place I want to show you that I think will cheer you up.” He says, hoping that the young griffon would understand.

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@Dynamo Pad

”Just please let it be a yes mister Dynamo...I have...no where else to go...” Thundy said sniffling again, looking at Dynamo with eyes that pled for a change, begged for a new start. All Thundy could wish for us Dynamo to say yes to being his dad. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo sighed as he was conflicted. He knew that he couldn't say yes right now, but he knew that he didn't want to hurt the young fledgeling. It broke his heart that he saw the pleading look in Thundy's eyes. "I'm sorry, Thundy. I can't really say yes right now. I know that what you told me is really disheartening and I'd be in the same position as you if that happened to me." It was true as he did go through a somewhat similar experience as the young griffon. "However, I want to get to know you more so I can figure out what my answer will be. I promise you that I'll have my answer soon." He says, trying to reassure Thundy's hopes of a better future.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Thank you or understand and I'm sorry, Thundy. I promise I won't leave you like that. I will have my answer in due time." He says, using his hoof to help dry any stray tear that trickled down the fledgelings face. Giving one more tight hug, the unicorn levitated Thundy on his back once more. "Now, let's go and get to the arcade, okay? I think you're going to like what's in store for you." He says, making his way towards the arcade once more.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As the building came into view, Dynamo smiled as his eyes glanced back to make sure the griffon was still doing okay. “Hey, Thundy? Look over there.” He says, pointing with his front right hoof at the arcade. “That’s the arcade I was mentioning before. I think you’re going to like this.” He smiles, stopping just before the entrance. Levitating the fledgling off of his back, he placed him down gently next to him, before holding a hoof on the doorknob. “Now, my dear, young fledgeling. I welcome you to Ponyville’s own gaming arcade.” He announced as he pushed opened the door. If Thundy watched and/or walked in, he would be greeted with all the sights, sounds and arcade machines that the arcade had to offer.

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy looked around. This was almost similar to the arcades that he saw back on his home planet Earth. His eyes sparkled at all the lights as the faintest of smiles appeared on his face. He still hoped Dynamo would say yes about being his dad, but now this was an opportunity to show what he could do. He saw a familiar game, Galaga. He slowly made his way towards it. 

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