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adventure Elements of Equestria: Epilogue


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Epilogue: Two Months Later

Lee was sleeping under a lone tree on top of a large hill when he heard somepony calling his name. Lee opened his eyes and stretched out at the sound, but simply yawned as he fell back to the ground and tried to sleep some more.

"Was having a good dream too... Maybe just a few more minutes of rest."

As Lee stared at the bright sun, the sunlight was suddenly blocked out when Lee saw somepony standing over him and shouted his name loudly again. Lee jumped up and yelled a little, but simply rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Lee looked and saw his marefriend, Tempest Shadow standing before him and heard her laughing at him.

"Lee, you hopeless sleepyhead... There's better places to sleep than the grass you know?"

"Aw, gimme a break Tempest. I just closed my eyes for a minute..."

Tempest giggled again and Lee and Tempest embraced each other and kissed. Tempest then sat down next to Lee and reached into her satchel to pull out a letter.

"Hey, whatcha got there?" Lee asked.

"It's a letter from Storm. Just arrived today from Hydrea."

"Really? Hope she's doing alright! Let's read it!"

Tempest opened the letter and cleared her throat before reading it aloud:

To my new friends,

All is going well here in Hydrea. I've helped rebuild the town and everypony has welcomed me back with open hooves and I must say... it feels so good to be home again. I hope that this letter finds you two and the Princesses well and I look forward to visiting Ponyville next week for your big ceremony.

Your friend, Storm Breaker.

Tempest looked at the bottom of the letter and saw a picture of Storm surrounded by other ponies and Tempest was happy to see Storm so happy.

Lee looked over the letter in happiness and was glad to hear that Storm was doing well.

"Storm... It's always good to hear from her. And she said that she's coming next week too? Awesome! Can't wait to see her!"

Tempest looked off in the distance and saw Canterlot close by. She thought about the ceremony for the two of them and felt both humble and undeserving of such a ceremony.

"That ceremony next week... Do you really think we should go? I mean there's plenty of other things we could do and-"

Lee interrupted Tempest by laughing a little and putting his hooves around her. Tempest smiled at Lee and they kissed once more.

"Well, if Celestia and Luna really think we're worthy of such a celebration then I trust them. They're our friends."

"Yes... yes you're right. It's only fair to be there for the two of them at least. After all, you deserve some recognition for all that you've done, my love."

"And you deserve it just as much as I do, my beautiful unicorn! Honestly though, your glowing beauty and amazing eyes is the only reward I need."

Tempest giggled at Lee's words and nuzzled him sweetly. Lee wrapped his hooves around Tempest and held her close as they kept each other warm in their embrace.

"Well, what do you say we go home? That way we can be... alone and without interruptions."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go..."

Lee and Tempest held hooves as they walked back to Lee's house.

Once they reached Lee's house and went inside, Lee looked around at the living room and looked at the new additions.

Tempest moved in with Lee two months ago and Lee bought a new bed for both of them to rest on together. On the fireplace was a bunch of pictures of the two of them together, holding hooves, hugging each other and smiling happily together.

"Home sweet home. So, what do you want to do Tempest?"

"Oh, we can just take a nap on the couch together and cuddle... How does that sound, my love?"

Lee laughed a little at Tempest's suggestion and they hugged each other again. Lee looked toward their master bedroom and walked toward it.

"I'll go and get some blankets for us. Be right back."

Tempest smiled happily at Lee as he walked into the bedroom and closed it behind him.

Lee went over to his closet to grab some blankets for him and Tempest and looked at the top shelf and noticed the white box with his name on it that he recognized from earlier. Lee had no idea what this box was and didn't know who it was from.

"Should I... open it? What could it be?"

As Lee wondered what to do, he finally grabbed the box and examined the outside of it before he opened it. Once he opened it, there was only a white sheet of paper, but once he removed it, Lee saw a picture of a group of four ponies.

Lee looked at the paper and saw that it was a note addressed to him:

This belongs to you... Always remember the most important things in your life...

A friend.

The picture in front of Lee confused him for a second, but he read the note again and realized what it had ment.

"Wait, who is this? Is this..."

Lee looked at the dark brown Pegasus pony with the mustache and the light blue Pegasus standing next to him. He looked at the pony to the bottom left and how young he was, before realizing that he was looking at himself.

“Me as a filly... and m-my father and my... mother?”

To the right of Lee in the picture was a young dark blue Pegasus pony and they were hugging each other happily. Lee touched his hoof next to this image and felt a few tears inside.

“I-I have a sister too? I wish I knew them... I wish I could know who they were.”

Lee hugged the picture and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed and looked over the picture throughly. Lee wiped his tears away and smiled happily again as he thought about Tempest.

“Shouldn’t keep her waiting. Better get back to her.”

Tempest waited on the couch for Lee by reading a book, but she looked up from her book when she saw Lee come in with a few blankets around him.

“There you are, Lee. Is everything alright?” Tempest asked.

“Y-Yeah... Honestly, everything seems almost perfect now. I have the most beautiful pony in Equestria as my marefriend and we’re both being commended for an award. I can’t think of a more perfect picture...”

Lee sat down next to Tempest and wrapped the blanket around her, but she laid on top of Lee and kept him pinned to the couch with a single hoof.

“Well, there’s only one other thing that this picture needs to be complete...”

Tempest lowered her lips to Lee’s ear and whispered the words “Everlasting love” to him. Lee smiled happily as he looked into Tempest’s eyes and saw her blushing a little at him.

“I have you Tempest... I have all the love and happiness I could ever wish for.”

Lee and Tempest placed their hooves around each other’s necks and pulled each other in closer.

Finally, both Lee and Tempest kissed one another passionately and they remained in each other’s embrace as they both fell to sleep together.

One week later...

At the royal castle in Canterlot, many ponies were gathered around the thrones of Celestia and Luna for an important meeting. A curtain was draped behind the thrones and both Celestia and Luna waited patiently for the ponies behind the curtain.

Luna got up from her throne quickly and went behind her throne and poked her head past the curtain to whisper for somepony.

"Lee? Tempest? Where are you guys?"

Hidden from view, Lee was straightening his suit for the occasion, but he kept constantly peaking through the curtain and looked at the large group of ponies outside and he recognized some of them from his previous visit to the castle. Lee started getting more worried now and started pacing around nervously.

"Gah, I can't do this... There's so many ponies out there Tempest!"

Tempest approached Lee wearing a beautiful purple and red dress and helped straighten his bow tie. Tempest kissed Lee on his cheek to perk up his mood and she smiled happily at her.

"You're gonna be just fine, Lee. You look... very handsome in a suit."

"Hehe. And you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, Tempest."

Lee continued pacing a little, but Tempest grabbed his hooves and tried to calm him down.

"Lee, look at me... Don't let anypony out there get to you. This... all of this is for you and I."

"Easy for you to say. You weren't here when all those ponies laughed at me and ridiculed me..."

Tempest shushed him and kissed him again as she held his hoof.

"Well, now I AM here and while I'm here, nopony will even look at you wrong and they'll deal with me. I am your shield remember?"

Lee smiled happily at Tempest and they finally made their way to the center of the stage and continued holding hooves as they walked out together.

Celestia and Luna both stomped their hooves first as Lee and Tempest came out and everypony else followed afterwards. In the front row of the crowd, Lee saw all of his friends gathered together before him: Twilight and Starlight, Pinkie Pie and last but not least, Storm Breaker.

Strangely, as Lee looked at Storm, he was suddenly reminded of the picture of his family and that Storm had a similar appearance to his lost sister. Before he could think about it any longer, Storm waved at Lee to get his attention and he happily waved back at her.

"You deserve this, Lee. You are a great friend and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you... Thank you, my friend."

Lee thanked Storm for her kind words and joined with Tempest again next to the princesses. Celestia and Luna both hugged him tightly and both thanked him privately for all that he has done.

Celestia silenced the crowd by raising her hoof and cleared her throat before she spoke:

"We are gathered here today to commemorate the bravery and strength of these two ponies before us: Lee and Tempest Shadow. Truly, the both of them have shown us first hand the true Elements of Equestria: Friendship, loyalty, trust and above all... forgiveness."

"It's not easy to live with mistakes, no matter how big or small, but it's even harder... to seek forgiveness for those mistakes. Lee and Tempest both have had their share of grief and heartache and suffering, but they are gathered here today because they trusted one another despite the pain they may have caused. And the ponies they hurt... those are the hardest to have trust you, but in the end all it takes to make amends is friendship and forgiveness."

"And because of these traits, you have saved both me and Luna and in turn saved Equestria. Because of these great deeds to this land, we thought it would only be befitting to bestow upon you these medals."

Luna brought a pillow forth with two golden medals decorated with a large star and it shined brightly in the light. Celestia and Luna both took a medal and approached Lee and Tempest with them.

"Lee, Tempest, it is our honor to give you these Medals of Heroes. You deserve these!"

Lee and Tempest both lowered their heads and smiled at each other as Celestia and Luna placed the medals around their necks. The crowd erupted in applause and hoorays, but Luna calmed down the crowd once more to continue.

"And with these medals... it is also our honor to bestow upon you your new title to go with these extraordinary awards for two extraordinary ponies. If you would, kneel before us for a second."

Together as they held hooves again, Lee and Tempest did as Luna asked and knelt before the two Princesses. The Sisters took their horns and tapped Lee and Tempest on both sides of their head and then told them to rise again.

"Lee, Tempest Shadow, we hearby proclaim you two... Knights of Equestria! May you continue to have a prosperous life and always continue on your endeavors. Equestria thanks you... and so do we personally."

Celestia and Luna both bowed to Lee and Tempest and they both faded the crowd, which once again erupted with celebration and happiness. Lee and Tempest faced each other once more and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you Tempest, my beautiful unicorn, the queen of my heart and my shield"

"And I love you Lee, my sweet Pegasus, the joy of my life and my sword"

For the final time, Lee and Tempest kissed passionately and they embraced one another and the crowd continued cheering for both of them. 

At this very moment right now... all was perfect in Lee's life.

The End

A/N: The very final chapter to a long and wonderful story! Thank you to everyone who supported this story and I thank you all for being so awesome and amazing! So, do you guys think I should make a sequel story?

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A very nice epilogue to a fantastic story. It's great to see Lee's journey come full circle. If you feel you have enough ideas for a sequel, then by all means go for it! :Tempest:


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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15 minutes ago, LyraLover said:

A very nice epilogue to a fantastic story. It's great to see Lee's journey come full circle. If you feel you have enough ideas for a sequel, then by all means go for it! :Tempest:

Everything is perfect for Lee now! He has Tempest, is now a Knight of Equestria and he has Storm for a friend too! What do you think of that?

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1 minute ago, DivineQueen1000 said:

Everything is perfect for Lee now! He has Tempest, is now a Knight of Equestria and he has Storm for a friend too! What do you think of that?

I'm happy for him! :BrightMacContent: I hope he gets to see his family again, though. :adorkable:


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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