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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 2


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Chapter 2: A Normal Life

The sun rose up from the horizon and shined down on the village of Ponyville, causing many ponies to awaken and greet the day with happy smiles and endless amounts of fun all around.

Within a small house on top of a lone hill, however, a group of ponies were having trouble getting up at first. A brown Pegasus pony and a magenta Unicorn pony were laying together on the bed and holding onto each other as they slept. The first to wake up was the Pegasus pony and he looked around at his surroundings until he heard the sound of his marefriend waking up next to him.

The magenta pony looked at the brown pony and they both smiled at each other as they yawned a little.

"Lee... Good morning, my love!"

"Good morning my beautiful Tempest!"

Lee and Tempest reached out to each other and kissed before they nuzzled one another sweetly.

"Best part of the day: Waking up next to you, Tempest!"

Tempest giggled a little at Lee's words and kissed him once more before getting up from the bed and stretching out.

"So, should we make some breakfast together or do you wanna go into town and eat?"

Lee thought about the decision and looked out the window to see the bright sun and cloudless skies all around him. A smile ran across Lee's face as he turned back to Tempest.

"It's such a beautiful day so let's go out to eat this morning!"

Tempest nodded in approval and went to the bathroom next door to brush her mane, with Lee getting up from the bed and standing in the doorway. Lee watched Tempest brush her mane and smiled at how beautiful she was.

As Tempest continued brushing, she noticed Lee looking at her and blushed a little as she tried to hide her face.

"H-Hey, what are you looking at?" Tempest asked.

"Oh nothing, just the most beautiful and amazing pony in Equestria."

Once she finished, Tempest laid down her brush and embraced Lee tightly. Lee felt very warm inside with Tempest's hooves around him, but he simply hugged her back and basked in the warmth around him.

"Well, should we get going or do you simply want me to kiss you all day?" Tempest asked as she smiled at Lee.

"I wouldn't mind that one bit... but yeah, let's get going! I'm starving!"

Lee and Tempest kissed once more before they walked into the living room and went out the front door to go outside. They both looked around happily at all the activity around them and started making their way into town.
Once they made it to the middle of Ponyville, Lee and Tempest spotted a restaurant with a picture of pancakes over the top of the building.

“Here’s a good place to eat! We can get some pancakes!” Lee pointed at the building and Tempest thought about it in her head.

“Hmm, yes! That sounds quite delicious, my love! Let’s go inside”

Lee and Tempest entered the building and they were greeted at the door by a waitress. The waitress led Lee and Tempest to a table by the window and they sat down as they both looked out the window.

“Now, what can I get you two today?”

“Uhh, we’ll both just get a stack of pancakes with some maple syrup and some orange juice to drink.”

“Great choices! I’ll be right back with those pancakes!”

As the waitress left Lee and Tempest by themselves, Lee laid his hooves against Tempest’s and they smiled happily at each other.

“So, what else do you wanna do today? We could go to the park and relax together!”

“That’s sounds like a great idea, Tempest! Maybe we could get some cotton candy while we’re there too!

Tempest reached across the table quickly to plant a kiss on Lee’s cheek. Just then, the waitress came back and laid two plates of pancakes next to Lee and Tempest and they both looked at them in awe.

“Oh my, those do look quite delicious don’t they?”

“Enjoy you two! Hope you two love it!”

The waitress walked away again as Lee and Tempest started eating their pancakes.
After a few hours passed by, Lee and Tempest exited the restaurant where they had breakfast and started walking the streets to see so many other ponies looking at them. Almost everypony they passed smiled and waved at them, recognizing them both as the Knights of Equestria.

"Can you believe it's been a year since we were knighted by Celestia and Luna? Feels like a dream doesn't it?" 

Tempest laughed a little at Lee's question, but held hooves with him as they walking to the park together.

"A year you say? I can hardly believe it myself... Now that you mention it, do you remember what tomorrow is, my love?"

"Yes I do: Our anniversary of when we first fell in love. How could I forget the most amazing day of my life?"

Lee and Tempest hugged each other and let the warmth of their love surrounded them. Ever since Lee met Tempest, his life has only improved and being in a relationship with her gave him new strength and new purpose in life.

"You make me stronger Tempest. I love you so very much Tempest Shadow and I always will."

"Lee... Oh my wonderful friend, you sweet and kind pony, the one and only love of my life: I will always cherish your friendship and kindness and I will always love you with all of my heart!"

Lee and Tempest smiled happily as they continued to look into each other's eyes, but they were interrupted by the sound of a bell off in the distance.

"Oh, the bell! Looks like Celestia and Luna got another mission for us."

“Wonder what they got in store for us this time?” Tempest asked.

“We’ll find out when we get there I suppose. Let’s get going, shall we?”

Tempest nodded in approval to Lee and they quickly went to the nearby train stop so that they could take the train to Canterlot.

Once the train started moving, Lee and Tempest sat next to each other and Tempest laid her head against Lee’s shoulder and he gently caressed her mane.

“It’ll be a hour or so before we get there if you wanna take a little nap, Tempest!”

“Yes, that would be nice… Wake me once we get there, okay my sweetie?”

Lee kissed her forehead a few times before Tempest fell asleep next to him. After making sure that Tempest was asleep, Lee looked out the window and saw the royal castle of Canterlot slowly coming into view.

“Another mission huh? Hopefully we can get it done quickly… I got a special surprise in store for Tempest.”

A/N: Finally got this chapter done! Hope everyone likes it!

  • Brohoof 2
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A simple and sweet exposition chapter, but I like it! Also, I'm surprised Tempest didn't order coffee with her pancakes. That would've been perfect for an edgy horse like her. :Tempest:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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