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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi would follow Ruby up stairs. Sky would go to wanting to see what sounded to him like a kobold. When they got there Sky's baby would climb out of the sling and walked to the new creature. The baby coyote was pretty small and opened it's eyes for the first time a few days ago. Sky was watching of course.

"Have you considered getting a new sling? The pup seems to get out of it easily."

"Not without me knowing but, it might be worth looking into."


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Vix, being the good hearted creature he was, petted the baby with his free hand like he would a dog, he gave a respectful nod to each dragon, addressing them as he did  "Jennu ir [great one]" "Your highness" he didn't know the language, but he had asked Enduur to teach him the words to address Ruby as he found it to be more respectful to use her preferred language. "What is it that requires my attention?" Ruby then asked, to which Vix answered without any fear towards Ruby, though why would he fear her, he lived with three of her kind "Two things actually, first.." he picked up a bag that he had on his back and opened it, there were two dragon heads, Sandwings, they didn't seem like they had been cut or ripped off, rather, it looked like they had...melted off. "...what do you do with bodies?" "What's this about, where's rest of them?" "Long story short, these two based on their conversation didn't really like you, they had their conversation bit too close to our cave, so Enduur told them to leave, they didn't, and instead decided to threaten Charis, now, Enduur is a peaceful dragoness, but you do not threaten her daughters, and Danthe is not a peaceful dragoness, and you definitely do not threaten her sister." "There is no rest of them, until you want to scoop them up from the rocks, their heads are the only thing that isn't unrecognizable charred biological mass." Vix did not seem fazed by what he just described, but well, living with three 'deathwings' did that to you, you saw a lot of thing. "I see." Ruby was actually shocked, this was brutal even by her standards, though she did understand why it was done, nobody threatens a hatchling and survives. 


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"It was the magic." Vix pointed out, to which Ruby commented as sort of a continuation "Figured, we don't melt dragons normally, fire that would be hot enough to melt dragon bone and scales would melt us too." it was also almost impossible to manage in open space, and would require specific environment "*It does give merit to what I read though, about our magical heritage.*" it also made her wonder the same thing Quasi did, what were her kind truly capable of? if given access to real power?

"What was the second thing?" "Danthe wants to fight you." "Fight me?" "Yes, not to death of course, but a friendly match of strength, we tried to convince her otherwise, but you met her, she's not one to back down." "I mean, sure, it could be fun to fight someone who can actually withstand by attacks." while she didn't express it, she was interested in hearing Quasi's opinion too, though if it mattered was a different question. 


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"As if I could do anything to stop any of you from doing anything." Vix remarked humorously, he was full aware that he was surrounded by creatures capable of crushing him by accident, and he did appreciate Quasi's playful comment more than Ruby did, as he too liked to playfully annoy his dragon companions by calling them cute or other similar terms. "Tell her I accept, now I just need to figure out a place where we don't accidentally destroy something important." 


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@Catpone Cerberus

"By the way, if you find yourself on Ruby's homeland tell your dragon buddies it's okay to kill intruders. Any ponies or earthlings are free on the land but only if they're past the naval blockade."

Sky would speak about Ruby's land.

"Actually, one of the Nomadikan packs or nations said they wanted to send soldiers to kill some dragons for their armor. We of course given the problem threatened the nation of Highlania with a full invasion of their land should they go to your land. Highlania isn't exactly friendly but they've seemed to back down from attacking."

"What the Highlanians like?"

"They're oddly similar to Spartans. Dasonians are kinda like idk some random medieval nation without the feudalism part. And then there's Cryoni like well, vikings in some aspects. Chlora has legions similar to the Romans. Then Patientia, they're an underground nation, they're entrance is blocked by an engineered mote that drags anyone trying to cross underwater. The current is too fast to even build a bridge across so they use some sort of drawbridge."

"Oh and then there is Kakti I guess they're like Egyptians except only worshiping one God. There's a smaller island near Nomadikos with some tribes also. I think that's all of them?"


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"They won't return there, but even if they did, you can be sure they couldn't care less if you allowed them to kill or not, such is the rule of that land." Vix stated, while very friendly, there was something very familiar in the way he said it, it seemed he had started to pick up certain...styles from his companions. "As it should be." "But what's with these nations that think they can actually hunt my kind? It isn't even logical, because if we are to assume they can actually kill one of us, what use is armor made of my kind's scales then, since they already have weapons to get past that?" "That's like me cutting off plates from a tank to protect myself against my own kind." "That being, absolutely useless, as evidenced by the fact that I could cut the plates in the first place." 


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@Catpone Cerberus

"They want to have better shields in case an enemy with guns attacks again. Highlania fights using a phalanx. This is because their land considers of a path between a mountain range. Lot's of heavy infantry. They don't have much Calvary though. They do have gliders that they drop bombs from, it's how they managed to defeat the jackals. It's also helped a lot against the Romans long ago. We Dasonians are great at guerrilla warfare. It's hard to kill what you can't see. But you may also see us use certain medieval tactics as well. Coyotes also have a good sense of smell and hearing so we also cover that issue when hiding. Though we also do things like sing to strike fear into our enemies. Music has an effect, and if the enemy is afraid, the enemy also has low moral."

"Singing to scare an enemy? Seems possible, to lower an enemy's moral is good in war. The mind plays an important part in battle. A lot of soldiers die in battle when they freeze in fear. It's common unfortunately."

"I can't wait to teach my daughter tactics in warfare. She'll need it if she is to lead Dasonia. That's the future though, she's a little young to understand war... or even speaking honestly."


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"It's quite foolish to rely on something you can't produce, even assuming the hunt is successful, it will cost lot of lives to periodically go hunt more of my kind, since being basically dead skin at that point, even our scales lose their effectiveness after a while without the constant repair that happens when we are alive." Ruby stated, their nation was in good spot for having her, because even in worst case scenario, she could just shed her scales to create more material. "Isn't it also pretty messed up? To hunt sentient creatures for their skin? I'm sure none of you would be happy if I hunted your kind for your skins."  "Trust me, we don't care." "But I do, you're beautiful creatures, you don't deserve being treated like cattle." Ruby was again genuinely surprised by this, how could anyone or anything think that about her kind?


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@Catpone Cerberus

"That was another issue. Hunting down a beings that can think like us for their skin would be wrong. Imagine if someone killed my kind for fur to keep warm."

"Honestly, no one is getting past our blockade, anyone who passes will be attacked. Doesn't matter if it's NATO itself. Just the ones that past not the entire nation. Unless they attack us. Not like they can nuke us, too hard to shoot a nuke through a portal. Also, should we get nukes too?"


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"My kind will manage fine with or without us, numbers don't matter when the only way of travel is uneven, fiery, hole filled narrow paths between volcanoes in a land where outside species can barely breath without life long damage to their lungs. We are not protecting my kind from outsiders, we are protecting outsiders from my kind, and other forces." "And no, we shouldn't get weaponry we have no local means to produce, we don't know if the right raw materials even exist in this world, we can come up with something better than those lesser intelligence naked monkeys." it wasn't even meant as an insult, since as far as she was concerned, it was a fact. "I don't know what a 'nuke' is, but the way everyone talks about them they sound like powerful weapons, and I'd just like to say that with what I have seen, Enduur, Danthe and Charis can probably already compete, the amount of death Charis's father, who was lot weaker than them, had caused indicates that they could in theory easily kill entire towns if not cities in matter of seconds." Vix slightly pointed at the two heads he had brought as he said it, trying to signal what exactly he meant.


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Nukes are better used against military targets than civilians ones. Also against infrastructure. The jet I used was nuclear capable. Of course, I couldn't just launch a nuke. I needed direct permission from the president to even carry one. Then I could only launch with his orders. Even then, he has to use certain codes and systems before I can launch. As it stands, I've never had to launch a nuke. I almost had to in World War D. If it wasn't for you, I would've had to nuke the Fironians."

"Also did you know we have protocols in case aliens invade Earth? Well, more like they do now, I don't live in the United States anymore. They have all these plans and backup plans. Not sure if the older ones would've worked, perhaps but not without civilization being changed for a while. I'd expect such an attack to be a war of attrition. Though with Equestrian magic, our technological capabilities have skyrocketed. I hear they're sending a team to mars. A lot of money is going into military because of these new worlds. The Fironians didn't exactly leave a good impression."

"If it wasn't for Earth and Equestria, Starlania would've took a little longer to make a reality. The rainwings were like 'Glory is your queen now, deal with it' and I was like 'No you segregate us from the rest of your society and treat the entire race as war criminals when they were a victim of bad leadership. The leaders were the criminals and so were certain dragons.' It's ridiculous. Things are still tense with the Rainwings. We probably could've seceded the village but things would've been tense. War was a possibility. She also had dragons put in a thing of quicksand and they'd be taken out before they sunk to far to restart the cycle of sinking because they had no prisons at that time. Sounds pretty war criminal to me."

"They tried to right a wrong with another wrong thinking they were right. Relations are fine with the Sandwing Kingdom, negotiations were peaceful and fair. They don't even approve of the sandwing rebellion going on. But I am concerned. If they were able to hire military contractors, we could find ourselves in a civil war. This is something I want to prevent."

A nightwing guard was standing there waiting for him to finish speaking, then he'd address the King and Queen properly.

"I was about to tell you about that actually. Queen Thorn agreed to publicly denounce the Sandwing rebellion."

"That could at least buy us time to formulate plans to get rid of rebels who don't lay down their arms. It should destroy their morale at the very least."

"I'm pretty happy with how our country's culture is turning out." He'd say this to Ruby.

"This culture of freedom and also wanting to defend the country really will take us far. Our military technology gives us an advantage over nations in this world this also makes me happy. Our naval ships give us control over the portal. Our defense is great we can repel an invasion if we keep our navy standing strong. We should work to make more firearms and artillery though. That way we can deal with combat on the ground. Anti-air weapons on the ground would help a lot. A dragon is useless against a fighter jet."


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"I'm not supporting destruction and death, only pointing out the potential of raw magic, in fact, magic is better because you can control it, a bomb capable of destroying a city, will always destroy a city, but magic used by individual can either destroy a city, or kill two individuals without harming anything else."

"Sure, it would have taken more time without Earth, but we also would have about 90% less threats without Earth, if it wasn't for Earth, we wouldn't need as powerful of an army as we do now." "*If it wasn't for Earth, we wouldn't need to use resources to keep them out of the Homelands to protect them from worldwide destruction.*" Earth and humanity represented many things Ruby despised the most, so it would take lot of work for her to accept them, not to mention be actually friendly with them, latter possibly being close to impossible. 

"I trust you with our technological advancement as before, and if you think certain weaponry is needed, so be it, but there's simpler solutions, if you think that fast moving pile of metal is a threat we don't have defenses for, we simply won't allow Earth to bring them here, nor will we allow them build airports fit for use by those things." "*Just remember to make sure nothing we have is dependent on Earth or anyone else, if use of something can be stopped by other nation refusing to give us something, it's a worthless piece of junk and should be replaced with something reliable*" 

"I too am satisfied with the direction, for too long nations in all three worlds have been ruled by greedy and weak rulers, I will, we will show them what it means to be a strong leader." "No matter how many times they may try to kill me." 







“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Also, we have a message from the Icewings. A new island has been spotted. It wasn't there before so we suspect some sort of magic, maybe animus or draconequus has brought it into existence."

"A landmass? Is that it? Seems like an odd thing to create." He'd say dismissively.

"That isn't it. There's also a society of Nightwings there. They didn't come from here or the rainwing kingdom. There are reports that Darkstalker is ruling over them."

Every dragon in the palace when quiet.

"But that can't be possible. There's no animus that would do that and Gladia is dead. We killed Darkstalker."

"They have Earthling technology as well. And you know Darkstalker hates icewings, some have been made along with the land and nightwings there just so they can kill them. They also realized icewings from the icewing kingdom are going missing. It took some convincing but I think I helped them understand it's not us, so they aren't declaring war on us. Darkstalker doesn't seem to be trying to attack our lands yet, there are rumors that he's supplying the rebellion here and plans to give the sandwings firearms."

Now Quasi was concerned.

"The good news is that he is weaker now, he isn't able to just bend reality, we thing his animus magic was replaced with another magic, Equestrian I think."

"I don't want to invade for now. The nightwings know Darkstalker all too well, has to all of Pyrrhia. What is their navy like?"

"Strong in it's own right. We can probably defend our own waters from them, though they can probably defend theirs. They do lack drones though."

"Good, I want stealth drones to scout the land. Find military bases and industrial areas. I also want to know what their land is like, what's their terrain. I don't want to attack them yet, they seem to want to use the rebels to keep some sort of proxy war, so we should play that game. A war with them could be costly but a war with the sandwing rebels is manageable. If we can contain the rebels fast enough, we can slow their growth."

Quasi looked at Ruby.

"*We should avoid attacking them for now but we should build up our military. They don't seem to want to attack us, so they probably don't think they can properly invade us. Maybe later on we can colonize the land."


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Ruby broke the silence when everyone went quiet, as she let out an annoyed groan hearing Darkstalker's name, she was not scared of him, and did not respect whatever name he had made for himself, she just felt annoyed at him coming back yet again, to her he was at this point like an insect that you can't kill but that comes buzz next to your ear when you try to sleep. And while she didn't take part in the conversation, her expressions told her opinions well, as she grew more fed up looking as more information was said, she was not worried, not concerned, just..tired, couldn't she get few moments without the world itself throwing things at her? 

"We are not invaders." Ruby finally stated "We are not the world police, until there's a provable direct threat towards our nation, there won't be a war." "The rebellion will be dealt with, it doesn't matter how many supplies they get, there's only so many rebels." "We don't know what kind of individual this Darkstalker is, maybe there's a diplomatic option, besides, he's already been killed three or four times, what's one more on the record" she then addressed Quasi "*You do that, there's something I need to do myself.*" "I'll be in my room if there's an emergency, if there isn't, see you in the morning." she would then start walking away, there would be some time to speak to her still if needed.

As she turned away, she looked towards the roof "Ember lookalike hiding on the roof, come see me in my room." and from the roof came Cinder's voice "Aright" as she suddenly appeared there, while her form speaking with Ember suddenly disappeared, leaving Ember confused for a moment, Cinder then left the area before anyone could say anything to her

Vix made his leave quietly during the conversation, it was getting late and there was nothing more for him here.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

Sky and Myra went to their room after picking up the baby and putting them in the sling. Arrow went to his. Strings went to hers. Quasi would stay up, notifying their seeress Moonwatcher, looking into the possible futures. Moonwatcher was still learning to strengthen her future sight, but she could see some futures. Some unrelated others directly related to Darkstalker. That dragon was a lot of trouble.

"He seems to be limited in power at the moment. Either he has a weak version of animus magic or it's replaced with Equestrian type magic. I cannot confirm, those are my best guesses."

"He couldn't have done it by himself, he was dead. Peacemaker is still doing well, so he hasn't turned back into the original Darkstalker."

"There are multiple scenarios. If he attacks any of the Earthlings, this could lead to an Earthling nation having influence and military power in our world. It's unlikely he will go directly that route, he sees the future too. Should he attack us, he will meet great resistance and be unable to conquer our land, our navy would make an attack too difficult combined with our military and militias."

"That's good. We can take them in a fight."

"He could attack a neighboring kingdom and should we not intervene, they will be at our doorstep, making them a strong force. Whether we win or lose at that point in an attack against us, the war would be costly."

"I see. Any weaknesses to his kingdom? Anything we can exploit?"

"Yes. His land isn't totally self sufficient. He is trading with the Russians though the Russians don't see him valuable enough to go to war over. They seem to trade for oil mostly. Also, Darkstalker uses the old system of the nightwing kingdom. The one from his ago."

"I get the trade part but what does the old system have to do with anything?"

"He has no heir to his throne. Should anything happen to him, his kingdom will splinter into factions and civil war will happen. The problem is, what happens to him is... blurry. We know he cannot die through traditional means. Assassination would be difficult."

"He's not completely invulnerable though. That rainwing friend of yours, Kinkajou has damaged his eye once before he healed it again. That means his organs can be damaged. It can't kill him but... his brain. Maybe we can... make him incapable of thought. I'll discuss everything with Ruby and weigh our options with her."

Quasi headed to bed as did Moonwatcher, both to their respective rooms. The next morning, there was a line of dragons from the kingdom, putting gifts on a large table, Quasi never asked for gifts for the wedding, it was some citizens who arranged the idea and many have followed. It showed where Quasi and Ruby stood in the minds of their people. To them, Quasi and Ruby brought them freedom. There were even some sandwings that opted to stay when the kingdom was formed, from what Quasi could read from their minds, these were sandwings from the majority that were not rebels. Off to the side, there was a group of sandwing guards singing patriotic songs about sandwing volunteers and fighting for the rising star. Other guards would check the gifts to ensure there were no poisons or traps or whatever else meant to harm.

Castle servants would set up tables and set down food from various parts of the worlds.

Quasi would go look for Ruby.


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Some time after Cinder and Ruby entered Ruby's room, Cinder came out and left the castle, returning after some hours with bag full of stuff, and for anyone that asked what she was carrying with her, she showed a piece of paper written by Ruby that basically said 'Queens personal business, don't worry about it.', be it in more formal language with heavy implication of hostility towards anyone who didn't listen. Other than that nothing really happened during the night, Ember simply slept and Vix and company stayed in their cave.

One could assume Ruby was still in her room in the morning as nobody would have seen her since the evening, or well, Cinder had, but she was hanging around in the hallway leading to Ruby's room, so she couldn't be asked about it before one had already decided to go there. When Quasi would eventually make his way there, Cinder would greet him with a nod, though wouldn't say anything, mainly because suddenly the floor would shake, causing her to loose her balance a bit, cutting short any thought she may have had to say out loud.

It didn't last long. but the shaking was clearly coming from Ruby's room, when it stopped, Cinder looked towards the room and said quietly in surprised tone "She actually did it"

Any attempts to knock on the doors wouldn't bring response, but neither door was actually sealed this time, so one could just walk in. If Quasi decided to go in, he would find Ruby in her room, standing in some kind of symbol scratched on the floor, surrounded by smaller different symbols with various magical looking items in/on them, one in each symbol, most of them such that he probably didn't recognize them, but one of them he probably did, a horn sized ring with piece of animus paper in it. All the items looked worn and damaged, and Ruby herself was twitching and letting out small groans of pain, though based on her expression, she was very satisfied about something.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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Ruby didn't respond at first, in fact, for few moments there was no reaction at all, but after moments passed and Ruby let out a sigh similar to sigh that one would let when relaxing after extreme physical activity, she turned to look at Quasi, for a moment it almost looked like her eyes were on fire, but when they came to view, everything was perfectly normal "Oh, good morning, I simply...eliminated few weaknesses, a little experiment if you will." close to her was one of the books that were given by the elder, it was open from close to end of the book, though any attempt to read it wouldn't succeed as it seemed to have some kind of enchantment that made the text into unreadable nonsense "I skipped a bit forward in my research you see." she still twitched a bit, and let out another groan "I now understand why the so called villains are so into magic, power feels great."  Cinder stayed in the hallway, Ruby had told her to get out, so she stayed out, but she was looking inside, curious as she was. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"As long as you don't become a villain yourself. You still care about the freedom of our people right?"

While Quasi looked at Ruby, he'd secretly look into Cinder's mind to try to figure out if he should be worried.

"The wedding is today. Everything seems to be in order, guards are posted everywhere looking for threats."


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"Can't stop caring if I never cared as you define it." Ruby pointed out "The thing about corruption is that it's emotional, so because I never had any emotions tied to this, I cannot be corrupted, and since my will to bring freedom to our citizens is ultimately rooted to my selfish want to have freedom myself, that goal won't change." "The short and simple is, power doesn't corrupt me, because I'm already corrupted, I'm already a bloodthirsty, hateful and uncaring creature, you can't really go beyond that." 

Cinder's thoughts didn't have much information relating to the situation, while she knew what exactly Ruby had done, that being, absorbed the different kinds of magics from the various, now broken items around her, she didn't know what the end result would be, so beyond that, she too was simply observing the situation. Though there was other thing strongly present in her mind that Quasi may find slightly non-pleasant, that being, Cinder was highly attracted to Ruby, though it was not love, but rather, lust. 

"The wedding, of course, almost forgot, what time is it? Should I put the wedding accessories on?" 


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Ruby, you have more in you than you think. Yes, I'm aware of the negative aspects in you but, is love for someone real if you don't look past those things? I know this doesn't mean much to you but, the legitimacy this will bring us will further gain the respect of our citizens."

It was true, Quasi really loved Ruby and he was glad to be with her. But Quasi knew the relationship might be one sided. Though, he wasn't forcing Ruby to go through with the marriage, he made sure Ruby had a choice in the matter, he felt this would be good for the kingdom.

Quasi could read the feelings Cinder had towards Ruby. He noticed it but, it wasn't necessarily out of the ordinary to read these sorts of things. Really, he's read a lot worse things from the minds of others about various things and he couldn't control what people could think or feel. As long as she wasn't actively seeking out his soon to be wife, it didn't matter.

"I don't care what you think in your mind Cinder but, I can't say the same about actions."

He turned to Ruby.

"It would be a good idea. They're expecting us very soon."


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Ruby didn't argue because Quasi's comment didn't counter anything about her statement relating to corruption, it didn't really matter if there was good in her or not, corruptive magic couldn't blacken her heart when it was already pitch black and covered in several layers of ice and stone, so to speak. 

It wasn't quite as black and white as the relationship being one sided, yes, marriage had no meaning to Ruby, and she wasn't exactly in deep love or anything, but she was different species from very different culture, lacking something normal to one didn't mean there was nothing. Case and point, she was here, not only tolerating pretty much anything and everything from Quasi, but she actively shared things with him, be it stuff, information or her privacy, and made efforts to try to do things he preferred, like this whole marriage thing. 

Coming from a land where almost the only times when meetings didn't end up in a fight were when it was time for offspring, and even then it was done as quickly as possible like a chore before separating again, Ruby clearly had some kind of preference for Quasi over others.

Different kinds of relationships weren't unheard of in their land  however, though they were rarely between male and female, and rather between the same sex, this was partly due to males being seen as inferior by pretty much whole population, creating a separation between the two sides, that was also why every female individual of Ruby's kind they had met called Quasi just 'male' instead of his name.

Cinder just gave a sly grin to Quasi's comment, before starting to head off since she had seen what she wanted to, but to make sure Quasi left her mind, she started thinking uncomfortably graphic thoughts involving them three, she had no shame it seemed. 


Ruby went to her stuff and dug around a bit "Don't mind Cinder, she's very odd, but she's useful." "And yes, I am aware of what she thinks about me, she was quite honest regarding that." she took out something wrapped into a hide, and opened it, it was her wedding clothing, she put them on. To nobody's surprise, the 'dress' was made of dragon scales, it was a combination of a dress and a cape, the shape was dress like, but it didn't really wrap around Ruby anywhere, allowing her full movement and ease to take it of if necessary, even in a wedding dress, she would be ready to fight.

The scales used for it were covered in a layer of gold and silver, creating a quite pretty pattern, and in the metal there was mixed in crushed gems, giving the 'dress' a colorful shine when in light.

The headwear was even more of her style, a combination of a crown and a helmet, it was the top half of a dragon's skull, that was bit bigger than Ruby's, it was decorated with claws and teeth of dragons, and scales had been added to places to make it look more like clothing and less like pile of bones. Everything was covered in the same silver and gold mixed with crushed gems, and in each eye-socket, there was embedded a big, shiny gem, matching in color to Ruby's amber eyes. 

"So, what do you think?" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi was not expecting that.

"No! I mean that's some new stuff I've never even heard of but have some decency!"

Quasi took a second to compose himself.

"Huh... she's creative. She's not part of this relationship... I think."

"Anyway... I'm not really shocked, dragons in this world have done crazier things than wear scales. The ice wings long ago use to hang the heads of dead queens on the wall. One sandwing queen put heads on pikes or something. This is pretty tame."

Quasi would motion Ruby to follow and walk out into the throne room down the middle between the crowd on two sides of the large room.

A nightwing would speak.

"On this momentous day, we have a union between our two monarchs. Quasi Nix the King of Starlania and liberator of the nightwings. And Queen Bekisnhlekil the one who has defeated a great evil with her own claws, teeth, and fire. Noble Quasi and Powerful Bekisnhlekil I pronounce you as married. May your marriage last for life."

Quasi would touch is nose against Ruby's considering Ruby probably couldn't actually kiss.


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