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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 8


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Chapter 8: On Top of the World

Lee looked up at the bright sun as he walked along the road and thought about the horrifying nightmare that he had yesterday. Ever since he had the dream, Lee had been on edge and was constantly fretting in his mind over Tempest.

"I can't let anything happen to Tempest... and I won't."

Ahead of him, Lee looked and saw Tempest and Chrysalis conversing, but he couldn't take his eyes off Tempest and his heart rate started to increase a little.

Tempest and Chrysalis overlooked the map of Equestria and noticed how close they were to the next location of one of the Essences of Emotion. Tempest saw the mountain on the map and looked towards the horizon to see if she could see it.

"This mountain we're going to... what's it about?"

"Well, according to the book, the mountain is called the Sun's Horn and... get this, it's actually named after Princess Celestia too."

"Sun's Horn. Makes sense, but it makes me wonder if Celestia and Luna had a hoof in hiding these Essences of Emotion. Lee, what do you think?"

Tempest looked back at Lee, but she only saw a blank expression on his face as he simply stared at Tempest. 

"Lee? Lee, are you listening to me?"

Lee's eyes suddenly widened when he saw a shadowy and hooded figure appear out of nothingness and stand next to Tempest. Lee watched in horror and started breathing heavily as the figure smiled menacingly at him and laughed.

"You... can't save her. Just let her go and she won't be hurt..."

The figure laughed again and showed Lee his glowing red eyes, but Lee only screamed in anger and he suddenly charged at the figure.


Tempest shouted as she and Chrysalis moved out of the way and watched as Lee charged headfirst into a tree. Lee felt a sharp pain in his head from hitting the tree and he held his head in pain.

"Lee! What's gotten into you? Why did you-"

"Argh, where is he?! That pony in the hood... H-He was just there, I know it!"

Lee looked around frantically for the hooded figure, but was surprised when all he saw was Tempest and Chrysalis. Tempest looked around the area for this hooded figure, but saw nopony and looked back at Lee with much concern.

"Lee, what in the world are you talking about? There's nopony else here but the two of us."

Tempest saw as Lee started sweating, breathing heavily and holding his head in confusion, but she quickly grabbed his hooves and made him face her. Lee could only look down at the ground and close his eyes for what he just did, but Tempest simply smiled at Lee.

"It's just you and me, my love. You and me... and Chrysalis."

"I-I'm so sorry, Tempest. Did you... really not see anypony standing beside you?"

"Just Chrysalis, but nopony else I swear. Are you sure you weren't just seeing things?"

Lee nodded his head at Tempest's question and looked around the area once more to make sure that there truly was nopony else around him.

"Was I? Do you think so? I don't know... my mind is kind of on edge right now."

"Is this because of that nightmare you had? Lee, you need to clear all of that from your mind... I'm always gonna be right here by your side because I love you. Don't you think for one second that I don't love you."

Tempest wrapped her hooves around Lee and he placed his hooves against Tempest's sides. Lee closed his eyes and kissed Tempest on her lips a few times until he felt his head feeling better.

"I love you too, my beautiful unicorn! I always will..."

"Hehe, and that is all that needs to be said, my love. You and I… will always be together no matter what."

Besides Lee and Tempest, Chrysalis cleared her throat to get their attention and they both looked at her in embarrassment.

"Oh, Chrysalis... F-Forgot that you were standing there."

Tempest laughed nervously but Chrysalis only shook her head at the two lovebirds before her.

"Obviously you do forget that I'm here! Must you two keep doing that in front of me? We have more important things to take care of!"

Chrysalis walked ahead of Lee and Tempest and she found herself deep in the search for the Essences of Emotion and she told herself that she wouldn’t stop until she had them all. As Chrysalis looked back at Lee and Tempest once more, she only had a determined look on her face.

“As soon as I have all of the Essences, I won’t need these two fools and Malice will regret the day they crossed Queen Chrysalis… This I swear.”

A few hours of walking later, the three ponies cleared the trees and stopped to look to the sky and saw a grand, towering mountain stretch high into the clouds.

The mountain was covered in a white blanket of snow and the breeze blew a bunch of the snow and made it tumble down the side of the mountain and hit the trees surrounding it.

“The Sun’s Horn… The second Essence is within our grasp.”

Tempest looked at Chrysalis as she said this and saw her smiling menacingly at the mountain.

“Yeah, but where is it exactly? That’s a pretty big mountain…”

“Well, we won’t know by standing here will we? Let’s get going.”

Lee reached into his satchel and pulled out a scarf and a hat to help keep himself warm. Tempest did the same and put on a black cloak and scarf and wrapped the scarf around herself before putting the hood up over her head.

The three ponies then walked towards the mountain and came to the foot of it a few minutes later. Lee looked as he saw the mountain tower over him and laughed a little.

“So, anypony gone rock climbing before? How are we supposed to climb this?”

Chrysalis thought about what to do and looked around the mountain for a bit until she saw a peculiar sight.

“Well we could just take the stairs…”

Lee and Tempest looked to where Chrysalis was pointing and indeed saw a carved stone staircase leading up the side of the mountain. Tempest raised an eyebrow at such a strange sight to see at a mountain.

“Huh. Well isn’t that convenient?”

Chrysalis walked over to the staircase and looked up the side of the mountain to see that the path stretched all the way to the summit. Chrysalis started up the path first, but Lee and Tempest told Chrysalis to wait up before they ran up to catch up to her.

"Uhh Tempest, why don't you go ahead of me? So that I can watch for anything that might hinder us."

"If you insist, but just watch your own back, yeah?"

Tempest walked ahead of Lee and looked up at the mountain as she felt an uneasy feeling in her gut. As the three ponies ascended the mountain, a cold chill started to set in as they saw snow starting to fall all around them and made the staircase feel slippery too.

"Watch your step, Tempest! I don't want you to fall!"

Lee stood beside Tempest and held his hooves up as he protected her from stepping close to the edge. Tempest rolled her eyes a bit at Lee's constant worrying, but reassured him by caressing his back.

"Lee, I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much."

"Uhh, hehe r-right... Yeah, sorry about that. Just... making sure you know?"

Suddenly, Lee gasped as he saw a huge pile of snow heading for the staircase and quickly tackled Tempest to the ground, but saw that the snow barely touched the staircase at all and went harmlessly over the side of the mountain. Tempest got a face full of snow and spit out a bunch of snow that got into her mouth before looking at Lee in annoyance.

"Argh! Lee, let me go this insist!"

Lee did as Tempest asked and Tempest brushed the snow off, but still had an annoyed look on her face.

"I can't believe you did that! Lee, either you stop fretting over every little thing or just go to the bottom of the mountain and wait for us to be done..."

"I'm sorry Tempest..."

Lee hung his head down in sadness, but Tempest caressed Lee's cheek and she smiled at him sweetly. Tempest knew that Lee was only trying to help, but she didn't want his worried mind getting the best of him either.

"I know you mean well, but I don't want you to hurt yourself either. Perhaps you should just take a break and take some time to get your mind right?"

"Yeah... yeah you're right. I think I need to sit this one out..."

Tempest kissed Lee on his cheek and Lee looked back down towards the ground.

"I'll be fine, I promise. I have Chrysalis watching my back and we'll both be back in a flash with that Essence. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, Tempest! Just please be careful, okay?"

Lee nodded to Tempest once more before he made his way back down the stairs and Tempest rejoined Chrysalis, who was already halfway ahead of her.

"Chrysalis, wait up!"

As Tempest and Chrysalis got closer to the summit of the mountain, Tempest kept herself vigilant for anything that might get in the way of their hike to the top.

"So, Lee sat this one out you say? Hmm, I hope he can get his mind right... I would hate for something bad to happen to him."

"He'll be fine, don't you worry. Let's just find this Essence quickly so that I can get back to him."

"Way ahead of you there. We should be at the summit shortly."

The cold chill of the mountain started getting to Tempest and started to shiver a little, but she kept herself warm by holding her cloak against herself. Chrysalis however, didn't seem to be affected by the cold and just kept walking without stopping.

"Please, I was born in the cold. This temperature means nothing to me."

Tempest scoffed a little at Chrysalis, but simply kept her thoughts to herself and continued walking alongside Chrysalis.

A few minutes later, Tempest and Chrysalis finally reached the top of the mountain and Tempest took a moment to catch her breath before she looked at the horizon before her in awe.

"Wow... It's moments like this that I realize that Equestria isn't such a bad place. Such a view makes me feel so happy, like I'm on top of the world. Don't you think, Lee?"

Tempest looked around for Lee before remembering that he wasn't there and she just stared awkwardly at Chrysalis instead.

"Ehh, it's not so great. Uhh, the view I mean... hehe. B-But we can admire the view later because we have to find that Essence."

"Hmm, I don't see anything up here... Chrysalis, are you sure we're in the right place?"

Chrysalis shook her head as she looked at the map again and started to panic a little.

"I don't know. I'm not the one who hid these infernal things! The map says that it is here on this mountain, so where is it?"

As the two of them looked around for anything out of the ordinary, Tempest spotted something shining in the snow. Tempest brushed the snow away and saw a rock with a picture of the sun on top of it.

"Hmm, a sun. What could it-"

Tempest pressed her hoof against the rock and felt as it pushed down a little bit more into the ground. At that moment, everything started to rumble and Chrysalis heard the sound of rocks falling too.

In the middle of the snow covered rock, two large slabs of stone opened up and a platform rose up from the opening. On the platform was a pedestal with a cage sitting on it and inside of the cage was a glowing yellow gem in the shape of the sun.

"That's it! Another Essence of Emotion... the Essence of Happiness."

Chrysalis walked towards the cage as Tempest thought about what to do, but before she could even finish her thought, Tempest watched as she saw Chrysalis lift the cage and blast it apart with her magic.

"NO!! Chrysalis, don't touch it!"

Ignoring what Tempest said, Chrysalis picked up the Essence of Happiness and looked at it as she held it in her hooves.

"Three more..."

Tempest face-hoofed herself in disbelief and shook her head as she saw Chrysalis hold the Essence in her hooves and put it in her satchel. Just then a massive roar sounded as the entire mountain started to shake violently, but Tempest only sighed at what was happening.

"I knew it... I knew it. AM I THE ONLY SANE PONY RIGHT NOW?!!"

Chrysalis ran to the edge of the mountain and looked at the very peak of the mountain to see the rocks starting to crumble and a large wave of white snow heading rapidly towards the both of them.

"Tempest, you can chew me out later, but we have to get off of this mountain right now. Oh, what do we do? What do we do?"

Tempest saw as the snow wave was coming closer, but she looked as Chrysalis had her back to her and then she looked over the edge of the mountain to see how smooth the path down the side was. Tempest smiled a little as she thought of the plan she had in mind.

"Forgive me for this, Chrysalis..."

"What? What are you-"

Suddenly, Tempest kicked Chrysalis over the edge and sent her flying into the air. Chrysalis flailed her hooves as she screamed and she then landed in the snow on her stomach with her hooves stretched out as she slid down the mountain.

Chrysalis got a face full of snow and started spitting out snow, but groaned in pain when she felt something heavy on her back. Tempest stood as still as statue on Chrysalis' back but looked behind her as the snow wave was still hot on their trail.

"Hold on Chrysalis!"

"H-Hold on?! To what?!"

Tempest launched a spell at the ground and created a solid ramp with her magic. Chrysalis screamed as she launched off of the ramp and found herself in mid air again. As Chrysalis screamed, Tempest launched another spell and it sent them both backwards until they landed on top of the snow wave.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Chrysalis barked as she continued sliding down the mountain.

"Riding the snow down! We're almost there!"

Close to the mountain, Lee was sitting by a campfire as he thought everything that he had been through with Tempest. Lee sighed as he thought about Tempest and looked at the skies.

"Tempest can take care of herself... I need to stop worrying so much about her. Besides, how can she possibly do anything more crazy than what we've already done?"

Just then, Lee felt rumbling all around him and he looked up at the mountain to see a huge wave of snow heading down the mountain.

"Oh no, Tempest! Chrysalis!"

Lee was about to head back up the mountain, but he looked at the snow wave and saw something very strange on top of it. Lee looked in absolute surprise when he saw Tempest surfing on top of Chrysalis and he could hear Chrysalis screaming for the ride to stop too.

"Uhh... am I seeing things?"

The wave of snow then impacted the ground and Lee flew into the air to avoid getting swept away by the snow, but he saw Tempest and Chrysalis still riding the snow. When the snow finally stopped moving, Lee smiled happily as he flew back down to Tempest.

Tempest finally got off of Chrysalis' back and Chrysalis only remained where she was as she groaned in pain. Lee landed next to Tempest and the two of them embraced as Lee laughed too.

"Tempest... I gotta say, I've never seen you do something so awesome before! Very stylish exit right there!"

Chrysalis groaned again as she kept her face in the snow.

"And I've never been so humiliated..."

A/N: Another chapter done and I wanted to add a bit of humor to this chapter too. Hope everyone enjoys it!

Edited by DivineDivine1000
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4 hours ago, DivineDivine1000 said:

Tempest laughed nervously but Chrysalis only shook her head at the two lovebirds before her.

It is funny to see Chrysalis annoyed by the love she usually feeds on. ^_^ And I could NOT read that part where Tempest snowboarded on Chrysalis down the mountain without thinking of Crash Twinsanity, that was too good. :laugh:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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1 minute ago, CloudMistDragon said:

It is funny to see Chrysalis annoyed by the love she usually feeds on. ^_^ And I could NOT read that part where Tempest snowboarded on Chrysalis down the mountain without thinking of Crash Twinsanity, that was too good. :laugh:

I'll admit that I was inspired by that part in Twinsanity! But did you ever think something like that would be in this story?

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52 minutes ago, DivineDivine1000 said:

I'll admit that I was inspired by that part in Twinsanity! But did you ever think something like that would be in this story?

Can't say I did, I really did like your ingenuity! :kirin:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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3 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Can't say I did, I really did like your ingenuity! :kirin:

I wanted this chapter to be more humorous! Tempest and Chrysalis play well off of each other don’t they?

And having Tempest yell and ask if she’s the only sane pony at the moment too! :ButtercupLaugh:

Edited by DivineDivine1000
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