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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 9


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Chapter 9: True in Heart

Back out on the road, Chrysalis was thinking to herself as she kept her eyes fully on the map of Equestria. She told herself that she didn't want to speak to Lee or Tempest right now because of what had happened on the mountain and decided to just keep to herself for the moment.

"Lee... we need to talk."

Lee looked back at Tempest and she brought him behind a tree to talk with him in private. Tempest had a very concerned look as she looked at Chrysalis, but Lee already knew what this discussion was about.

"About Chrysalis? Look, I know what she did on the mountain was out of line, but she was just... being careless you know?"

"Out of line? Lee, she could have gotten all of us hurt! That way more than out of line, don't you think?"

"Look, we've only have three more of these Essences to find. Soon as we find them, we take them to Celestia and Luna, forget about Chrysalis and move on with our lives."

Tempest sighed at Lee's words, but kissed him on the cheek quickly and smiled at him.

"Fine. We'll go along with her until we find the Essences, but if she gets 'out of line' again, all bets are off then..."

Lee and Tempest then caught back up with Chrysalis, but she only glanced at them for a moment before focusing on the map again.

"Guys, the next Essence is close. According to the book, there is a vast ocean known as the Sea of Hearts, so named because 'love is as endless and never ending as the ocean waves' and because the sea itself is in the shape of a heart.

"Hmm, well I can't say I disagree with that quote."

Lee wrapped his hooves around Tempest and she laughed a little before she quickly removed his hooves.

"Yeah, of course you wouldn't... Anyway, it says that there's supposed to be a temple out on the water and it houses the Essence of Love."

Just then, the three ponies looked to the skies and saw dark storm clouds gathering around and the rumbling of thunder sounded all around them. Chrysalis then rushed ahead and made her ways through the trees until she came to a cliff that overlooked the view below.

Lee and Tempest caught up with Chrysalis and looked at what Chrysalis was looking at: a vast and beautiful sea of water that was indeed shaped like a heart and the water itself seemed to span for miles. 

"Wow! That's so beautiful isn't it? I don't think I've seen anything like this before..."

Tempest stared in awe alongside Lee and took in the view for another minute before realizing that Chrysalis was already gone down the cliff.

"Ugh, doesn't she know how to wait? Come on, Lee!"

The two of them then slid down the cliff to reach the seaside and Tempest landed perfectly on her feet while Lee lost his balance, making him roll down the cliffside and get a face full of sand too. Tempest went over to him and laughed again at Lee's blunder, but still helped him up and used her magic to remove all of the sand from Lee's face.

Chrysalis looked out to the water and looked around for the temple that was shown on the map, but didn't see anything of interest anywhere on the surface.

"Argh, this makes no sense!"

Lee and Tempest walked over to Chrysalis to see what she was complaining about and Tempest looked at the map.

"The map says that there's supposed to be a temple here, but I don't see anything! What's going on?"

Tempest looked closer at the temple on the map and noticed the shape of a heart outlining the edges of the water. Tempest looked the skies and scratched her chin as she thought of an idea.

"Lee, fly up above the water and see what you can find. There's more to this, I just know it."

Lee nodded in agreement with Tempest's words and took off towards the clouds. Lee then looked down upon the water and saw the same heart shape and another heart layered underneath the water. Within the two hearts, Lee could make out a few ruins that poked up from beneath the waves.

"There is... something down there. Beneath the water..."

Once Lee confirmed what he saw, he flew back down to Tempest and Chrysalis and looked out at the water again.

"Well, did you find anything?" Tempest asked.

"Yeah, I saw some ruins and well... they're kinda underwater too."

Chrysalis gasped at this knowledge and started pacing around the beach, trying to figure out a plan.

"Underwater? Seriously? Ugh, I do not enjoy being underwater! What do we do?"

As Lee and Chrysalis conversed, Tempest looked towards the water and she remembered a spell that she learned from some special friends a few years ago. Tempest closed her eyes and lit up her horn as she thought about the spell in her head.

"Lee... Lee come over here!"

Tempest beckoned towards Lee and he quickly went over to her, but soon took his hoof and brought him towards the water. The two of them stood in the water together and Lee could feel the chill of the water hitting his hooves.

"Tempest, what are you doing?"

Just then, Tempest shushed Lee with her hoof and held Lee's hoof as she focused on her magic again. A blue arch of magic then surrounded the two of them and the magic began to swirl all around them, but Lee only closed his eyes and waited for Tempest to be done.

Once Lee opened his eyes, the first thing that he realized was that he was underwater and frantically held his breath. After a moment, Lee realized that he wasn't losing air and breathed out again.

"Wait, what? What's going on?"

Lee then moved around and felt that something was very different about him. Lee looked around him and saw a pair of fins sprouting from where his hind legs were, but this revelation only made him scream.

"W-What in the world?! Where's the rest of my body?"

Tempest swam over to Lee to calm him down, but he jumped back when he saw that Tempest had the same figure as him too.

"Tempest, what did you do? What is this?"

Lee watched as Tempest swam around him, twisting and turning in every direction. Tempest felt a little giddy at the swimming and Lee decided to join her, but had a hard time swimming like Tempest was.

"Just a little magic I learned from my friends at Seaquestria. Queen Novo taught me this spell so I could transform into a seapony, but I never had to use it until now."

"Seapony? Really? Wow, this is... pretty awesome!"

After a while, Lee finally got the hang of the swimming and started twisting all around Tempest. Tempest smiled happily at seeing Lee swim about, but soon grabbed his hooves and took him towards the surface of the water.

Chrysalis stood at the edge of the water and waited for Lee and Tempest to come back, but quickly jumped back when she saw Lee and Tempest emerge from the water in front of her face.

"Gah! What happened to you two? Tempest cast that spell and the two of you just disappeared..."

Lee and Tempest then explained the spell that Tempest cast and about them being seaponies now. Chrysalis only looked at the two of them with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Right... Yeah, okay. Let's go with that..."

"This spell only lasts for an hour though, so me and Lee need to get going if we're gonna find that Essence."

"I'll just wait here for you two then. Just please make it quick!"

Tempest nodded to Chrysalis and beckoned towards Lee for him to follow her back under the surface of the water.

As the two of them swam towards the ruins ahead of them, Tempest stayed in the lead and Lee looked around for anything suspicious. Lee then saw a huge structure with a spire on top of it and saw what looked like a heart emblazoned on the spire.

"Tempest, over here! I think I found something..."

Tempest followed Lee over to the large structure and Lee started looking around the structure. In front of the structure was a door that had paintings around it and a few words carved into the stone too.

"Huh, what's this?"

The pictures showed two ponies together and a large heart over the both of them. More pictures showed the affection between the two ponies and then Tempest examined the writing underneath the pictures.

"Only true love, true in heart, mind, body and soul will open the way..."

Beneath the writing, Tempest saw two small holes that perfectly fit her hoof and the stone was pushed back. Tempest looked over to the other hole and noticed the picture of a pony directly above it.

"True love... Lee, can you come over here?"

Lee went over to Tempest and saw the same writing and pictures over the door. Tempest explained what she saw to Lee and then he heard the words about true love.

"Only true love, you say? Tempest, do you think that we're... worthy of that?"

Tempest smiled and scoffed a little at Lee's words and kissed him on his cheek.

"There isn't a doubt in my mind. I love you... and I always will."

"Tempest... y-you really are the greatest thing that has happened to me, you know? I love you Tempest and nothing will ever take that away from me.

"Then... take my hoof and let's finish this."

Lee took Tempest's hoof and they both stood next to each other as they put their hooves into the slots at the same time. Just then, a huge rumble shook everything around them and Lee looked at the door to see a beam of light shoot out of it.

The beam of light then split into two and struck Lee and Tempest in the chest, but they both felt nothing as it hit them. After another moment, the light rebounded towards the door and the light made the door before them open slowly.

"Haha, we did it! I knew we would do it!"

Tempest embraced Lee once more and was prepared to kiss him before she looked around the area.

"Huh? Hey, what are you doing Tempest?"

"Oh, just making sure nopony is watching..."

"What are you-"

Lee was interrupted by Tempest kissing him multiple times, repeatedly and repeatedly. Tempest giggled slightly as she continued and then brushed Lee's face with her fins before swimming upside down to give Lee upside down kisses.

"T-Tempest... Oh Tempest."

Tempest then brought herself directly in front of Lee and the two of them simply stared into each other's eyes. Lee looked into Tempest's teal colored eyes as Tempest looked into Lee's emerald colored eyes and they both smiled.

"Is this... what true love is? I like it... I really like it."

"No, my love. This love right here... is all our own. Nopony knows this love like you and I and our love will conquer all obstacles. I am your shield, Lee..."

"And I am your sword..."

Lee and Tempest then kissed passionately for a few seconds before they finally turned their attention back to the task at hand.

"Let's just get Essence and get out of here. We don't have much longer before we revert back to normal."

Tempest went into the structure and Lee followed close behind her. Inside the structure was a couple of murals depicting the same two ponies as the ones on the front door. The murals showed how they met, how they became friends, how they fell in love with each other, marrying each other and finally having a family.

"What a lovely story."

But as Lee continued looking at the murals, one of them showed the two ponies creating the Essence of Love and locking it away too. Just beside that mural was one final mural that depicted the both of them embracing each other and they both had angels wings and halos over their heads.

"No matter what... they remained together."

Lee reflected on these murals for a moment and thought about Tempest before Tempest called to him and he saw her in the middle of the room. Before the two of them was two statues in the shape of the two lover ponies and inside of their hooves was a pink glowing gemstone in the shape of a heart, but they both recognized it as the Essence of Love.

Tempest looked at the Essence and sighed as she looked back at Lee.

"Found another one... Well, I'm already expecting a trap, so just go ahead and grab it."

"R-really? You sure?"

With Tempest's blessing, Lee nodded in approval to her words and grabbed the Essence of Love. Once he had it, Lee looked around frantically but both him and Tempest were surprised when nothing had happened.

"Well... that's unexpected. Why did nothing happen?"

"I don't know. Maybe we already proved ourselves by just getting in here. In any case, let's get back to the surface before my spell runs out."

Lee and Tempest then left the structure with the Essence in hand and made their way back to the surface.


A/N: It is finished everyone and about time too. Hope everyone enjoys this one because the next one will be a doozy.

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Love how we went from horror in Chapter 7, to comedy in Chapter 8, to romance here! ^_^ That was really sweet at the end, how there was no trap because they make such a great Romeo and Juliet like the ones before them! :fluttershy:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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29 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Love how we went from horror in Chapter 7, to comedy in Chapter 8, to romance here! ^_^ That was really sweet at the end, how there was no trap because they make such a great Romeo and Juliet like the ones before them! :fluttershy:

What do you think of them turning into seaponies?

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