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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 10


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Chapter 10: Fury Awakens

Beneath the waves, Lee and Tempest were making their way back to surface, but Tempest told Lee that they only had five minutes before her seapony spell wore off. Lee nodded to her in acknowledgment and looked at the Essence of Love in his hooves, making sure that it didn't go anywhere.

"Only two more of these things... I just wanna find the rest and go home with Tempest."

Home? You have no home... Everything you touch ends up destroyed.

Lee immediately stopped swimming as he heard this very sinister voice inside of his head. The voice then started to laugh and Lee held his head for a moment before looking around at his surroundings for the source of the voice.

"W-Who said that?"

Just then, Lee's ears were assaulted by a sharp ringing all around him. Lee held his ears to make the noise stop, but he failed to realize that he had dropped the Essence of Love in the process.

"ARGH!!! Make it stop.... MAKE IT STOP!!!"

After another minute of ringing, the noise suddenly stopped and Lee opened his eyes as he breathed heavily. All the noise in Lee's head gave him a headache, but he still shook his head in an effort to get rid of the headache.

Lee then gasped when he realized that the Essence of Love wasn't in his possession anymore and frantically looked around for it. Lee swam back down to the sea floor and saw the Essence glowing through the coral and seaweed.

"There it is. Just gotta grab it and get back to Tempest."

Before he could pick the Essence up however, Lee heard the same voice again and felt his hoof pull back violently.

Tempest? Her name is Tempest? Such a... tempestuous sounding name, don't you think? Can you really trust her?

"W-Who is that? SHOW YOURSELF!!!"

The voice laughed again and start mocking Lee, but Lee started looking around again for where the voice was coming from.

Oh, in due time. But I'm not done playing with you just yet... Soon, very soon there will be... a reckoning. For now though, you might want to go and help your... friends.

Just then, everything around started shaking and the sea floor started to crack and fall apart. Lee looked in horror as a school of fish was dragged underneath where the cracks were forming and they instantly vanished.

"Gotta get back, gotta get back now!"

Lee grabbed the Essence with his mouth to prevent him from dropping it again and quickly started swimming back up towards the surface. As Lee was getting close to the surface however, he noticed that his fins suddenly vanished and his pony legs returned.

"No no no, not now! I'm almost there!"

As he looked towards the surface of the water, Lee tried swimming with his wings, but he still wasn't going very fast at all. Just then, Lee felt his breath starting to give out and water started filling his lungs.

"Almost there... Almost..."

Suddenly, Lee's sight started to fade and his breath was getting faint. Lee then felt numb all over and lost consciousness before everything turned black.

Back on the surface, Tempest exited the water just as her seapony fins turned back into her back hooves and she shook herself to get all of the water off of her fur. Just then however, Chrysalis quickly ran over to Tempest and shouted her name.

"Tempest!! Tempest, behind you!!"

Tempest was confused about what Chrysalis was going on about, but she soon looked behind her and a loud roar of thunder sounded as she saw a very peculiar sight: dotted all across the surface of the water was a series of large waterspouts pouring down from the stormy skies above.

"W-What? How did this happen?"

"I don't know! All was calm a minute ago and suddenly... all of this happened! We have to get out of here now!"

Chrysalis ran from the shore and made her way to the trees, but Tempest looked at the storm before her in shock at seeing such a horrific storm. Tempest was prepared to leave with Chrysalis, but she shouted for Lee and she only heard the sound of the storm instead.

"Lee? Lee, where are you?!"

As Tempest looked around for Lee, Chrysalis shouted towards Tempest again and Tempest saw her on top a tree behind her. Chrysalis pointed towards the stormy sea and Tempest saw an unconscious figure way off in the distance, surrounded by the waterspouts. 

Once she realized who it was, Tempest gasped and ran towards the edge of the water.

"Lee... LEE!!! NO NO NOOO!!!"

Tempest ran and dived into the water, swimming with all of her might to reach Lee. As she got closer to Lee however, the water all around Tempest was being pulled away and sucked up into the waterspouts all around her.

"Almost there... Almost."

Just as Tempest reached Lee, she reached a hoof out for him, but he was suddenly pulled away by the water being sucked up and he was slowly being lifted into the waterspout.

"NO! You won't stop me!!!"

Tempest lit up her horn and unleashed a huge spell on the waterspout before her. The waterspout dissolved and loads of water all fell back down at once, with Lee falling along with it.

"Gotta catch him!"

As Lee fell, Tempest lifted herself into the air with her magic and propelled herself towards Lee. Tempest held her hooves out to make sure she could catch Lee, but just as she reached him, a huge bolt of lightning struck right next to the two of them and they were both blown away from each other.

Tempest watched in horror as Lee was slammed hard against the nearby trees and then rolled down the hill until he laid face down in the sand. Tempest then hit the water and felt herself skipping across the surface a few times before going under.

Chrysalis witnessed all that was happening and quickly made her way over to Lee when she saw him land.

"Lee! Hold on, I'm coming!"

Chrysalis reached Lee and knelt down next to him to try and wake him up, but he only remained motionless now.

"Lee... Lee, come on wake up!"

As Chrysalis continued trying to wake Lee, another roar of thunder sounded nearby and Chrysalis felt a very strong wind all around her. Chrysalis looked towards the water and gasped when all she could see was a huge waterspout that was sucking in water, trees and parts of the ground.

"Argh! It just won't end!"

The wind all around then started hitting Chrysalis and she gasped again when she saw Lee starting to be lifted off of the ground. Chrysalis quickly tackled him to keep him planted on the ground, but she soon felt herself being lifted up too.

"Gotta... keep... on the ground!"

Chrysalis grabbed Lee and slowly went over to a nearby tree and tried holding on for dear life. Just then, a huge gust of wind bombarded the tree and it was uprooted from the ground, which brought both Chrysalis and Lee along with it.

"Not good! Not good at all!!"

Below the surface of the water, Tempest finally regained consciousness and opened her eyes before realizing what was happening. Tempest quickly made her way back up to the surface and was greeted by an unrelenting wind and a huge waterspout before her.

"Oh my... goodness."

Tempest then heard screaming nearby and looked to the skies to see a tree getting sucked into the vortex. On top of the tree was Chrysalis and Lee, but Tempest saw that he was still unconscious.

As Tempest saw this, she felt a burning rage build up inside of her and felt her entire body shake with fury. As her fury swelled inside of her, Tempest's horn started glowing brightly and her eyes were covered in a blue light.

"NOOOOOO!!!! You will not... TAKE THEM!!!!"

An aura of lightning surged across Tempest's body and she then made herself rise from the water before she was floating in the air with her magic.


Tempest screamed to the heavens as a beam of magic erupted from her horn and hit the waterspout. Tempest flew into the cyclone and found herself at the eye of the vortex, with wind and trees swirling all around her.

"No storm will ever best me! You will not hurt my friends!!!"

As the wind continued on, Tempest cast another huge spell and made her way all around the vortex to make sure that it was effective against her magic. Once Tempest finished, the waterspout spun out of control until it started collapsing in on itself.

Once the waterspout collapsed, everything caught inside was blown away as a bright flash of blue covered the entire area. The tree that Chrysalis and Lee were on landed in a nearby clearing and Chrysalis sighed in relief as she pulled Lee off of the tree.

Tempest landed on the ground and watched everything caught in the vortex land all around her. As she watched, a huge tree right next to Tempest, but she only smiled in triumph for her success and brushed herself off.

She let out a huge sigh of relief before she gasped and remembered what had happened to Lee and ran into the woods.

"Lee... Lee! LEE!!!"

Chrysalis laid against the tree as she tried to relax for a second, but she kept Lee close by in case he woke up. She held the Essence of Love in her hooves and stared at it for a moment before putting in Lee's satchel. Just then, Chrysalis heard Tempest yelling for her and Lee and Chrysalis yelled to get her attention.

Tempest saw Lee and Chrysalis and quickly went over to the two of them. She saw that Lee was still unconscious and knelt down beside him, repeatedly saying his name.

"I-Is he... okay?"

Lee still was motionless to Tempest's touch, but Tempest only got incredibly worried now.

“Lee? Lee, come on… You’re okay, I know that you are.”

As Chrysalis watched the two of them in concern, Tempest put her ear against his torso and gasped when she realized that he wasn’t breathing.

“H-He’s not breathing… HE’S NOT BREATHING!!!”

Tempest quickly put her hooves against Lee’s torso and pushed against it to get all the water out of his stomach. She did this several times before breathing into his mouth to give him breath.

“Come on… COME ON!!! Lee, please wake up… PLEASE!!!”

All was quiet for a moment before Lee finally bolted up and started hacking up water. Lee had a coughing fit as water poured from his lungs, but he soon felt the warmth of Tempest around him.

“T-Tempest… Oh Tempest.”

“You’re okay… you’re okay. Thank heavens that you’re okay.”

Lee let Tempest go and stood up, looking around the trees surrounding him, but all he could think about was the voice that he heard earlier. Lee could still feel the formless whispers in his head and clenched his head, repeatedly asking for the noise to stop in his head.

"Argh... My head..."

Tempest placed her hooves around Lee's face, but he gasped when he saw that Tempest was badly injured all over. Lee frantically looked at Tempest and suddenly had a panic attack over what had happened to her.

S-She's hurt... How did-

You know who did this... 

"Lee? Lee, are you okay? What's wrong?"

As Lee continued to panic and breathe heavily, he looked over at Chrysalis and suddenly felt a wave of anger and rage overtake him. Lee then marched over to Chrysalis with a very angry look and stood face to face with her.

"YOU!!! You got Tempest hurt!!!"

Lee suddenly pushed Chrysalis hard and sent her down to the ground. Chrysalis yelled as she fell down, but she got back up and quickly faced Lee again. Lee only held his head as the pain inside got more intense, but this only made his anger grow.

Chrysalis flew up into the air and charged at Lee to try and stop him, but he only jumped into the air and knocked her back down.

"Lee, what in the world do you think you're doing?! Stop this right now!"

Tempest was in shock about what was happening right now, but Lee still went towards Chrysalis with only anger inside of him now.

"You hurt her!!! I never should have trusted you!!! You'll get both of us killed!!"

Chrysalis gasped as Lee charged at her and sent her crashing into a tree. Tempest ran over to Lee and tried to hold him back from hurting Chrysalis.

"Lee! LEE, stop stop STOP!!!"

Lee pushed Tempest back and he pinned Chrysalis to the tree. Chrysalis looked at him in disbelief for what he had done, but she then saw tears in Lee's eyes. After another moment, Lee realized Chrysalis and glared at her before quickly marched over to his satchel.

"Lee, what's gotten-"

As Tempest watched Lee walk past her without a word, Lee picked up his satchel full of the Essences of Emotion and threw them at Chrysalis.

"You take them... You take them and you find the rest of them on your own. That's all you care about... I'm done with you!"

Chrysalis looked at the Essences before looking back at Lee in shock. She had never seen Lee be so angry before and this only made her more concerned about him.



There was only silence as Lee only glared at Chrysalis in anger and Chrysalis soon went from concern to anger herself. She then strapped the satchel to her torso and turned away from Lee.


Tempest walked as Chrysalis walked away and shouted for her to come back, but she didn't listen to a word she said. Tempest held her head as a swirl of emotions swirled in her mind: confusion, shock, disbelief and lastly, anger at what Lee just did.


As Tempest turned around to face Lee, she realized that he was only gone and saw him walking off on his own. Lee held his head low as all he could hear in his head now was the never ending whispers.

Well done... Lee.

A/N: This is quite the meaty chapter, but so much has happened now. Where do we go from here? You will see...

  • Brohoof 1
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This was certainly a tempestuous chapter! :Tempest: Lee was such a bro, almost dying trying to get the Essence, and then Tempest turned into THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING (kudos if you get the reference), and then Lee just starts ripping and tearing into Chrysalis, who's so freaked out, she doesn't even try to explain her side of the story! :sealed: Pretty epic as always, even though it sucks that Lee's going to be at fault for a lot of turmoil in the future now. :mlp_icwudt:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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8 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

This was certainly a tempestuous chapter! :Tempest: Lee was such a bro, almost dying trying to get the Essence, and then Tempest turned into THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING (kudos if you get the reference), and then Lee just starts ripping and tearing into Chrysalis, who's so freaked out, she doesn't even try to explain her side of the story! :sealed: Pretty epic as always, even though it sucks that Lee's going to be at fault for a lot of turmoil in the future now. :mlp_icwudt:

Lee's anger is due to the "voice" he's been hearing... And Lee's actions here will only make worse between him and Tempest.

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