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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 12


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Chapter 12: Queen of Destiny

Chrysalis was walking along the road as she looked at the skies above and thought about everything that had happened recently. It had been a few hours since the falling out between Lee and Chrysalis, but the thought of Lee's actions were still fresh in Chrysalis' mind.

"I just don't understand it... I know I haven't known Lee that long, but all of that just seemed so out of nowhere. Hmm, hopefully Tempest can help get his mind right, but for now, I need to just find these last two Essences."

As she consulted the map of Equestria, Chrysalis saw that she was close to a desert circled on the map and the map also showed a lone tower in the middle of the desert, which was where Chrysalis assumed that the next Essence was.

"Desert of Desolation? What's with all the dramatic names for these places? Anyway, I should get a better look at this desert."

Chrysalis took off from the ground and flew high up into the skies to get a better look at the surrounding area. As she looked around, Chrysalis looked off into the distance to see a huge sandstorm spiraling, which covered the sandy landscape ahead.

"There's the desert, but that sandstorm is going to make it hard to navigate the desert. I gotta think this through..."

The wind only picked up in speed as Chrysalis flew towards the sandstorm, but she put her cloak over her mouth to keep her from breathing in the dirt and dust flying all around her. As Chrysalis continued flying, she started losing her bearings and she suddenly felt like she was flying in circles.

"Argh! I can't see anything... I gotta do something!"

Just then, Chrysalis launched a spell from her horn to try and dispel the sandstorm, but the magic simply dissolved as it hit the swirling vortex of sand. Chrysalis groaned at this, but she remained resilient and tried once more with even more magical strength this time.

"Come on! I can do this!"

A huge burst of green magic erupted from Chrysalis' horn this time and the magic enveloped the sandstorm and the surrounding area in a green light. As the green light vanished, the sandstorm slowly disappeared and the clouds above started to part.

As the air cleared up, Chrysalis looked in awe at the vast and expansive desert before her. Miles upon miles of sand and dunes stretched ever onwards and Chrysalis sighed as she looked at the endless sand.

"Nothing will phase me, not these forces of nature and neither will this desert. I'll find these last two Essences and then... then I find Malice and end this once and for all..."

Chrysalis nodded to her own words and smiled in triumph as she continued flying over the desert.

A few hours had passed by and Chrysalis was beginning to lose the strength to fly as she started sweating immensely and breathing heavily from the lack of water. Chrysalis began to dip back down to the ground every now and then, but she managed to keep herself afloat still.

"Gotta keep... going. I have to keep going..."

Chrysalis closed her eyes for a second to catch her breath and wipe away the sweat from her forehead, but the moment she opened her eyes again, Chrysalis saw herself hurling quickly towards a sand dune.

"Ahh!! No no no!!"

Just then, Chrysalis impacted the sand with a huge bang and she left an imprint of her figure in the sand. Chrysalis popped her head up from the sand and started spitting out sand as she also cleared the sand from her eyes.

"Argh!! I hate sand!!" Chrysalis yelled.

A huge groan came from Chrysalis as she got up out of the sand and started kicking it everywhere. After she finally calmed down, Chrysalis tried to lift off from the ground again, but she had no more strength to fly anymore and crashed to the ground once more.

"No... Why now? How am I supposed to get anywhere now?"

Chrysalis ran to the top of the largest dune around her and looked out upon the still neverending sand. The tower that was marked on the map was nowhere in sight and Chrysalis could only scream at this revelation.

"ARGH!!! Why does this have to be so difficult?! There is nothing here but sand and sand and... more sand!!"

As she continued looking at the barren wasteland, Chrysalis suddenly felt a sense of dread and hopelessness overcome her, mixed in with the lack of hydration too. Chrysalis put her hooves over her head as she tried fighting off the nameless fears in her head.

"Can I do this? C-Can I? I don't... I don't know. What do I do?"

Just then, the sandstorm from before returned and a huge blast of wind mixed with the sand covered the entire area and Chrysalis covered herself with her cloak, but she could barely see anything around her now.

As the storm raged on, Chrysalis suddenly heard the sound of something saying her name and she frantically looked around for the source of the voice. Chrysalis looked off in the distance and saw the faint image of a dark figure with glowing green eyes in the storm, but Chrysalis gasped when she realized who it was.

"I-Is that... one of my Changelings? No, it can't be..."

Chrysalis yelled at the changeling and quickly went after him, but the changeling suddenly turned away and started running from Chrysalis. She saw this and looked at the changeling in disbelief, not knowing why this changeling was running from her.

"W-Where are you going? Come to your Queen at once!"

The storm continued on as Chrysalis ran after the changeling and the visibility was still dreadful, but she suddenly heard the changeling speak to her as he laughed at her too.

"Queen? Your hive is gone! You are no Queen anymore!"

"How dare you speak to me like that? I am still your Queen!"

The changeling suddenly stopped to face Chrysalis and she simply stood there in shock at what this changeling was saying to her. The changeling only laughed again as he looked at Chrysalis.

"You are a Queen of nothing! Queen of solitude who lives in a castle of emptiness and the only subjects you have are the hollow shells of your mistakes!"

Chrysalis covered her ears as the changeling continued berating her and she fell to her knees as she told the changeling to stop.

"S-stop... please just stop!"

"Queen of nothing! Queen of nothing! You have no heart, no hope and no love and you... you are nothing to anypony! You deserve only loneliness and you will always be alone for the rest of your life!”


Chrysalis suddenly charged her horn and blasted the changeling with her magic, which pushed him away hard, only for the changeling to fall to the ground and groan in pain. Chrysalis gasped at what she did and ran over to the injured changeling.

"I-I am sorry... I didn't mean-"

"But you did! You did this... and you are the reason that you have no hive anymore. Don't you see? All you do... is cause pain and suffering to all you come across."

The changeling then grabbed Chrysalis by her hoof and pulled her down to make her face him. The changeling then laughed as Chrysalis looked into his eyes with only the hopelessness remaining in her heart now.

"Queen. Of. Nothing."

Chrysalis closed her eyes and ran her hooves against her face to try and get her mind right. Chrysalis shook her head in denial to the changeling's words and started mumbling to herself.

"No... NO NO NO!!! This isn't real, YOU are not real! This is just... just in my head!"

Once she opened her eyes, Chrysalis saw that the changeling had vanished and she was left by herself once more.

As Chrysalis looked around for the changeling, she only heard the sound of the wind and she began breathing heavily again as she stood thinking to herself. Chrysalis felt a few tears in her eyes as she thought about everything she had done and what the changeling had said.

"I don't want to be alone! I can't be without my people... T-They are all that I have and I... I don't want to be alone!"

All Chrysalis had known throughout her life was being the leader of a hive and surrounded by those who shared her visions, but now all she had was the loneliness of being without her hive and pain of losing them.

"Do I... deserve this? After everything I have done? Do I only deserve pain and loneliness and misery? Perhaps I do..."

Chrysalis looked around at the lonesome desert and ran her hooves through the sand, watching the sand fall from her hooves so slowly and she only thought about her own reputation now.

"Who am I... WHAT am I if I am not Queen? Am I just... Chrysalis?"

The sand in Chrysalis' hooves blew away with the wind and Chrysalis paused for a moment as she looked off into the horizon. Just then, Chrysalis gasped at the words she has just said and felt herself smile a bit.

"Yes... yes! That is exactly who I am! I am Chrysalis and I... I am the Queen of my own destiny and I will let nopony or changeling keep me from my purpose! The only purpose I can possibly have now... is to destroy The Spirit of Malice and make sure he brings no harm to anymore innocent lives!"

Chrysalis smiled in triumph to what she said and looked up towards the sky as she shouted out loud:

"I am Queen Chrysalis, the Queen of Destiny!! THIS IS WHO I AM!!!"

Suddenly, the ground started shaking and Chrysalis saw the sandstorm suddenly vanish and all was clear again. Chrysalis looked off into the distance and saw a bright beam of light shoot straight up into the sky. The ground then suddenly started to break apart where the light was shining from and a huge structure rose from the fissure.

The structure rose up high into the sky and once it had stopped moving, a huge door opened at the base. Chrysalis pulled out the map and lined up the tower on the map with the structure before her.

"T-That's it... That's the tower! The Essence of Emotion is in there..."

Chrysalis approached the tower and looked at the open door ahead of her. Beside the door was a message carved into the stone and Chrysalis examined it carefully.

"Overcome the fear in your heart and it will lead you to peace..."

The wind started picking up behind Chrysalis again, but she quickly ran inside the tower to finally get out of the heat and sand. Once she entered, Chrysalis looked around at her surroundings and noticed how ancient everything was.

A few points of interest included more faded carvings along the walls, broken statues of ancient looking ponies and nothing but cobwebs and dust in between. Chrysalis looked to the right and saw a spiral staircase winding around the tower and she quickly went towards it.

"How old is this place? I've never seen anything like this before..."

As Chrysalis walked up the staircase, she looked at the walls and saw a few more carvings and broken stained glass windows. On the stained glass was pictures of the ancient ponies and it showed what these ponies did way back then.

"Equestria is older than I thought!"

After a few more minutes, Chrysalis finally reached the top of the stairs and came to an empty room with nothing but some broken pots and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Chrysalis looked around in suspicion at first, but she did not see anything of interest.

"What is this? Where is the Essence?"

Chrysalis took a few steps towards the center of the room, but she then felt her hoof press down on a stone beneath her and she quickly backed away. Suddenly, the entire room started shaking and Chrysalis saw that the ceiling above was starting to fall apart too.

A huge chunk of ceiling fell next to Chrysalis but she quickly moved out of the way and she continued dodging the falling ceiling above her. One more section of roof fell in the center of the room and Chrysalis noticed that the impact revealed something shining beneath the floor.

Once the shaking finally stopped, Chrysalis went over to the broken floor and pulled up the planks with her magic. Underneath the planks was a small chest that had a bright green glow emanating from the chest.

Chrysalis slowly opened the chest and saw the green moon shaped gemstone within and smiled as she looked at it.

"I found it... I FOUND IT!!!"

Suddenly however, everything around Chrysalis started shaking again and saw that the floor beneath her was starting to collapse now. Chrysalis looked up at the open roof and quickly took off into the skies again just as the room she was in started to cave in on itself.

As she watched the tower crumble into the sand, Chrysalis looked off into the horizon and gasped in surprise when she saw a bunch of green foliage off in the distance.

"Yes, I can finally get out of this desert now... Finally."

Before Chrysalis flew off, she looked at the Essence of Fear in her hooves and examined it carefully. After Chrysalis reassured herself earlier, she now swore that she would find the last Essences and confront Malice when she had them all.

"Just one more... Just one more and Malice will regret the day he crossed Queen Chrysalis!"

Chrysalis looked towards the sky once more with a very triumphant look on her face and she smiled with confidence before she finally flew off towards the forest ahead of her.

"This is who I am... I am the Queen of Destiny!"

A/N: Finally got a new chapter done and this one is all about Chrysalis! Enjoy everyone!

Edited by DivineJoy1000
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3 hours ago, DivineJoy1000 said:

"Who am I... WHAT am I if I am not Queen? Am I just... Chrysalis?"

You can be a queen of sand. :ButtercupLaugh:

Always love it when the villains are put in the spotlight, so I definitely loved this chapter. :fluttershy: Like how a feeling of loneliness is what Chrysalis was tested by, appropriate considering that in the show, it's implied that solitude is driving her crazy. 


Comet meets the original Comet.

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