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private The Key To Trust (1x1 between Courageous Thunder and Dark Horse

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@Dark Horse

The sun was up and Thundy was out for a free flight. Every flight felt more free than before since Thundy's heart had become pure, and Thundy's abilities had skyrocketed. As Thundy flew over Dodge Junction, he felt something...something unstable. At first he thought a villain could be on the rise. However, when he stopped flying and just hovered in place, he focused more on the energy and felt weariness. Thundy slowly descended and landed on the dirt ground. He slowly walked towards what seemed to be a tavern. He looked around...until his eyes focused on a grey griffon. He slowly walked towards the other griffon, hoping he wouldn't startle him. 

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You need to get out of here!

Just go! The Kingdom is lost.

How could it have happened so suddenly...?

Where do I go now?


A flash of white light, and yet another jolt of sharp pain from within the Griffon's head.

Grovus snapped his eyes open, the ducts of his eyes wet from being wound tightly shut. He was used to this feeling. Used to the memories, although he tried his best not to focus on them. During the downtime from jobs, when he found himself simply sitting around waiting too long, his thoughts became lost within his mind again. Sinking back into the past.

He shuddered instinctively, grabbing his strong juice from the table before him and downing a large gulp before trying to ease his muscles, and let out a long, low sigh. He supposed this was just who he was. This was his burden, his weight to bear, and it was on him to not let the memories of the past affect his psyche. He had hoped that after so long the memories would just... vanish. Fade into a dark corner of his mind to bother him no further. He should've guessed it would never be that easy.

It had been a while now since he had last taken a job. He had gotten a few offers, but turned all of them away. Some just didn't interest him. Others, he wasn't quite sure why he turned down. Maybe his mind just wasn't ready. Well... he would need to sort that out soon. Before the thoughts kept coming back.

Grovus looked around the tavern. There were few patrons of interest at this hour. A couple of town drunks, wanderers like him and the odd trader. No one who looked as though they'd be needing his services.

It was then that a new arrival had caught his eye. One that almost caused his breath to catch in his throat. A Griffon! He hadn't expected to run into one here. More important at the moment, the Griffon seemed to have taken an interest in him, and was heading straight for his table.

Grovus tensed and gripped the edge of his table, eyeing the stranger suspiciously.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus was taken aback by how forthcoming this stranger was, as well as just how perceptive he appeared to be. It was not the sort of interaction he would have expected from a fellow Griffon. There was something... different about this one. It made him all the more wary.

"Hmph. Am I that obvious?" Grovus grunted, sitting back slightly but still not letting his guard down. "We're Griffons. We've all lost a little something, "friend". Time has not been kind to us."

He took his drink back in claw and stared into it, as though pondering. "The name's Grovus. Now, is this your attempt at buttering me up for a job? Because I'd rather you just get to the point if so. I have a lot of things on my mind right now."

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@Dark Horse

"Whoa...easy there. I know you're hurting because of the Griffon Kingdom, but you can't let that affect who you are. I sense your heart. It is impure with malice and anger, which is why you reacted the way you did. I can help you overcome that. My name is Thundy." Thundy answered with sincerity, looking into the griffon's eyes. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus wasn't quite sure what to make of this stranger yet. Part of him felt like he was being duped; that this was some kind of confidence trick. On the other claw, there was something... sincere about this Griffon. Something in his eyes that told Grovus he could be trusted. It was a feeling he had not experienced with another in a long time, and it made him curious.

"What are you talking about?" He queried with an accusatory tone. "How can you 'sense my heart', and what do you mean about overcoming it? That has nothing to do with anything."

Grovus lent forward onto the table, his eyes closed as he seemed to revert back into thought. "My feelings... are none of your concern." He said, somberly.

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@Dark Horse

"This is no trick. I sense that the darkness in your heart is causing you to be resistant to what I'm saying, and that is a concern. You're in need of someone to be there for you. You can't live life alone, especially with the hurt you have. I've seen it and I myself have lived it." Thundy responded. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus stared back up towards Thundy with a look of consternation. What the griffon was telling him... was it true? Was something inside of him trying to actively resist his words? Was there a cloud of darkness trying to shut him out and keep him in a state of despair? Grovus suddenly felt conflicted. He wanted to believe Thundy. There was something about what he said that was ringing true, and he could feel it. But it was as though another voice inside was screaming at him, demanding that he not trust anyone. He had always faced his problems alone, why should he want someone else's help now?

And yet...

"Thundy..." Grovus said slowly, trying to find the correct words. "I've been searching for a way forward for a long time. A way toward something better. But I've never been able to discover it. Everything has reached a dead end." He dug his talons into the table quite hard, letting out a low sigh. "If you really have lived it yourself, then tell me: What must I do?"

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@Dark Horse

Thundy rested a talon on Grovious's talon that was digging into the table, and gave it a slow gentle rub. Some small gentle sparks crackled from Thundy's talon causing a tingle. "You must let go...let go of all anger, malice and bitterness you have. Let it go and leave it. What has passed, has passed. This is a burden that must be broken. It starts...here..." Thundy said moving his talon and resting it on Grovous's chest where his heart was. He could feel the instability and darkness in Grovous's heart. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus felt a strange sense of calm and determination from Thundy's touch, as though the energy coming from Thundy's own talon was being channeled through into him. He felt something pierce through deep into his own heart, right where Thundy had shown him. It was only brief, like a flash of lightning that quickly dissipated, but it made Grovus feel more alive than he had ever felt in a long, long time. The Griffon had to catch his breath as the feeling receded, and the weight on his heart reasserted itself. The weight of his darkness...? Could Thundy really help him in overcoming it?

"I... I'm not sure what to do..." He finally admitted. "How can I let go of these feelings? It's all I've known for years. It's been who I am. Can I really just change so suddenly? I fear that would take a long time."

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@Dark Horse

“It is all up to you. You must face your old self head on and defeat it. Your old self wants to hold on to these feelings because it thinks it’s right. But it’ll continue to drag you down if you don’t put an end to it.” Thundy explained gently rubbing Grovous’s back, looking into his eyes with a look of compassion and understanding. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus felt himself start to shake as his mind fixated on the pain and hurt he had been carrying with him all these years. He had spent much of that time trying to ignore or surpress them, and he felt considerable anxiety that they would quickly overwealm him if he tried to own up to them now.

Yet, there was something else that was pushing him forward. A sense of comforting reassurance that seeemed to be radiating from Thundy, which Grovus felt through his determined eyes. It was as though Thundy could see something in him that Grovus couldn't, something that gave him hope.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I... I don't know if I can do that alone." He finally admitted. "It's strange. I believe in what you're saying, but how can I know that I'm strong enough to do this? Can I really defeat... myself? Just look at me now..."

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@Dark Horse

“We can do it…together. Come with me, and I’ll introduce you to some friends of mine who despite their past, they overcame it all. I promise you Grovous, you will feel free when you overcome. I’ll be with you…every step of the way.” Thundy assured, rubbing Grovous lovingly. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus nodded, meeting the Griffon's gaze with a look of strength. "I believe you, Thundy. If this is to be the first step in conquering my demons, ones that have held me down for so long... then I'm glad that I have you on my side." Grovus rose from his table and embraced Thundy in a hug, a rush of renewed vigor filling his body. "Thank you. I'm glad you found me here."

Releasing the tension from his muscles and taking another deep breath and exhale, Grovus shook himself off and asked: "So, where to first?"

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@Courageous Thunder Dash 

"No ordinary griffon, eh?" Grovus chuckled, noting that Thundy himself was a particularly stand-out example of his species. It seemed as though there were others out there whom may yet have chosen a different path. It was an... encouraging thought, if true.

"Thundy.." Grovus asked as they prepared to depart. "These others you have mentioned... what sort of pasts did they have? Was it easy for them to let go of it? Everyone is different, after all, and maybe I'm not going to be the same. I've spent a long time trying to ignore these feelings."

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@Dark Horse

"You'll find out when you meet Chelsea. My other friend Nitro Spark has it a little worse than Chelsea to be honest. However, he didn't give up. Chelsea and Nitro Spark may come from different backgrounds and are different species, but they had to overcome some pretty BIG and I mean BIG humps in their life." Thundy said. He gathered some electricity, which caused some sparks to crackle. Suddenly, a candybar appeared in Thundy's left talon. "Want a candybar?" He asked. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus listened intently. It seemed as though he would not be the first whom Thundy had helped like this. Such a seemingly selfless Griffon was quite atypical of his species. Grovus still wasn't quite sure what to make of Thundy, but he felt absolutely sure that he could be trusted.

Of course, that still didn't prepare him for what happened next...

"What the...?!" Grovus exclaimed, double taking as the candy 'cracked' into existence within Thundy's talon. "Uh... umm... thanks?" The griffon gave an uneasy smile as he slowly reached out to take the offered candy, worried that it might shock him. "How.. how did you do that?" He finally found the words.

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@Dark Horse

Thundy had to chuckle at Grovous's reaction. "It's my ability, which came from a freak accident. You see, I actually used to be what is called a human." Thundy stated as he gathered some electricity and made a hologram of a human boy wearing summer clothes appear. He then made it disappear. "However, all of that changed one day when I was on my way home from playing with some friends. It started to storm, and I ended up getting struck by lightning. However, I didn't get hurt. Instead the strike dug deep into my body, supercharging my DNA and cells. My human body couldn't take it, so this is what I became. My parents unfortunately didn't recognize me and almost abandoned me. But that wasn't the end. It took time for me to realize that I'm still the loving Thundy and this is who I am." Thundy explained. He gently put a talon on Grovous's back. "This journey you're starting...look forward to the end. You'll be free...just like me...and who knows, maybe you get something really special too." Thundy said with sincerity to Grovous. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus had to try and comprehend everything Thundy just told him. It all sounded so surreal, like a bedtime story he'd been told as a child. Yet he couldn't help but believe in Thundy's sincerity. He was frankly amazed and in awe.

"Yikes. It... sounds like you've been put through your own challenges too." Grovus admitted. "And this strike of thunder set you on your own path? Similar to what... well, what I guess I'm doing now. Heh... no offense, but I hope that there's no lighting strikes in it for me." He remarked sheepishly.

In spite of all that, he hung on Thundy's last scentence: He would be 'free'. Free of what, he wondered? Free of his burdens? His inner turmoil? It still sounded all so unlikely that he could ever overcome the years of hurt just like that. Still, what had he to lose by trusting in this "human-turned-griffon"? Thundy seemed very confident that he could help Grovus do just that.

"Thundy.. what do you mean by something 'special'? Do you mean having powers like yours? What does that have to do with overcoming my burdens?"

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@Dark Horse

"Yes, see everyone is born with a pure heart, but then, things could happen in life where darkness and anger seep in, causing the heart to become impure, putting a damper on someone's potential. Sadly, some hold on to this anger for their whole life because they feel its justified...never amending fences. That's why it's not worth it to hold on to all that, because in the end, it'll just weigh you down." Thundy explained. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Courageous Thunder Dash

"I see..." Gorvus pondered on Thundy's explanation. A pure heart... could he really have had that once? It was true that Grovus had experienced a lot of pain and hurt after the fall of the Griffon Kingdom. He was reminded of that pain almost every day, and it sometimes felt like a constant cloud of darkness that he could never escape from.

"So what I went through.. it caused my heart to become burdened." Grovus said somberly. He placed a talon to his heart, feeling its rhythmic beat as normal. Maybe it was just his imagination, but he thought it also felt... heavy? Was this a sign of his inner darkness? Did it really hold such a strong grip on his heart?

Suddenly, Grovus felt a flash of extreme anger overcome him. His eyes seemed to flash red with fire momentarily, and he slammed his talon to the ground in frustration. Anger directed towards himself for being so weak. He let out a sharp yell of annoyance and panted heavily toward the ground, trying to collect himself.

"I- I'm sorry..." He stuttered, unable to look at his companion directly. "I don't know why I did that... I just lost composure. It's all a lot to take in..."

The griffon took several deep breaths and tried to stop himself shaking.

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@Dark Horse

At the moment Grovous’s eyes went red, Thundy pressed his talon on Grovous’s chest. Fortunately, it seemed that it went away. Thundy sighed. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” He said rubbing Grovous’s back. “I…was once where you were…” Thundy added, now hugging Grovous close. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Grovus felt himself return to normal. Thundy's presence seemed to help, as though forcing whatever had just tried to overtake him to withdraw. The Griffon took a deep breath and finally looked to Thundy.

"Ugh.. sometimes I just get so angry, it's like I can't control myself." He explained. "That isn't the first time I've almost snapped." He looked somberly back towards the tavern the two had just left. "I've tried to drown it out, ignore it, pretend there's nothing wrong. But I can't run from it, it's like it's always there, waiting. I'm worried that someday I'll end up hurting someone close to me. I... don't want that to happen."

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@Dark Horse

"Don't be afraid...my friend. Fear is what drives the impurity. Fear of not being able to change can turn into anger, and that anger can hurt you and others. I know it's tough Grovous. My friend Chelsea knows, because as I said, she had an absolutely tragic moment in her life..." Thundy stated still holding Grovous close. 

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