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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 13


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Chapter 13: The Evil Within

Lee slowly walked along the road as he hung his head down and looked down at the muddy ground. As the rain poured on Lee's head, all he could think about was the mission given to him by Malice, who only told him to destroy Canterlot.

"D-Destroy Canterlot... Destroy."

As Lee continued repeating these words, he heard Malice laughing in his head and he clutched his head in pain. Just then, Malice seized control of Lee's body and turned his form into the twisted form that Malice cursed him with earlier.

"It feels so good, doesn't it? Having all of this power? You should be thankful for being able to experience it for yourself!"

You are a monster... That's all you are and this is all that I have become now.

"Monster? Hardly! I'm the necessary shock to the system that is this... misguided world. Anger, hatred, rage, jealousy, betrayal... the world thrives on it and there has been many of conflicts that started and ended with these thoughts in mind and I have been there to make sure that things go... according to plan."

So what? You think you save ponies by giving them these horrible things?

"No, I make them see the truth. I give them the truth that they have been blind to their whole lives! Everypony, even the most kind hearted and loving and caring pony has darkness in their hearts and I simply help them unleash their true intentions. Even you..."

You're wrong! I am a Knight of Equestria and only want to help ponies and just make friends in this world!

"Hmph! Well, you surely "helped" that family that lost their home in that fire last year... Some knight you are."

Malice laughed as Lee's voice went silent from hearing Malice's words. After that, Malice continued onward until he reached a hill and saw the bright lights of Ponyville before him.

"Ahh, here we are! Shall we... get started?"

No... no please I beg you! Don't do this!

"As if you are in a position to negotiate, fool. You are under my control and you will do exactly as I say... and I say now: You and I will destroy Ponyville!"


Lee tried with all of his might to resist Malice, but Lee's body only gave in once more to Malice's grasp and he began moving against his will again.

Lee/Malice then walked into Ponyville as Malice had a very sinister smile on his face. As Malice reached the center of town, he heard somepony yelling for Lee and Malice turned to face a purple pony approaching him, but he smiled menacingly when he recognized the pony.

"Ahh, Twilight Sparkle! Princess of Friendship... this should be fun."

Malice changed his form back to Lee's form and Twilight ran over to Lee quickly.

"Lee, there you are! What is going on?!"

Lee/Malice raised an eyebrow at Twilight's question and laughed at her before speaking to her.

"What on earth are you prattling on about?"

"I just saw Tempest and she looked like she was really upset about something and then she got angry at me when I mentioned you!"

"And... why should that concern me?"

"W-Why? Because she's your marefriend! Lee, what did you do to Tempest?"

"Tempest? Hmph, that foolish pony means nothing to me! She was simply in my way and I promptly removed her from my sight! Why should it be any of your business anyway?"

Twilight was completely shocked at Lee's words about Tempest, but Twilight only glared at Lee as she continued walking towards him.

"When one of my friends is upset like that, it becomes my problem! Don't you care about what happens to Tempest?"

Inside of his own mind, Lee felt very upset at what Twilight was saying, but he knew that they're was nothing he could do stop Malice.

Just then, Lee tried as hard as he could and to speak and he actually managed to gather the strength to break Malice’s hold on him and say a few words to Twilight.

"Twilight. Run. Please."

Twilight gasped at these words, but Malice became angry at these actions and he made Lee punch himself hard in his sides to keep him quiet.

"Argh! You fool, I am in control!"

"L-Lee? What is... happening to you?

"Run. Run. Run!!"

Just then, Malice re-seized control of Lee and turned his form into Malice's dark form again before turning back to Twilight.

"W-What are you? What have you done to Lee?! Answer me!"

Twilight charged her up her horn and tried attack Malice, but he simply rushed forward with incredible speed and reappeared right in front of Twilight, only for Malice to push her hard and sent her crashing into a building.

Don't make me do this...

Malice flew over to the building Twilight landed in and saw other ponies gathered around the area and all these ponies watched in horror at seeing Twilight in the rubble. Twilight managed to free herself from the rubble before flying up into the air and looking down at Malice.

"Let my friend go! I won't let you keep him under your spell!"

"Your friend... cannot be reached now! I am in control of this form now and... I will destroy EVERYTHING you foolish ponies have built!”

Twilight and Malice flew towards each other and Twilight blasted Malice with her magic, but Malice dodged everything that Twilight threw at him. As the two fought, Malice got close to Twilight and blasted her with Lee's lightning powers.

As the lightning hit her, Twilight screamed as the electricity surged through her and she started tumbling back down towards the ground.

The same group of ponies gathered around Twilight and they all tried to protect her from Malice. Malice stopped for a second as he looked at the ponies before him, only for him to snicker a little bit and a crooked smile appeared on his face.

"Go through you? Very well. Then I shall..."

Twilight and everypony else saw as a black and green aura surrounded Malice and he then lunged at the nearest pony and pressed his hoof against his chest. The pony screamed as the black and green energy enveloped him, but everypony witnessed as the pony's entire figure turned darker and his eyes went completely black.

The black eyed pony then looked at the other ponies around him and suddenly attacked one of them with his wings. As the other ponies fought with the black eyed pony, Malice walked forward and did the same technique on everypony else around Twilight.

Everypony around Twilight began fighting one another and shouting harsh things, but Twilight could only watch in horror as these corrupted ponies continued fighting.

"W-Who are you?! WHAT are you?!"

Malice then charged his corruption spell once more as he laughed and looked Twilight in the eyes, who tried once more to fight Malice, but Malice simply pinned Twilight to the ground with his hoof.

Malice then brought his face close to Twilight's and readied his spell.

"I am... Malice!"

Up at the royal castle, Tempest entered through the front gates and walked the corridors until she came to the dining hall. 

Tempest walked inside and saw Celestia and Luna sitting at the far end of the dining table.

“Celestia, Luna: I got to talk to you two!”

Luna saw Tempest enter the room and she got up from the table to greet Tempest. Celestia joined her sister shortly afterwards and Celestia noticed the saddened look on Tempest’s face.

“Tempest? Is everything okay?”

“Guys… something has happened to Lee and I need your help.”

“W-What do you mean? Is Lee okay?” Luna asked.

Tempest had a hard time explaining what happened between her and Lee, but she took a deep breath and recapped the moments when Lee went crazy and hit Tempest. Celestia and Luna heard this part and gasped in absolute shock at Lee’s actions.

“He… hurt you? Lee would never do something like that!”

“Don’t you think I know that? He told me… told me that he would never hurt me, but… he did. I don’t know why he would do this, but ever since we started looking for those Essences of Emotion-“

Celestia interrupted Tempest when she heard the words ‘Essences of Emotion’ and looked towards Luna.

“Essences of Emotion? I haven’t heard of those in a very long time… Where did you hear that from?”

“We had this book that told us about them and about The Spirit of Malice. We’ve been looking for them to keep him from having them.”

Luna heard this name and gasped in shock as she looked towards the window.

“T-The Spirit of Malice? No no no, it is impossible for him to return! The Elements of Harmony were created to make sure that he would never return!”

Celestia shared her sister’s concern and looked back towards Tempest.

“Tempest, you need to tell us everything that has happened. Can you do that?”

Tempest nodded to Celestia’s words and began to speak.

“Okay, here’s what happened…”

Malice flew towards Canterlot and he stopped for a moment to look back at Ponyville, which now had everypony fighting one another and a bunch of fires burning all over.

“Ahh, just what I like to see. Now everypony knows the truth of the world! And soon, the Princesses of Equestria will follow suit!”

No! I won’t let you hurt them! They’re my friends!

“Well rest easy, Lee. You won’t be fighting them, because they will be fighting each other!”

After arriving at the castle, Malice landed on the ground and saw two guards by the front gates. The guards raised their spears and demanded what Malice was doing there.

“Halt! You will go no further!”

The guards charged at Malice, but he simply stepped to the side as the guards fell to the ground.

“Fools. You are better off where you are now.”

Malice continued towards the gate, but the two guards got up and ran towards Malice from behind. Malice grabbed one of their spears and sweeped the two guards off of their feet. Suddenly, Malice blasted them with Lee’s lightning powers and sent them flying towards the far mountainside.

After making sure that the guards were dealt with, Malice forced open the doors with lightning and went inside.

“Hmph. All who oppose me will perish and they will all fall to my power!”

You won’t win! Celestia and Luna will stop you!

“Not this time! This time, I will have the upper hand thanks to your Queen Chrysalis…”

What? What are you talking about?

“Sorry, but you will just have to wait and see like everyone else!”

Just then, Malice saw more guards heading towards him, but Malice cracked his neck in preparation for the battle.

Malice dodged the attacks from the guards and hit them with lightning to keep some of them down. Malice grabbed one of the guards and threw him through one of the stained glass windows.

As Malice got closer to the dining room, all the guards stood next to the door and held their spears and swords out at Malice. Malice laughed and then let a huge amount of black and green energy envelope him.

After letting it build up, a huge shockwave of energy erupted from Malice and the force of the shockwave knocked all the guards down and slammed them against the wall.

The guards then began to hold their heads and started screaming in agony at the pain in their heads. Just then, the guards began fighting each other and Malice walked past them and approached the door.

As Tempest finished speaking, she and the Princesses heard the commotion outside the door and Celestia heard the sound of something hard hitting the door.

“What’s going on out there?”

The noise out the door got louder and the doors opened slightly after that. Celestia and Luna remained vigilant as they looked at the door, but Tempest had only a look of worry.

All went quiet for a moment, but the three of them saw the door open and a dark figure stood in the doorway. Celestia and Luna didn’t recognize him at first and glared at him, with Luna stepping ahead of Celestia.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Tempest looked closely at the dark figure, but gasped when she realized who it was.

“L-Lee? Is that you?”

The dark figure only raised his head and smiled menacingly as he looked at the three ponies.

A/N: I am finally FINALLY done with this chapter! This took forever to get right, but I hope everyone enjoys it!

Edited by DivineJoy1000
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*loads gun* Malice, you’ve hurt Twilight, so you’ve hurt me. I will find you and I will get you if it’s the last thing I do! :angry:
In all seriousness, brilliant work, Divine! I’m so anxious to see what happens next! :pinkie:

Edited by TomDaBombMLP

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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9 minutes ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

*loads gun* Malice, you’ve hurt Twilight, so you’ve hurt me. I will find you and I will get you if it’s the last thing I do! :angry:
In all seriousness, brilliant work, Divine! I’m so anxious to see what happens next! :pinkie:

What do you think of Malice?

  • Brohoof 1
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12 minutes ago, DivineJoy1000 said:

What do you think of Malice?

Such a cool, manipulative villain. Something the show needed. He especially deserves whatever fate is coming, after doing what he’s done to Lee and Tempest and especially after hurting my Twilight!

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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8 hours ago, DivineJoy1000 said:

I'm the necessary shock to the system that is this... misguided world.

Malice gets a lot of his ideas from comic book villains, I can tell. ^_^

Super extra epic chapter, man did it make me feel bad for Twilight and the guards who got thrown to the mountainside. :adorkable: I also noticed some typos like this, "looked at door", but I'm still excited for the final battle this is building to! :kirin:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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