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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 14


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Chapter 14: The Will to Fight

All was quiet and calm at first until a huge rumbling rocked the entire area, making birds fly away and leaves fall off the trees.

The source of the commotion came from a nearby volcano that had tons of smoke pouring from the crater of lava within. Another moment later, the volcano erupted and a mixture of ash, lava and rocks flew into the air before cascading down the side of the volcano.

At the center of this eruption was a huge chunk of rock that had a single pony on it: Queen Chrysalis.

As Chrysalis flew into the air, she screamed a bit at the scorching hot lava all around her, but she quickly recovered and flew into the air to avoid the lava.

Chrysalis remained in the air as she watched the volcano spill the lava and rock everywhere, but she ran a hoof across her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, that was quite an ordeal… but I got it!”

A red gem in the shape of a blazing fire glowed in Chrysalis’ hooves and she stared at the gem in awe.

“The Essence of Anger… the last of the Essences of Emotion!”

Chrysalis smiled menacingly for a second once she realized that she now had all of the Essences of Emotion in her possession. She then quickly returned to the ground as she continued looking at the Essence of Anger before her.

“Well, what should I do now? Should I… try to find Malice? Oh, but where in the world could this creature be now?”

As she thought long and hard about her last encounter with Malice, Chrysalis removed her satchel and opened it to see the other Essences glowing within.

Chrysalis dumped the bag out and laid the Essences out in front of her. She waited a few seconds for something to happen, but was disappointed when nothing at all happened.

“Hmm, I don’t get it… Am I missing something?”

Another moment later, Chrysalis reached into the bag and retrieved the book about the Essences of Emotion. Chrysalis throughly read through the book, but she found nothing about how the Essences work.

“Of course this book is unhelpful… Wait a minute, what is this?”

Skimming the pages again, Chrysalis found a special paragraph about a peculiar item of interest.

“The… Soul Scepter? I have never heard of this. What is it?”

Just then however, Chrysalis was rudely interrupted by the sudden sight of the Essences of Emotion vanishing from where they were. Chrysalis gasped in shock at this and looked around frantically for the Essences, but she looked to the sky to see somepony flying off with them.

“H-Hey!! Come back here with those, scoundrel!”

Chrysalis quickly flew into the air and chased after the pony. Chrysalis continually yelled at the pony to stop, but when she realized that he wouldn’t stop, she launched a magic spell at the pony.

The pony then suddenly turned around and deflected the magic with his wings. Chrysalis looked at this pony and gasped when she saw that his eyes were completely black and lifeless.

“M-must serve… or I suffer. Must serve… must obey.”

“What in the world are you saying? Give those back to me… NOW!!!”

The pony only ignored Chrysalis and continued flying off towards the distance, but Chrysalis still chased after him. After following the pony a bit longer, Chrysalis stopped when she saw a familiar sight ahead of her.

“I-Is that… Ponyville? Why is everything on fire?!”

Chrysalis flew in the direction of Ponyville and actually looked in horror at what she was seeing: Everypony fighting one another, destroying homes and completely out of their minds.

“What is happening? What is all this?”

After she watched the destruction before her a bit longer, Chrysalis turned her gaze to the royal city of Canterlot up on the mountain and saw the pony with the Essences flying towards the castle.

Chrysalis only nodded to herself in agreement as she flew towards Canterlot, uncertain of what was going to unfold there.

Malice continued to smile menacingly at Tempest and the princesses as he slowly walked into the room. Tempest looked closely at the dark figure before her, but all she could see was the familiar face of Lee.

"Lee? What are you doing here?" Tempest asked.

"Oh, I am simply here to speak with the two princesses here... They have something that belongs to me."

Both Celestia and Luna were confused about Lee's words, but Tempest continued watching Lee carefully, only for her to notice the dark red eyes and a black and green aura surrounding him.

As Malice stepped closer to the princesses, Tempest stood between them as she faced Lee. A look of annoyance came across Malice's face, but his frown soon turned into a crooked smile again.

"My dear Tempest... getting in my way again? You should have learned your lesson the first time."

Tempest remained unfazed by Lee's words and stepped towards Malice, but he simply remained where he stood.

"You... are not Lee, are you?"

Celestia and Luna both gasped at this revelation and remained on guard for anything that Malice might try. Malice laughed a little as he looked at Tempest, who only had a look of anger and confidence now.

"I know what you are... Spirit of Malice."

"Hmph, clever pony. Took you long enough to figure it out..."

"Let Lee go... NOW! Return him to us at once!!"

Malice laughed again and the aura around him grew stronger as his strength started to grow too.

"I'm gonna say... no to that request. You see, I still have need of your friend."

"What are you talking about?!" Luna demanded out loud.

"I still require the one thing that I need to control the Essences of Emotion, the Soul Scepter! And according to the legend, only a pure heart can use its power combined with the Essences!"

"The... Soul Scepter? Our sacred relic?! You won't lay a hoof on it!"

Celestia glared at Malice, but he only let the aura engulf him until a ball of black and green energy appeared in his hoof.

"I dare you to try and stop me!!!"

Malice launched the ball of energy at Celestia, but Luna ran in front of her and deflected the energy with her own magic before sending it towards the ceiling. The resulting explosion made the ceiling above start to crack and crumble.

Luna charged towards Malice, but he dodged her attack and kicked her towards the wall behind him. Luna impacted the wall with great force, but she quickly removed herself from the stone and stood her ground against Malice.

"You will NOT hurt my sister!! That will be your last mistake, scoundrel!"

Just then, Celestia joined her sister in battle against Malice and they both combined their magic to push Malice towards the stained glass windows. Malice yelled as he was slammed against the windows, but he used his power to shatter all the windows around them and sent all of the glass shards towards Celestia and Luna.

Celestia stood in front of her sister and created a shield with her magic, which deflected the glass shards and created a gust of wind. As Malice was fazed by the wind, he suddenly saw Tempest rushing towards him.

Tempest and Malice clashed, but Tempest looked into his eyes and she could only think about Lee at that moment.

"Lee... I know that you can hear me. Please... please fight this!"

"Argh! Stay out of this, foolish pony! Your voice cannot reach him now!"

Malice blew Tempest back against the dining table and the table split in half as she hit it. Malice leaped into the air and attempted to slam his glowing hooves on Tempest, but she moved out of the way and a huge explosion erupted as Malice hit the ground.

The shockwave was so powerful that it brought up the stones from the floor and caused all three ponies to lose their footing. Tempest recovered shortly before Celestia and Luna and she launched a powerful spell at Malice, which managed to knock him down to the ground, but he simply groaned as he stood back up.

"Hmph... You're stronger than I'd thought you'd be."

Malice laughed a little as Tempest glared at him and he decided to take advantage of this rage.

"I will not tell you again... LET LEE GO!!!"

"You mean nothing to anypony. You are nothing but a tyrant and you deserve only loneliness and ridicule for all that you have done. How you got into a relationship with anypony is beyond me..."


Celestia and Luna watched as Tempest screamed in anger and charged towards Malice and the two of them quickly tried to get ahead of her.


Suddenly, Tempest and the princesses were all hit hard by a huge ball of dark energy and they were all slammed against the wall before dropping to the floor in pain.

As Lee watched what was happening with what little of his own mind he had left, he suddenly felt a huge burst of anger and sadness as he saw Tempest and the princesses fall unconscious.

No... NO. NO!

Malice approached the three ponies and he laughed evilly as he looked down at them. He summoned one final ball of dark energy and pointed it straight at Tempest's face, but Tempest simply stared at Malice with only anger. Tempest then turned her mind to Lee and gave him one last plea to help them all.

"Lee... I know you can hear me. I just want you to know that... I love you and I know you would never hurt me or any of us. You are my best friend, the love of my life and the knight of my heart... Please, please hear me and know that you will always be mine."

Lee indeed heard Tempest and he slowly felt himself regaining control of his body and he began to fight Malice's influence from within.

"Quite touching, but it is simply hopeless. Nopony can resist my power, not even your precious Lee! I am The Spirit of Malice and now, thanks to your friend... THIS WORLD WILL BE MINE!! And as for you three, you are not fit to live in my new world..."


Just as Malice was about to unleash his energy, the sound of Lee's voice intertwined with Malice's voice and Malice was forced to stop his spell.

"I-Impossible!! This cannot be possible!! How are you resisting?!"

"NOOOOO!!!! I won't let you hurt them!!! You won't use me for this!!!"

Lee regained control of his hooves and he started screaming as he tried to force Malice out of his body, but Malice continued fighting back as well.


Suddenly, Lee and Malice started to split apart and Lee screamed from the pain going through his head. Lee reached a hoof out for help and Celestia and Luna quickly stood up and cast a separation spell on Lee, which made Lee and Malice split apart more.

With one huge pull, Celestia and Luna finally separated Lee and Malice and Lee flew back until Celestia and Luna caught him. Lee breathed heavily and lacked the strength to stand up, but he gasped as he looked upon the true form of Malice and was repulsed by his appearance.

This true form of Malice consisted of completely dark red eyes, sharp teeth, distorted voice, a body made out of a very slimy substance and a very low growl too.

"W-What is that thing?!" Lee backed away quickly, but saw that Malice was moving quickly towards him.

"No... no no no. D-Don't let him take me again!!"

Lee panicked as he continued backing away, but he immediately saw Celestia and Luna stand in front of him protectively and held their wings to up shield Lee from Malice.

"Get away from our friend, monster!"

Celestia and Luna combined their magic and Malice only screamed in a high pitched voice as their magic impacted him. A moment later, Malice's form exploded and all that remained afterwards was a cloud of dust and a menacing laugh.

Lee could only fall back onto the ground and look at the ceiling when he realized that Malice was gone.

"It's... it's over. He's gone..."

A/N: Finally got a new chapter done! Looks like Malice has been defeated now... or has he? Find out next time!

Edited by DivineCaptain1000
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On 2022-01-02 at 11:38 PM, DivineCaptain1000 said:

Lee could only fall back onto the ground and look at the ceiling when he realized that Malice was gone.

"It's... it's over. He's gone..."

Lee...you don't watch enough movies. Every time you think the villain is dead, he isn't. :bedeyes:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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