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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 17


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Chapter 17: Lost and Found

Back up at the ruins of the royal castle at Canterlot, Malice entered the remains of the throne room and his corrupted forces walked behind him as he looked at the murals depicted on the glass windows.

"The entire history of Equestria... nothing but conflict and chaos and hatred. It was from this hatred that I was born from, to make sure that the true cycle of the world kept on spinning..."

Malice looked at one window that showed six ponies and above them was six different symbols that represented the Elements of Harmony. Only a laugh sounded as Malice thought about the Elements.

"And then... these two princesses happened. Celestia and Luna... bringing peace and prosperity to the land and creating these cursed Elements of Harmony. They thought they would be safe from harm by a couple of rocks and a band of foolish ponies?"

Malice blasted the window with the Soul Scepter and he then held the scepter in front of him.

"What they failed to realize is that chaos is eternal and it cannot be truly destroyed! As long as there are those with hatred in their hearts, darkness will always be there to cast its shadow on everything..."

As the power of the scepter enveloped him, Malice saw waves of energy slowly escaping from the Essences of Emotion. Just then, Malice thrusted the scepter skyward and he yelled in triumph as the energy erupted all around him.

The energy escaped from the castle, which destroyed the walls and made the tall spires crumble to the ground, but Malice stayed put as the ceiling collapsed all around him.

Quickly and fast it could, the dark energy traveled away from the remains of the castle and everything caught in the path was turned to gray and structures were reduced to smoldering piles.

At the bottom of the ravine, Ponyville was impacted next and the entire village was blown apart by the power of the scepter, including Twilight's own castle, which toppled over and crushed a few houses and Sugarcube Corner as well.

Malice looked down upon the destroyed Ponyville from the remains of the castle and he smiled in victory.

"This... this is the truth and soon... soon the entire world will know this truth."

Celestia and Luna landed next to Malice and they both bowed to him before he told them to speak.

"Master, we searched for miles but we did not find the one who escaped... What do you wish to do?"

As he thought about Lee, Malice only smirked as he looked at the scepter before him again.

"He played his part and soon there will be no escape for him anyhow... Let him go. He's no use to me or anypony else anymore..."

Malice then sat down on one of the ruined thrones and he planted the scepter on the ground before him. He then looked at his army of corrupted ponies and laughed as he looked at the scepter.

"Besides... who is going to stop me now?"

In the peaceful village of Hydrea, a calm and breezy afternoon swept over the land and many ponies were outside enjoying the weather. However, a certain Pegasus pony was still having trouble getting up out of bed at first.

Inside of her hilltop home, Storm Breaker slept rather loudly as she snored and drooled onto the floor, but she soon heard the sound of her alarm clock next to her. Storm awoke with a startled look, but grew annoyed when she looked at the clock and she quickly turned it off with her hoof.

"Alright alright... I swear I'm getting up this time."

Storm got up from her bed and stretched out before she made her way to her living room. The first thing she did was open the windows and her eyes were assaulted by the bright light of the sun.

"Agh... Sun, forgot they had that. But I really needed that rest after that crazy day yesterday..."

Inside the kitchen, Storm brewed herself some coffee and she smelled the sweet aroma of the coffee fill the air. Once the coffee finished, Storm sighed as she sipped the coffee and she looked out the window towards the main square of town nearby.

"Everypony going on about "cursed" ponies... I do what I can to ease their worries, but there's only so much I can do for them."

After a few more minutes of silently sipping her coffee, Storm sighed as she felt the same worries inside her mind. Storm shook of these worries a moment later and groaned a little.

"Now I'm getting myself all worried! I need to do something to get my mind off of this... Ooh, and donuts will do exactly that for me."

Storm smiled a little as she thought about donuts and she could only lick her lips in anticipation. She then went back to her room and grabbed her money pouch before running back towards the front door and heading outside.

"This will definitely get my spirits up. And it is such a nice day too, so what can possibly go wrong?"

As quick as she could, Storm went down the hill and went towards the center of town, where she saw many ponies waving at her and wishing her a good afternoon. Storm had been back in her hometown for a year now and the villagers all welcomed her back with open hooves and she returned the favor by helping out her fellow ponies whenever they needed it.

"I am so very happy... that they didn't forget about me, even after everything I’ve done. It really does feel so good to be home again."

Storm finally reached the bakery shop called Muffin Mare and smiled as she made her way inside. The baker behind the counter heard Storm come in and she greeted Storm with a happy smile and a warm greeting.

"Ahh, Storm. It is so good to see you again! Are you here for some of my famous donuts, I'm guessing?"

"Oh, you read my mind Doris! I will take five of those glazed ones..."

The baker got the fresh donuts off of the rack and she put them in a box for Storm to take with her. Storm looked at the donuts and was in awe of the wonderful smell and the way they looked.

"Ooh, I just love donuts!"

Storm paid for her donuts and brought them outside to sit down at a nearby table. She took a donut out of the box and smelled it a bit more before she went in for a bite.

Before she could even get a bite however, Storm heard the sound of somepony shouting her name and this is only made Storm groan in annoyance.

"Darn it all, why now?"

A pink unicorn pony approached Storm and she took a moment to catch her breath before speaking to her.

"Bloom, what is it? Is something wrong?" Storm asked.

"S-Storm I’m so sorry to bug you, but there's an emergency at the main gates. There's some stranger pony there and he was asking for you."

"A stranger you say? Did you get his name by chance?"

"No, we tried to ask him but he's been freaking out about something and we can’t get any useful information from him. All I know is that he wants to see you..."

Storm looked towards the gates and sighed as she got up from the table.

"I will look into this at once then. Please do not touch my donuts while I’m gone..."

As Storm approached the main gates of the village, she saw a huge gathering of ponies surrounding the gates, but she quickly stepped in front of them and asked them all to stand back.

"Alright you guys, let's not crowd this stranger shall we? Give him some room."

Once she managed to get everypony back, she looked towards the gate and saw a brown Pegasus pony covered in injuries limping towards her and breathing heavily. Storm gasped when she saw this pony and immediately recognized who he was.

"L-Lee?! Lee, is that you?"

Lee saw Storm before him, but he suddenly started feeling himself losing consciousness and stumbled all over as he walked. Lee only managed to say Storm's name before he stopped in his tracks and fell to the ground.

“C-Canterlot… Tempest… M-Malice… F-F-Failed…”

Storm quickly went over to Lee and knelt down beside him, shaking him a bit to have him talk to her, but no response came from him.


In a panic, Storm heaved Lee onto her back and quickly ran back towards the village and everypony around her looking at Lee in both confusion and worry.

“Stay with me, Lee… Please, I beg you, stay with me! I’ll get you to a doctor right away!”

Lee looked around him slowly as his vision began to fade, but he managed to get a good look at Storm before everything went dark.

“S-Storm… Storm.”

A/N: I finally got this chapter done! The return of Storm Breaker from the previous story though! Hope everyone enjoys this new chapter! 

Edited by DivineSparkle1000
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Yay, Storm returned when we needed her most! :yay:

But Sweet Celestia, we need a time travel spell to repair Malice’s damage! :wacko: Or is Malice truly the one responsible for all the races hating each other in G5:lie:

Edited by TomDaBombMLP

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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1 minute ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

Yay, Storm returned when we needed him most! :yay:

But Sweet Celestia, we need a time travel spell to repair Malice’s damage! :wacko: Or is Malice truly the one responsible for all the races hating each other in G5:lie:

Storm is female. :muffins:

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42 minutes ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

Typo! Sorry! :ButtercupLaugh:

But no, this story has nothing to do with G5 and Malice will get what’s coming to him soon.

I just wanted this chapter to show how everything is at rock bottom but there is still a glimmer of hope… :ticking:

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At the start, I was like, "Hmm, I wonder why an episode taking place during the endgame is starting off with an image of donuts..." 

*realizes later in the chapter that it was foreshadowing the return of Storm* 

Clever surprise. :bedeyes: Even after what you told me about new ideas involving Storm in the third story, I never would've expected that twist just from Homer Simpson's favorite food. :ButtercupLaugh:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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1 hour ago, CloudMistDragon said:

At the start, I was like, "Hmm, I wonder why an episode taking place during the endgame is starting off with an image of donuts..." 

*realizes later in the chapter that it was foreshadowing the return of Storm* 

Clever surprise. :bedeyes: Even after what you told me about new ideas involving Storm in the third story, I never would've expected that twist just from Homer Simpson's favorite food. :ButtercupLaugh:

Donuts are Storm's favorite food too! Everyone loves donuts!

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