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open Into Limbo: Worlds Colliding ( OC Lifeverse.)

Evil Pink One

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@Windy Breeze

As the Dark creature fled towards the school, dread would great the princess yet again.

" We haven't finished one problem and another one greets us. The world surely hates me... Uncle Discord if this is one of your twisted lessons... So help me...."

As she tries to calm down he would come up to Bonbon and the rest of her party.

" Lady Bonbon and Lady Lyra, I request your assistance, not as an agent but a fellow citizen of Ponyville..."

" Gladly princess. " Both replied.

" Princess, let me introduce my fellow colleagues who will assist us." Bonbon would then look at both Thunder and Buckshot. 


Meanwhile on Silver's side.

" Should we go and help them?" Shallow asked. 

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“Didn't you said yesterday that you are in trouble with an organization when we were back at a castle ruins in the Everfree forest with Blu?” Silver had this nagging feeling coming from the back of his mind getting involved with the royalty too soon may as well be compared to jumping out of a bush to a pursuing bear. “There is an invasion going on, getting involve with the princess too soon will attract unwanted attention and no doubt will brought danger to us. However, we may get an advantage over that risk by building up our name among the general population to earn their trust;  a solution which contradicts silence. However, the solution may come with with more risks and may backfire on us badly, with the invasion heightening chances of failure.


Thunder stepped forward knowing it is their cue to speak up and introduce themselves to the ruler. Her experience with alicorns in her own world are limited but enough to make her distrustful of winged-horned slender-bodied equines; this alicorn is different and she knew because of her several facts: the mare isn't boastful about her magic abilities and is not talking about taking her to whatever Goddess they're speaking of; and this is a whole different where the nuclear apocalypse has yet to start.

Buckshot has her own experience with alicorns, especially ones affliated with a major faction in the Equestrian Wasteland called the Unity. She even had close-calls with them. Her own side of the story will be explored later.

“Your highness, my name is Thunder Light, a soldier far away from home. I am grateful to be in your presence,” the former enclave soldier bowed, “the brown unicorn in our group is Buckshot, also a stray from my world.“



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@Windy Breeze

Shallow blushed a bit and replied.

"Oh... Thank you for considering me. But never the less, I will still follow your lead. Whatever you deem necessary..." 


Meanwhile, the Princess was a bit shocked at their reply.

" From another world!?... I've heard about this from my aunt.... So this collar you wear means you are a prisoner of the agents then." She said as she menacingly stare at BonBon and Lyra.

"Please Princess... Believe us when we say that this is the best course of action to save their lives and so the Agency won't catch up on our plans as well." 

Bonbon pleaded.

The Princess could only show potty and shame to both Thunder and Buckshot.

" I'm sorry you had to experience this unjustly treatment. Please, it won't be long until a great change would happen. And I also believe these ponies mean well and make that great change."

She looks at both Bonbon and Lyra once more.

" Make sure to treat them kindly." The princess requested.

" Yes princess, we follow the way of friendship." They replied as they bow down to her grace.

"Now everyone, there's another important pony who is also from another world, she is royalty and we need to save them! And what's worse they're at the School of Friendship, where the infestation of this vile creatures are. We march to the school and end their rain of terror! "

She corralled everypony and charged towards the school.

Again they where blocked by purple creatures... But this time they were less of them. 

Meanwhile.... ( Status of Stormlight?)






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Thunder glanced down to a collar on her neck. She had forgotten the presence of the item that is currently restricting her and Buckshot and forcing them to follow the orders of a leader they know for only a few minutes like slaves being led by slavers to a slave outpost to be sold. Atleast they don't have to worry about handed over to a more dangerous stranger and suffer a fate worse than having to worry about loosing their heads to collars. But Thunder is already well aware of Bonbon and Lyra's intentions “Your highness, these...your ponies do not wish any harm to befall on us. They have good intentions stored for us.”

Buckshot said nothing...

With an order to follow, Pvt. Thunder Light of Cloudhaven, GPE, follow the group through the lines of the enemy.


“We should enter the school by any means without getting their attention,” Silver told Shallow before glancing at Bonbon and Princess Flurry Heart's groups “Then we save as many students as we can; maybe we're lucky to spot the 'important pony' the alicorn princess mentioned”

* * *

Anger, disappointment, guilt, regret, and humiliation.

Much of the following event after the confrontation with the princess consisted of more dark-magic monsters falling into the hooves of 'Stormlight'. It was refreshing to finally use her abilities to put to the test despite the limitations of the body it wore, and its unwilling owner who was now expressing the emotions through her inner voice connecting their minds.

“...we can't make enemies with anypony. I only allowed you to control my body to save everypony and not just so you could antagonise everypony!”

“I did what you told me, Stormlight. But I make my own rules when it comes to promises.” 

They stood in a empty hall they 'cleared off', the signs of a brutal fight left behind are multiple damages on the walls; the rest of the monsters was smart enough to leave it alone as facing is an instant and undignified death. It was impressed but disappointed having to search for others willing to fight.

“That is not how you make promises; that is HOW you break promises!” spoke the voice, “We are not in our world, Elise. Derpy and Dr. Hooves doesn't recognize me which means nopony knows me; I'm a stranger here and I don't belong here, the princess is our only hope going back to our world!”

This made 'Stormlight' pause in its tracks, thinking deeply abour the statement in the midst of the empty ruined hallway. It let out a sigh before voicing its thoughts “I hate when my hosts proves me wrong.” 

A screech made it turn around to see another dark magic monster in the shape of a griffon flying towards 'Stormlight' like a runaway train. The faces it with a smile which never broke even after spearing it with one hoof. The creature disintegrates. “Pitifully hilarious creation” 'Stormlight' spat out.

* * *

“Did anypony hear that?”

Glory and the students have been quietly barricading the door, and waiting for rescue. Even before a student made that question, the faint but audible noise already reached the her ears, and with it brought a cold pause to her heart.

“This not good.” she turned to the students, “It seems our predicament is worse than I Imagined. I'm afraid we have leave our small safe haven and the school entirely. Please allow me to think of a rational way of getting out of here while not loosing any of our numbers.”

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze 

" I shall follow your lead Silver."

Silver and Shadow would hide their presence and go from roof top to roof top, alleyway to alleyway, avoiding as much detour and obstacle, slaying a few or so Purple creatures, and saving some infected.

While Silver's group, easily traverse to the School. Flurry heart was moving a platoon and could not avoid incoming hurdles.


Meanwhile Shallow Shade noticed that the School was in a mess, but no Purple creatures in sight.

"... Hmmm, oh. Perhaps we are too late?" She pondered.

But soon they'd notice that there are royal guards exiting the school from the other side evacuating some students and injured ones.



On Flurry Heart's side their march towards the school took them long as the main road has a bit of them Creatures roaming around and ambushes keep popping out from left and right as they troth along the road towards the school.

"My town... My school... My precious memories... Why... Why has this come upon us?" Flurry questioned as she slowly breaks apart.

"Princess, please stay strong... For us please?" Lyra lovingly, and caringely said to Flurry Heart.

" Yes princess, I know it's a heavy burden, but everypony hear looks up to you as our hope and beacon." Bonbon added. 


Meanwhile as Glory thought of a plan to save the others, a disturbance from outside would cought everyone's attention.

It seems a commotion is brewing outside.

Finally it stops and a voice could be heard.

" Iffy! Lady Glory!" Names where shouted from the outside by a familiar voice. It was the Royal guard escorting them before. It's guide kun



Meanwhile as the dark creature fills his fun from crushing lowly abominations, the creature noticed someone's presence. But before he could react, a hoof would meet it's face that it could easily brake anypony's neck. Then a sonic boom could be heard afterwards and a streak of orange light would fwoosh through him able to snap anyone's neck from that force.

It was Alpha.

" Vile creature, you have met your end."

Alpha knows this creature is very powerful, and the best way to deal with this is to instantly kill it and give her strike in one blow. Giving no chance for the creature to attack.

But Alpha is experienced and knows that some creatures don't just die from that, so he prepares and readies for a follow up strike if need be. 



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The entity welcomes the hoof, raising its head and opening its mouth wide enough to reveal sharp and pointy set of teeth. It closes on the hoof with audible crunch, breaking skin anf piercing flesh, muscles, and even bones; the teeth even have enough strength in its grip to stop the hoof from plunging further into the head. Ignoring the screams of agony inside its mind, the creature of dark magic sneered at Alpha just as its shadowy tail wrapped around her neck, then there was a voice that spoke into his mind. It was not from his consciousness, emotions. nor from any memory; it came from the creature.


what Alpha did not know is getting bitten by these creature his body will become an empty hiding grounds waiting to be used. It was filled rage for hurting its host than admirations for having the bravery to ambush it. whatever is in the creature's saliva, it had slipped into ome of the blood vessels and is already spreading like a disease.


“We may be late but remember the creatures we had freed from the corruption,” Silver was relieved to see that the students are being taken out of the school, watching the scene with a smile, “we still have a role in this incident. Let's go check out and see if we can find some students or even one lost member of royalty.”


Thunder decided to chime in “And we have an important figure trapped inside. Gather up your hopes and use it to fight off the invading b******s.“ she added


Glory recognize the voice, it was from the guard that guide them to the large dining room. However, the door was already barricaded with all the furnitures in the room including the king-sized bed. She bang on the door to get the guard's attention “I'm here with 14 students. The door is boarded up so wait till we finish removing the furnitures to open it for you.” she told the guard through the door despite not knowing if he heard her. She quickly turned to the students, “Quick, help me remove our work, there is a guard outside!”

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze

~Alpha vs Chaos Stormlight~

"You must be delusional... I can't blame you when your head is in the other way around."

Alpha just kicked the creature at the speed of light, aka a sonic rain boom kick.

If the creature thought it got a nibble at Alpha, well sorry for it, but it would have been just an after image.

Alpha was the one who had perfected the sonic rain boom, in which she does not need to gain momentum to break that limit. That means she can go full speed in an instant.

" I've dealt with you ODTs before and my experience of killing every last one of you has made me wise and strong from your devious tricks... I suggest you focus on healing your host or else you'll be forced in this container... "

" Oh and by the way? Whatever you bit? Wasn't me... "

If the creature would check, it actually bit a black shard, It was a changeling crystal. A crystal that absorbs none changeling magic.

She'd then throw the container to the air and starts bombarding the creature with deadly explosions of sonic rain boom.

The explosion and vacuum she generate  could easily rip anyone apart which made the creature notice that this pony is not ordinary, for she could survive her own onslaught.

Alpha would not give time for the creature to attack her. For she would give deadly strikes to it's host. If the creature would stop healing it's host she would surely die.

Not only that, with every strike she makes she is imbedding changeling Crystals to the creature.


~Silver ,Shallow Shade~

" Understood." Shallow replied.

As they explore the ruined School they'd eventually spot Blu with the guards.

" Well look at that, who'd expect that we'd find sir Blu here?.... Well actually I wouldn't be surprised, as that pony is a magnet of catastrophic events.... I think that pony is cursed... "


~Flurry heart's Army~

Flurry Heart could only look at Thunder with great confusion at what she just said.

".... Well at least it got me off of my gloomy state... Thanks everyone..."

Even though Flurry was still disheartened, it was lesser this time.

As they continued to march towards the school, they would be met with more of this creatures.

Eventually they where able to reach their destination and meet survivors outside.

" Quickly everypony! Aid our comrades!"



~ Glory~

The Guard would notice the banging of the door and reply.

" Thank hoofness you're safe. anyway, the invasion of the purple creatures has been handled and everyone is being evacuated. We need to hurry outside before a second wave of attack happens. 



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  • 3 weeks later...



While it was easily able to avoid the upcoming crystal projectiles magic, it was difficult for the entity to process what just happened. A mere mortal cleverly dodging her attack!? This one proves herself to be a threat worse than the pegasus who wanted to play hero with it several centuries in the past!

While an all-powerful entity and a master of manipulation, it is not suicidal; It's worse to die as an idiot than to lose its pride to an enemy even without its host's desperate pleas to retreat. However, deep below frustration, a small tingling awakened from the deepest floors inside the entity's mind. Finally, a foe worthy to stand before me!

A smile formed in its lip. With one mighty flap of its wings, a dense cloud of black mist enough to cover its escape. One day, it will come to make a proper battle with its new foe.

(Please let it and Stormlight escape; this is the reason why become dormant for a several days other than getting sick and being busy with life.)


Eventually, Glory and the others cleared the door and open it to the guard, a look of relief on all of them “I am so thankful to see you again, fine and well.” Glory approached him, “But we had to leave this building. I hear the crumbling of this building somewhere!”

  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy Breeze

(You're success of escape is green lit)

As Stormlight makes her escape, the ruthless pegasi would still give chase.

" You fool... You think your smokes and mirrorscan fool me? You must be going desper-!?" Alpha would then be distracted by an implosion forming right Infront of her.

" Tsk! What in Blazes is this!?"

As it starts to shine and blinds everyone in it's path, it explodes without warning!

".... S#|+!"


(Fuoco enters the battlefield)


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Meanwhile in Glory's side of the story...

The guard would blush a bit and bow down to her as well.

" You honor me your majesty." The guard replied.

After that...

 Princess Flurry Heart rushed in and hugged Glory with great delight.

" It gives me such Joy to see you safe! Forgive me for how I've handled this situation badly." She would release her from her hug and wipe some of her tears that formed.

" But nevermind that now! I give great news for you. "

She would then present to her Pan.

" Pan! This is the pony I was mentioning to you before."




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Glory's eyes widened moments before Flurry introduced the 'great news'; and as the young princess was talking, a gust of wind interrupts her as the body of Pan Bloodthirst shoot towards Glory. Thunder couldn't help but quietly tear up at the sight of what appears to be ruinion as tears are spilled from the eyes of the queen and her offspring.

“I'm so sorry, Pan, my dear young colt, i'm so sorry.” Sobbed Glory as she was wrapped by the hooves of her son, whispering the words ever softly.

“I thought I lost you, mother. Oh, ugh, I'm so happy to see you.” There was a sorrowful smile in Pan's face, “Please, don't...don't leave me again like that..”

“I will never let this repeat, my dear son. I...I will never break my promise. Ever.”

One of Thunder Light's ear caught a noise foreign and not belonging to mourning royalty. This noise was much closer. She turned. Buckshot, of all ponies, had her eyes clenched shut in a vain attempt to fought the raindrops of tears from slipping out, lips drawn back to reveal her teeth pressed tightly together and chattering. The unicorn would occasionally sniffle, and once muttered “Mom...” Thunder looks away, it was a painful subject to bring up but whatever happened is that the raider got into a tragedy...who knows how long she has been carrying the painful memories of the loss of her loved ones.

Still in her son's comfort, Glory's eyws shifts to Flurry “Thank you...” she moaned out with relief and gratitude.


“It hurts...!”

Stormlight was back in her own body, getting her possession back only to feel more pain from her injuries. She leaned on a wall, the entity made sure they are far away from the pegasus, this gave the poor young pegasus trembling in great agony to be alone with herself whining and crying out. “Stop the pain...Uogh, sweet Celestia...Luna....I don't want to die...!”

'I can't believe you possess the blood of Midnight Comet within, yet act like any other mortals. Weak. Don't worry, Your body is already recovering.'

“Ire.....Iree...Ah! Aaaaaaaaah...!” Stormlight collapses as she weakly cried out, “Somepony, save me...!”

She curled into a ball clutching her underbelly and waited, hoping somepony would hear her. She didn't care, as long as its not the dreaded pegasus who is willing to eradicate the entity within her even if it means killing her, she wanted somepony to come saver her.

Windy...Iree...Writer....Moonlight....save me...




Too weak to even register the sound of hoofsteps, she remained on the floor, that was until a voice an agitated voice of a female called out “Are you alright? What happened to you?”

Stormlight opened her eyes to the one who answered her plight. Her savior turned out to be a chocolate brown kirin mare. Little to know what the pegabat know is this was a student of the School of Friendship, a kirin with the name Spring Dazzle.

Spring Dazzle had gotten separated from her friend during the initial chaos at the cafeteria and hid at one of the classrooms alone.The noise of something collapsing pressured her into coming out and was galloping when she found Stormlight. Spring put the injured hybrid on her back, “Don't worry, i'll get you out of here!”

Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy Breeze

(Time skip)

As families reunite and broken bones were dealt. The story of everyone is now intertwined and the threads of fate are all spun up at the castle of friendship.

Stormlight is at the infirmary recovering, while Spring Dazzle and Iffy helps at the ward.

While Glory and Pan joins Flurry heart and Starlight Glimmer at the throne.

And Bonbon, buckshot, and thunder, join the guards on their rounds and would usually have small chitchats while bathing or eating alone in their quarters. 

Ponyville has just now been cleansed by the infection, but news else where has been silent. And decisions from the princess is still on hold and awaiting.

The recovery of Ponyville is prioritized first before anything else was the princess small step of plan before aiding other cities and villages.

And soon another meeting would be hold on what to do next.





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  • 3 weeks later...


It has been hours since peace has restored and the invaders driven out of Ponyville. Glory returned to the castle with the Equestrian royalties and her son. Both mother and son were shakened by the invasion but they nonetheless survived without getting a scratch. However, Glory still had a matter to discuss to the rulers.

“I am grateful that we are able to overpower our enemies and the settlement is slowly recovering from the havoc they brought with them. However, I wanted to have a matter to discuss with us you, Princess Flurry Heart.”


(You should start the interaction for the rest of the characters.)



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  • 1 month later...

@Windy Breeze

~Glory and Pan~

As Flurry Heart was discussing some things with the Royal guards and Starlight Glimmer. Glory would request her audience. " Oh then perhaps we do it on the other room. You don't mind I take my leave for a while headmare Starlight?"

Starlight Glimmer would smile and nod nonchalantly. " I think it's best that you also take your rest princess. Go ahead and have some fresh air while you're at it." The rest of the guards would nod to agreement.

As Flurry heart would lead them to another room, they sat on a comfortable couch and continued there...

" Now... What do you wish to discuss with me your highness?" She asked Glory.


~Stormlight and Spring Dazzle~

The mare would wake up on a white bed. As she further investigates shed see that she wasn't alone. On both of her sides, there are also white beds placed in rows.... Some are empty and some have injured Royal Guards.

"It looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up." One of the guards replied as he noticed that she was awake.

 This would notify the nurses who is working there at the time, one of them was Spring Dazzle... The Kirin that saved her. 

And the other was Iffy.. the klutzy nurse that every guard likes.

The head nurse ordered Iffy and Spring to check up on the just awoken Stormlight and see her status.


-Buckshot and Thunder..... and nimbus- 

Bonbons group is outside the castle, checking the perimeters and barricade.

Of course buckshot and thunder would nag each other back and forth while doing this.

" Ladies... We are here to check and guard the barricades. Although your presence do give a smile and joy to the citizens who see your bickering." She giggled ever so slightly to the mares."

Bonbon would look back and talk to the new guy with them.

" Hey Nimbus... You alright there buddy?" 



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“I recalled you spoke about a meeting with 'important figures'. Who are they?” Glory had almost forgot about the meeting since the invasion, which prevented the meeting from happening. She was not sure why they have to make the other rulers involved when they are rulers of other countries. She does not find any problems to it, just curious. Again, she has never dealt foreign affairs in her kingdom, and their only neighbors are the Goats down southeast.


Despite still distant to one another, Thunder and Buckshot are content at ignoring each other- well sometimes, but they still do occasionally argue. But their dislike for each did come off as entertaining for others, which both find impudent especially in Miser's part. Fortunately, the mare did learned about not using her shotgun as a solution to that issue lest she would make a poor impression to the citizens. Meanwhile, Thunder acted polite and friendly to others although she rarely ever speak to other goods, obvious to he steadily growing amount.of admirers.

Nimbus, was yet to get used to his nee life. He didn't want to be seperated from his squad for a long time and just thinking about them would make him go blue with sadness. He did find Thunder and Buckshot's 'rivalry' amusing yet worrying.

He was busy staring into space when Bonbon spoke to him “Just thinking about how my squad are doing.” he replied.


 The first was the quiet moans, then she turned to her side pulling tightly to her bedsheet before her eyelids lifted up to reveal tired golden eyes. Hearing a voice, she turned to see a stallion laying on a bed, that is when she knew she is inside a hospital ward. Her waking up did not gone unnoticed.

“Whatever dream you had, it must been so pleasant it put you into a deep sleep.” She didn't recognized the green earth pony mare who is smiling happily at her, but the kirin next to the latter...Stormlight knew her. She was the one who took her out of the School of Friendship after loosing a fight to a pegasus.

Whoever that mare was, she hoped they would never cross paths in the future.

“You're the kirin who carried me out of the school.” she murmured.

The kirin smiled “Yes I am. I'm Spring Dazzle, and she's Iffy Quizzy from Stable 55...wherever that is.”

Edited by Windy Breeze



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~The Princess's problems.~

"ah yes... The meeting... Where to start..." Flurry would then find a spot to sit down so she could get comfortable while telling her story.

" I was planning to invite every ruler of each creature kind, introducing you. This way we can have the collective knowledge of everyone on how we can help one another. You see Equestria may be ruled by different races, but we are one and united to make Equestria better than ever... But the invasion happened... As the host I could not let any of them get in harm's way... An immediate cancellation was given and more escorts have been given to them... Thus Ponyville was short on Guards to protect us... I still worry if they've made it back safely from they're respective lands and was able to fend off the invasion. "

" But now that we have fortified Ponyville once more, we've been planning to get back our communication to every nation."

" Hoping it's not too late to save anyone... "


~up against the walls~

Bonbon would smile at Nimbus and gave a few words.

"Hold onto that feeling... Who knows? It might help you get back to them."

He would then avert his focus to Thunder and Buckshot.

" You two. outside the barricade 5 o clock, behind the bush. I see movement, quickly intercept it and be cautious! " A sudden command given by bonbon.


(Continue idle chatter between Stormlight, iffy and spring Dazzle)



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  • 5 weeks later...


[Castle of Friendship]

“We must move the residents to other settlements until the threat is eradicated. We are a lucky to have all the afflicted cured of the dark magic brought by our enemies but even with  fortification does not guarantee that your subjects are safe here. The settlement also needed lots of repair, especially the school. It is also important to send guards to nearby settlements as there are possibilities the enemy decided to invade somewhere when we least expect.” she told her.


[Fortification Wall]

Nimbus thought of Bonbon's words  and pondered whether it would actually bring him back to his friends when he heard her orders. He became tense, suddenly become aware of his surroundings as Thunder and Buckshot moves to the location. He mentally wondered why Bonbon decided give the order to Buckshot as it was obvious the unicorn wasn't even a proper soldier at all. Okay, she had a weapon that can fatally spew out small rocks out of the flames it spit out, but that's hardly any advantage if its user is reckless.

Buckshot had stopped several meters away from the bush, pointing at the bush with her shotgun while Thunder flew forward to chase after the mysterious hidden creature. She gave the former raider a quick whisper not to shoot immediately as it could be possible that the creature might turn out to be something friendly. Looking for the movement, she spot it and flew above, prepared to move away incase it tries to jump at her.


Stable 55... Stormlight found it odd for a town to have that kind of name as it didn't make any sense to add numbers; nonetheless, it was nothing important and brushed it off. She turned at the kirin and smiled sweet as a honey.

“Thank you for saving me.”

Caught in Stormlight's charm, Spring put a hoof to her cheek “It's nothing. Everypony would have done the same in that situation.” she said. “How are you feeling?”

Stormlight looked at her wings and giving them a twitch before checking the rest. So far, her injuries have all healed in her sleep. “I'm all okay.” she told them.

She didn't have to look to know she's in Ponyville Hospital, having visited the place when Windy's admitted for serious injuries; her friend Writer would visit the hospital one day in every week for therapy. This would be the first time she was admitted here.

Examining the kirin, Spring Dazzle seemed to be around the same age as her, her young face, height, and the body size giving her hints of the kirin's age, not to mention she was a student in the Castle of Friendship.

Iffy Quizzy appeared young but older than Spring. She wore a blue suit that covered most of her body except her neck, head, hooves, and, tail. There was a number '55' emblazoned on the flank part of the suit. Her scent is different, not pleasant unlike the kirin. She must been from another world just like us.

Overall, she looked like a city pony working as a maintenance worker.


Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze

~Princess Problems~

 " oh! Please do not fret, Queen Glory. We already made plans!" She shouted with joy and bravado.

" The Mayor, Headmistress and I have made plans. An expedition i might add! To save EQUESTRIA! "

The Princess would then turn quiet.

"... But... I wish I did more than just sit here and wait for results... " She said with a sad tone.



~fortification on process~

As they got near the bush, it started to rustle more violently. As the tension got heavy and sweat inducing, a quick flash of shadow jumped out of it, scurrying away from both Buckshot and Thunder.

It was hard to tell what it was Since it was Quick and small, like a rabbit. 


~Three maidens~

Their attention would be distracted by a unicorn, who entered the ward. The demon inside Stormlight noticed the immense power within that pony. It was too powerful for her kind. The unicorn is hiding it quite unwell and it still leaks off. yet it gives off a very chocking power off of her. what if she wasn't hiding it and holding it off, would her power even double? The mare is a mystery.

She would head to the head nurse and chat with her for a bit, then she'd look at the three.

She'd head your way with poise and dignity, power and strength, grace and intelligence.

" Stormlight I presume?" She looks at you with a smile... Then to the demon within you. Her eyes would pierce the demons very soul scanning you from head to tail. Taking away your privacy.

" My name is Starlight Glimmer, Headmistress of The School of Friendship. You're a mailpony I presume? I personally took care of you, you know? And you are quite the unique character... I'd like to know you both better." She'd just put her hooves out and touch you. 

A surge of magic would crawl into you and give you energy and vigor.

" Come with me, I want to learn on what happened to you, that includes you Spring Dazzle. " As she was about to head off she'd noticed Iffy.

"!?... I've finally found you! You were here all along? For some weird reason trouble seems to follow you wherever you go..." She'd then hug her.

" You too, come with me. "

(If all goes to plan..)

They'd ended up walking to a room that looks like a big office. There they would talk in private. 

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  • 5 weeks later...


[Castle of Friendship]

“You did all what you can princess. I have that mind during when my enemies used to wear the crown and my kind are hiding behind trees for survival, my stallion lead the survivors while I bring hope. Sometimes, I wished I could have done more for the survivors, as well for those who have been captured, and for those who perished. So much innocent culled, so many families burn because of lies and paranoia. But the proverb of an elder told me to vanquish my guilt and regrets to disallow them from clouding my heart and mind with guilt so i can stay strong with courage and hope.”


[Fortification Wall]

Buckshot raised her shotgun, cautious of the unknown creature that swiftly for a bush. Thunder slightly raised a wing and gestured at the ex-raider to hold her fire. Whatever just moved, it was smaller than foals, sentience is unlikely but not impossible; chances of intelligence has her torn between attempting to communicate to it or subdue it which is already a difficult task and requires good decision-making too.

She is not in the wasteland, she is not in Cloudhaven; but neither the little unknown creature is a native to this world. Thunder has to choose her decisions wisely.

She landed on the other side of the bush a few meters away, prepared in case the creature is spooked.


At the walls, Nimbus gave the two mares on the ground a quick glance before speaking to Bonbon “I don't think it's wise to send otherwordly creatures who aren't getting along with each other. While one of them claims to be a soldier, she also told us her companion is a raider.“


She must have been staring at her for too long, Stormlight noticed, as Iffy gave her an odd look. The earth pony spoke before she could muster up an diffident apology “Wow you have pointed teeth, i have never seen a pony have pointed teeth before!”

Spring, as if noticing just now, inquires Stormlight about her strange feature “Those are fangs, seen mostly in the mouth of wild animals; the thestrals also have fangs. I find it curious how you were born with those.”

“I'm a pegasus-thestral hybrid.” Stormlight told them, blushing, “Doctors claimed my mother was a pegasus while my father is a thestral. I never got to see them since they left me in the Frozen North years before re-emergence of the Crystal Empire.” Spring's eyes widened and her mouth parted for a silent gasp. Iffy cocked her head, not understanding to context of Stormlight's statement.

“They abandoned you out in the cold? Barbaric! they shouldn't have done that to their foal!” understadably, Spring was enraged by the abandonment, what kind of parents would do that to their foal?

But as they were conversing, it noticed another presence, powerful and with authority just a like nobility but lesser. It wasn't too poweful but that doesn't mean it would make the same mistake it have done at the school. Stormlight recognized the mare as Starlight Glimmer.

Spring stepped aside as Starlight approached them but Iffy only watched the headmare as she spoke to Stormlight. Her piercing gaze came noticed but it held, glaring through Stormlight's eyes.

“Um, yes, Starlight?” Stormlight spoke wearily.

After a lengthy and interesting explanation, a touch from Starlight gave Stormlight a surge of magic gave her energy.

When the headmare spoke to her, Spring nodded curtly “Yes, headmare.” She was taken aback when said headmare wrapped Iffy in a hug.

“I'm fine, uh...Headmare? but i thought your name is Starlight?” Iffy spoke, genuinely confused.

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@Windy Breeze

--- CRACK---

~Princess guidance.~

" Thank you so much for your wisdom, Queen Glory. Im very glad i have this conversation with you."

Then a sudden cracking noise would disturb them.

Awkwardly enough the crack can be heard, but cannot be located at where it came from.

"... Is the building falling apart? I should probably get my castle fixed as well..." 

A deafening sound would whizz by and shatter the glasses in their room causing panic and discord. Then an unknown pegasi would be seen outside the shattered window.

It was hard to see since the Light from the sun would cover the pegasi casting off only a silhouette.

Flurry heart deaf and confused, can only stare at their assailant, trying to know whats going on.

Then the pegasi would aim something towards Pan ( yes pan is with you in the room), and a loud shot would be heard.


~on the other side of the wall~

As thunder tries to approach the creature shed notice that it was just a  scared little rabbit.

From afar Bonbon would shout at them.

" Well it took you guys long enough to recognize your target was just a bunny." She snickered. Apparently Bonbon already knew it was a bunny and just lured the two for fun.

Shed then place her attention to Nimbus

" I wouldn't worry... Those two are like foals compared to my skills." She haughtily replied to Nimbus.

Then shed reply back to buckshot and thunde.


" Hey at least you guys are alert now, keep it up." She'd then get distracted by one of her communcators.

Shed press something at the back of her ear and starts to answer it.

" What is it sweetie?..."


Bonbon's face would  go pale and starts to ready herself for some reason. She'd shout at Buckshot and thunder, in a panic. " Get back inside the walls!" She said as she rushed to go to their side.


~girl talk~

" You can be silly sometimes iffy." She smiled towards her.

" Thats just a title i earned here. Now lets continue this conversation inside my office."

As you walk the halls towards the office of the headmare. Youd notice from outside the window that there seems to be panic near the walls.

This too would cause Starlight to stop and wonder what's going on outside.

--- CRACK---

it seems that something is falling from the cloudy sky...





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[Castle of Friendship]

Peace would shatter just like the window in the room. Glory immediately back up from to to avoid the flying shards of glass, one narrowly missing her snout. She was about to look at the now broken window when a shriek caused her eyes to go wide.

Throughout her conversation with Flurry, her son Pan was silently standing to her right. The shriek was male and it had come from behind her. She instinctively called out his name and glanced at her colt. He laid unscathed by the glasses around them. However, an arrow is sticking on the floor not far away. His name escaped her lips and she was quicker than her now frantic heartbeat, to drag him behind the couch, wrapping around him and voluntarily becoming a meat shield.


“That's not what I meant.” Nimbus murmured before looking down at the two mentioned mares.


Thunder almost lunged at the creature that hopped out of the bush, pausing upon recognizing the harmless little critter she saw in her zoology book when she was still learning in Cloudhaven High School. Today, this was her first time seeing a live bunny. Her head turned and followed the rabbit's figure before it disappears into the forest. A familiar voice from the wall spoke to them. Ignoring Buckshot pointing her shotgun right where the rabbit disappeared, Thunder looks up at Bonbon and snorted, amused. Buckshot rolled her eyes.

Ears swiveling, her ears caught a noise and realized it had come from the sky. Thunder looked up, Buckshot noticed and followed suit after. They were shook out of stares by Bonbon giving them an order, and so they swiftly went back to the walls.

“We spotted something high in the sky but i couldn't make out of what it was!” Thunder told Bonbon.

Nimbus immediately started giving orders to anyone present nearby, shouting with authority “Everypony prepare, arm yourselves, an unidentified subject is spotted in the sky!”


Iffy knew what a title meant but she didn't know what a headmare is. What kind of power does a headmare hold, is Starlight some kind of teacher? Spring had told her that they were in a school during the attack before it was stopped by the guards. Another question for the scaly pony to inquire later.


Teleportation magic, a spell harnessed gifted unicorns, the only unicorn Stormlight knew who used the spell is none other than Twilight Sparkle although a few other unicorns—or even the princesses themselves—can possibly be users. Short-distance travel, hooves unrequired. So jealous.

Both Spring and Iffy was left disorientated from her first experience of unicorn magic; so is Stormlight but it affected her less compared to the two.

As they were walking in the halls of the school to Starlight's office, Spring paused. Stormlight looks back at the kirin and saw her looking outside from a window.




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@Windy Breeze

The assailant would continue to shoot at the meet shield and would eventually hit her if she made no further actions than to protect her foal behind the couch as the shooter ricochet the bullets inside the room.

The princess still stunned and confused, would stupidly demand the assailant to stop.

" I command you to stop!"

She would see that her words has no hold on her and the assailant would continue the assault.

" H-hault.... Please.... Why?"



~~~Hail of Darkness~~~

Orders where given but only a confused look was replied back to the pony who has no power nor rank over them.

As Bonbon got near the two ponies outside, a Black shard the size of a sledge hammer, fell beside bonbon and her team.

".... Run....RUUUUUNNNNN!!!!" she shouted at the top of her voice while running towards back inside.

One by one the shards started to fall in fewer numbers and gradually increasing its drop rate, mimicking how a rain would start.

It started slowly and inevitably became plenty. The black Shards began to liter ground and the sky dropping from above.

A force field would be seen trying to block the black shards around the castle, but it seems to be quickly deteriorating the magic of the forcefield letting some of it inside. 

" Everyone defend the Castle!" Bonbon commanded.


~~ her power is tested~~

" Not on my watch..." The headmare haughtily said.

Shed then cast a powerful magic that encircles her and causes her to shine brightly.

A force field would form around the Castle protecting it from any outside threats.

Although as soon as the shards hit the barrier.

Starlight Glimmers face and eyes are full of dread and fear.

" Everyone quickly find shelter! These projectiles are too strong for me to block entirely!"

One by one the shards hitting the force field would dent and crack it causing some to slip in and crash inside, causing panic and disorder to them all.

Guards would start to assist everyone to evacuate inside the castle or hide somewhere with a very thick roof. 

Cries and panic can be heard outside as the chaos continued.

Starlight who is out of her wits was about to panic. Luckily, she noticed that the black shards familiar pattern of holes.

".... Chrysalis?"

She'd start to cast another spell, but this time it seems to charge up longer than expected.


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Windy Breeze

Glory and pan

One of the darts would hit Glory on her leg and a creeping poison would visibly be seen crawling and spreading on her skin.

This would break Flurry and cause an explosion to knock the assailant off.

"I SAID STOOOOP!!!" she screamed with command and rage.


Buckshot, thunder, and nimbus

The rain of shards would split them up and the ensuing chaos would split them apart.


Iffy, stormlight, and spring.

" Im sorry girls, i have to leave you for a while... I have to go to the roof and do some high level magic."

She quickly leaves them and went to the roof.

"Oh and please assist the creatures entering the castle." She added.

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