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Equestria Girls • High School RP


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13 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

The duo heard a voice in the background, ¨maybe, she faked her death...¨ it was Cosmic Spark, she figured White and Ed would be confused as to why she´d be here, ¨I told Shiny I´d meet up with her tomorrow, and try to fix Trixie and I´s friendship....¨ she explained. 

" Aaahh~~ ahmm sorry for that. I easily get jumpy when someone pinkie pies me at my back."

He fixes his composure.

" well... Finally. We are able to meat face to face. A proper introduction is in order then."

He presents a hand to be shaken. 

" my name is White Light."

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Cosmic then introduced herself, ¨Cosmic, Cosmic Spark...Sorry for the trouble back at the school, I just, haven´t had the best life...Trixie was my only friend...I just wanted to fix it...¨ she said, looking down sadly...Ed and White would then get a flashback of Unicorn Cosmic and Unicorn Trixie talking


Trixie: Cosmic, I used to think nopony understood me but you seem to get everything about me 

Cosmic: Really? I did too...I´ve never had a friend before, especially not in fillyhood....My parents were too busy tending to rich pony parties to spend time with me...

Trixie: My father was never truly there for me at all...I had to resort to making my rounds by doing fake magic tricks....

Cosmic: It took me FOREVER to learn magic just because my dad never taught me....My mom couldn´t, she´s an earth pony...

(OOC: I headcanon that Trixie didn´t always talk in the third person, but she started doing it because she wanted to sound like an upperclass pony.....Pic by PhantomThorns again)

The flashback would end and the three would be back in the present day...

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1 hour ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

Cosmic then introduced herself, ¨Cosmic, Cosmic Spark...Sorry for the trouble back at the school, I just, haven´t had the best life...Trixie was my only friend...I just wanted to fix it...¨ she said, looking down sadly...Ed and White would then get a flashback of Unicorn Cosmic and Unicorn Trixie talking


Trixie: Cosmic, I used to think nopony understood me but you seem to get everything about me 

Cosmic: Really? I did too...I´ve never had a friend before, especially not in fillyhood....My parents were too busy tending to rich pony parties to spend time with me...

Trixie: My father was never truly there for me at all...I had to resort to making my rounds by doing fake magic tricks....

Cosmic: It took me FOREVER to learn magic just because my dad never taught me....My mom couldn´t, she´s an earth pony...

(OOC: I headcanon that Trixie didn´t always talk in the third person, but she started doing it because she wanted to sound like an upperclass pony.....Pic by PhantomThorns again)

The flashback would end and the three would be back in the present day...

Light would be wide eyed and shocked at what he just experienced.

" did... Did you just forced us to watch your... Past!?" Light was amazed and shocked by this.

" do you know what that means? You are an alicorn threat level. If you could bring us to your flashback, you can practically bring us anywhere from your memory! Im just glad you didn't put us on a bottomless pit."

1 hour ago, shadowmoon Dancer said:

Ed Froze. 

"What do you meant `this` world!? uh last I checked there's only one earth. You care to explain?" 

(he thinks the supernatural events came from  earth and doesn't know about Equestria just FYI @Evil Pink One )

" well you've seen the forced 4th wall breaking flash back. I hope that explained a lot of things to you Ed.... Thanks cosmic spark." He'd then put a hand on her shoulder to pat on.

" well you two... Maybe we can work something out about this predicament as it looks like we can help each other.

" you and your obsession with sunset. And you with Master Trixie."

@shadowmoon Dancer @TheREALSaturnRing

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Cosmic would be confused at White´s statement, ¨forced? I didn´t force you to, it just kinda...happened....¨ she then heard White say something about helping her with re-befriending Trixie, but when she heard him call her ¨Master Trixie¨ she became confused once more ¨what do you mean by ´Master Trixie´?¨ she asked. 

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17 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

Cosmic would be confused at White´s statement, ¨forced? I didn´t force you to, it just kinda...happened....¨ she then heard White say something about helping her with re-befriending Trixie, but when she heard him call her ¨Master Trixie¨ she became confused once more ¨what do you mean by ´Master Trixie´?¨ she asked. 

"Oh ... Um ... I'm greatly indebted to her... I actually consider her as one of my mothers." He bowed gently.

" seeing that you were once close friends and know how lonely master Trixie was back then... Why wouldn't i not help you get back your friendship? Its like hitting 2 stones with one bird."


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Cosmic looked really excited, ¨you WILL? Oh thank you!¨ she said jumping around excitedly, Cosmic was acting so different than she had been in the other world, one moment she was planning to take down the royal Princesses and the next she was ecstatic over repairing an old friendship...What was HAPPENING? Perhaps it was the thought of being Trixie´s friend again that was sparking this friendliness within her. Although, there was still the grudge she had with Starlight beforehand, what would she do then? She shrugged and thought, ´I´ll cross THAT bridge when we get there¨ 

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7 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

Cosmic looked really excited, ¨you WILL? Oh thank you!¨ she said jumping around excitedly, Cosmic was acting so different than she had been in the other world, one moment she was planning to take down the royal Princesses and the next she was ecstatic over repairing an old friendship...What was HAPPENING? Perhaps it was the thought of being Trixie´s friend again that was sparking this friendliness within her. Although, there was still the grudge she had with Starlight beforehand, what would she do then? She shrugged and thought, ´I´ll cross THAT bridge when we get there¨ 

" you're having that evil look again... You're scheming something arent ya?" He said as he looked closely at Cosmic.

" Anyway... What caused your falling out?"

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¨What? I´m not planning anything, except for how to fix my grudge against someone who...took my place, sort of...Anyways, it was nothing between us, Celestia didn´t want me hanging out with her because she was a ¨bad pon-er, person¨ but it made me mad, because she wasn´t a bad person, she just had it rough, like I did...Careless parents, no friends...we were practically the same...Anyways, my temper caught ahold of me and I lost control and lashed out at her, something happened and I was gone for a while, I come back and Trixie....forgot about me...¨ Cosmic said, she trailed off at the last part. 

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9 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨What? I´m not planning anything, except for how to fix my grudge against someone who...took my place, sort of...Anyways, it was nothing between us, Celestia didn´t want me hanging out with her because she was a ¨bad pon-er, person¨ but it made me mad, because she wasn´t a bad person, she just had it rough, like I did...Careless parents, no friends...we were practically the same...Anyways, my temper caught ahold of me and I lost control and lashed out at her, something happened and I was gone for a while, I come back and Trixie....forgot about me...¨ Cosmic said, she trailed off at the last part. 

" hehe... No need to hide that you are a pony.... You practically showed us your flash back remember?"

Light would come near her and suggest.

" well while we're at it, lets be friends and find a way to fix it shall we?" 

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1 hour ago, Evil Pink One said:

Light would be wide eyed and shocked at what he just experienced.

" did... Did you just forced us to watch your... Past!?" Light was amazed and shocked by this.

" do you know what that means? You are an alicorn threat level. If you could bring us to your flashback, you can practically bring us anywhere from your memory! Im just glad you didn't put us on a bottomless pit."

" well you've seen the forced 4th wall breaking flash back. I hope that explained a lot of things to you Ed.... Thanks cosmic spark." He'd then put a hand on her shoulder to pat on.

" well you two... Maybe we can work something out about this predicament as it looks like we can help each other.

" you and your obsession with sunset. And you with Master Trixie."

@shadowmoon Dancer @TheREALSaturnRing

(Does your character uses magic to break the 4th wall?) @Evil Pink One

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pegasus trial.jpg

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5 minutes ago, shadowmoon Dancer said:

(Does your character uses magic to break the 4th wall?) @Evil Pink One

( lights original mother was pinkie... So i dont know he learned it from her.( orphan btw not really blood)

( also that 4th wall breaking is very highly advance)

9 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨Since we both know Trixie, it shouldn´t be hard to find her, I´m sure she´ll be in the auditorium or something, let´s look for her tomorrow,¨ Cosmic said, gave White a wave goodbye and left....


"..... Cosmic wait!.... Your Trixie is from Equestria where you originally are. The trixie in the auditorium is NOT the trixie you know." He worriedly point out.

Edited by Evil Pink One
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1 minute ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨Then how do we find THE Trixie?¨ Cosmic asked White, looking worried, and a bit cold since it was sort of getting dark out...She was crossing her arms to keep herself warm, as she was only wearing a purple sweater and white sweatpants, did her bow even count as clothing, really? 

Seeing this Light would offer her his black jacket.

Hed put it on her back 

" if you don't mind that is, i dont want you to get a cold."

Anyway... Maybe a change of venue? The cemetery seems to be umm.... Inappropriate to hatch a plan.... Unless it's an evil plan then why not?" 

"You guys wanna have dinner? You know any restaurants or any small establishment we can stay for a while while we plan?"

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18 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨No, I don´t know of any places, the only places I know to go are back in my world...¨ Cosmic said, and that made her ponder how she even got here in the first place, she shook off the thought and focused on the fact that she needed something to eat. 

" ohh.... Uhm ... Theres a burger shack near the cemetery.... Buuutt.... Maybe they have salad there. Wanna go?" He asked Cosmic.

" my treat." He added.

" you too Ed."

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¨The classic burger, obviously, everyone´s go to! A barbecue bacon burger, and here´s something that might be weird, but I like onion rings on it, I dunno, it just makes it have an added crunch, that doesn´t ruin it,¨ Cosmic said, she was stunned at her huge burger knowledge in that moment, was she acting like a nerd? Not that there was anything wrong with that, but she didn´t want her new friends to think she was dorky. 

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2 minutes ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨The classic burger, obviously, everyone´s go to! A barbecue bacon burger, and here´s something that might be weird, but I like onion rings on it, I dunno, it just makes it have an added crunch, that doesn´t ruin it,¨ Cosmic said, she was stunned at her huge burger knowledge in that moment, was she acting like a nerd? Not that there was anything wrong with that, but she didn´t want her new friends to think she was dorky. 

" you put.... Onion rings on your burger... Too!!!! You gotta try it as well Ed! 3 orders of regular burger and large onion rings."

He'd go near the counter and slide a piece of gold.

" um you dont mind gold right? Keep the change."

They'd take a table near the window. And sat there.

" well that was surprising, our first date and we are clicking."

( damn you @TheREALSaturnRing im craving burgers and onionrings... I want that crunch now ..)


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1 minute ago, Cosmic Spark said:

¨Yeah, I guess we are!¨ Cosmic said, soon the burgers arrived, she turned to Ed, ¨so, what do you think?¨ she asked him...

(OOC: Sorry! I do that sometimes...and now I´m hungry too, and I already had dinner and dessert) 

( time to go out and buy.... We'll wait for @shadowmoon Dancer and @Shiny Silvermoon perhaps? I dont know but i have to have my onion rings....)

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