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Anocratic empire's tour


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@Props Valroa 

19 hours ago, Xada said:

"IThough i don't remember seeing electric trains or any computers, so our empire still is more technologicaly advanced." Harmonious answered

Looking at the map, Harmoney Song could see that Ponynia was an administrative region and it was one of four regions along with Chevrony, Farbrook and Crystal duchy that did not have any major ports.

Harmony glanced at the map, scanning over the regions, trying to make sense of everything. It kind of made sense to her, but it did raise more questions that Harmony wasn't sure how to ask. Instead, she opted for the simplest to ask question. "Uuh, what's a computer?" Harmony asked Harmonious. "And so uh, does this Empire not have any major port cities? If so, why did we end up in this small city, and if not, why are there no major ports?"

One of the questions that the map didn't answer was the name of the city that they were in. She tried to glance around the train station to see if the station name would reveal the name of the city that they were in. If not, she would ask Harmonious. "Uhh, what city are we in?"

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8 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

"I will have to get a look at the blueprints for this kind of technology. I am sure the Crystal Empire would like to make use of this stuff."

"You can ask Emperor Bigpip about that, he might be able to help if you give him something in return.

"To put it simply, a computer is a machine that quickly calculates stuff. There are major port cities miss Song but they have too many boats going in and out, plus they don't have a land connection to the capital city. To anwer your last question, this place is called Ealuit." Harmonious Percussion anwered, A passanger train arrived to the station with a lound screeching halt.

"Welp, time to board the train and quickly haul the baggage, there are shelfs above the seats to place the baggage. Let's hurry!"

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10 hours ago, Xada said:

"You can ask Emperor Bigpip about that, he might be able to help if you give him something in return.

"To put it simply, a computer is a machine that quickly calculates stuff. There are major port cities miss Song but they have too many boats going in and out, plus they don't have a land connection to the capital city. To anwer your last question, this place is called Ealuit." Harmonious Percussion anwered, A passanger train arrived to the station with a lound screeching halt.

"Welp, time to board the train and quickly haul the baggage, there are shelfs above the seats to place the baggage. Let's hurry!"

@Xada @Skylight Scintillate

Carnelian's guards would follow behind them as they boarded the passenger train. The guards started to casually store away the luggage as Carnelian listened to Harmony and Harmonious speak. "Never heard of anything like that until now. Such a thing would be quite useful, I would imagine. The Crystal Empire, and I myself am largely behind on the times due to the Empire being vanished for a thousand years." she spoke, taking in what they were saying as she sat down. 

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@Props Valroa 

11 hours ago, Xada said:

"You can ask Emperor Bigpip about that, he might be able to help if you give him something in return.

"To put it simply, a computer is a machine that quickly calculates stuff. There are major port cities miss Song but they have too many boats going in and out, plus they don't have a land connection to the capital city. To anwer your last question, this place is called Ealuit." Harmonious Percussion anwered, A passanger train arrived to the station with a lound screeching halt.

"Welp, time to board the train and quickly haul the baggage, there are shelfs above the seats to place the baggage. Let's hurry!"

"Huh, well, this computer sounds quite interesting to me. I could see how something that is able to calculate things very quickly could be quite useful," Harmony replied. However, she was still a little confused about the geography of this region.

Given that she didn't have as much luggage as Carnelian, she was able to get them all onto the shelves above the seats without much of a problem. 

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39 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Huh, well, this computer sounds quite interesting to me. I could see how something that is able to calculate things very quickly could be quite useful," Harmony replied. However, she was still a little confused about the geography of this region.

Given that she didn't have as much luggage as Carnelian, she was able to get them all onto the shelves above the seats without much of a problem. 


2 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

Carnelian's guards would follow behind them as they boarded the passenger train. The guards started to casually store away the luggage as Carnelian listened to Harmony and Harmonious speak. "Never heard of anything like that until now. Such a thing would be quite useful, I would imagine. The Crystal Empire, and I myself am largely behind on the times due to the Empire being vanished for a thousand years." she spoke, taking in what they were saying as she sat down. 

The inside of the train look mostly sterile with electric light. The seats were made of wood with pillows attached to them and few earth pony passangers could be seen entering the train as well.  Harmonious Percussion sat down. The train waited for several more minutes before the doors closed and the train started moving in the direction it came from. The train driver would announce the next train stop.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Xada

On 2023-10-29 at 3:48 PM, Xada said:


The inside of the train look mostly sterile with electric light. The seats were made of wood with pillows attached to them and few earth pony passangers could be seen entering the train as well.  Harmonious Percussion sat down. The train waited for several more minutes before the doors closed and the train started moving in the direction it came from. The train driver would announce the next train stop.

Carnelian would sit down and look at the train. "These trains are better than any Equestrian train - which are usually quite dirty. Crystal Empire trains are always at the top notch of our quality. Though, they are entirely mechanical - but these kinds of trains with lighting...is interesting." Carnelian Clout spoke to the two of them. She obviously wasn't fond of Equestrian trains, while these trains were at least clean - she preferred things in the old style. 

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On 2023-10-29 at 3:48 PM, Xada said:

The inside of the train look mostly sterile with electric light. The seats were made of wood with pillows attached to them and few earth pony passangers could be seen entering the train as well.  Harmonious Percussion sat down. The train waited for several more minutes before the doors closed and the train started moving in the direction it came from. The train driver would announce the next train stop.

Harmony would sit down with the others and glance around the train car, noting the use of electric lighting again. However, the seating seemed quite similar to what was seen on a train in Equestria. "Huh, well that's interesting. I guess I wasn't expecting this combination of lighting and seating. Like, everything else here is so different from Equestria; I expected the seating to be different too... Anyways, how long is the train ride to the capital city?" Harmony asked.

5 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

"These trains are better than any Equestrian train - which are usually quite dirty. Crystal Empire trains are always at the top notch of our quality. Though, they are entirely mechanical - but these kinds of trains with lighting...is interesting." Carnelian Clout spoke to the two of them. She obviously wasn't fond of Equestrian trains, while these trains were at least clean - she preferred things in the old style. 

Harmony gave Carnelian another skeptical glance. "Uhh, I don't think the trains in Equestria are dirty. At least, not any dirtier than this train..." Harmony replied.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

The train stops for a short while, one earth pony leaves and several enter onboard, also wanting to make their way towards the capital. An old unicorn stallion wearing a purple uniform with medals makes use of an available seat next to one of Carnelian Cout's guards. His left rear leg is made of metal and he looks your group over with curiosity. An animated bird skeleton rests on his head.

"Harmonious Percussion? What are you doing here in Ponynia, this far east?" He asks turning his head to the rest of the group "Are you ponies from the military or are you from the military or from abroad?" he continues, he is shaking constantly, talking slowly and quietly.

The other pony passangers pay you no mind, for they have other more importants things waiting for them ahead. The train moves quickly on the rails and the moisture inside is getting drier as the train passess by tall mountains between temperate trees.

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@Xada @Skylight Scintillate

Carnelian looks to Harmony, "The ones I've been on weren't that great." she spoke. In truth, Carnelian thought that Equestrians were dirty ponies who saught to steal the wealth of the Crystal Empire. It made her furious, mentally, to think that Equestrians could govern and control everything without consequences. Now with the discovery of the new nation ruled by Emperor Bigpip, she could see ponies who weren't Equestrian. It was a breath of fresh air.

The guards were sitting together, and one of them looked to the old unicorn stallion. One of the stallion guards looked to him, looking over his features curiously. "We are from the Crystal Empire Royal Guard. So we would be considered military." one guard spoke. It would be notworthy that the guards that were guardian Carnelian had the symbol of house Onyx on their chestplates.

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Carnelian looked at him with a bit of a suspicious glance. She wondered why he was shaking - was it some sort of health condition?

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8 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

Carnelian looks to Harmony, "The ones I've been on weren't that great." she spoke. 

Harmony glanced at Carnelian skeptically. "Umm, ok then, I suppose you just had bad luck with the trains you got on then," Harmony replied. She got the slightest impression that Carnelian didn't like her, but she hadn't interacted with her enough to be sure.

11 hours ago, Xada said:

"Harmonious Percussion? What are you doing here in Ponynia, this far east?" He asks turning his head to the rest of the group "Are you ponies from the military or are you from the military or from abroad?" he continues, he is shaking constantly, talking slowly and quietly.

Harmony glanced at this older pony with a skeleton bird on his head. "Oh, erm, I'm a diplomat from Equestria, ruled by Princess Twilight Sparkle. What about you?" Harmony glanced up and down at this unicorn. She wasn't sure what to make of everything on him, especially the skeleton bird on this stallion's head. 

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@Props Valroa @Skylight Scintillate

"I should introduce myself. I'm Glass Key, a retired soldiers. I studied necromancy in military academy served in colony on Acrab but was eventualy discharged after a projectile pierced my helmet and skull. I barely survived but the military has no use for disordered headshot survivors. So i was discharged on good terms, getting to keep my uniform with medals. It does not bother me, i would have to retire in few your anyway, probably. Despite my brain injury and mental illness i continue to live my life here in Ponynia, away from violence on Acrab. But i don't think i have much more time left." he explained slowlx, half of his muzzle staying limp, causing his speach to be slightly impared.

"Such is life. As long as there are pirate bands and savage tribes, Acrab won't see peace." Harmonious Percussion added.
"I kinda question the military leadership for not doing more pre-emptive assaults. Most of the time, ponies are left to fend for themselfs, because the military can't always respond fast enought, to pirate raids." Glass Key said
"Good thing that the city and outposts on Acrab aren't build like circles and were constructed with defence in mind." Harmonious Percussion chimed in.
Glass Key turned to Carnelian "i don't know if your royal house has any real influence but it has a good choice of emblem. Is there specific meaning to the design like the flag of Anocratic empire does? Or did the house's founders just picked what looked best?"
The train made another stop, few ponies left and more entered, making it slightly more crowded then it was before.
This was a major stop, so there were multiple other trains parked on rail platforms near. The train waited at the station for several minutes. Adittional passanger wagon was connected by the railway workers. Which then hed a small cargo wagon connect behind it. The train's doors closed and it resumed on it's way to the capital.
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@Xada @Skylight Scintillate


Harmony glanced at Carnelian skeptically. "Umm, ok then, I suppose you just had bad luck with the trains you got on then," Harmony replied. She got the slightest impression that Carnelian didn't like her, but she hadn't interacted with her enough to be sure.

Carnelian just glanced at her - and wasn't sure what to really say to that. They were on a diplomatic mission, so Carnelian was not going to spout off anything to Harmony. It wasn't Harmony's fault that the Equestrians always mistreated Crystal Ponies, she were a mere diplomat. The ones who were responsible were those Alicorns, the ones who everyone idolized and worshipped. It made her blood boil as she thought of that.


"I should introduce myself. I'm Glass Key, a retired soldiers. I studied necromancy in military academy served in colony on Acrab but was eventualy discharged after a projectile pierced my helmet and skull. I barely survived but the military has no use for disordered headshot survivors. So i was discharged on good terms, getting to keep my uniform with medals. It does not bother me, i would have to retire in few your anyway, probably. Despite my brain injury and mental illness i continue to live my life here in Ponynia, away from violence on Acrab. But i don't think i have much more time left." he explained slowlx, half of his muzzle staying limp, causing his speach to be slightly impared.

"Such is life. As long as there are pirate bands and savage tribes, Acrab won't see peace." Harmonious Percussion added.

"I kinda question the military leadership for not doing more pre-emptive assaults. Most of the time, ponies are left to fend for themselfs, because the military can't always respond fast enought, to pirate raids." Glass Key said

"Good thing that the city and outposts on Acrab aren't build like circles and were constructed with defence in mind." Harmonious Percussion chimed in.

Glass Key turned to Carnelian "i don't know if your royal house has any real influence but it has a good choice of emblem. Is there specific meaning to the design like the flag of Anocratic empire does? Or did the house's founders just picked what looked best?"

The train made another stop, few ponies left and more entered, making it slightly more crowded then it was before.

This was a major stop, so there were multiple other trains parked on rail platforms near. The train waited at the station for several minutes. Adittional passanger wagon was connected by the railway workers. Which then hed a small cargo wagon connect behind it. The train's doors closed and it resumed on it's way to the capital.

Carnelian Clout would listen to what was being said by the two of them. Glass Key definitely had a very interesting story to say the least. Necromancy, that would be something useful - though it is forbidden by the law of the land. Now she knew why he shook a bit, was due to his injury. She would address Glass Key.

"Many centuries ago, before the Empire vanished, my ancestors were the masterminds of the Empire's order and governance. House Onyx managed the internal affairs of the Crystal Empire, and we have always tried for the throne. We had one chance to get the throne, when one of the last Crystal Kings died. At the last moment, another Royal House got the throne and ceded many of our lands away to Equestria. They gave up the Empire's Honor and birthright to those who sought to steal our land. Their corruption and treachery was endless." Carnelian spoke. 

"The flower symbolizes valor, while the serpent underneath the flower symbolizes that a silver tongue is more effective than a sharpened sword." she spoke with pride. 

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13 hours ago, Xada said:

"I should introduce myself. I'm Glass Key, a retired soldiers. I studied necromancy in military academy served in colony on Acrab but was eventualy discharged after a projectile pierced my helmet and skull. I barely survived but the military has no use for disordered headshot survivors. So i was discharged on good terms, getting to keep my uniform with medals. It does not bother me, i would have to retire in few your anyway, probably. Despite my brain injury and mental illness i continue to live my life here in Ponynia, away from violence on Acrab. But i don't think i have much more time left." he explained slowlx, half of his muzzle staying limp, causing his speach to be slightly impared.

Harmony's ears flopped when she heard this. In Equestria, while necromancy wasn't outright forbidden, it was both legally and morally very complicated, filled with exceptions and counter-exceptions.

13 hours ago, Xada said:

"Such is life. As long as there are pirate bands and savage tribes, Acrab won't see peace." Harmonious Percussion added.

"I kinda question the military leadership for not doing more pre-emptive assaults. Most of the time, ponies are left to fend for themselfs, because the military can't always respond fast enought, to pirate raids." Glass Key said
"Good thing that the city and outposts on Acrab aren't build like circles and were constructed with defence in mind." Harmonious Percussion chimed in.

Harmony tried to understand the politics of the local region, but given how unfamiliar she was with this, it took quite a while to digest. Plus, she felt like she wasn't exactly in the best position to offer her opinion on this, especially with an influential figure from a region who is claiming to to be in conflict with Equestria sitting across from her.

8 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

"Many centuries ago, before the Empire vanished, my ancestors were the masterminds of the Empire's order and governance. House Onyx managed the internal affairs of the Crystal Empire, and we have always tried for the throne. We had one chance to get the throne, when one of the last Crystal Kings died. At the last moment, another Royal House got the throne and ceded many of our lands away to Equestria. They gave up the Empire's Honor and birthright to those who sought to steal our land. Their corruption and treachery was endless." Carnelian spoke. 

Harmony had no idea what to make of this. She had a feeling that the other Royal House that Carnelian was referring to was Sombra, but other than that, she didn't know any of this history about the Crystal Empire. 

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@Props Valroa @Skylight Scintillate

"I hope you can resolve your grievances peacefuly, there is enough bloodshed on Acrab alone. The same must not repeat in east Equus." Glass Key answered slowly.

"I must agree with my comrade here.

Oh look! We are stopping at the station next to the grand tomb mentioned earlier. You can kinda see the entrance building from the train window." added Harmonious Percussion, pointing to a slate stone construction with a grand sculpture on top of it. With his green hoof.

Edited by Xada
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@Xada @Skylight Scintillate

On 2023-11-02 at 10:34 AM, Xada said:

@Props Valroa @Skylight Scintillate

"I hope you can resolve your grievances peacefuly, there is enough bloodshed on Acrab alone. The same must not repeat in east Equus." Glass Key answered slowly.

"I must agree with my comrade here.

Oh look! We are stopping at the station next to the grand tomb mentioned earlier. You can kinda see the entrance building from the train window." added Harmonious Percussion, pointing to a slate stone construction with a grand sculpture on top of it. With his green hoof.

Carnelian would agree with such a statement. She knew that an uprising against the Alicorns would only be doomed to fail, so the only realistic way to remove Shining Armor and Cadence from the throne was with popular support from the populace and outsider forces. At least that was the plan she had in mind.

"Yes. I agree very much with that." Carnelian spoke to Glass Key, and would look out the window to see the train slowing down at the grand tomb. 

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Quite a number of ponies left the train here, making it less crowded. With so many ponies going in and out, the metal floor between seats was starting to get a little dirty, no longer looking sterile like it did at the start of the trip.

Edited by Xada
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@Props Valroa 

12 hours ago, Xada said:

Oh look! We are stopping at the station next to the grand tomb mentioned earlier. You can kinda see the entrance building from the train window." added Harmonious Percussion, pointing to a slate stone construction with a grand sculpture on top of it. With his green hoof.

Harmony glanced out the window, trying to get a good look at the entrance building with the grand statue. "Oh wow, that building looks pretty impressive, especially with that statue on top," Harmony replied. "So who is buried at the grand tomb? Is it most ponies, or is it like only important ponies or a specific categorization of ponies?" Harmony asked.

7 hours ago, Xada said:

"Miss Carnelian, we are halfway to the capital we can take a detour after negotiating with Emperor Bigpip in his castle. Or i suppose our castle. It would be best to continue by train for the time being." Harmonious Percussion told her. While Glass Key was silent

Quite a number of ponies left the train here, making it less crowded. With so many ponies going in and out, the metal floor between seats was starting to get a little dirty, no longer looking sterile like it did at the start of the trip.

"Yes, I do believe that it is important to go straight there," Harmony remarked. However, she did note how dirty the floor was getting with Carnelian's remarks about the trains in Equestria.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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"Most ponies who pass away on the mainland are burried there. Their corpses have vital organs harvested when possible, afterwhich, preserving steps are taken. Only after then they are burried. Fequm and Acrab have their own dedicated burrial grounds. It's a long tradition. Dating to the Anocratic empire's founding.

Do you you also practice organ harvesting and sarcophagus burrial at home?" Harmonious Percussion said
A bell ring was heard from the trainstation "Dear passangers, train 1697 hed a malfunction and will not continue on it's journey, a ship ride will be provided. We apologize for the inconvenience.' came from the station's electronic speakers
"Thankfuly thats not our train." said Glass Key. His skeleton bird doing a little dance on his head before sitting back again.
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@Skylight Scintillate @Xada

16 minutes ago, Xada said:

"Most ponies who pass away on the mainland are burried there. Their corpses have vital organs harvested when possible, afterwhich, preserving steps are taken. Only after then they are burried. Fequm and Acrab have their own dedicated burrial grounds. It's a long tradition. Dating to the Anocratic empire's founding.

Do you you also practice organ harvesting and sarcophagus burrial at home?" Harmonious Percussion said
A bell ring was heard from the trainstation "Dear passangers, train 1697 hed a malfunction and will not continue on it's journey, a ship ride will be provided. We apologize for the inconvenience.' came from the station's electronic speakers
"Thankfuly thats not our train." said Glass Key. His skeleton bird doing a little dance on his head before sitting back again.

Carnelian noticed the dirt on the train's floor. Though this time around, she knew it was because of active use. It looked like they actively cleaned their trains - unlike Equestrian trains. She was curious about the tomb and listened to Harmony and  Harmonious's conversation. Organ harvesting was something the Crystal Empire never did - both because it was impractical, and it likely wouldn't fly over well.

"We do not practice organ harvesting. When a pony is deceased, they are placed into the crypt which is located underneath the outskirts of the Capital. When a Crystal Pony dies, their organic features will fade away and the body will leave behind a fragile crystalline husk. We are both made of Crystal, both in life, and in death." Carnelian spoke with a hint of pride in her word. She'd look to Glass Key, hoping that the same fate wouldn't come to the train they were on. 


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@Props Valroa 

11 hours ago, Xada said:

"Most ponies who pass away on the mainland are burried there. Their corpses have vital organs harvested when possible, afterwhich, preserving steps are taken. Only after then they are burried. Fequm and Acrab have their own dedicated burrial grounds. It's a long tradition. Dating to the Anocratic empire's founding.

Do you you also practice organ harvesting and sarcophagus burrial at home?" Harmonious Percussion said

"Huh, well that's interesting. I heard the region of southern Equestria called Somnambula also has a tradition of sarcophagus burial. There is a modified, more modern version of what Somnambula does that is popular with some groups of ponies. Either that or ponies opt to be buried individually. I heard that those who prefer the sarcophagus method put their organs in jars next to their sarcophagus, but organ harvesting for use on living ponies is quite rare. Instead, there's a lot of research going into using magic and magical medicine to improve the health and wellness of ponies. Currently, major research institutions are looking into ponies' average health spans significantly. Everypony jokes that it's because Princess Twilight doesn't plan on saying goodbye to her friends at all... " Harmony laughed nervously.

11 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

"We do not practice organ harvesting. When a pony is deceased, they are placed into the crypt which is located underneath the outskirts of the Capital. When a Crystal Pony dies, their organic features will fade away and the body will leave behind a fragile crystalline husk. We are both made of Crystal, both in life, and in death." Carnelian spoke with a hint of pride in her word. She'd look to Glass Key, hoping that the same fate wouldn't come to the train they were on. 

"Well thats... huh, I didn't know that. So what does it mean to be made of crystal?" Harmony asked.

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"I see. Be that as it may. It has been a standard practice here for a long time, though originaly only simple graves were used. The practice of post mortem organ harvesting didn't come until later when medical knowlage advanced sufficiently. Medical knowlage has come a long way. Also by conducting studies on ruins of old structures on Acrab. Archeologists and medical experts were able to develop medical machines that could extend a pony's livespan at the cost of time and nutrition. It's not ideal but it is a way to theoreticaly make somepony live forever. However these machines can't heal most existing ailments, only make them less likely to appear. There has been a large scale government project to make these machines available to use across Anocratic empire for cheap price." Harmonious answered.

The train would travel across a wide bridge, which connected the Ponynia region to Chevrony region.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Xada


"Well thats... huh, I didn't know that. So what does it mean to be made of crystal?" Harmony asked.

Carnelian Clout would stand up when asked this question and walk over to Harmony. "The entire Crystal Capital, as you know of it - is an emotional conduit. Each Crystal Pony, when our emotions are at a peak, assume an alternate form which is entirely made of crystal. When we are in that form, our bodies are like an antenna, of emotions, to transmit into the conduit - of which the Crystal Heart is the focal point." Carnelian explained.

Carnelian closed her eyes and seemed to stand there for a few moments, before she struggled a bit before there was a flash of light throughout her body. Then after the flash, they could see Carnelian - looking as if her body was made of a living crystal. Despite that, she moved around normally, but clearly, she was made of solid crystal. How did that work? Her mane also looked flashier too. It was stunning.

"Reach out and touch my hoof." Carnelian spoke, reaching out her hoof to Harmony. If Harmony did as so, she would feel that Carnelian's hoof feels exactly like a crystal - or a rock. It was her way of proving that she was indeed, solid crystal. 


"I see. Be that as it may. It has been a standard practice here for a long time, though originaly only simple graves were used. The practice of post mortem organ harvesting didn't come until later when medical knowlage advanced sufficiently. Medical knowlage has come a long way. Also by conducting studies on ruins of old structures on Acrab. Archeologists and medical experts were able to develop medical machines that could extend a pony's livespan at the cost of time and nutrition. It's not ideal but it is a way to theoreticaly make somepony live forever. However these machines can't heal most existing ailments, only make them less likely to appear. There has been a large scale government project to make these machines available to use across Anocratic empire for cheap price." Harmonious answered.

The train would travel across a wide bridge, which connected the Ponynia region to Chevrony region.

Carnelian would then look over to Harmonious. "If that is true, what you say, then this would be an invaluable resource for the Crystal Empire. I would like to look more into such a thing. I am sure that in the future, I will have my scientists visit here and study such a machine, if that would be acceptable." Carnelian stated.

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23 minutes ago, Carnelian Clout said:

Carnelian would then look over to Harmonious. "If that is true, what you say, then this would be an invaluable resource for the Crystal Empire. I would like to look more into such a thing. I am sure that in the future, I will have my scientists visit here and study such a machine, if that would be acceptable." Carnelian stated.

"I would not have an issue with that personaly but i feel like Emperor Bigpip or some bureaucrat from Ministry of kindness would have to approve that first. You know, they don't want untrustworthy people to know about stuff like that." Harmonious Percussion answered to Carnelian Clout.

From the trains window, it could be seen that the landscape has rather quickly transitioned from a temperate forest, to a desert. The train stopped here at a town, where Glass Key slowly left the train. Waving you a brief goodbye before tripping on the ground, a nearby pegasus helped him get up and the two of them entered the town to do whatever they needed to.

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18 hours ago, Xada said:

"Archeologists and medical experts were able to develop medical machines that could extend a pony's livespan at the cost of time and nutrition. It's not ideal but it is a way to theoreticaly make somepony live forever. However these machines can't heal most existing ailments, only make them less likely to appear. There has been a large scale government project to make these machines available to use across Anocratic empire for cheap price." Harmonious answered.

"Huh, what do you mean by at the cost of time and nutrition?" Harmony asked. "Is it very expensive to do so?"

11 hours ago, Carnelian Clout said:

@Skylight Scintillate @Xada

Carnelian Clout would stand up when asked this question and walk over to Harmony. "The entire Crystal Capital, as you know of it - is an emotional conduit. Each Crystal Pony, when our emotions are at a peak, assume an alternate form which is entirely made of crystal. When we are in that form, our bodies are like an antenna, of emotions, to transmit into the conduit - of which the Crystal Heart is the focal point." Carnelian explained.

Carnelian closed her eyes and seemed to stand there for a few moments, before she struggled a bit before there was a flash of light throughout her body. Then after the flash, they could see Carnelian - looking as if her body was made of a living crystal. Despite that, she moved around normally, but clearly, she was made of solid crystal. How did that work? Her mane also looked flashier too. It was stunning.

"Reach out and touch my hoof." Carnelian spoke, reaching out her hoof to Harmony. If Harmony did as so, she would feel that Carnelian's hoof feels exactly like a crystal - or a rock. It was her way of proving that she was indeed, solid crystal. 

Harmony gasped when Carnelian suddenly flashed before her eyes. She would glance at Carnelian up and down, not really believing what she was seeing. However, she would hesitantly reach out her hoof to feel Carnelian's, and it confirmed what she was seeing. "Oh wow, that's pretty neat. So you all have an emotional connection to the Crystal Heart?" Harmony asked.

10 hours ago, Xada said:

"I would not have an issue with that personaly but i feel like Emperor Bigpip or some bureaucrat from Ministry of kindness would have to approve that first. You know, they don't want untrustworthy people to know about stuff like that." Harmonious Percussion answered to Carnelian Clout.

"Ministry of Kindness? Huh, how does that work? In Equestria, we have an Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, who spreads kindness throughout the region and demonstrates how showing a little kindness to others can go a long way. Is that similar to what this region has?" Harmony noted.

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@Xada @Skylight Scintillate


"I would not have an issue with that personaly but i feel like Emperor Bigpip or some bureaucrat from Ministry of kindness would have to approve that first. You know, they don't want untrustworthy people to know about stuff like that." Harmonious Percussion answered to Carnelian Clout.

From the trains window, it could be seen that the landscape has rather quickly transitioned from a temperate forest, to a desert. The train stopped here at a town, where Glass Key slowly left the train. Waving you a brief goodbye before tripping on the ground, a nearby pegasus helped him get up and the two of them entered the town to do whatever they needed to.

Carnelian would look to Harmonious with a nod. There wasn't much else for her to say at the moment to that. Though, she did not like the idea of a Ministry of Kindness. Something about that felt rather off to her. 

When Glass Key slowly left the train she would look to him. Something about that stallion tugged at the little sympathy she had in her heart for others. She wasn't sure why that was. Who knows. He was a mystery, to be sure.



Harmony gasped when Carnelian suddenly flashed before her eyes. She would glance at Carnelian up and down, not really believing what she was seeing. However, she would hesitantly reach out her hoof to feel Carnelian's, and it confirmed what she was seeing. "Oh wow, that's pretty neat. So you all have an emotional connection to the Crystal Heart?" Harmony asked.

Carnelian shook her head to this, "The Crystal Heart itself is a new artifact in terms of our history. For thousands of years, we have existed without it. It was uncovered one day in a mining expedition, the origins of the Heart are unclear. It is not known who created it. There are many legends about it being seen before it came to the Empire. The King of many generations ago, devised a plan to use the power of the heart to shield the Capital City from hostile magic and storms. After many years of experimentation, that was completed. It was discovered that the heart is like a battery, fueled by the emotions of the populace. It's a mere tool to be used." she spoke.


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