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critique wanted Tales from Anocratic empire


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I have decided to share most of my short stories i have written. Which takes place in an alternative universe in a state that is overseas west of Equestria. I have decided to not put the ones here that are too short (Less then 4000 letters). Since it takes place in my AU (Which is a crossover between MLP and Rimworld), there might be some confusion but the extensive world building information behind it can be looked at. I am currently writting a longer military fic, which is longer then usual but still shorter then all of these combined.

Bigpip and the candy factory


While trying to travel from home to the colonies of Acrab by a teleporter; Bigpip, Harmonious Percussion and two unicorns found themselfs on a unknown atoll with a whicle and factory equipment.
"Are we at the correct place?" asked one of the unicorns. "No we are not, we should be here" replied Bigpip, flying into the air to get a look around.
The atoll they were on was tiny, looking on the horizon he found a familiar looking land formations. Flying back to the ground he said "Some fool messed up the teleporter calibration and it seems we ended up more south east then we were suppose to." "We were suppose to build a candy factory, what are we suppose to do now?" asked one of the two unicorns.
"I don't see why we can't build a candy factory here, this donut shaped island looks pretty." said Harmonious Percussion lying on sand.
Almost all of factory building resources were teleported in the water and hed to be fetched out. One thing they weren't able fetch out of the water, were the wood fueled generators, Harmonious Percussion hed to deconstruct those. Then they decided to check if the transport whicle hed any fuel which it did not, since it wasn't ment to be used yet.
"You two haven't introduced to me yet, what are your names and education?" asked Bigpip. "I'm Style Fury, i have agricultural education and he is Snacks Pop, he is just charismatic and that's it." said the green unicorn with violet mane.
"Allright since we are here let's start building the candy factory" said Bigpip. "Yes my emperor!" they said in unison. "Let's start by apointing Snacks Pop as our Philosopher and building ourselfs bedrooms..."
They have build themselfs bedrooms and other important rooms like storage, table room, recreation room, freezer, toilet and shower room out of coral and prison. The whole base was powered by solar panels. Bigpip used earth pony magic to make the soil suitable for growing. They planted corn, candy producing plants, healroot, cotton and glowing transforming plant.
When this was done a ship has sailed to the atoll and 3 ponies came out. "My emperor, we were looking for you. What are you doing on this unmarked atoll?" they shouted.
Emperor Bigpip turned around and said "Some fool miscalibrated a teleporter and we ended up here. So i am helping the unicorns here build a candy factory."
"I heard about the construction of a candy factory. Since the factory equipment didn't arrive with the two ponies delivering it. The colonial administration has decided to start the planned construction elsewhere, on a bigger island west from here." replied the pony
"Send the administration a letter that i am safely here and will be staying for at least 60 days." said Bigpip
After this a foreign space ship has landed, with with the merchant of the ship declaring that they sell slaves and have special offer: earth pony for 155 plasteel. Oviously they wanted the earth pony back so they accepted. The merchant gave them the earth pony named Azure Colonist and went inside the spaceship. Then Bigpip with Harmonious Percussion opened fire on the ship but it flew away.
19 days has passed at this point. They have been on this atoll for that long...
Alot of progress was made. The new pony was converted to Neo-Harmonism and the room the pony was converted in was made into a full party room, with pillows, loudspeakers and disco ball.
The growing fields were expanded and later, candy cane plants were replaced with jubi berry and cocoa tree. The jubi berry growing zone hed automatic sprinklers build, with a automatic puller with a conveyer belt carrying harvested berries to the kitchen. Once the cocoa trees grow up jubi candy can be made.
A odd thing happend. Bigpip was invited to a peace talk with a group humans from "Obsidian empire" on a big island north. Bigpip used the unusued helicopter that was laying that on the atoll since they first teleported. Bigpip refined some corn into fuel and used it to fly to the peace talk site. Bigpip did great job but it wasn't enough for them to agree to stoping trying to raid the actual candy factory west.
Bigpip was unable to bring the the helicopter to the atoll, due to slightly miscalculating the helicopter's fuel usage. He hed to leave it to the negociators wearing purple slicecaps, they weren't grateful. Bigpip used his magical power to teleport back to the atoll.
He was worried that these humans from "Obsidian empire" could become a problem since they are trying to colonize this part of Acrab. He wen't to the atoll workshop and repaired his armor.
Bigpip wanted to keep those working on the atoll to be happy, so he did not tell them about the peace talk and decided to sculp two grand pony sculptures out of coral. Since he is not a artist, both scultures were of normal quality
A biosculting pod was build for Harmonious Percussion, where he spend time reducing his biological age bellow the age of 70.
They managed to get a cloning vat working after three attempts. They managed to create a 1 alicorn clone using Bigpip's DNA. They send this clone west, to join workers at the candy factory there.
One time Snacks Pop was looking through a telescope, he noticed that on the smaller mountainous island there were what looked like some sort of ruins, next to that single impassable mountain. He wanted to go there to explore but emperor Bigpip was against it. They were to busy, exploring possible ruins is a job for somepony else.
90 days passed since the inicial teleportation on this atoll...
Bigpip decided that since he had a little time and Snacks Pop wanted to explore the ruins, he build a transport pod launcher. The issue being that it could only fit one pony, so Bigpip hed to go by himself. Inside the ruin he found 0.38kg of gold and some sort of brain implant. He told Snacks Pop that the trip wasn't worth it and hed to kill two humans there.
They recieved a letter from colonial administration, asking them to build a monument to commemorate fallen colonists. They got to work, puting coral chunks into masonry machine and used coral blocks to build the monument. When the monument was completed a boat arrived, the boats driver gave them a alien device that improves your medical abilities. They decided to give it to Harmonious Percussion, since he is the best at medicine.
Four human refugees swimmed to the atoll askeing for refuee, saying that they escaped from slavers. They were accepted for the time being, they celebrated Heart's warming despite not beliveing in the ways of harmony.
Later they have received a letter telling Emperor Bigpip, that they are redirecting a group of tribal savages that have been harasing settlers. They will arrive on the atoll to be eliminated. For the trouble they will get a warhammer forged out of red candy, the warhammer is also of legendary quality.
The refugees have left and the tribal savages were killed before they were able to swim to the atoll ground. The legendary candy warhammer has arrived and was placed in the ritual room on a shelf.
They bought a automatic modern cooker which speed up candy production by a lot.
Harmonious Percussion has spend quite some time in the biosculting pod and his biological age was lowered to 62.
A boat has arrived to the atoll and a pony officer walk on the atoll. Gesturing to Bigpip he said "My emperor, we need you to return. I have a official letter from the imperial council, that says that they want you to return."
Bigpip knew his vacation on this atoll would come to a end soon. The 131 days he spend on this atoll with his husband and pony comrades will be remembered. The atoll was now producing so much candy that the only issue was carrying the candy from production rooms, to storage crates.
Bigpip said goodbye to the pony comrades on the atoll and boarded the boat with Harmonious Percussion, traveling home to return to his royal duties.

Beach bee farm


Four ponies have been send on a mission to establish a bee farm where bees produce honey and enchant leather.

The four pegasi send on this mission are Crafted Screwdriver the policemare, Visionary Chaser the magic student, Morning 'Tea' Scarab the cave tender and Emerald Flitter the drifter.

Together they have build a small settlement on the coast of east Acrab. They set up everything they need to survive, including a sewege system and stone walls around the settlement.

They hed three strange encounters: The obsidian empire showed up and tried to kill them, fortunetly for the colonists , adamantium knifes are good at penetrating through strong armor. Then they hed a alicorn in powered armor crash nearby, which they recruted, the alicorns name is Instrument Ice. After that a human airship has arrived and offered them to buy a blue gootraxian out of slavery, which they accepted.

They started breeding bees when one of them got quite a interesting idea.

"I don't understand how bees are suppose to enchant leather, only unicorns and kirins can enchant stuff."

"Me neither, that is for science ponies to worry about, if it works it works, it shouldn't take long untill we create first bee that can enchant leather."

"If anypony can just breed these bees then those hairless bipedes probably can create them, why should we go through such a time wasting endevor. When they can do it for us for little silver that they are greedy for!"

"I don't think it is that easy you know"

"Watch me! i will offer any human 1 unit of silver per enchanting bee and we see if they accept it out of lust for silver!"

To suprise of everyone in the colony the offer was accepted, they really didn't need to breed bees themselfs, the humans just send them a transport pod full of these bees. Deconstructing their bee houses and buiding them in a circle around a shelf with leather, they put the bees inside and watched them work.

"Why do the time consuming work when you can make heirless monkeys do the work for you, for just some shiny metal, am i right?" said Crafted Screwdriver.

While they were trying to expand their beehouses they were rudely awaked by insectoid buzzing but it wasn't bees, it was changelings! Crafted Screwdriver with the gootraxian came out of their bedrooms and went to face buggy threat. They injured the gootraxian but it should recover. While the changelings retreated, they might still pose a threat, can't have a bug infiltration happen in a colony. They need to report this to the authorities when they get the chance.

A kirin caravan has arrived offering magical animals, they bought the magical animals. Since the animals have enchanted leather they may come usefull should the animals die, they get their enchanted leather.

59 days have passed...

A odd thing has happend, everypony was going about their day when out of the sky, honey was falling in transport pods. Who was storing honey in the orbit?

Having finished their beehouses, tailoring room and processing all enchated leather into pony outfits. They have decided to build a hotel out of stone blocks, for humans who want to learn about harmony and friendship or just help ponies. Not all humans are bad right, right?

While the hotel is being build the blue gootraxian seems to be lossing sapience.

"Hey, are you allright?" asked emerald

"No, the insticts are starting to become to much, i don't want them to overtake me! you have to find a way to fix me!"

"I don't think we find a way to fix you soon, you just have resist OK. Emerald said putting a hoof on it's paw.

The blue gootraxian only whimpered in responce, refusing to do work on it's own.

The hotel they were building eventualy turned into a bureacratic building, with each bedroom having a corresponding work desk in a dedicated work room. This building was build right on the beach next to the bee farm.

Later they did find a way to fix the gootraxian. They grew some blue plants and sythesized a blue pill, which slowly restored the gootraxians sapience.

Not much has changed since. New ponies moved in and the production and bureacracy has expanded, everypony in that beach settlement hed a decent life...

War of empires


The obsidian empire which harrased settlers has been dealt with using highly addictive drugs. A group of kirins flew in a airship offering settlements of obsidian empire these drugs. However due the high addictiveness of the drugs and severe withdrawal. The obsidian empire has decended into chaos. With those refusing to use the drugs flying to somewhere unknown. However there was a bigger threat looming.

Seeing the increased demand for transgender surgeries, the regional administration of Acrab has send four unicorns, with standard factory equipment and raw adamantium to build a organ growing facility.
The four ponies were named: Beril Daydreamer, Latte 'Jack' Serenity, Diamond sight, Pure 'Scepter' Flitter. However a alicorn by the name of Monsoon 'Agisalt' Right has soon joined them as well, contributing to the couse with his incredible social skills and medical knowlage.
A basic settlement settlement was build with a wide storage room and stone walls to keep hungry predators out. The base hed a simple but efficient conveyer belt system that delivered harvested corn to the freezer where it was cooked by a machine into simple meals.
They managed to capture a duke from the shattered empire. They interogated the duke, who explained to them that the shattered empire is waging war on magic users since they see magic as: "An abomination to be reviled and cleansed from existence. Mage's manipulation of higher energy goes against natural order. Killing an enemy mage is justified regardless of the circumstances. Allowing a free mage to reside in the world is a mockery of our beliefs. Mages should be put to death quickly or enslaved until they can be disposed. The use of magic is absolutely forbidden, and mages are hated."
Feeling that a biggot like this one is unlikely reformable they got a idea. Since they are trying to build a self sustaining organ growing facility, nobody would question that they have few extra organs in their storage. So everypony except the facility leader agreed that they should harvest his organs. Unfortunutly this was slightly before Agisalt joined their cause, so they hed Beril do it, who made mistakes when operating.
After harvesting his kidney, lung, eye and arm; the facility leader insisted that the enemy duke is given a proper trial. The colonists agreed and gathered around indeogram of their imperial symbol. The trial consisted of the leader and the duke shouting accusations at each other. In the end the duke was declared guilty and was given an execution which could only be descripted as "satisfaing". Feeling like justice was served, The colonists than took the duke's corpes and buried it right outside the facilities entrance, to hopefuly send a message to their invaders.
After this they managed studied magic togather and build two organ growing vats inside a tight sterile room. In these growing vats they started to grow the first pair of reproductive organs.
The magic hating invaders didn't get the message on the grave outside their facility, or they did and just interpreted the message wrong. They send more soldiers to raid the organ growing settlement and failed each time since they could hardly penetrate superior pony adamantium armor.
Wanting to play the hero, Jack decided she was going to execute a couterattack against the shattered empire. However Jack didn't know a thing about medicine so she decided to bring Diamond with hem, she doubted she would be able to do a counterattack with just a adamantium knife so she took Agisalt's stable rifle and the two head out south.
The two arrived at a base of the shattered empire and there was over fifty soldiers! They were just hanging out outside their small buildings. They wore armor and kevlar clothes with some of them wearing visage masks.
Jack moved towards the base and just before they spotted her she casted a fog of torment. The fog killed 8 soldiers while the rest ran towards them with their weapons ready. Diamond hid behind a hill while Jack tried to get behind cover to shoot the enemy soldiers. Diamond stabed any soldier trying to flank them while Jack did her best to deflect bullets shot at her. Jack was eventualy down after a bullet pierced through her armor and hit her kidney. Diamond finished the job by more stabing, kiling half of them, the soldiers decided to run away. Diamond wasn't sure why they decided to run away when they hed him surrounded behind a hill but he wasn't complaining since they are alive.
Pathing himself and Jack up, Diamond decided to check the base for anything valuable. Diamond found two glowing orange swords, two vials of pink substance and some a pair of expensive looking clothes so he took them. Not wanting to risk reinforcements arriving he took Jacks weapons, carried jack and head out home back to the organ growing facility. On their way back they noticed a tiny pink building on their way, entering the building there was concreate floor and a blue suit. They took the suit and continued.
When they arrived the first pair of reproductive organs was grown. Beril inspected the two vials they brought with them and concluded that it was herm serum, strange that a soldier who abhores magic hed expensive potions that transform a pony into a hermaphrodite. Since Jack and Diamond were in love they drank the herm serums togather. After this they decided to have a wedding ceremony to make their love official
A human has arrived to the facility injured. Agisalt has put the human in a room and harvested the humans heart, killing him and then cremating his corpse. The harvested heart was then used to transplant Jack's ill heart.
For this facility to be successful, more growing vats would need to be build. However the current electricity production is not sufficient so a second geothermal generator was build.
It was decided that the shattered empire hed to be dealt with so Scepter and Jack build a tranport pod launcher and shoot themselfs where they belived were bases of the shattered empire. They managed to find multiple bases of the shattered empire inside tropical rainforrest south of Acrab colonies and destroy them. They knew it wasn't all of them but they didn't want to travel too far from their facility, so they returned after walking back for 8 days. They are safe from the shattered empire for now but the shattered empire is still present on the planet fighting for control.
The native ponies on this planet have offered them a quest to take care of a ill donkey in exchange for gold and a uranium bed. Why a uranium bed? no idea. They accepted and took care of the donkey.
After accepting the quest they noticed a small tribal outpost being established. They destroyed this settlement and liberated a earth pony named Small Gold, who worked as a nurse. Small Gold belived some nonsence of the tribals. So they all gathered around the imperial symbol and explained to him the way of harmony.
Content producing reproductive organs they have decided trying to produce jewery too. After figuring out how to craft jewery they have send letter to the regional administration, informing them of the shattered empire's invasion.
The regional administration has forwarded the letter to emperor Bigpip who ordered a airship attack on shattered empire's settlements on Acrab, with himself on one of the airships. The airship bombardmend resulted in 361 dead enemy soldiers and two airships being destroyed. Those two airships hed a crew of 30 ponies.
Following that a gootraxian assault took place which saw 100 soldiers killed and 24 gootraxians deceased.
Seeing the results; Bigpip hed consulted military command. The military command wanted to test a armored ground whicle which they manufactured 55 of. The whicle was a chemfuel powered armored automobile on tracks, with a cannon and a ballistic machinegun. Bigpip approved to use these whicles in the next assault. The assault of armored whicles ended up killing 920 enemy soldiers before being all destroyed.
Seeing the enemy was weak now, they lauched a infantry assault to finish remains of the shattered empire. The final push killed remaining 310 enemy soldiers and resulted in 91 casulties
That should deal with the shattered empire. At least for a while, should they attempt to colonize land we claim they will be dealt with quicker, hopefuly.

Diary of Dusky Celestia


Day 5
Dear diary, me and my comrades Tree Oak Spice, Eclipse Bell Dusk and Perfection Rhithm Crown; have settled on a gelatinous superorganism which has not been maped yet, there is a cliff to the east, so we don't need to worry about anything attacking from the east, atleast i think. We have recieved a letter from ponies very close to us who have also settled on this slimy land. They will support us if we send them silver, so that is nice.
Me and my comrades have build a basic settlement out of steel, we had to use steel because there isn't any other material for construction. Right now Bell and Rhithm are digging a hole into the small mountain connected to our settlement. Once dug up, we will have a place to store our stuff.
Rhithm was practicing her magic, she still didn't learn any spells but she is making progress.
Oak meanwhile is working on smithing a steel plated armour for each of us. An elephant has come to our base, it is very friendly but i don't think we will be able to keep it for long.
day 12
Dear diary, we hed bunch of humans attacking us, which left us with corpses to clean up (i hate touching corpses). Oak is currently going to bring back much needed components from a mining site, so we can continue expanding. Also we hed to kill the elephant because it was eating our food.
day 25
Dear diary, we are going to be running out of building material at this rate, so Rhithm planted some big mushrooms to produce wood later. We have recieved adamantium from a nearby settlement and made a adamantium armour from it. However Oak managed to screw it up and it was of poor quality.
We also recieved some misceleanenous goods from a caravan, we can exchange those for siver later. With proper steel floor covering the base, everything is a lot cleaner, instead of stuff being covered in slime. Overal it is a great start.
Also Rhithm got better at magic and now can cast a 'Shadow bolt'.
day 43
Dear diary, things are going well, the four of us now have adamantium armour. We also have new unicorn joining us, Snow Law Violium. He is a brightmage who is a great medic, Unfortunutly he is the worst shot ever! He can't hit anything with stable rifle, the whole point of stable rifles is that they are accurate and shoot fast, yet he can't hit anything with it!
We have some guests over, one earth pony, two humans and one disgusting changeling. They are behaving one, except the earth pony seems to be into digging up graves. And Oak is currently insulting the changeling (can't blame him).
day 53
Today we hed a fun Heart's warming! On unrelated note, we been requested by foreign ponies to help them with with two prisoners untill they have their prison ready. Naturaly we accepted!
I have been practicing my magic and i am starting to get good at it, but not good enough to cast useful spells yet.
A few days back there was a small infestation of giant insects, i was worried but a small fire spell, shadow bolt and few bullets took care of them.
day 62
Dear diary, We were raided by two groups of humans today, fortutly none of us were injured. We have expanded the settlement walls north. We have started constructing a new invention of mine. I call it Dusky coilgun. Our builder Eclipse Bell Crown isn't quite skill enough to build it but he should be soon. We hed a north settlement supply the resources for my invention.
Speaking of Bell, he was married to Rhithm, the marridge ceremony wasn't much but is nice that the two got together. Currently i am reseaching a way to prevent future isect infestations by safely removeing mountain roofs.
Good thing it is spring now, we were running out of food.
day 69
The coilgun works better then expected, being able to penetrate a whole cliff and deal collective damage in the thousands. We aren't going to waste coilgun ammo on normal enemies, but for good measure Bell build a second one and total of four capacitors. A shelf with ammo was build next to the coilguns, so we don't have to get them from the storage. After this i figured out how to prevent infestations inside our base. Just when i figured this out, giant insects arrived with hives out in the open. They were dealt with, we suffered minor injuries, mostly due to Law being inaccurate with anything.
We also delivered the prisoners back to the foreign ponies. For this we got a psychic emanator and a tornado generator in return for taking care of the prisoners.
Day 78
We accepted a quest for the Crystal empire, we need to defeat some insects, should be easy enough. They send us three human guards, one of them left complaining something about having an artificial part.
We have also gotten news about a powerful artifact, something about killing your enemies with friendship and rainbows. It probably isn't true but it is worth investigating since some of us have nothing to do.
Day 90
Dear diary, it truns out that the 'Friendship cannon' might be real because we were able to find documentation referencing it multiple times. Now the question is, does it still exists and where is it?
A caravan arrived today but we didn't have anything to exchange. Our recreatin room is getting a megascreen television, thats going to be fun!
Yesterday a strange portal opened and light blue entities came out and started attacking our base, we managed defeat them and destroy the portal. But how did such a portal open in the first place? That is something i will have to investigate later.
Day 96
A fight broke outside our base between ponies and giant insects. The insects were defeated but 3 ponies died due to a miscalculated fireball spell. While this was happening, Bell and Law were destroying four hostile settlements to the north.
Day 104
Dear diary, Rhithm has given birth to two cute foal named Sunburst and Selestin. We bought ourself four slaves from a slave trader.
We got to try out my invention on a infestation of insects, it killed all of them in one shot. Except one megaspider somehow survived unharmed.
Most importantly we finally found the Friendship cannon! Bell found it in a abandoned building and we put it on a reliquary inside our ritual room.

Armet's speeches


Day 32
After finishing a book about growing plants, Armet Bell has decided to gather everypony in the sand covered headquaters next to a morbid altar. "My comrades, thank you for choosing me to lead you. I know things have been kinda tough but we love a bit of pain don't we? We have a small self sustaining settlement and a small farming settlement east on our Isle Crica with two humans who we conviced to join us. We have met humans from a foreign empire, they want to be friends with us, so try not to insult them. They want to give me a title, whatever that might entail. Which means you will need to build be a throne room, i know that may sound unfair since we are suppose to be treating each other fairly but you will have to trust me...
Anyways let's remind outselfs of some of the deeds we accomplished so far. We have helped human beggers by giving them herbal medicine to treat their comrades who were wounded by vile mechanoids. And helped delagates from Shattered empire two times. Most importantly we are making big progress in a new field of spellcasting! We have managed to put togather a stone golem and successfuly animate it! Sure it may be lacking but i think i have figured out how to make one out of human flesh! Think about it! We could turn our enemies into organic magical machines that kill humans, which we then recycle into more golems, as long as we have enough magicaly charged crystals to assemble them. We only have half the meat need so far to make one, according to my calculations at least.
Oh and let's not forget about branding! We have that figured out for the most part. But something is missing, there should be two more magical brands that we, as self proclaimed golemomancers could cast on our bodies for improving our bodily performance in day to day life!
On another note, we do have a lot of smokeleafs in the storage which are slowly going to spoil. We should get somepony or something to process them faster, humans love this stuff. We could get a lot of silver for it but thats not a priority...
Also does anypony know how a chemfuel powered automobile managed to get on this island? You know, the one we integrated as part of outer wall of our base?" Armet asked but nopony was able to provide an explanation. Armet then decided to end the speech.
The other four ponies in the room, who were wearing synthread cloaks of supremacy; stomped their hoofs, because they felt that this speech was inspiring. Their names being Fury Mane, Bat Mane, Healing "Golem" Addiction and Medical "Runic" Vengence.
Day 64
After checking up on Fury mane, Armet Bell has gathered everypony around an altar. "Pleasure to have you gathere for my speech. As you know, we have made good progress in our magical reseach! We figured out all the magical branding, that being Vitality, Protection, emotion, Fitness and Awareness. With the first two being more difficult to figure out then the rest. It turns out that we have overestimated golem combat effectiveness. Since we almost got killed after there were three tribal raids in a row. Thats why instead of investing a lot of resources into flesh golems, we instead just try to make a lot of cheap ones. With the development of a hostiles forces wanting half of this island for themselfs, we will need to get better equipment. We have upgraded from bolt action rifles to assault rifles. But thats not enough! I'm currently studying how to make ourselfs proper pony armor that professional soldiers have...
We also got a proper thermal airship in case we needed to leave the island for whatever reason. Thank you Fury Mane for that! Speaking of Fury Mane, he just got the first runic tattoo and it actualy works! As he told me that he can hold more magical energy and regenerate it faster! There might be more hidden benefits, or undesireble sideeffects that we are yet to figure out. But thats what we came to this island for!
I must mention that i am dissapointed in Medical Vengence's ability to make smokeleaf joints. We hed a whole drug lab build yet you didn't feel like learning how to use it. And then somepony decided to smash it in anger so we just ended up wasting components!" Said with a dissapointed tone
"At least i got the throne room with Preator title" Armet mumbled to himself
"Some may view our magical research here on this island as unethical. However we must remind ourselfs that we follow ethics of Evident Harmony and if that wasn't the case. Would we help fellow ponies take care for their prisoners, for 6 days in exchange for glitter medicine? I think not."
"What about when we 5 days ago openned fire on reffuges who claimed to have escaped an organ harvesting operation?" questioned Healing Addiction.
"Listen, they were wearing the same cloaks as we do and belived in Evident Harmony as well. However they didn't feel like joining us, which makes them ideology traiters. And how should traiters be dealt with? You capture one of them and shoot the rest who realize what is happening. In ourcase, a recycled pile of humans has helped us greatly. I think we should name that golem, Dumbo."
The ponies though about it for a little and most agreed to name the flesh golem who helped them Dumbo.
"Also one more thing. Always strip corpses before butchering them. Because one of you always leaves tainted clothes in the freezer afterwards. With that out of the way, we can coclude this speech." The ponies along with mildly confused and distrought temporaly laboures from Shattered empire found the speech encouraging.
Day 95
After raiding a village on the island, Fury Mane and Healing Addiction have returned to the colony with a prisoner named Nelere Xosbri. Armet gethered everypony with their two human guests for a speech.
"Good morning everypony! We have achived everything i have hoped to accomplish on this island. Runic gave us magical tattoos that improve our magical ability. And Runic has also gave us a tattoo on front left legs that allow us to walk 6% faster! Granted, that isn't much considering the cost. Those leg enhancing tattoos would be better for cosmetic purposes then utilitalian ones for their cost.
We will not abandon this island and will make it permanent home of ours! Thats why Fury Mane and Healing Addiction constructed automated turrets that will shoot our enemies from a decent distance!
As far as foreign relations go; We took care of earth pony sick with blood rot. We saved another earth pony as our colony was hit by a hail storm for 8 days. We helped somepony in cadenzum__537219t2.pngCadenzum by sending Fuzzy to do some labour for them in exchange for an advanced component and some plasteel and took care of an ill pheonix!
More importantly, we have found some information about an ancient weapon that lies hidden somewhere on this island. We need to find it, even if it doesn't work; We can give it to Emperor Bigpip in exhange for forgiveness of the minor transgressions that we did. There is a secret installation north east of our base that should hold valuable information to this weapon's location.
In pursued of these magical tattoos, we hed to dig 10 meters bellow the surface in order to get resources neccessary. I know the digging deep underground was uncomfortable for most of you but it was neccesary, in order to prove eggheads in Anocratic empire that our hypothesis about golemancy and magical tattoos are correct!
We also got a strange machine that produces chemfuel by means unknown to me. Which we got in exchange for building a monument. Which ended up being damaged by an explosion, resulting in a pack of arctic foxes. How did those foxes get on this island i heard you asking? No bucking idea! What is important is that they didn't end up hurting anypony. I should try to study that chemfuel producing device later, but thats not a priority..." Armet trailed off
"My Patriot caudillo, there are seven humans begging for silver. Should we accept their ridiculous request?" Asked Fury Mane, who was always pessimistic.
"If they were asking for herbal medicine then sure but silver? Buck no! We are going to capture one of them and tell them to leave this island. Why does this island have so much traffic anyways? Like i know Imperial military of Anocratic empire very recently cleared it of mechanoids but come on!" said Armet Bell annoyed but sounding neutral.
"What are we going to do with another prisoner?" asked Bat Mane
"We will convert that prisoner to Evident Harmony and then see what we can do. If they don't feel like joining us then we try to eslave them. While i admit that slavery is horrible. If they won't join us as a comrade then they will be a temporaly slave until authorities decide otherwise. But i hope we don't have to do that like with the berserker chief we captured earlier. Now then, i believe this meeting is adjured!" Armet Bell said, adjusting her cloak of supremacy as everyone slowly left the headquaters of the colony.
"I hope the damn noble Nikpos leaves soon. He is even more needy then i am." Armet Bell thought to himself as she joined her comrades.
Day 128
Armet Bell has gathered everyone for another inspirering speech. "As you know we have found the ancient weapons that are named Strolato (Archotech pistol) and Lїtonoîs (Archtech crossbow). They are kind of underwelming as practical weapons, since they consume expensive ammo and can only be used by one person, however they are without a doupt very valuable due to their age and technological sophistication.
Let's remind ourself of our notable deeds. We helped six refugees in need who ended up giving us wooden furniture later as a sign of gratitude. We defended Shattered empire's crew who crash landed inside our base while being pursued by a hostile tribe. Along with helping treat two Shattered empire's prisoners for nine days.
Me with Healing Addiction have found a spooky castle at east edge of the island which hed animated skeletons inside it. They hed to be animated by a necromancer but strangely there wasn't one to be found. Looting the castle gave us some gold and silver, along with few kilograms of jade." This castle hed everyone intrigued. Armet Bell continued
"While we were able to defeat everyone so far. We must not get too complacent. For there could be a whole army sailing towards us at this very moment for all we know. Which is why we must build even more automated turrets!" Armet stomped for emphasis
"Those humans from Shattered empire contated me by the comms console that there will be a big ceremony in few hours. So why not have a celebration of our own? I declare as your elected leader that there will be a concert, after we end this meeting! Whatever it is that those loyalist humans have planned, it will be big. Possibly a very beneficial opportunity. Now, any questions before we go for my harp solo that i practiced for?"
Fury Mane raised his hoof "Should this not be a matter of state that should be handled by the authorities?"
Armet Bell waved his hoof "Nah, i think we can handle this, i don't think they will mind. Considering that not a single soldier showed up to defend us or tell us higher ups don't like something. I think we will be fine. We should be able to ask for forgiveness with those two archotech weapons we managed to aquire."
Healing Addiction raised her hoof "Will we explore the structure trove that i spotted on our way back from the castle?"
Armet answered "We probably won't. I think those humans from Shattered empire will keep us busy for a long time. Though i don't see why not in the future. Unless somepony else from Anocratic empire decided to beat us to it. One can never know if a sneaky pegasus makes it's way somewhere before you do."
Armet then talked for a little more about personal things like, how to be a better companion. After which she asked if anyone wanted to discuss anything else, before ending the meeting and calling everyone to the throne room, which was now extremely impressive.
Day 143
Everypony sighned in relief as the Stellarch of Shattered empire left. After a ceremony on day 128, the leader of Shattered empire came to visit. This came with a lot of raiders trying to kill him. 13 raids were made in attempt to kill the Stellarch. Yet the ponies have succeded and managed to negotiace with the Stellarch that they will get military protection for Anocratic empire. 6000 light troopers, since the ponies proved that they are dependable and reliable to the nobility of Shattered empire. After almost completely running out of ammo, from this ordeal; They contacted the authorities of Anocratic empire about what happened. They send a destroyer to patrol the island in exchange for the two archotech weapons that the ponies aquired. The two archotech weapons were placed inside a museum until futher notice. Thats were the story of originaly five unicorns, ends.

Strange mines



The gootraxian and pony miners were extracting demonite, rainbonite and constellarium on the other side of Fequm. However after emperor Bigpip returned from one of his diplomatic trips by a warship. The miners have noticed that they aren't finding any more of demonite. Using their new laser cutter, they managed to find a new cavern with tunnels connected to it which they didn't dig. Exploring the cavern they found moyos and humans mining around here as well. Moyos were found on Acrab in the past as hostiles. The encounter was akward for both sides, so they avoided each other. However one demon gootraxian named Alhinexua saw this as an opportunity to expand the gootraxian specie further. He managed to convince the bat-pony working with them to sneak around the moyos and gather information about them.
From what they were talking about, It seemed like they have a tiny underwater base connected to this network of tunnels. They are also very divided. Alhinexua spend some time doing favours for his coworkers, so that they will elect him as their foreman and have some degree of respect towards him. As foreman he send a request to Fequm authorities for improving work conditions, because unlike in a normal mine, the work conditions here were very bad.
A oversimplified chronicle was written about what happened afterwards.

After 102 years everyone could focus on mining instead of having to fight other alien miners. However the rest of the humans and moyos who refused to convert and assimilated before were adamantant on continuing to do so. So the mining council in Eientei has decided they will have to work with the central government and improve their working conditions further by offering benefits, so they will want to convert to Neo-Harmonism and assimilate.
National academy is established to regulate grammer and it's usage. It was decided by Fequm authorities that in order to facilitate the integration of all miners, they will need to write the same way others in Anocratic empire. So the National academy will use the shrines inside the mines, to educate the miners.
A million units of silver is given to moyo miners as an apology for having to subjected them by force. Since a considerable number of moyos and some humans as well were killed in combat. Their relatives mining there were compensated generously. Though this was a big expense on the government's end. This decision of Fequm's authorities was criticized by some notable politicians in the central government. However the majority of politiciens approved of the decision, since the territorial fighting between miners was uncalled for.
After that a voting is held in one of the mine's provinces where humans work. 82% of humans voted for signing up for immigration program. Which involved the usual things for immigration; being transformed into a gootraxian, converting into a government approved ideology, educating themselfs about the culture and political system. Along with few optional things they could sign up for.
Carrying and using any kind of firearm has been prohibited inside the mines. After this firearm prohibitions, 83% of humans voted for integration inside the remaining two provinces inside the mines with dominantly human population.
During the immigration program, it was discovered where the sea access to the mines is. As well as the depth of the tunnel and cave system. Suprisingly, they were deep underground of Fequm and not on a different planet. The moyos with humans were living on the sea floor, mining here for a long time, isolated from the surface since before it was being colonized by Anocratic empire. None in the immigration program knew why they were living on the sea floor in habitats connected to the underground. Because they were just trying to get by, living their lifes and some of them felt threatened by the appearance of the Anocratic empire through the forgoten portal gate. Speaking of the portal gate, it hed to be constructed by their ancesters, since it was hidden in building inside a mountain, not far away from where the original gootraxians were living, when pony and kirin colonists arrived to Fequm. It seemed very possible that those gootraxians, along with the gootraxia research that was taken from mostly abandoned facilities. Is related the people found living underground and the sea floor. From this, it could be extrapolated that the moyos were much more technologicaly advanced then inicialy thought when they appeared on Acrab, before leaving it it alone.
This important information was relayed to different researchers in Anocratic empire. after that a voting is held in one of the mine's provinces where humans work. 83% of moyos voted for signing up for immigration program. A curious thing about this province is that the humans in this province seem to like the cultural practice of drawing graffiti. So they started doing it in their underground town.
One day after said information is relayed:Ponies and kirins on Fequm have started testing a modified warship, that would carry raw resources to and from the moyo mines, specificaly utilizing the sea floor habitat. The discovery of foreigners underneath imperial soil, along with the development of biodiesel machinery, has upset conservatives who staged protests at different ports in both east Fequm and east Acrab. The first ever constructed imperial submarine will be ready to use soon. Health check ups were conducted in the different parts of the mines. It was discovered that the human minority was somewhat inbred and the moyo miners were suffering from bad hygiene. After three days, efforts were being made by skilled builders to set up plumming in the mines, utilizing a lake of large freshwater located in the upper north North part of the mine. New showers were build along with toilets, so that the miners working there could maintain good hygine.
A small uranium deposit was fiscovered in lower north part of the mines. Which will be useful for nuclear fission electricity generation on the surface. Suprisingly after that a voting is held in another of the mine's provinces where humans work. 100% of moyos voted for signing up for immigration program!
The next day, another voting was being held among moyo miners. Sadly since there was an increase in tensions, generated from the fact that the new administration is made up of native imperials without having a seat reserved for a moyo. This lead to some starting a moderately bloody fight between those who were going to vote for and against integration. Those who came to vote with the intention to start a fight hed sharp tools hidden under pieces of clothing. 98 Were murdered with 13 injured and the actual voting ended up being 90% being in favour of integration.
A earth pony medic named Pure Health has rushed to the scene after the fighting stopped. Carrying multiple medkits and started tending to the injured.
Few hours after this took place. A petition was proposed by moyos that stated, everyone should be able to have a sword to defend themselfs. If the petition passes, they will vote for integration into Anocratic Empire.
Few days afterwards, voting is held in all the remaining provinces of the mines which were resoundingly in favour with one province being an exception. It was in favour by only one vote, leading to speculation on whether or not voter fraud took place. This concludes the story of the Feqokyo mines.


Impulsive job change


I walked into an administrative employment building. Wearing my saddle bag and a cloth cowboy hat. "Good day, i saw on the government website that you are looking for a diplomat for an upcoming colonial expedition. I thought i would be fit for the position as a pegasus doing administration." I told the earth pony at the desk, in front of a computer monitor.
"Let me see... Can i see your ID?" she asked
"Certainly, a change of job would be nice." i answered, using my right wing to pull out my ID on her desk. She took it and entered the information from it on her computer, a minute later she printed out a contract form.
"Fill in the details. You will get an answer on whether or not you will be accepted tomorrow." she said, pushing the ID card and contract form with her left hoof towards me.
"That’s fine by me. I need to stop by the voting booth before going to rest home anyways." i told her, snatching my ID and putting it in my saddlebag. Then filled the contract form
"Bye till tomorrow!" i told her cheerfully, trotting outside, where the sun is setting. Walking on the stone streets, surrounded by stone block buildings of constructivist style, i made my way to the local voting booth. The voting booth itself had a large pretty steel sculpture installed in front of the door. I entered through it's glass door. Unsurprisingly there was a line of ponies waiting to cast their vote. Thankfully it's not long at this time of day.
On the wall to my left was a wide poster, which in bold print was describing the law we were voting for. The law in question would make it mandatory for immigrants to attend at least a year of military service after going through the immigration process.
"I wonder if i get accepted for the diplomat position. While easy, doing bunch of paper pushing and stuff for years gets too boring. Somepony else should do that, i want to be able to use my wings while also being able to get some prestige. That way I’m not just a nobody that gets forgotten in history." as the waiting line moved, i decided to read the law over.
"I wonder why some just don't show up to vote..." it was my turn to cast my vote. A mare at a desk asked for my ID, which i provided. I was then given a paper with a pencil and she wrote my name down before letting me take my ID back. Going behind a wide curtain where the ballot box was. I quickly casted my vote before going outside again.
Outside, insects could be heard as the moonlight illuminated the streets. I spread my wing and flew to my apartment. Entering, i washed my hoofs and took off my saddlebag. Heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After which i went to bed, laying on my bed felt rather comfortable since the bed was of good quality.
The next day i woke up, going through my usual routine, i took my saddlebag and flew back to see if my job change was approved. I greeted the pony asking about my job, she said yes.
"Oh, so what should i do now? " i asked surprised
"You will be moving residence, probably permanently, so you need to pack all your stuff and fly to the place where the expedition you signed up for has set up a colony. They probably won't be waiting for long. So you should hurry." the mare at the desk said.
"Isn't there a period where i still need to work at my normal job before switching to the new one?"
"This is one of the exceptions, where the position is urgent."
"Right i will do that, bye!" I said, going home. "Good thing i don't have much to my name and have a map with an extra saddlebag." i thought to myself while flying home.
I took everything except the furniture that was in the apartment when i got it. I was heavy with both saddlebags loaded, which made flying difficult. Despite this, i managed to get to my destination by sunset, since i already live on Acrab, somewhat close to this new colony. I could see low building made mostly out of wood. With a guard waiting outside.
"Who are you pegasus?" asked a unicorn stallion with magenta eyes and brown coat. Who was wearing a cowboy hat. In his blue telekinesis was a firearm i could not name, since as a city resident, i could not even have one myself.
"I'm the new diplomat, who was suppose to do negotiating for benefit of this new settlement, name is Proud Cheesewing." i told him confidently.
"Ah good, good. I was wondering when the second diplomat was going to show up. I'm Blue Horizon. Nice to meet you, i will show you your cabin."
I was then lead to a wooden cabin in that was a far cry from the apartment i was used to. Never the less, i washed my hoofs and unpacked my belongings. Then i jumped on the bed and took a rest.
The next morning i went outside, curious to check out the rest of the settlement. I went outside and saw several ponies, among which was Emperor Bigpip. Which made me double take, what would he be doing here? I walked slowly closer and it really was him. He was an alicorn with the same coat, tail and robe, wearing saddle bag over it.
I confidently walked up to them. "Good day! I arrived at yesterday afternoon." i said
"You must be Cheesewing correct? We needed a second diplomat, you will also get the honor of working with me. Since i will be temporally in charge of this settlement until we can find someone else that is suitable. Since you are new here i will give you short time to look over the settlement." Bigpip said with stoic expression, i nodded and decided to look around.
There were many log cabins for ponies to rest and store their belongings. A big part of the settlement seemed to be still under construction.
Flying slowly around, looking at the sky, i could see an airship flying towards the settlement.
I decided to then return to Bigpip but could not find him again at first, so i decided to ask the guard from earlier, who was patroling where i met him previously. "Do you know where Emperor Bigpip is Blue Horizon? There is an airship flying here, i wanted him few questions and officially start my work as a diplomat." i asked him.
"I think he may be in the cafeteria, we should go there, if you haven't eat today either. The meals served here are simple but they aren't bad. Come with me"
I nodded, since i was hungry too. I followed him to the cafeteria which unlike most buildings here was put together out of stone blocks instead of wood.
A unicorn mare with a hat on her head would give out trays of food to a couple of ponies that arrived here before us. Bigpip wasn't here, so i sat down with Blue Horizon at a table. With each of us having a tray with boiled rice and apples.
Stuffing our bellies full i could hear a soft clank from inside the cafeteria.
"Did you hear that?" i asked Blue Horizon
"Hear what?"
"Like a clank or thud from outside. Let's see what that was" i said slightly concerned, getting up from the dinning chair with Blue Horizon. Outside we could see that the airship i saw flying earlier has landed, almost crashing into one of the log cabin. It was a thermal airship with a partially deflated balloon. Ponies were unloading some crates from it, i could see Emperor Bigpip walking outside.
"My Emperor!" I addressed him
"Yes? Are you finally ready for your 'diplomatic' assignment, Cheesewing?" Bigpip answered in a neutral tone
"I have some questions for you first actually."
"Alright, ask away but you will have to go do your assignment afterwards." Bigpip answered with a slight smile.
"So first off, in the work description, it said that i would get hazard compensation. Is that the case? What is hazardous about this?"
"Negotiating with foreigners carries a risk of being attacked, thats why."
"What’s the point of creating a settlement here, instead of just expanding the existing city we have here on Acrab?"
"Because we need to spread our empire's influence in this region of Acrab, before others decide to colonize it themselves. Which why i want pegasi or bat-ponies to peacefily engage with these other colonizers for me." Bigpip answered sternly.
"Should you not be on the mainland, doing what you are normally doing with the central government?"
"Yes but doing that for decades gets mentally exhausting at times, so when i get the chance to get personaly involved in colonial affairs, i take it. I will appoint somepony from the settlement to take my place here. Before you ask, it won't be you, since you are too new here. Also Cheesewing, i believe that you should meet with the other diplomat hired for this expedition would you not agree?" Bigpip told me.
"Yes i suppose, since we will be working together, lead me to them, please my Emperor." I said with slight excitement as i was lead to one of the log cabins. Inside was a lime coated pegasus with red eyes, brown mane and tail.
"Hello there, it looks like we will be working together." i greeted
The pegasus was laying on his bed with a book, looking up he said.
"Sorry, i didn't notice you, i was focused reading. You are the second diplomat that will be helping me? My name is Lime Feather. What’s yours?" he said
"That would be me, my name is Proud Cheesewing, nice to meet you!" i told him smiling.
"Alright you two, here is what i will need you two to do today. Cheesewing, you will fly west to spy on colonizers there and Lime Feather will go negotiate with mutated human slavers south of here.
"Wait spying? I thought i was going to be negotiating like Lime Feather?" i asked bewilded.
“Well no, your task will be gathering information on the seven competing groups in this region of Acrab. So here is what you are going to do. You will grab your saddlebags with some supplies and fly over the areas I will tell you. Then you will report back to the mare named Green Pear, who is going to be taking it over for me here. That way the military will be able to capture them with minimal casualties.” Bigpip said sternly
“May I resign from this position? Doing military espionage isn’t what I signed up for. I signed up for conducting diplomacy and the job description in this regard was misleading.” I answered disappointed, considering myself to be anti-military.
“You are in the right to do so and switch job again but you still have to perform your duty for the normal amount of time after your resignation is signed.”
“Alright fine, I will get to it right away.” I dismissed him. Doing as I said I prepared to fly over west, bordering this settlement, was a foreign settlement of bipedal creatures, they looked like cyborgs of sorts but they weren’t ponies or humans but I don’t know what they were either. I flew over, noting how many there were as well as other details. I turned over that noted information to the mare I was told to, since the Emperor had to return to his formal duties on the mainland.
To my dismay I found myself doing almost the same thing after a week. This time, I was spying on a human cannibal tribe, who managed to shoot me with a couple of arrows while doing so. Had to get myself treated and wait for my injuries to heal in a improvised hospital. While the imperial army took over and integrated those weird cyborg creatures. The human cannibals followed suit soon after.
I did the same thing for a second group of weird cyborgs who settled south east, close to the Acrab city. Who ended up having the same fate as the ones before them.
The I had to spend here was almost up and my final mission would be to spy on a sizable tribe of mutated humans with feline traits. This took a lot longer due to the tribe covering a lot bigger area. However my work obligation ended and I resigned. Despite me providing incomplete intel, the imperial army took their chances and conquered part of the tribal lands.
I took all my stuff from the log cabin and moved back into my apartment in the city where I would proceed to find a new peaceful job as a bee keeper. Few years later I would read a book documenting the events that I could partially see myself unfolding, I was mentioned in that book too. Surprisingly, I wasn’t mentioned in a negative light. What I didn’t know from being there myself was that the slavers that Bigpip mentioned fought alongside the imperial army against the tribe of mutated humans, only for them to then turn against the Anocratic empire after the war was over. Resulting in them being conquered as well, with their slaves freed. There was also a savage tribe that converted to the religion that the tribe of mutants followed, helping them against Anocratic empire. Only to be swiftly defeated due to their outdate technology and small manpower.
But that is a year in the past now, I’m happy to finally have peace again, away from the violence that Acrab has to offer


Gootraxian expedition west


It wasn't a long time since i became a gootraxian in Anocratic empire. Life here is better then my previous place of residence. Though this new city life does get somewhat monotone. This monotony is broken when i hear a knock on the door to my apartment.
A brownish woman wearing blue clothes with cat eared hoodie is on the other side of the door. Her shirt having 'UwU' written on it.
"Oh hello! I haven't seen a human around here since i was given citizenship and was transfured. What are you doing over here?" i asked surprised
"Well, my village was destroyed by mechanoids. So I’m currently homeless and i decided that i have not much lose by going here trying to immigrate." she said with a :3 expression.
"I could really use a friend. Though you know that you that you would have to be transfured like i was?"
"What you mean by transfured exactly?"
"That you need to be transformed into a gootraxian like me. However you get a choice on which race you want to be transformed into."
Her expression changed to a disappointed one. "Aww, i like cats but I’m not sure about being one myself. Not that i have a place to call home anymore. So how do i contact authorities that i want to go through their weird immigration process?"
"I think it would be best if you went with me, not that i have anything important to do right now. What is your name miss?" i asked with slight smile
"If we meet again, i will tell you. For now you can call me UwU, like my shirt. Now lead me to the 'institutions' or whatchu call them." she answered smiling back.
"Is your nickname an acronym for something?" i asked while going out the door, closing behind me and letting UwU follow my lead.
"Maybe yes, maybe no!" She answered playfuly while following me through a low density residential zone.
"What’s up with all the painted horses around here?" she asked confused
"They aren't horses. They are sapient ponies who make up the majority of the Anocratic empire." i answered annoyed, realizing that i will have to explain basic things to her. Best to get her off my paws as soon as possible. The local bureau isn't far away from my apartment.
"Since when are there sapient ponies on Acrab? I only heard about you latex monsters when i still had a home... Will it at least get some benefits from being... Transformed into an animal?"
I sighed "We aren't some 'latex monsters' that you heard about during a campfire party. We are gootraxians and also some gootraxian races are better then others in some ways. It's up to you to decided which one suits you the most but whatever your choice. It's permanent."
"That building with a an odd equine statue over there. Is that where we need to go?" she asked, picking up the pace with me after falling behind a little.
"Yeah that’s the place. Let's go inside together" i told her, opening the door and walking inside. A bell rang, announcing our presence. There was a secretary who looked our way with a bored expression.
"Good day, i found a homeless human who expressed desire to immigrate here.
So i brought her here." i told the secretary
"I see. In that case i will have a talk with her about it in private then. Do you need anything else?" the secretary answered
"No, nothing else. Goodbye UwU." i told them both, turning while waving goodbye.
On my way home i attended local government election. Where we voted for a president and a administrator for our district. I was a candidate for a administrator.
A week passes since i met UwU. The elections are closed and the winners were announced. Unsurprisingly i didn't win but i got close. What did surprise me though is that the now old pegasus; who wrote about what it's like being a diplomat now. Ended up becoming the president of our district. I received a letter with the central government's logo. The letter in question was an offer to administer the next colonial expedition, since i ranked high in the district election. Along with the expedition being into the desert east, close to my apartment.
I was hesitant to accept. It was promising prestige and normal compensation and outlined the possible risks. And being able to bring one person as co-administrator. I thought about it and since i don't have any family members to worry about me. I decided to accept and write a letter back to the address that was specified at the end of the letter. Where i specified that i want to give the woman named UwU a chance to help me out with that.
Two days later i got to meet her again, after i send a letter back to the government. She got an apartment nearby mine. I paid her a visit, knocking on her door with my paw.
"Come on in!" a cheerful voice answered from behind the door.
"Hello are you UwU? We never told each other our names." i said, seeing a funta cat gootraxian before me. Wearing the same clothes with multicolored striped tail sticking out of her pants.
"Yeah that would be me. We met like a week ago. I just went through the who immigration process. What’s your name comrade?" she answered with a :3 expression.
"My name is Tazchihua, what’s yours comrade?" i asked, closing the door behind me while entering her apartment
"I was named Taznaxtaca by my parents but i prefer being called by my nickname. It's more simple and cuter." she answered with a giggle.
"Did they already give you a job? I requested to have you helping me on upcoming colonial expedition. Are you alright with that?"
"Actually. I was contacted about that, at the end of the immigration program. I accepted since you are the only former human i know here. I don't personally vibe with the ponies around here. I respect them of course. While i have been here i have tried to sculpt something. Let me show you." she led me to her living room which hed a crude clay sculpture of an abstract heart, standing on rusty tray.
"It's kind of ugly. Try cutting something out of wood instead." i told her, causing her smile to drop.
"But i don't have any wood to use though." she answered looking on the wooden floor.
"Don't worry about it. I don't think art will be your strong suit. Did you get to read any books during your stay at where the immigration program took place?"
"Yes i was given books to read. About the culture and history of Anocratic empire. Along with some skill books." she answered returning to a :3 expression.
"Good i feel like i will need someone who can read and has some usable skills. I think i should be going home. Our apartments are quite far away from each other." i told her
"I understand, go home and have some rest. I think there will be transportation arranged for us in two days." she answered unsure.
"We will see, bye for now UwU." i said turning away from her and going towards the hallway.
"Bye Tazchihua, see you then." She told me while i was closing the door behind and heading home to my own apartment, going through my usual afternoon schedule.
Two days later i hear a knock on my apartment's door while eating a bowl of fish soup for breakfast. I quickly finish the rest of the soup and open the door. There stands an earth pony wearing military uniform.
"Excuse me, are you Tazchihua?" asked the yellow eyed pony with green coat and white mane.
"Yes thats me. What do you need?" i responded
"I have orders to transport you along with Taznaxtaca funta cat and supplies to settlement of Uniwaruver west of here. I assume you were informed, yes?" the soldier said tilting his head at the end.
"Yes of course i was, just not when exactly. Please give few minutes to pack every personal belonging." i said with a awkward smile, running to quickly pack everything that didn't come with the apartment.
"Alright i am ready!" I called carrying what i could.
"Fine, follow me then." the annoyed soldier went ahead and i slowly followed. Outside was a machine on four wheels. A military truck. I hauled my stuff to the back of the truck. In the front inside the cabin there was an empty seat with nauseated UwU crossing her arms.
"Hello, are you alright UwU?" i asked placing my paw on her shoulder
"N-no i don't feel great riding on this machine. I never rode anything like this before."
"To be honest, i also never traveled by a military truck before, it doesn't seem that bad. There are these straps next to the seats that should keep us secured." i said while helping UwU use the seatbelts. The soldier escorting us took the driver's seat and started the engine.
We travel through a temperate forest with the driver dodging trees and muddy areas. We eventually arrive to the settlement, where we could see basic infrastructure being mostly finished. Except what seemed to be a nuclear power plant with some apartment blocks that still looked mostly unfinished. There were no stone walls to protect it. I guess they didn't have time for that.
Driving by some pony guards. The driver stopped the truck's engine and let us leave, after which the driver went to unload the truck.
I didn't walk for long until being jumped by a pegasus who exclaimed. "Welcome Tazchihua and Taznaxtaca. I'm the local president of this settlement. I'm not sure why the government decided to pick a dragonoid gootraxian like you as the first administrator-"
I interrupted him by raising my paw and quickly told him, why i got this opportunity. Then let him continue talking. "Anyhow, some of us have high expectations of you. There are two influential ponies in the settlement who are upset that they did not have the chance to run for an administrator position. So i would suggest you try to make it up to them somehow. One glaring issue we have right now is that since we don't have a nuclear power plant constructed yet and aren't connected to the main grid. We don't have way to power coolers yet. So we have to hope that it doesn't get hot." the pegasus explained.
"Alright in that case, show me around the settlement, so i know what i'm working with. I will use my high skills to lead this this settlement to greatness. Now please can you like gather everyone. So that i could formally introduce myself and my helper?" i asked smiling
"Of course i can arrange that mister Tazchihua. Give me like an hour please, i will gather everypony here. Please remain next to the truck." the pegasus president said, spreading his wings and taking off.
When everypony was gathered around. I made a speech talking about my plan to make the settlement prosper and use my martial skills to fight nearby human tribes. When i finished my speech, i could tell from everypony's reaction that it was awkward. I sighed and dismissed everypony to return to whatever they were doing.
"Looks like you haven't made a good first impression Tazchihua. But I’m sure you can more then make up for it with your leadership. I think you have a place to stay here prepared somewhere. Let's ask the local president, since you are sharing power with him." UwU answered
We did so, to our surprise. When we got to our housing, we saw that it had what normal apartments. However instead of apartments, it was wooden houses.
Since the sun has set. We went to our bedrooms, to rest.
Later in the morning i had the president knock on the door of my house with his hoof. He wanted me and UwU to have an official discussion about leading this colonial settlement. We traveled together to a wooden administrative building. Where few influencial ponies waited for us. There was the militia organizer, local economy planner, moral guide, diplomat and an auditor.
"Greetings, welcome Tazchihua and miss?" asked the diplomat
"You can call me by my nickname UwU, sir." she answered
"I hope a dragonoid and funta cat like you aren't bringing vices to our faithful community. It would be a shame if so." commented.
"Let's focus on why we are here, shall we?" urged the local economy planner
"Yes ofcourse, today we wanted to discuss... That one of the local official ended up dead from unexplained causes when searching for a valuable artifact on Acrab. We also hed one of our locals try to go on a murderous rampage due to the conditions in the desert part of our settlement being bad."
I was thoughtful and answered that we need to improve the living conditions here and have someone else search for that artifact.
Some time passes and i learned falconry, to earn me some respect. What did not make me earn respect though was me taking up drinking wine to cope with the stress of managing the settlement. However as a gregarious dragonoid, i was able to talk people into thinking my drinking habit is alright.
A long time passed, UwU come to me, asking if the settlement resources can be spared to produce new fashion she heard about. I told her off, stating that it's my resources, i mean the settlement's people's resources.
More time passes. I was hunting to relive stress and to get meat, spending weeks in the wilderness searching for any trace of prey, but are forced to return empty pawed. I am sure that no pony is impressed by my failed adventure. I was criticized and i don't think it was meant to hurt me, but the criticism still stung harder then it should have. So i did the right thing and turned the other cheek.
Many years passed. A large human merchant caravan from distant lands has arrived at the gates of my stronghold. Their leader, a jovial man of massive girth, pleads with me in a strange accent to grant them shelter from the elements for the night. I decided to let them in. As evening falls, the fat merchant sits by the fire and regales me and the rest of the local government with stories of his travels. His appetite seems insatiable, but as i do not with to prove a poor host, i order my comrades to bring in a second serving. I allow him to continue to talk about the lands west of here across the desert. Which turns out to not be of much interest. Dawn breaks and the caravan prepares to move on. The merchant insists on leaving me a gift, as a thanks for my great hospitality. He shouts a terse command and a young man comes forward. "This eunuch will serve you well" the merchant says. "His loyalty to you, his new mast, shall be beyond reproach." I tell him that it's kind of him and accept the eunuch to join us. Before the caravan departs across the desert again.
Years later when going to my bedroom, i am assaulted by an earth pony. Who baraded me about my corruption and greed. I managed to fight him off, slightly bruised and i had the local police arrest him, but i feel like he was correct. Wealth does not make me happy, nor did it get me respect. I think i need something else in my life.
It has been decades now and UwU has passed away. I was greatly saddened while attending her closed sarcophagus funeral. With age comes wisdom, they say. "Or at least it may change the questions we ask." I mutter to myself. I have had trouble sleeping lately after UwU's death. I am getting older, each passing day closer to leaving this plane of existence. It is folly of course, yet i am terrified i end up all alone. I decided to relax, drink some water and go back to bed.
As i age, work has become boring and the hours of the day drag on. Diligence may be highly respectable by my peers but it's exhausting! I am happy with my place in life, i can't think of anything i would rather do then just take care of myself and my friends.
A decade later, i go to sleep exhausted. Laying down on my bed sleepily i drift off. Only to never wake up again...

Against The Tamel Kings


Elizabeth Hellsing was a diplomat of the Tamel Kings, a trading empire off to the east. She had come with a simple request. Convince the head of state to sign over the rights to the resources underneath his empire, or suffer financial suicide.
Elizabeth trotted up to the large fortress, it would be intimidating cto a soldier, but for a diplomat like herself it seemed a bit, silly, to say the least. So she made her way into the fortress looking for you in an effort to see if she couldn't make this deal happen
She enters and the first thing she sees is a lot of mounted gattling guns mounted up against embrasures of the entrance. Passing by a pool with flags and an electricity generator. She makes her way down the hallway past plumming facilities. Seeing a geothermal generator in the middle of the fort. She continues walking until entering the throne room.
Inside the throne room being lit braziers with jade scuptures and latex drapes. The imperial flags against the walls and on the other side of the room sat Emperor Bigpip on gilded steel throne next to the stone tile and carpet of the throne room.
"I was expecting a visitor, who you introduce yourself and state your purpose here miss?"
It was all certainly very impressive to say the least, certainly cost a lot of money, but it was, at the end of the day, still just a fancy toy in her eyes.

As she was greeted by you she was surprised to see your nuts hanging so freely from you, but still she couldn't let it phase her.

"I al Elizabeth Hellsing, a diplomat of the Tamel Kings, I have a message to deliver to his Excellency " she said pulling out a letter and holding it out and opening it before reading it aloud.

"It had come to our attention that your lands hold a considerable amount of natural resources, we would like to open negotiations on the selling of the rights to these resources to the Tamel Kings. We are prepared to offer you 30, 000,000 dollars in exchange for the transfer of owner ship of the resources, refuse and suffer the consequences ." She said pulling the letter down so that you may have time to respond.
Bigpip adjusted his purple robe with cyan stars on it. Connected by a ruby cut in the shape of a heart. In neutral tone he aswered "They indeed do but we conqured this part of Acrab by hard work on part of our settlers and the resources here aren't on sale for mere dollars. What are these consequences you speak of? Mercenaries with industrial weapons are going to turn up? We fear of no such thing." Bigpip hid his inicial emotions behind stoic expression.
"if it comes to that." She said coldly. "In the event you refuse our generous offer the Tamel Kings will cut off all trade this includes food stocks, electricity, any and all refined, and natural resources, along with an immediate blockade of any and all shipping lanes." She delivered in a cold matter of fact tone.
"Hmm, an active naval blockade is an act of war. I would not appreciate that. However if the Tamel Kings want war, then i don't think they will expect their pony messenger to come back. You should have personaly never joined the Tamel Kings and instead keep togather with the rest of civilized ponies." Bigpip threatened, lifting himself from the grand throne and approached Elizabeth.
Elizabeth stood firm not even seeming threatened for a second. "The Tamel Kings do not want war your grace, it is you who would be declaring it by refusing their deal. Even then doing harm to a diplomat before anything has occured, why it violated every tradition and custom that we ponirs have come to know. By hurting me in any way you turn the international community against yourself ,and alienate yourself from everyone." She finished eyeing you with cold calculating eyes
"Well then, I can not accept their offer but refusing it would mean a blockade which would be an act of war as set by customs, so i do not see a way to refuse peacefuly. So tell me, what do you expect me to do?" Bigpip answered glaring at her.
"Besides, i know you are partialy bluffing as only the Tamel Kings would care if you were taken prisoner." Bigpip added.
"well then your only peaceful option is to accept our demands it would seem." She said, her eyes meeting yours, her gaze that of determination, and steelt resolve. "So will you be taking me prisoner then? Even if the Tamel Kings are the only ones who care, it is not a good look for you. Who else will bother to send diplomats if there's a chance that they will be captured. For an emperor who prides themselves on the strength of your state your ideas on foreign policy could use some work." The tone was still the calm collected it had been, but it was clear the words were spitting venom
"That may be the case but is there much point in maintaning a foreign policy with those that were pretty much hostile from the start? I don't don't think the Tamel Kings are much better then pirates and rought outlanders in that regard... Unless you can convince them otherwise that is." Bigpip said with a hopeful sigh, while maintaining eyecontact. While the
stone fountain created a calm ambience in the throne room.
"oh and what would you like to know more about?" She asked cooly her body and demeanor unchanging, her body showing no signs of betrayal to her mind.
"I would like to know what it would take for them to not blockade us? So that we do not need to start a war" he asnwered calmly
"your grace, unless you can demonstrate that you are not to be treated in this capacity, or provide a better counter proposal, then I'm afraid there is nothing that can be done to change the Tamel Kings minds." She stated clearly, her gaze turning to the stone fountain for just a moment before turning back to place you. "Is there something you'd care to inform me of so I might go back home with?"
Bigpip tought about it but he didn't think of a solution that didn't involve paying tribute, except one it was worth a try "There is one official proposal that i can make. Our company Lamiňík, produces goo transformation chemical weapons. That transform non ponies into goo animals. If we share this assimilative goo technology with them. Would they be willing to leave the matter be?" Bigpip asked, not expecting that to be accepted.
She thought for a moment. "That technology is highly illegal!" She abjected in sheer horror of the situation. "The fact that you would so much as suggest that as a suitable counter offer is a horrid idea!" She protested in both concern and disgust.
Bigpip let out a sigh "That doesn't suprise me, but it was worth a shot. War is inevitable then." Bigpip's horn glowed violet as he jumped on her. With spread wings he used telekinesis to grab her legs, enveloping her legs in violet glow. "You are hereby under arrest as prisoner of war!" Bigpip said assertively.
"so it would see-" she was cut off as Bigpip jumped on her, the only noises she made were those of her struggling whimpers.
He used his telekinesis to carry her across the hallway into a bedroom to act as an improvised cell. The bedroom was plain marble tile room with steel walls and roof.

With race traitor Elizabeth Hellsing arrested, it was time to officialy declare war. For the first time in history they would be facing an enemy on Acrab with competent navy. They would be up against the self named Tamel Kings. Hopefuly the casualties would not be high. Bigpip went to the comms console, entering in his password and sending messages to military officers and members of the central government about the war declaration.
Gootraxian soldiers and seamen would be mobilized first, gathering and preparing at the east coast for war, setting up an additional military outpost called 'Minong' as a main base of operations during this war. They still hed time to do so as the Tamel Kings did not officialy declare war yet.
The first naval battle took place in open sea and ended in a stalemate with both sides losing their modern ships. Forcing both sides to mostly using caravels, since they were cheap to construct. The Anocratic empire hed an advantage of having more ports with ship construction capabilities. So as the war seem to be at a stalemate with both sides suffering minimal casualties. Anocratic empire's ports were producing caravels at a steady rate to sacrifice for attacking the capital of the Tamel Kings. Who could not withstand the almost never ending stream of gootraxian seamen attacking their capital with caravels. Leading to the eventual capture of the capital and capitulation of the Tamel Kings. The royal family of the formal kingdom hed their privilages revoked but no charges were pressed against them. The annexation of the Tamel Kings would not go smoothly as their was a separatist sentiment among the 105125 humans that lived in this kingdom.
Those suspected of being part of this movement would be imprisoned. Preperation would be made to try to integrate the people into the wider society of the Anocratic empire. With those on their good behaviour being promised a free home in the (at the time of the annexation) mostly finished town of Hathor.


Edited by Xada

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