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New Pony In The Ville


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Hi everyone! I'm Autumn.

I've recently surged back into MLP after at least a decade of being "out of the loop" -- my parents at the time were not happy with me indulging in the community so I eventually cut it off. As I've been away from them for years now though, I found it could be time to try breaking through again -- and I got back into things!

I believe I knew about the forums back then if these are the same ones, however I was never a user of any forums; most of my interactions with other fans/bronies were in person; or through video games and youtube comments sections :P

My favourite pony is Fluttershy, I also really like Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Vinyl Scratch.

Aside from all of that, I like open-source technology, GNU/Linux, cats, and Pokemon.


Hope I'm welcomed back to this community. Thank you all for reading :)

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12 hours ago, AutumnEmbersK said:

Hi everyone! I'm Autumn.

I've recently surged back into MLP after at least a decade of being "out of the loop" -- my parents at the time were not happy with me indulging in the community so I eventually cut it off. As I've been away from them for years now though, I found it could be time to try breaking through again -- and I got back into things!

I believe I knew about the forums back then if these are the same ones, however I was never a user of any forums; most of my interactions with other fans/bronies were in person; or through video games and youtube comments sections :P

My favourite pony is Fluttershy, I also really like Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Vinyl Scratch.

Aside from all of that, I like open-source technology, GNU/Linux, cats, and Pokemon.


Hope I'm welcomed back to this community. Thank you all for reading :)

Hello Autumn and welcome back to the herd! :yay: /)

Your parents are not aware of the fun they are missing out from the Brony fandom. :)

I'm also glad you like Linux, open-source technology, cats and Pokémon like me, hehe. :twismile:

Enjoy having fun and partying here in this fandom. *insert vinyl scratch party emote*

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