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RP idea


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So, forgive me if this is the wrong tag to use, I haven't used the forum in a while and I forgot how to use it

But I wanted to profess an idea, a tribute of sorts to a well known MLP fan story, Rainbow Factory. 

The plotline is a story that takes place in a Rainbow Factory alternate universe, Scootaloo, injured and beat up by staff, meets a pegasus named Orange Swirl (a background Pegasus from fim, albeit with an alternate design) and Orange sees the truth of the factory, and the two go around convincing other pegasi to rebel.

Scoots also finds a friend of hers (an OC of mine named Cloudy Frost and frees her) 

Orion and Aurora are alive in this universe, but are only mentioned because I do not have promission by the author Aurora Dawn to use his OCs

That's the bare bones premise of the RP! 

Again sorry if this isn't the right tab, lol

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Hey there, @ThatPinkPone! Since you're posting a new RP idea to gauge interest, I've gone ahead and moved your topic to the Interest Check section. Good luck with your RP, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send me a message. :)


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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