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(IC) Rainbow Factory Au RP


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Sunny smiled weakly, hopping out of her chair and trotting next to Shadow. "Oh, thank you, sir.. You're so much nicer than i expected..- i mean.. For a boss...?" She winced and tried to correct herself, clearing her throat and quickly trotting out the office. "Sooo, whats this bluelight like? Are they nice?"

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"Dont worry, they are. You dont need to be Scared and such."
*he walked with Sunny to the Medical Department*
"Well... about me... Yes, i can be Mad and Evil ... but i need to be. Its just a Part of me and part of the Work, otherwise noone would take me Serious as Manager, you know?"
*kept walking and sighed*
"Let me say this... i was Different when i was Guard for Luna. But oh dear, everything Changed when i started Working here."
*shakes the head*
"Enough about me. So, Bluelight, he is usually Serious at Everything, wants Everything to be Right but, when he knows, that someone new is joining them, he Helps alot, Teaches good, even the dumbest Foal could understand. Oh, and he has sometimes a Hars Tone but dont take it too serious."



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Sunny listened to Shadow, and smiled weakly apon hearing his reasoning for being harsh to others. "I.. Suppose that makes sense. Slip didn't seem too afraid of you.. I can see how thatd be frustrating as a boss.." She mumbled quietly. She then stood quiet as he began to describe her new boss, nodding as he spoke to show she was listening. "I already know basic medicine and wound treatment.. I hope i can be a help to the other doctor and medic ponies.." Sunny beamed, grateful that maybe now she could help ponies, instead if being on the boring cloud level, or the traumatic rainbows department. 

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"Sometimes it is Annoying, when Somepony cant hear to their Superior..."
*he sighed and arrived to the Medical Department*
"Here we are. The Medical Department, your new Workplace."
*while Entering, he looked around and fought Bluelight*
"Hey, Bluelight. I brought you some Help. I tought y'all needed Help."
"Oh, hey Sir. Yes, yes, that's right, we need more Help. The Amount of Hurt Workers are too much for us to Handle."
*Bluelight looked at Sunny and smiled*
"Hello, my Name is Bluelight and im the Head Doctor of this Department. With who do i have the Pleasure to Talk with?"



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Slip soon found Derpy, eating a muffin on her break, "Derpy! Hey, Derpy!" whispers Slip, Derpy turned to Slip, "heya Slip! What brings you here?" Says Derpy, chowing down on her peanut butter and chocolate muffin.

"Derpy, I need your help! I want to shut down the factory and I need some help, so I chose you to come along with me!" Says Slip.

Derpy thinks for a second, "well, I don't really like how everypony is treated here, it's not very nice, and my Momma told me to always be nice, because you wouldn't wanna be treated badly!" says Derpy, matter-of-factly, "I will help you!" She added.

"We might need everypony else from Flight School, we need to find them," says Slip, gently grabbing Derpy's hoof as she finished her muffin.

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Sunny smiled sheepishly at Bluelight, extending her hoof and offering to shake his. "Im Sunny Skies, Mr. Bluelight, Sir.. Its nice to meet you. I look forward to working with you and-" her eyes drifted off to the side for a moment, looking past Bluelight and more into the medical department. She could see the main area looked like a regular hospital office, but she could feel a faint tickling of old habits start to brew in her mind. 'Theres definitely narcotics here.. Somewhere..' The mare thought in her head, feeling her mouth start to water. Her eyes shifted back to Bluelight, and only a few brief seconds had pasted. "-...and... I just know being here will bring me the fulfillment ive been looking for." 

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"Guess i can leave you both now. Just, take care of her, Blue."
*nodded then left the Medical Department to go to his Office again*
oO(Still need to do the Death Report. But first i need a Break)

"Will do, thanks Chef."
*Bluelight shook their Hooves and Smiled*
"Just Bluelight is okay."
*he noticed that Sunny was drifting off and thinks*
"Are you okay? You looked like, u were drifting off. And please, dont hesitate to say anything if you have something, like sickness."



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Sunny forced a weak smile, her eyes eyes shifting back and forth as she debated on telling Bluelight the truth. She knew better than to lie to a medical professional.. She was almost certain they could smell fear and money, which she only had one of. "Well- er.. Im just.. Er.. Use to have an addiction to painkillers.. Im a bit nervous about working around medicine.. The cravings come and go, you know?.. I think i just liked the high, and the numbness of it." Sunny rubbed her forearm with a hoof. "But im still a hard worker. Ill do anything you ask of me to the best of my ability." She promised.

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The green mare and the grey mare stalk the factory, peeking around every corner, until, they accidentally spooked White Lightning, "AAHHHH! Oh, it's only you two, hey Slip, Derpy...did you need something? 

Derpy whispered to Lightning "Slip wants to save all the workers from potential harm here, she needs all of our friends from flight school!" 

Lightning sat back on her haunches, "I-I don't know, I've already had "defiancy" and "refusal to work" put on my record," she stuttered, it was true that Lightning had never been the bravest pony. 

Slip whispered to Derpy, "ooh! That sounds like a great idea! But how are we gonna get her up here? She hasn't any wings," Derpy said, with some concerns.

"Shiny, my friend, has some knowledge on magic, she could cast a "walk on clouds" spell on her," 

The mares wanted to bring Screwy, to Cloudsdale. 

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*Shadow, sighed and went into the Breakroom, madehimself a coffee and waited until it was done*
oO(15 Years... 15 God Damn Years im working here... And every Time i see new Crap)
*After the Coffee was finished, he poured some into a Cup, took it and sat down on a Table, looking down to it*


"Addiction to Painkillers? Oh dear... Let me Think."
*he then tought about, how he could help her Addiction and knew what to do*
"I have an Idea. Wait here."
*he went back to the Medicine Room, searched for something, then came back, with a Floating Band Aid*
"This should help you. This Band Aid simulates the Consumtion of everything, the Body is grieving."



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Sunny narrowed her eyes at the band aids and took a slow step back. She looked oddly disappointed. "Er.. Thank you sir.. But i think ill be alright." She said, holding up a hoof and refusing to take the band aids. "I appreciate your concern.. But im content focusing on my job and not my feelings."

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"Listen... When your Feelings are Trash and you are Feeling down, you cannot Work, you know? If you feel like Trash, you just cant Work."
*he smiled at her while taking the band aids back*
"But i do understand you. Well, atleast i tried to help."
*while walking back, he smiled*
"While you are here, you can get some Medical Clothes then you can start Working."

Edited by TechnoZ



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Scootaloo was sitting down in Shiny's house, but soon got a call from Orange Swirl, "hello?" "You want me to ask Sweetie Belle to do what?" "A mare named...what?" "You want me to tell Sweetie, that she needs to-what?" "Okay, okay," Scootaloo nods and hangs up the phone.

"Okay so, Applebloom, you and I need to contact a mare named Screwy, and get her to come here, and then we need to teleport her to the Rainbow Factory," says Scootaloo.

(Fast forward Lmao,)

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Sunnys ears dipped back at Bluelights warning, and she clenched her teeth to keep her thoughts to herself. "Yes, sir.." She said when she was told to get dressed. She flew off to the locker room and changed out of her weather vest and into a medical white coat, with white stockings for gloves, and a new badge that had a hospital red pkus sign on it, showing her new rank. She trotted out the locker room and looked around the main office area, wondering what her new job would involve.

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*Bluelight came back, to see that Sunny changed Clothes*
"Good. The Most Important here is, taking Care of the Worker. Since you have Some Hospital Experience, i think the Most wounds are Basic Thing you know, how to Handle, am i Correct?"
*he sits down in his chair and smiled*
"And please, dont hesitate to call me."



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Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Screwy teleported into the facility, the mare ran off, screaming at the top of her lungs and laughing as if she heard something REALLY funny, "Miss? Come back!" Says Sweetie Belle softly, the blue mare sped through the hall, leaping and bounding over things, the kids thought she was just trying to cause trouble, but, instead, she lead them to Derpy, Lightning and Slip. 

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Sunny nodded and smiled, hearing her job sounded pretty basic, and something she knew she could handle. "Yes sir, thank you sir. Ill be sure to let you know if i need anything." Sunny beamed, trotting off deeper into the medical department, with a rather chipper and bouncy spring to her walk.

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Slip looked at the mare, she'd not seen Screwy in years, but it seemed that nothing had changed about Screwy, however it sounded as if Screwy was happier than she'd been in the past. 

"I sure hope that nopony heard you screaming, Screwy, it would probably be over pretty quickly for us if that happened," she laughed, little did she know, somepony may have heard.

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*Shadow dosnt give a Damn about anything, when he is on a Break. Even if he hears odd stuff, he ignores it.*


*Bluelight smiled at her*
oO(She seems Happy. But, kinda Tragic she ended up here.. But oh well, i just make sure she's gonna having the Best Time here.)
*with a smile, he went back to his Papers and reads those*



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For now, Sunny roamed arou d the medical department, finding out where the rooms where for the patients, the break room, the supply area, and ect. After about an hour of wondering, and not finding any pony who could use her help, she sat in a small section of the medical department that had some books on health. So, she began to read them, sat in a corner on her own.

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*Bluelight came up to her*
"Hey, are you alright? Couldnt find you for a While until i got told, you were here Reading. It's okay, Getting Informations how to Treat Patients are important too."
*he sat down next to Sunny*
"So... how do you feel being here?"

*Shadow finished his Break, put the Cup he had drank on into the Dishwasher and left the Breakroom*
"Aight, time to make the Death Report..."
*with a Sigh he walked the Hallway along and checked on the Worker once for a While*



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Screwy looked to her friends, "Disguise?" she said, and burst into a bout of laughter for absolutely no reason at all. 

Derpy looked at the mare, "hmm, we can make you fake wings, your jacket already looks like a worker coat!" she concludes. 

The mares make a pair of white wings and stuck them on her. 

The group go out into the factory, taking Screwy with them, hoping nopony would notice she wasn't working here before.

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"Oh, hello again, sir." Sunny smiled, closing her book and remained sat on the floor. "I feel alright.. Im happy to be promoted, and i love how these stockings look on me." She awed down to her own legs, looking at them in the white cloth. "I guess i just have alot on my mind at the moment. This entire factory isnt exactly what i thought itd be.. But a job is a job, right?" She smiled weakly, using a hoof to fiddle with her nametag. "How do you feel about working here?"

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The group sneaks through the facility, Screwy bouncing happily behind, they eventually passed through the med bay, knocking over a metal table near Sunny and Bluelight. 

She utters a small "oop" which most likely went unheard, over the metal clattering.

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*Shadow kept walking, til he arrived at the Pegasus Device*
*He watched a while the Process and noted some things down*
oO(Still Working fine... Good.)
*Asking the Worker, controlling the Device, if any Issues has happened lately but he denied and told, everything was fine. Shadow then nodded and walked away*
"Okay, no Repairs needed i see."

*Bluelight cleaned his Glasses with a Smile*
"I am Glad you like it here. Yes, its Odd working in this Facility but, yea, you are Right. Job is a Job."
*about the last sentence he sighed and looked away*
"I usually never wanted to be here in first place... See, i once was a Head Scientist for Medicine..."
*he then Heard Metal Clattering, looked over and saw Screwy*
*he stood up and walked over*
"Are you alright? Are you Hurt?"



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