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(IC) Rainbow Factory Au RP


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Sunny Skies groaned as her mind wondered aimlessly as she worked on the cloud press conveyer. Her job was to place pieces of cloud onto a conveyer so it could be condenced into other clouds and make a storm cloud to be stored for later use. It wasnt long til she finally got her 15 minute break. 


The mare used this time to wonder the factory and stretch her legs. 'The cloud level is so boring.. I cant wait to apply for the rainbow department. So much more pay and importance over there..' The pegasus sighed to herself as she walked into the break room. She took a seat and began to massage her sore hind hooves. "If i have to touch another cloud piece.. Im going to start spazzing out.." Sunny grumbled under her breath, feeling her patience unwinding. 


Sunny had to do something with this pent up aggression. She saw a waterbottle across from her, perhaps forgotten by somepony on their break. She reached out a hoof and knocked the water bottle over, making it roll off the table and onto the floor. "Ahhh.." Sunny sighed, easing back in her chair. "I feel better now.." 

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Slip had hurredly rushed the group into the room, she carefully eyed Sunny Skies, hoping she wouldn't notice the three workers and their two friends who'd wandered into this room, she held her breath and kept eyeballing the mare.


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Sunny glanced up from rubbing her hooves as she noticed some of her fellow coworkers enter the room. She hadnt worked here very long, and didnt know very many other ponies.. However one looked familiar to her, atleast vaguely. "Hi Merry May. Hows it going? Long day, huh?" The mare asked casually, going back to massaging her hooves, seemingly not paying much attention to the other ponies. 

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"Oh! Yeah, loooong day, gets tiring, am I right? Y'know my friend," she pauses for a second, and pretends to yawn so she can take a moment to remember Merry May's friend's name, "Sassaflash says that sometimes she wishes that breaks lasted longer," she concludes, she coughs, "ooh, um, best be going then!" Says Slip, she was kind of regretting stealing May's identity, but it was too late to look back at her decisions now.


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Sunny looked back up, half expecting Merry May to ignore her. She smiled warmly, feeling a weird sense of excitement in her chest. 'Could it be? Am i really forming a work association that could possibly turn into.. A work acquaintance.. And then perhaps even a.. turn to.. A Work friend?' She quickly shook her head to break from her day dreaming, and forced an awkward laugh. "Oh yeah.. That uh- Sassafrass-Flash!.. Always willing to say what everypony is thinking." After a moment of silence, Sunny rubbed the back of her neck for a moment. "Sooo..-" but was interrupted as Merry May said her goodbyes. "Oh, yeah, right. No worries.. Enjoy your break. See you out on the floor.. Maybe."


She was glad she didnt get the chance to ask if she wanted to sit and chat. It wouldve been so embarassing to be turned down.. Besides, Merry May seemed busy. Sunny leaned her cheek on her hoof, her half lidded eyes boredly wondering around the break room. 'Break feels like a million years when you have no pony to talk to..' She thought silently, her blue eyes occasionally checking the clock.

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Slip smiled on her way out, "you guys, I think maybe if we can convince her of what's happening, she'll help us, she seems nice enough to help us out, of course, I may have to tell her who I actually am though," she says, a little  way too loudly and right outside the door too.

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Sunnys ears perked, and thoigh she did her best not to be a nosey pony, she couldnt help but over hear Merry mays words and grew confused and curious. 'Convince me?.. Im nice?.. Who she is!?' Sunny shook her head again, groaning at her racing thoughts. Sunny suddenly gasped and turned to stare at Merry May, eyes sparkling. 'Oh Celestia.. It cant be.. She must be an undercover corporate pony.. Secretly seeing if ive got the stuffs to get into the rainbow department.' The sparkles in her eyes grew and a wide toothy stupid grin was plastered on her face.

"HEY!-" She flew out of her chair, making it fall over. She quickly doubled back to slowly push it back, flying over much more casually now. "S-sorry, i mean.. I didnt get a chance to introduce myself." Sunny eagerly reached out a hoof, shaking Merry mays firm and strongly. "Im Sunny Skies, Cloud department, im still a bit new here, but eager to learn all i can and work hard." She promised. "Sooo, if you every need anything, or have aaaaany questions, or yknow, just need somepony to vent to about your busy busy day, *deep inhale* Sunny skies, cloud department." She beamed another toothy grin, and just not realized how fast she had been talking, and how close she was slnow standing to Merry May, face to face. "Ahem..-" she took a few slow steps back. "Sorry, sorry.. You were on your way." 

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The group walked away, once they were far enough, Slip whispered, "I don't wanna keep lying, but we need some way to get her into the Rainbow making part of the factory, so whatever it is we need to do, we can get her in!" Slip quickly wrote a note, asking Sunny to meet her near the doors of the rainbow department and had Shiny teleport it to Sunny's work department. 

"Let's hope we don't run into the REAL Merry May, she won't be happy I swapped our tags," she said softly.

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After another few minutes, Sunny returned to work and it didnt take long for her to zone out again. 'Im going to spazz in 3.. 2..-' "AHH!-" She screamed and flew up a few feet as a note was teleported infront of her face. "What the-.." She read the note and gasped softly. "Its from Merry may.. And she wants to see me.. At the rainbow department!" Sunny gasped and hugged the note tightly ro her chest, flying in small backwards loops and cheering. "Heheehahahahyeeaaah!" She cheered, flying off to the entrancw of the rainbow department. 

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On 2024-06-13 at 11:36 PM, Evil Pink One said:


Aligner was listening in and got the news. This was backed up by the data that was sent to the factory and cameras.

" Theres new arrivals of pegasi that's to be recycled. Whats the plan?"

*Shadow walked over to Aligner and looked at the pegasi*

"Bring them to the Checkout, we need to make sure they are good Enough to be Recycled..."

*He then went closer and looked at them with a evil grin*

"Failing Flying, huh? Dont worry... The Result of this is Death, for good!"

*After this, he looked at Aligner and nodded, giving him a Sign to send them to the Checkout Room*



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Slip re-entered the rainbow department, and-wuh oh, it seemed like the REAL Merry May had finally managed to clean the Indigo spectra off of the floor and her fur, with an enraged cry she stumbled forward and leapt at Slip, "YOU MUCKED EVERYTHING UP! IT'S OVER FOR YOU! IT MERRY MAY BE OVER FOR MY CAREER BUT I'M BUCKING TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME! IF I DIE, YOU DIE TOO!" The lime green pegasus shrieked.

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Sunny Skies smiled when she saw who she believed to be Merry may approach the entrance. "Nice to see you again Merry May!" She quickly followed after her, eyes sparkling to look around the department she never explored before. "Sooo, why did you-" She winced and sharply turned her head to.. MERRY MAY!? Sunnys eyes widened and she kept turning her head quickly back and forth. "Wait- what- how- i thought-" She didnt even have time to oet her racing thoughts form, as an enraged Merry May shouted and leapt to the Impostor Merry May. For a brief moment, everything felt as if it were slow, and Sunny suddenly felt her mind get transported back in time, back when she was younger and had to constantly keep her older siblings from fighting. "ACK!-" Without thinking, she pushed Imposter Merry May out of the way and landed over her, nervously looking back to the real Merry may, then back to slip, glaring at her with mistrusting eyes. "...Are you two sisters?" 

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"No! She's just an impostor!" Says Slip trying to push the mare off, Merry May growled and tried to bite and kick at her foe, but the mare was thrown off and fell into a machine, "oh my dear sweet Celestia!" cries Slip, she had not meant to have harm come to May, but May had probably been so exhausted that her anger made her even more clumsy, sleepiness and anger don't mix.

May's screams echoed through the facility as she fell, Slip's original nametag bounced off of the machine and at her hooves. 


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*Shadow waits of an Answer, until he heard a Scream trough the Facility. He didnt tought much of it, since there are alot of Screams. But he tought, that this Scream was different... it wasnt filled with Fear, so he went back to Check, what happened*
oO(Aight, thats done... now i for a Patrol.)
*Not long, he entered the Rainbow Department and walked the Way along until he sees some Pony's standing around*
*he came closer to Slip and Sunny and looked at them, quite annoyed*



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Sunnys eyes widened as Merry May fell into the machine. She flew to the the entrance of the machine, reaching out a hoof to try and grab hers, but it was no use. Sunny could already hear her pained screams echoing out. Her body flinched and she quickly flew back, horrfied by the sounds the machine was making. Her blue shrunken eyes darted all around the room, and she finally began to notice the blood stain clouds and heavy duty machinery. "....." For once Sunnys mind was silent, but her stomach uneasy. She landed next to Slip on shaky hooves. "I-" Sunny sharply turned her head and crouched down, suddenly throwing up her lunch onto the cloud floor. After a few more wrenches, she rose back up, wiping her muzzle with a hoof. "Yknow.. M-maybe i was a bit too hasty.. The cloud department isnt s-so boring afterall.." She raised a hoof to her mouth, holding it as her cheeks filled as she gagged, but shuttered and held it in, gulping and groaning. 

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Sunny turned to see Shadow approach, and felt her heart sink. Her eyes widened and her ears dipped far back. 'Oh no, oh no, oh no,' she thought. She wanted to so badly blame Slip.. It wasnt Sunnys fault somepony just DIED. However, her fear kept her tight muzzled, staring at the colt with fear. She had no idea who he was, but he didnt look happy.. She knew she risked getting fired for even being in this department. Sunny gulped and forced a nervous toothy grin. 'Act casual.. Calm, cool.. Collected..-' She thought. "......Sup?" She gave a small nod then mentally facepalmed. 'Goodbye paycheck.. Hello homelessness..'

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Slip looked at the machine, and at May, she was certainly gone, "I-I didn't.." she said, pinning her ears, she fell to her knees, picking up the name tag. 

"How, w-why???" Slip shivered, May's wings were bent and everything on her body was scrambled out of shape, she dare not do anything. 

She never meant for this to happen

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*He arrived to the two Pony's, which are obviously scared for life*
"Do you stupid Imbeciles wanna explain me, why you are Standing here doing NOTHING?"
*he grumbled while looking at Sunny*
"And YOU, what are you doing here? You are not Supposed to be here, go back to your Work... NOW!"
*with that said, he walked past them and noticed something down in the Machine*
"What the..."
*with closer Look, he noticed that somepony apparently died, gets more Annoyed and looked back to the two*
"Hmpf... apparently we got a Murder here. You both Explain me RIGHT NOW, WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE I SEND YOU TO YOUR OWN DEMISE!"



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"She fell! I swear! I pushed her off me, and she stumbled and fell!" Slip cried, waving her hooves all over the place, "I swear to- um, erm Celestia!"

Slip was panicking, sobbing, heaving and just losing her mind.

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Sunnys ears pressed even harder against her head, at the colts rather harsh tone and insults. Her lower lip quivered for a moment, but she quickly bit it, and toughed up, narrowing her eyes at her superior, that is til he noticed the dead mangled body.. Then her gaze softened and shifted down to her hooves. As much as she wanted to defend herself, she really couldn't come up with anything without throwing Slip under the chariot. "D-demise..?" She gulped and her wings began to tremble with fear. "I-i.. I know this is going to sound so cliche.. Stupid, and down right implossible.. But please believe me when i say..-" she dropped down to her 'knees' holding her hooves up in a begging motion as she spoked into the cloud floor. "I have NO idea! I-it was an accident! Please dont do me next! I love safety! Im all about safety! Safety Sunny! Thats what m-my friends call me! If i had any.." She added quietly then fell silent, staring up at Shadow with fearful pleading eyes. 

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"I'd never murder anypony! She wasn't my friend or anything, but I didn't hate her! However, the reason she was so mad at me was because she blames me for the spectra that spilled earlier today! She never was the calmest pony, dare I say she had agression issues, but I'd never kill her!" Slip says, shuddering and closing her eyes behind her goggles.

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"She fell, huh?"
*he looked down to the Corpse, then back to the both*
"Who died down there? Also... explain me one to one, what happened here. And dont you lie to me..."
*even he has only one Eye to look, his eyesight is pure and immense. He knew, Sunny was new and still was under protection, so he couldnt kill her*
"Well... Sunny... as much i like to punish you, you can see yourself lucky, that you are under Protection, for now.... But YOU..."
*stares at Slip, which he thinks it was May*
"You are not... Now, either Tell me the Truth or see yourself for the Worst Punishment you can imagine!"



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Slip stood her ground, "HER NAME WAS MERRY MAY, AND I WENT TO FLIGHT SCHOOL WITH HER! I'D NEVER HURT HER! ALL THROUGH FLIGHT SCHOOL SHE'D HAD PROBLEMS! I'D NEVER EVEN SPARED HER SO MUCH AS A PASSING GLANCE, BUT I'VE SEEN HOW SHE'D BEEN!" She lowered her voice and coughed, "Merry May, was never as merry as her name suggested, but nopony ever seemed to care or want to get her any help in flight school, why help someone with problems if they're worth nothing to you, am I right? That's how it's always worked, hasn't it? The only two ponies who'd showed concern were me and her friend, Sassaflash,"

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Sunny took a deep sigh of relief hearing she was still protected under workers rights. "Thank celestia.." Her entire body relaxed but she could still hear Shadows threat echoing in her mind, making a shiver go up her spine. 'Punished?.. Oh sweet starlight the bearded.. Something tells me these ponies give out worse punishments than spankings and harsh words..' Her thoughts were broken from Slips outburst and explaination. Sunny glanced between the two of them, and forced a nervous toothy grin as she began to ever so slowly try and back her way out of the conversation. 'If i move slow and quietly enough.. Maybe no pony will even notice me.. Or remember i was here..' She thought she was being steathful, slow step by step. By now she was a good two feet away. 'Slow.. Sneaky.. Like a dumb foal cheating in a test..' 

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