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If you made Friendship is Magic a 200-episode series...


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If you wanted My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to be exactly 200 episodes long, which 21 episodes would you definitely remove? I recommend choosing ones that you think do not affect the show's plot in any way. My choices are:

  1. Look Before You Sleep
  2. Sleepless in Ponyville
  3. Princess Spike (thus making Amending Fences the 100th episode)
  4. Applejack's "Day" Off
  5. The Cart Before the Ponies
  6. 28 Pranks Later
  7. PPOV (Pony Point of View)
  8. Marks and Recreation
  9. Secrets and Pies
  10. Non-Compete Clause
  11. The Hearth's Warming Club (worst HWE episode ever!)
  12. The End in Friend
  13. Yakity-Sax
  14. Sparkle's Seven (hence the 200 episode limit)
  15. Frenemies
  16. Student Counsel
  17. 2, 4, 6, Greaaat
  18. A Trivial Pursuit
  19. She Talks to Angel
  20. Dragon Dropped
  21. Growing Up is Hard to Do (thus making The Last Crusade the last CMC episode)

If I had taken these episodes off, Pinkie Pie probably would have appeared in the third-most number of episodes in the series, behind Twilight and Applejack.

  • Shocked 1
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>removing "Sleepless in Ponyville"

Absolutely fucking not


1) Cutie Pox
3) Mmmystery of the Friendship Express
4) Spike At Your Service
5) Simple Ways
6) Trade Ya
7) Appleoosa's Most Wanted
8) Princess Spike
9) What About Discord
10) AJ's Day Off
11) 28 Pranks Later
12) Cart Before the Ponies
13) Newbie Dash(screw it, RD becoming a WB offscreen would still have been better than this travesty)
14) Fluttershy Leans In
15) Hard to Say Anything
16) Daring Done
17) Non Compete Clause
18) A Matter of Pricipals
19) Yakity Sax
20) She's All Yak
21) 2,4,6, Great


Edited by Megas
  • Shocked 1
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1 hour ago, Megas said:

>removing "Sleepless in Ponyville"

Absolutely fucking not


1) Cutie Pox
3) Mmmystery of the Friendship Express
4) Spike At Your Service
5) Simple Ways
6) Trade Ya
7) Appleoosa's Most Wanted
8) Princess Spike
9) What About Discord
10) AJ's Day Off
11) 28 Pranks Later
12) Cart Before the Ponies
13) Newbie Dash(screw it, RD becoming a WB offscreen would still have been better than this travesty)
14) Fluttershy Leans In
15) Hard to Say Anything
16) Daring Done
17) Non Compete Clause
18) A Matter of Pricipals
19) Yakity Sax
20) She's All Yak
21) 2,4,6, Great


Gee, I don't know about Daring Done, since that's one of the three Pillars episodes, which I consider quite necessary. I don't mind the rest, though.

  • Brohoof 1
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11 minutes ago, FirePuppy said:

Gee, I don't know about Daring Done, since that's one of the three Pillars episodes, which I consider quite necessary. I don't mind the rest, though.

I mean if they could redo the entire second half of the episode entire then I wouldn't mind keeping it and replacing it with one of S9's episodes

  • Brohoof 1
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Didn't quite get the idea here, I understand it's meant to remove the episodes that aren't relevant for the continuity, but you two apparently choose only episodes you dislike, and I would never remove a episode just because I dislike it, actually I don't dislike any episode, for me there were very weak episodes at best, but I don't hate any of them or anything, I wouldn't mind rewatching them, and my list of least favorite episodes just isn't long enough to fill a list with 21 items, so what's the true basis here? For that matter, I'm going to do 3 lists! One with episodes that I love but that aren't relevant, other with episodes that I don't like very much or consider a bit forgettable and aren't relevant, and other one that is the same as previous one but with episodes that are relevant! Please correct me if any of the episodes that I marked as irrelevant are actually important :wau:

Episodes I love but that aren't story relevant 

  1. S01E04 - Applebuck Season, just a few days of Applejack doing “poor” work and causing trouble to Ponyville :mlp_gag:

  2. S01E10 - Winter Wrap Up, learning how Ponyville switches goes from Winter to Spring isn't really necessary.

  3. S01E13 - Fall Weather Friends, just Applejack and Rainbow Dash competing with each other.

  4. S01E19 - Dogs and Ponies, develops Spike & Rarity's relationship, but nothing more, the Diamond Dogs never return :unsure:

  5. S01E20 - Fashion Model Fluttershy, they literally couldn't even find a way on how Fluttershy would lose her popularity, so this one almost felt like a what-if :sealed:

  6. S01E25 - Party of One, Pinkamena was never relevant nyehe :mlp_okiedokieloki:

  7. S01E26 - The Best Night Ever wasn't relevant at all :orly:

  8. S02E05 - Sisterhooves Social, my favorite episode, but other than developing Rarity & Sweetiebelle's relationship it's not really relevant.

  9. S02E08 - The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, develops Rainbow Dash, but not necessary for overall story.

  10. S02E09 - Sweet and Elite, develops Rarity and her relationship with her friends, but not necessary for overall story.

  11. S02E24 - Friendship Express Mystery introduces a few new characters but none of them are relevant.

  12. S02E14 - The Last Roundup, just stubborn Applejack trying to escape Ponyville and her friends :mlp_lie:

  13. S02E19 - No More Shy, develops Fluttershy, but does the series ever adress she going mad again? Also, the only other episode with Iron Will is also not relevant, so yeah, irrelevant episode.

  14. S02E22 - Hurricane Fluttershy, develops Fluttershy again, but the whole reason for the episode to happen isn't really relevant for the story.

  15. S03E03 - Too Many Pinkie Pies don't make the story of this episode any relevant haha :mlp_laugh:

  16. S03E08 - The Apple Family Reunion isn't relevant for the story.

  17. S04E07 - Bats, yes Vampire Fluttershy “returns” in a future episode, but both of them are irrelevant, the vampire fruit bats never return as well.

  18. S04E11 - Friendship, Love & Discord, just Cadance and Twilight going on a crazy adventure because of Discord :umad:

  19. S04E13 - Simple Ways, just Rarity jealous because Trenderhoof is more interested in Applejack than her :mlp_please:

  20. S04E23 - Just Rarity going crazy because of a old magic book :fabulous:

  21. S06E14 - The Cart Before the Ponies, man, as much I love this episode, it just doesn't make sense to exist, cars are never mentioned again after it.

Episodes I’m not a fan of and aren't story relevant

  1. S03E09 - Spike At Your Service, just Spike bothering Applejack :mustache:

  2. S05E10 - Princess Spike, Spike doing Spiky things again :BornAgainBrony:

  3. S05E17 - Brotherhooves Social, just develops Applebloom & Big McIntosh's relationship and that's it.

  4. S05E23 - The Hooffields and McColts, the two families never become relevant again.

  5. S05E24 - Pop Star Friend, Coloratura never shows up again.

  6. S06E08 - Glimmer's Hearth's Warming Eve, story about a fictional tale, not relevant.

  7. S06E12 - The Restaurant in Canterlot, Saffron Masala and her father never show up again.

  8. S06E21 - Glimmer vs Friendship Problems, nothing to say :yeahno:

  9. S08E09 - Competing Teachers, nothing really happens and undevelops Rainbow Dash & Applejack's characters :mlp_wat: >_>

  10. S08E15 - The Hearth's Warming Club reveals some of the Student Six’ lives, but it's not really relevant :smolder:

  11. S08E17 - The End in Friend, maybe same reason as Season 8 Episode 9, i think? :confused:

  12. S08E21 - Rockhoof and a Hard Place, can't remember very much what happened here, I think it's not relevant?

  13. S09E05 - The Forgotten Book, nothing to say :lostit:

  14. S09E07 - She's All Yak, develops Yona's character, that's it.

  15. S09E12 - The Final Crusade, Scootaloo's reencounter with her parents wasn't relevant, I think?

  16. S09E15 - Dash & The Cheerleaders, Dash doing Dashie things, that's it :dry:

Episodes I'm not a fan of but are story relevant:

  1. S05E11 - Pinkie Pie Meets The Yaks, yaks are introduced return in future episodes.

  2. S05E19 - Pinkie Keeps The Secret, reveals that Cadance is having a baby.

  3. S06E04 - Consequences of The Cutie Marks, The CMC take the decision to help other ponies to get their cutie marks.

  4. S07E01 - Celestial Advice, season opener, nothing to say.

  5. S07E05 - Fluttershy Leans In, Fluttershy's Animal Sanctury is made.

  6. S07E08 - Win Sugarbelle's Heart, develops Bic McIntosh & Sugarbelle's love relationship.

  7. S07E13 - Apples & Pears Story reveals how Applejack's parents met each other.

  8. S07E15 - Dragon & Changeling, the two are introduced to each other.

  9. S08E06 - Hippogriff or Seapony, CMC visit Mount Aris and meet the Hippogriffs/Seaponies.

  10. S08E10 - The Break Up Break Down, also develops Big McIntosh & Sugarbelle's love relationship.

  11. S09E03 - The Tree of Harmony's Legacy, the Tree of Harmony Resurrects.

  12. S09E14 - The Final Laugh, Develops Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's relationship.

  13. S09E23 - Big McIntosh & Sugarbelle's Marriage, develops Big McIntosh & Sugarbelle's love relationship again.

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