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When Worlds Collide

Saphire Systrine

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OOC Thread with Important Info




It has been a few years since Twilight Sparkle ascended to her throne. Though initially it was rumored that Celestia and Luna would be stepping down, they have since chosen to remain as co-rulers with Twilight, much to the relief of the Equestrian populous. While she is the Princess of Friendship, her affluence for science and technology has spread across Equestria, opening new avenues of technology and study. In Ponyville, the school has expanded from one schoolhouse to an entire campus. @Silly Druid is an esteemed teacher at the new Ponyville Center for Education and Enlightenment and is a well-rounded logical pony who has a passion for the sciences of the new Equestria. Their new friend, @Skylight Scintillate, has made themselves known in the quaint town for their ingenuity, and frequently spends time with @Silly Druid.


@Silly Druid As a resident of Ponyville, you see lots of strange things. You're used to the normal monster attack or crazy book-horse rampage. But recently you've noticed a pony you've never seen before. To be frank, you're not even quite sure she's a pony. She has a pinkish-red coat, pointed ears, and striking blue eyes that look like a changeling, yet she doesn't seem to be one. She wears a cloak and jacket that drapes over most of her barrel, so you haven't seen her cutiemark. You've noticed her lurking around in alleyways, behind homes, and sometimes in the middle of the street when it isn't too busy.

One day, as you're eating lunch with your friend @Skylight Scintillate at Sugarcube Corner, the pony walks in, sits at the bar, and orders a meal. Now is your chance to talk to her...

Edited by Saphire Systrine
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"Well, I think this new 'quantum' theory, as strange as it sounds, has some merit to it... It seems to explain a few things, including the black body radiation and the photo-magical effect..."

Stardust, a local teacher, talks to his friend over a sweet treat at Sugarcube Corner. They haven't met each other in a while, so they have lots of things to talk about.

"So, what are you working on la-" He pauses, seeing a pony at one of the tables. He has seen her before, but never in this kind of place. She doesn't look like anypony else he has ever seen, especially her eyes are very unusual. Kind of like a changeling, but why would a changeling want to look like an imperfect representation of a pony? It doesn't make any sense.

"Do you know her?" He asks his friend, curious about the identity of the new pony in town.

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"Hmm, I suppose that makes sense..." Tinker Twinkle replied. It definitely was a different and new way of thinking, and it took a while for him to fully understand what Stardust was trying to suggest. As a unicorn engineer, he prefered discussing things that could physically be interacted with, and all this talk about quantum theories was distracting him from his pear tart that he was trying to enjoy. 

Tinker was about to start talking about what he was working on when Stardust turned his attention to the mysterious pony that had just entered. Tinker glanced at this pony, blinking a few times before turning his attention back to Stardust with a shrug. "I have no idea. I mean, I've seen her around Ponyville a few times, but I've never talked to her. I wonder what she is doing here... Maybe we shoult talk to her?"

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The pony orders a meal in a hushed voice and sits at her table near the back corner. Her face is hidden by her cloak, but Tinker and Stardust can still see the light glinting off her eyes. From the shifting reflection, one could only surmise she was surveying the room, looking at the various ponies, gryphons, and changelings that occupied the small bakery.

Suddenly her glance rested on Stardust, and he felt his fur bristle. Not of fear, but of something else. Like a tingling through his nerves. It reminded him of a paper he once saw about the physiological effects of being in the room with Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. The exact cause was inconclusive for fear of invasive procedures being needed, but scientists hypothesize it was a pony's magiculecular system responding to the presence of such potent magic. The feeling lingered as her gaze remained, and vanished the moment it was broken and she focused on the meal in front of her. To his surprise, she had ordered some sort of meat sandwich. Though meat had been introduced into pony society with the integration of species like minotaurs, gryphons, abyssinians, ornithians, and the aptly (if not crudely) named "fishmen" from the thriving city of Klugetown, it was rather rare to see ponies his age eating meat. Only a hoofful younger fillies and colts had begun to consume meats, much to the chagrin of their pony parents.


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"That's a good idea", Stardust said to Tinker Twinkle, and approached the unusual mare. He had a strange feeling, which he couldn't really describe. Was it connected to the pony that he was going to talk to, sitting by the table? He couldn't tell, but he decided to ignore it and just begin a casual conversation. As Tinker Twinkle pointed out, It was a good opportunity to talk to her indeed, and perhaps it wouldn't happen again.

To his surprise, she was eating meat, which only added to the aura of mystery surrounding that pony, and made him more curious about where she comes from. Is she really a pony, or something else entirely? She was wearing clothes, which made it hard to tell what kind of a creature she really was.

"Hello", he said simply, and awaited the pony's reaction to the greeting, trying to appear as casual and relaxed as possible.

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"Greetings," came the surprisingly normal voice of the pony, muffled through a mouth full of food. Stardust notices she's holding the sandwich with her hooves, even though she has a horn. She turned to look at him. As her eyes met his, he felt that sensation again, but stronger, like the tingling numbness of a limb sat on too long. Finally able to see her face up close, he took in her details. She was a pinkish-red color, with an oddly darkened rectangle exactly on the bridge of her snout and a sprinkling of freckles. Her snout was not like that of a normal Ponyvillian mare, resembling the princess-like snouts of Canterlot royalty. Her hair was various shades of blue, yet a little frazzled under the hood. Again, her eyes...



There were no pupils, but it was not the glowing eyes of a changeling either. Now up close, they looked nothing like a changeling's. Strands of fibrous blue filaments stretched from the edges and seemed to coalesce into a blue-and-white center as if they sunk into a glass of cream. The profile of her eyes was sharp and framed the blue and white pools in a way that looked almost threatening. As she removed her hood, out popped a set of very pointed ears and a ruffled ponytail. Was everything about this mare pointy? Was she even a mare?

"How can I help you?" she asked with politeness, having swallowed her bite. Hearing her voice again threw into question the initial assessment of its normalcy. Rather, it was as if some words had multiple notes of pitch, but otherwise stayed within the same unified pitch.


Edited by Saphire Systrine
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"...Uumm, hello there. I don't think I have met you here in Ponyville before. I'm Tinker Twinkle," Tinker introduced. He had gotten up to talk to this unknown pony with Stardust, and he glanced at her curiously. While at a distance, this new pony seemed similar to most other ponies, at a closer glance, Tinker could notice slight differences. Tinker originally thought that she was a shy changeling, but now he had no idea what to make of this pony. Part of him noted similarities to how Zeccora acted around Ponyville back when the residents weren't sure what to make of her.

"Did Pinkie Pie throw you her Ponyville welcome party yet?" Tinker asked. He tried to recall if any of Pinkie's recent welcome parties were for a pony that looked like her.

Looking to Stardust, he would mimic his friend's casual appearance. 


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"And I'm Stardust. What's your name?" After seeing the details of her appearance, the sense of mystery increased in Stardust, and it made him a little scared. He thought that perhaps they were meddling with affairs that were beyond their comprehension or capabilities. Maybe dealing with a visitor like this is a job for a princess, or the Elements of Harmony, not two random ponies from Ponyville. But for now he decided to go along with it.

He thought Tinker's question was a good one, because it didn't sound like an invasion of privacy or anything like that, yet the answer could reveal some interesting information about the mysterious pony, or a 'pony-like creature' as he called her in his head. He didn't ask her anything more for now (except her name), because he thought that asking her too many questions before she could answer them would be rude. So he just stood there next to his friend, awaiting the answer.

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"Nice to meet you Tinker and Stardust," the pony responded calmly, "To answer your questions-" just barely a hint of flashing blue could be seen in her eyes, as if there was a light inside- "No, I have not been given a welcome party from Pinkamena," she stated matter-of-factly. While it wasnt unusual to know Pinkie Pie's full first name, just about everypony calls her "Pinkie". Yet this pony knew her name possibly without even meeting her, as any first interaction with the pink party pony is practically a promised possibility of pink pastel parties. Then again, who in Equestria didn't know of the Element of Laughter?

"As for my name, I'm..." she hesitated, as if contemplating her next words, "Saphire. You can call me Saphire," she finished with a polite nod.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of such fine company?" Despite her politeness, something seemed off, but what exactly was not clear...

Edited by Saphire Systrine
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With more strange feelings affecting him in the presence of the mysterious mare, Stardust felt confused and unsure what he should do next. Curiosity won him over though, and he decided it's time to ask some more questions.

"Nice to meet you, Saphire. As for your question, since you're new here, we just want to know more about you. It's a small town where everypony pretty much knows everypony else, so we'd like to know you as well. Don't feel obligated to answer our questions though, we completely understand if you want some privacy and prefer to keep the information to yourself. But if you don't mind me asking, I'd like to know where are you from. Also, what brings you to Ponyville? Are you staying here for longer?"

He didn't say anything about Pinkie and her parties, perhaps they can bring up this subject later. If Pinkie is in Sugarcube Corner right now, this matter can be resolved right away, he thought.

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As Stardust was asking these things, Saphire's ear and head pivoted ever so slightly towards the window as if she had heard something outside. She politely focused back and waited until Stardust was finished, but then sighed and stood.

"Those are certainly curious questions aren't they," she said to no one in particular, "Unfortunately I'm a busy mare, so if you want them answered you'll have to talk and trot."

She reached into a small saddlebag and pulled a gem out with her mouth. She gave them a quick smile as Stardust and Tinker eyed her, and that is when they noticed she had obvious canines, unlike a normal pony. Politely she pushed past them and placed the tip in a jar on the counter on her way to the door.

Before she stepped out she pulled up her hood and looked back at the two.

"Well? Do you want to talk now, or would you rather wait until the next time I need to eat," something about the way she said that made it sound like the 'next time' wouldn't be for a while.

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On 2024-10-30 at 3:00 AM, Saphire Systrine said:

 "No, I have not been given a welcome party from Pinkamena,"

"Oh," Tinker replied, not quite sure what to make of this seemingly contradictory information. Some of this information made sense, like the canines connecting with the consumption of meat. However, other things didn't, like how she didn't get a welcome party from Pinkie Pie. He was about to ask what brought Saphire to Ponyville, but Stardust beat him to it.

On 2024-10-30 at 8:25 PM, Saphire Systrine said:

"Unfortunately I'm a busy mare, so if you want them answered you'll have to talk and trot."

"Well I suppose we could follow you along," Tinker replied. Tinker would check to make sure that he had paid for his food before following Stardust and Saphire out the door. 

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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Stepping out into the sunlight, Saphire walked rather briskly toward a building across the square. Rather than enter it, she went behind it, and only then did she start talking again.

"I'm not from around here. Well, I used to be, but I live rather far now," she began rather casually as her eyes intently scanned a crack in the back plaster wall of the building.

"As for why I'm here," she whipped out a small device from her saddle bag and pointed it at the dirt in the center of the alley. Immediately a small cylinder poked out of the ground and levitated towards the device, neatly inserting itself into a slot on the back. There were eight slots, and it was the last one, "I'm investigating anomalous ley activity. According to these readings, ley saturation levels have significantly decreased within this small town," she looked towards the crack, "I'm sure you've noticed, given the town's ley tax input has dropped, leading to mild infrastructure degradation."

She was right. Recently the town had been looking ever so slightly worn, more than usual. They knew the automatic magic tax had something to do with maintaining structural spells across the town, but didn't realize it was that sensitive to changes. Life was too busy these days to worry about those things.

"And finally, I am leaving tonight, particularly to head to the Gala to speak with Princess Celestia about the matter," she paused for a minute as she stashed the device back in her saddlebag, "and I've been avoiding Pinkamena because I don't wish to bring attention to the matter until it can be investigated further. I figured two scientists like yourself would be reasonable ponies, which is why I'm even entertaining your questions to begin with."

Her having aptly called the two ponies 'scientists' was surprising. They had not even introduced themselves beyond name, yet she knew this information. Was she some sort of secret agent? It would explain her efforts to avoid detection. But then why would she tell them what she was doing? Wouldn't that compromise such a mission? Then again, the cinema did typically dramatize such things.

"Oh, may I ask," she started again, interrupting any thoughts either were having, "Have you noticed any significant decrease in population over the last few weeks? Ponies moving out, on extended vacations, or otherwise not present for an abnormal amount of time?"

Her questions were curt and to the point, as if a doctor was asking about a patient's symptoms. She stared intently at the two, awaiting a reply.

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14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"I'm investigating anomalous ley activity. According to these readings, ley saturation levels have significantly decreased within this small town," she looked towards the crack, "I'm sure you've noticed, given the town's ley tax input has dropped, leading to mild infrastructure degradation."

"Hmm, do you know what's causing this decrease in ley saturation levels?" Tinker asked.

14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"I'm sure you've noticed, given the town's ley tax input has dropped, leading to mild infrastructure degradation."

She was right. Recently the town had been looking ever so slightly worn, more than usual. They knew the automatic magic tax had something to do with maintaining structural spells across the town, but didn't realize it was that sensitive to changes. Life was too busy these days to worry about those things.

"Huh, yeah now that you point it out, things have been breaking a bit more frequently recently..." Tinker pondered. 

14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"I figured two scientists like yourself would be reasonable ponies, which is why I'm even entertaining your questions to begin with."

Huh. She thinks I'm a scientist? Well I consider myself more of an engineer... Wait, where did she get the idea that I'm a scientist? Tinker pondered to himself. 

14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"Oh, may I ask," she started again, interrupting any thoughts either were having, "Have you noticed any significant decrease in population over the last few weeks? Ponies moving out, on extended vacations, or otherwise not present for an abnormal amount of time?"

"Well a lot of my friends usually bounce around between various cities here in Equestria, but yeah, they have all been avoiding Ponyville lately. Usually, at least a few of them would have visited me here in Ponyville, but they're all asking me to travel to Canterlot, Cloudsdale, or Trotonto instead. I don't know," Tinker shrugged. "Also, the School of Friendship is on its scheduled break, so many students went home. That's why the town is so quiet right now."

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"Well, to be honest I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary in Ponyville lately." Stardust was telling the truth, although he knew that, unlike Tinker, he wasn't one of the most observant ponies around here. He did notice the strange device Saphire was using though.

"What's that thing in your saddlebags, if I may ask? Also, ley saturation levels and ley tax? I'm not really sure what you're talking about here, is this something related to magic? I'm a unicorn, but I'm not good at this kind of stuff, you know."

At the mention of he and his friend being scientists, Stardust reacted with a slight surprise. That wasn't entirely true, but not far from truth either.

"I wouldn't say we're scientists. I'm a school teacher and my friend here is an engineer. That's close to being scientists though, so I'm curious where you got the idea..."

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"I see," She said, completely ignoring Stardust's comment on her knowledge and instead addressing the population answer, "that is mildly concerning. The school is on a different leyline, so it wouldn't affect the town... A hoofful of inconsistant residents shouldn't cause this drastic change, yet the amount of magic being taxed has decreased significantly. There is something possibly draining magic in the area in a serious way..."

She stood there for a bit, thinking things through. It couldn't be changelings, they were reformed. Tirik was defeated. The Everfree Forest was forcefully contained as a nature preserve years ago, so no creatures come out of there. After a moment, she looked up and blinked.

"My apologies, I completely forgot to answer you, Stardust," She pulled the small device out again. It was tiny, barely the size of a hoof, and had a sort of display on it. It didnt look like a normal magitech device, "This is a simple data gathering device. It has several deployable sensors that can be covertly left in various places to track the data of a large area. This was particularly tracking leyline saturation-" Saphire stopped when she saw his confused expression.

"It tracks magic. Magic energy, or 'ley', exists in all ponies and magical creatures, but it also floats around ambiently through leylines. In order to maintain the structural spells used to build these structures," she pointed to the cracked wall before them, "there is a ley tax that is employed in every town. It uses the ambient leylines to draw magic energy out of all magical entities within the town, and then uses that energy to reinforce the spells without constant unicorn intervention."

Saphire turned the device towards Stardust, "As you can see here, the leyline saturation levels have been decreasing even within the last few days," she held the device up so Stardust and Tinker could see the display. Sure enough, it showed some sort of graph with a line going downwards, but the language displayed was indecipherable to them.

"But tracing the leylines hasn't led to any particular drains or leaks," she continued to ramble, "Something sapping this much energy would surely show up as a very saturated leyline. Now you may see why I am going to bring this up to Celestia..."

After thinking for a moment, she stashed the device in her saddlebag again and pulled her hood down to further conceal herself as she began to step out of the alleyway. Just before she hit the end, though, she stopped. Letting out a small sigh, she turned around to face the two.

"I'm sorry. I've spoken so much about me and my business here, but haven't asked about either of you. Why don't we talk about it on the way to the Gala? I'd like to learn more about you two."

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On 2024-11-03 at 11:20 PM, Saphire Systrine said:

She pulled the small device out again. It was tiny, barely the size of a hoof, and had a sort of display on it. It didnt look like a normal magitech device, "This is a simple data gathering device. It has several deployable sensors that can be covertly left in various places to track the data of a large area. This was particularly tracking leyline saturation-"

While Tinker was predominately focused on other aspects brought up in the group conversation, Tinker was quite curious about the device that Saphire was using. It seemed to be using some kind of technology that Tinker had never seen before, yet it also seemed to incorporate the use of magic in it as well. Tinker wanted to press further about the details of how it worked, but he realized that right now didn't really seem like an opportune moment. 

On 2024-11-03 at 11:20 PM, Saphire Systrine said:

"But tracing the leylines hasn't led to any particular drains or leaks," she continued to ramble, "Something sapping this much energy would surely show up as a very saturated leyline. Now you may see why I am going to bring this up to Celestia..."

"Hmm, do you have any theories?" Tinker asked. He tried to recall if anything else unusual had been occurring in Ponyville, but nothing that happened recently seemed that out of the ordinary.

On 2024-11-03 at 11:20 PM, Saphire Systrine said:

"I'm sorry. I've spoken so much about me and my business here, but haven't asked about either of you. Why don't we talk about it on the way to the Gala? I'd like to learn more about you two."

Tinker glanced curiously at this mysterious mare. He wasn't sure how much he felt comfortable revealing to this pony given how secretive she was. On the other hoof, part of him wondered how much she already knew about him. "Well um, as Stardust said, I'm an engineer. I like tinkering and working with various things, and I like trying to understand how various technologies work..."

"Wait a second, the gala? As in the Grand Galloping Gala? In Canterlot? How would we go there? Isn't that event really exclusive?" Tinker asked. He tried to recall if any of his friends in Canterlot mentioned anything about the gala or potentially giving him a ticket.

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"Oh well, I forgot to mention it, didn't I?" Stardust realized that he never told Tinker that he did indeed have a ticket to the Gala. "I got it from a member of the Canterlot royalty as gratitude for helping their child with their science lessons." He showed the ticked to his friend. "It's a ticket for two, so I can take you with me if you want."

Then he proceeded to answering Saphire's question about himself.

"As for me... I did want to be a scientist. I studied math and physics at a university in Canterlot, but when I graduated, I realized that all the discoveries I was going to make... were already made. Others beat me to it. And I didn't think I could contribute anything valuable to science anymore... For some time I wasn't sure what to do next, then I found out that princess Twilight Sparkle wanted to improve the level of education in Ponyville, and she was looking for science teachers. I applied and got the job. It turns out I'm pretty good at teaching, and the kids like me, so now I'm living the happy life of a teacher."

"But I still want to know something about you", he added, looking at Saphire. He realized that she didn't want to tell him much about herself: where is she from, what species she belongs to, and so on. But perhaps she would answer a different kind of question. "Why are you so interested in the levels of magic in Ponyville in the first place?"

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On 2024-11-06 at 8:49 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Hmm, do you have any theories?" Tinker asked.

Saphire simply shook her head.

On 2024-11-06 at 8:49 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Well um, as Stardust said, I'm an engineer. I like tinkering and working with various things, and I like trying to understand how various technologies work..."

"Oh? I'm quite the tinkerer myself," she stated, but then waited to ask more until Stardust finished explaining his Grand Galloping Gala escapades.

Turning back to Tinker, she asked him what kinds of things he tinkered with. She listened closely, and told him she'd like to see his works sometime after the gala if he'd let her. When Twinker finished up, Stardust talked about himself as well.

"Well, I can assure you, there is never nothing left to be discovered. And even the things you think are figured out have more depth than your fellows may have realized," she told Stardust after he had finished.
"We should probably get ready for the Gala," she said after a moment of silence. Turning around, she began to walk towards the residential district of Ponyville, "It will take several hours to get there, and we only have a few hours left. Meet me at the train station in 20?" she asked the two. "I'll pay for your tickets."

On 2024-11-06 at 6:40 PM, Silly Druid said:

"Why are you so interested in the levels of magic in Ponyville in the first place?"

She stopped. Without turning to face them completely, she uttered in an unsettling tone;
"Because it's not just happening in Ponyville, it's everywhere. Ponyville is just the worst..."

Saphire turned and continued toward her destination, leaving the two to marinate on that.





System Status Update -
>Target Status - Located
>Maintaining Core Protocal 137-EAM
>Maintaining Secondary Protocal - "Stealth"
Status Update Complete.



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On 2024-11-06 at 7:40 PM, Silly Druid said:

"Oh well, I forgot to mention it, didn't I?" Stardust realized that he never told Tinker that he did indeed have a ticket to the Gala. "I got it from a member of the Canterlot royalty as gratitude for helping their child with their science lessons." He showed the ticked to his friend. "It's a ticket for two, so I can take you with me if you want."

"Oh, sure, thanks," Tinker replied. "I was planning on asking my friend Skylight in Canterlot, but if you want me to go with you, then I don't mind."

19 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"We should probably get ready for the Gala," she said after a moment of silence. Turning around, she began to walk towards the residential district of Ponyville, "It will take several hours to get there, and we only have a few hours left. Meet me at the train station in 20?" she asked the two. "I'll pay for your tickets."

"Oh you don't need to pay for my ticket. I've got a rail pass because I work for the Canterlot Express, and I travel a lot," Tinker replied. With only twenty minutes, Tinker would just have enough time to run home and grab some formal attire along with the other things ponies brought to galas. 

19 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

She stopped. Without turning to face them completely, she uttered in an unsettling tone;
"Because it's not just happening in Ponyville, it's everywhere. Ponyville is just the worst..."

This comment would leave Tinker momentarily stunned before he realized he needed to hurry home and get ready. He would rush home, quickly but carefully pack his gala dress and some basic necessities while traveling, and then hurry over to the train station with his bags. 

"Alright, I'm ready," he replied once he arrived.

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On 2024-11-09 at 2:27 AM, Saphire Systrine said:

"Well, I can assure you, there is never nothing left to be discovered. And even the things you think are figured out have more depth than your fellows may have realized," she told Stardust after he had finished.

"I know science is always going forward, it's just that, since the things I was the most interested in were already resolved, I no longer felt I had it in me to be at the frontier of discovery... And I didn't want to end up as an insignificant and forgotten researcher, it's better to be an insignificant teacher, because perhaps one of the kids I teach will become a much better scientist than I would ever be..."

On 2024-11-09 at 2:27 AM, Saphire Systrine said:

"Because it's not just happening in Ponyville, it's everywhere. Ponyville is just the worst..."

"So it seems our little town is somehow at the center of the events again. I'm not surprised, for some reason it happens much more often than you would expect it..."

With that, Stardust went back to his house to grab his best suit for the gala and meet the two of them again at the train station.

Edited by Silly Druid
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Chapter 2 - Princesses, Ponies, and Predicaments

After the trio split up, they met back at the station.

"There you are," Saphire said as Tinker and Stardust approached with their luggage. It seems everyone planned to get dressed on the train ride there, as none of their attire had changed. Saphire pulled a ticket out from her saddlebag and gave it to Stardust, "And here you go. That covers the ride back as well, so make sure to keep that ticket," she instructed him.

Tinker, who works for the Canterlot Express, didn't need to pay for a ticket, and with the matter settled the trio entered the railcars with only a few minutes to spare. Taking the lead, Saphire guided them to a car that had no occupants. While this may have seemed unexpected to some, it fell in line with her secretive demeanor.

Motioning for the two to take a seat, she didn't. Instead, she headed back to the lavatory. After a few moments, it was as if an entirely different pony emerged. Gone was the dark hood, having been replaced with a sparkling red dress that flowed across her figure. Attached to her horn was a sort of crown-like ornament that wrapped around her forehead made of polished gold with sapphire stones. Similarly, from her ears protruded what looked like needles made of gold, a sapphire stone at the bottom of each ornament. Her hair flowed much more elegantly than the scruffy look it had before. The only thing that remained the same on this pony was her saddlebags, tightly gripping her barrel.

Nodding at the two ponies, she sat across from them.

"Bathroom's free if you want to change," she said in a casual tone that betrayed her appearance.

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14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

After a few moments, it was as if an entirely different pony emerged. Gone was the dark hood, having been replaced with a sparkling red dress that flowed across her figure. Attached to her horn was a sort of crown-like ornament that wrapped around her forehead made of polished gold with sapphire stones. Similarly, from her ears protruded what looked like needles made of gold, a sapphire stone at the bottom of each ornament. Her hair flowed much more elegantly than the scruffy look it had before. The only thing that remained the same on this pony was her saddlebags, tightly gripping her barrel.

Tinker did a double take when he saw Saphire exit the bathroom. She looked completely different from how she looked before. "Oh wow, you look nice," Tinker remarked.

14 hours ago, Saphire Systrine said:

"Bathroom's free if you want to change," she said in a casual tone that betrayed her appearance.

"Oh, um, I plan on doing so a bit later," Tinker replied. "As you said, we got plenty of time. This isn't a high-speed electric train. I mean, if that was the case then we would be there in under an hour."

Depending on whether the other two ponies were interested, Tinker would elaborate on his involvement in the Canterlot Express plans to build high-speed electric trains. 

Once they were more than halfway to Canterlot, Tinker would go to the washroom to get ready for the gala. He wore a simple but elegant light blue dress, and his mane was tied in a ponytail with a nice light blue bow. Other than that, Tinker just looked slightly freshened up.

"How do I look?" Tinker asked Stardust.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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Stardust thanked Saphire for the ticket, and went aboard the train. As Tinker pointed out, they had a lot of time to change, so he waited for the second half of the journey before doing it. Both his co-passengers looked pretty stunning in their dresses, and Stardust acknowledged that. He put his suit on as well, after using the washroom to freshen up before going to the Gala.

For some time they were talking about electric trains and how they would improve the transit system in Equestria, but at some point Stardust felt like it was a good time to try to get some more information out of Saphire.

"So, you want to talk to Princess Celestia about the magic anomalies... Does she know you? Do you think she will listen to what you have to say?"

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16 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh wow, you look nice," Tinker remarked.

"Thank you, Tinker and Stardust," Saphire responded.

16 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

This isn't a high-speed electric train.

"Oh, so Equestria has high-speed electric trains now? Interesting," Saphire remarked, "Are you involved in its development?"

The way she said that first sentence sounded like how other species outside of the country's borders referred to Equestria, as an entity they are not a part of. As Tinker explained, Saphire listened intently. Stardust, however, noticed that every few seconds or so, her eyes would ever so slightly illuminate, as if there was a light inside them. At first, Stardust thought this was just the setting sunlight refracting through her eyes, but as they went through a brief tunnel he still noticed it. He didn't want to interrupt Tinker, however.

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