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private Wizard Politics


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/20299-the-wizards-politics-for-active-posters/

Erin rode the cab in silence, watching the land pass by. There had been nothing but forest for several miles, and a few miles back they had passed a fence that marked the beginning of the academy's land. The place was clearly loaded, as the gate was made of iron, with brick walling running off in both directions, presumably around the entire place - which was huge. As the cab pulled up to the end of the driveway, near what looked to be like the school itself, Erin gave a handful of bills to the driver, then stepped out of the cab with a backpack and travel bag slung over his shoulders. He looked around, taking note of several other students exiting vehicles and walking the campus, then pulled out the note he received VIA mail a few days before. Apparently he was to find the dorms (girls being separate from boys), claim a room with his possessions, then move on to the orientation in the auditorium. Unfortunately the note came without a map, and he didn't have a watch - but if he were to guess, it would start in about ten minutes.


Erin turned to see a short boy holding out his hand in greeting.

"I'm Erin. Could you point me in the direction of the dorms?"


"Down that way."

The boy pointed down at a building in a short distance away near the lake. He then added in a whisper,

"Don't tell anyone about your 'abilities' and try to suppress your power. And don't say a word about me either."

With that, the boy turned and started to speak to more new people.


Erin noticed something dead serious in his voice, almost as if he dreaded his coming. He turned and started to walk in the direction that the boy had pointed in, wondering what the boy could possibly have him on edge.


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((I screwed up on the age and can't edit it by phone. He is 18. Not 20))


Marcus had finally made it to the academy, a strange place he had never known existed. His letter had instruction as to what to do, but wasn't told where to go or anything to help him out, so he decided to play it by ear. As he looked around the academy, he noticed a boy with his own bags, heading off somewhere in the academy. Following, he came to the boy and said "Hey, I'm Marcus, do you know where to find the dorms?"


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Erin quickly turned around, startled by the sudden voice. He nervously said to the new face,

"I... I was pointed that way."

Erin then pointed in the way he was told.


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Sakura arrived, she looked around she was deep in the forest. She brushed off her white dress and stretched. She saw two men walking towards somewhere she followed. She didn’t know where she meant to go, so she thought she’d ask.


Getting close to them with her bag in hand, with a smile. “Hello, I’m Sakura.” Sakura didn’t wait for there names to be said “I’m not sure where I’m meant to be staying do you know?” She asked with her kindest voice.

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Sakura felt awkward around Erin, but she carried on smiling. Though Sakura was the opposite of Erin she still respected him. “Is it where your going or somewhere different?” she asked. She smiled at Erin, “So what’s your name?” Sakura realised how unfriendly she was being.

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Erin put on a small smile, trying to be as polite as possible. These people did not know him... so maybe he had a chance at friendship.

"M-my name is Erin."


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Irene starred hopelessly at the giant stone walls, this was not a natural creation. The surrounding plantation was either wilted, or dead and the students were fading just as fast.

"I don't like this place, not one bit." Tree don't have voices, well not ones that can be heard by the untrained ear anyway, so Irene had grown found of speaking to herself.

The cab came to an abrupt stop, nearly toppling Irene into the glass windows. "H-hey! That hurts!"

"No shit sherlock, now get out."

Irene wiggled the knob around until the driver got fed up and pulled her out of the car himself. Irene's body fell to the ground like a bag of rocks. Normally a fall like that would cause her skin to tear, but blossoming flowers and fresh green grass always grew under where she walked.

Irene stood up, she had no luggage, she didn't even care for wearing clothes that much.

  • Brohoof 1

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The cab ride seemed to take hours. Kat was so bored that she tried to converse with the cab driver. But the cab driver didn't speak. He just drove. Kat soon fell asleep.


"Wake up!" The green gummy bear in Kat's dream yelled. When she opened her eyes, she realized it had not been a delicious bear-shaped treat, but an ugly old cab driver. He nearly threw her out of the vehicle. Kat looked around. A group of people could be seen. Two boys and a girl. Kat walked to the group, and waved her hand at them.


"Hello! I'm a new student here, and don't know where anything is. Can you help?" She asked politely. She giggled a bit, noticing how attractive the boys were. She was going to like this school.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Erin smiled at her as well, noticing that the people at the school were actually going to be nice. He said softly,

"Yes, we're heading to the school now. Would you like to walk with us?"


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Erin then became very nervous, but something about her was making him want to. He took her hand in hers and began walking. He felt an electric shock move through his body as he touched her hand, which caued him to blush.

(Damn whore, making my Erin all attracted with your powers D:)

  • Brohoof 1


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Irene pushed herself off the grow. Little flowers and grass blades sprouting between her naked feet. Irene turned and took her last breath of freedom, as she felt the crisp air sway her light pink hair. Nearby some other creatures were making a fuss together, they were quite loud.

"What an odd mating ritual." Irene commented as she strolled past the group.

  • Brohoof 1

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Fuzzy shadows were all Lei could see as he vainly attempted to peer out of the dirtied cab window, so thick with grime he could have scraped it off and rolled it into a ball. It was not unlike the dreams he had always had, and for a second he wondered if this was not just another bad dream. As if in response, the car gave a bumpy jolt, presumably from hitting a pothole, and Lei's head hit the roof. He sighed and shifted position in the cab seat.


Some school this is, deep in the middle of a forest, he thought gloomily, having given up on the grimy windows. He knew instinctively that he was going to have a bad time there-he didn't need the shrouded secrecy to tell him that. He didn't even understand why he had to attend the academy. He had, after all, finished college already. Whatever could he learn here that he hadn't already learned there? He shifted again in his seat, his legs beginning to cramp up. This is what happens when you slack off your training schedule. Your parents dump you in a forest.


A squealing sound from the car's wheels told him that he had arrived, although the windows were as dark as ever. Calmly grabbing the car door, he wrenched it open, surprised at how easily it gave way. As the cab backed away and drove off, tires squealing, he glanced at what appeared to be a building deep in the middle of the woods.


A twig snapped, and he was instantly on high alert, fists tensed, but he relaxed the next moment as a couple of teenagers-he guessed that they were students- ran off giggling into a bush. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were up to. He decided to head for the building and give them a bit of privacy.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Kat jumped at the electric shock, but tried to ignore it. She looked to the student she was holding hands with, and said, "What's you're name? I'm Kat!"


Kat was confused when she heard another girl talking about a mating ritual. She was a little angry, but at the same time, happy. It seemed funny to her, like a joke. Kat couldn't help but giggle a little. "Look now, we're not mating," She assured the girl, "We're just friends!"


(I'm assuming the group Irene walked past is ours)

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Kat jumped at the electric shock, but tried to ignore it. She looked to the student she was holding hands with, and said, "What's you're name? I'm Kat!"


Kat was confused when she heard another girl talking about a mating ritual. She was a little angry, but at the same time, happy. It seemed funny to her, like a joke. Kat couldn't help but giggle a little. "Look now, we're not mating," She assured the girl, "We're just friends!"


(I'm assuming the group Irene walked past is ours)


(The electrical shock is the magic Enchanters give off to others. It attracts other people.)

Erin smiled and said,

"It's a pleasure Kat, my name is Erin!"


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(The electrical shock is the magic Enchanters give off to others. It attracts other people.)

Erin smiled and said,

"It's a pleasure Kat, my name is Erin!"


(Hey, you're the one who invited a guy that hasn't read the books!)


"Alrighty Erin, I'm guessing you're new to this school also. You seem lost!" She said smiling. She'd been meaning to read those goddamn books this RP's about.

  • Brohoof 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(Well you know I'm not good at reading carefully! This is obviously you're fault!)


"My cab practically threw me off!" She laughed, her boobies jiggling about smile growing the more she laughed.

  • Brohoof 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Irene turned to face the busty women addressing her. "Friends?" Irene inspected Erin, getting a little too close for comfort and pulling at sensitive areas of his body. "Just as I suspected." Irene shook her head confidently without explaining anything.

"Suspected what?"

"Hm?" Irene had a confused look at her face, which faded to a smile, "oh a joke. I get it."

Irene smiled and spun around, her long ponytail slapping Kat in the face. Irene bounced off happily, completely obvious.

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(Well you know I'm not good at reading carefully! This is obviously you're fault!)


"My cab practically threw me off!" She laughed, her boobies jiggling about smile growing the more she laughed.


(Nope, we all know big boobs jiggle)

Erin turned completely red at both of the girls were very close to him. When the new girl started pulling at him, he could of been mistaken as a beet. He ghost pale skin looked as if he was sunburned as the girl bounced away.


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Marcus walked in silence as the two girls crowded around Erin. He kept his distance as he watched in humor. Walking up to Erin, he said "Well, you obviously have acquainted yourself quite well". He chuckled then smiled at Kat, "Hello, I'm Marcus, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier" he said, extending his hand for a handshake, the toned muscle in his arms clearly visible in the tight short sleeve shirt he wore.


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Lei gave a stretch as he stopped just outside the front door of the imposing building, realizing that he had no idea what to do next.

"Shoot," he muttered, patting his pockets and then the travel bag he had slung over his shoulder, but not finding what he wanted. "Where are those cheesy academy welcome brochures when you need one?" He was, of course, referring to the map, the only thing he really cared about right now, but eventually he gave up searching, having turned his pockets inside out for about the fifth time. At the very least he still had his timepiece. Rummaging through one of the flap folds on his travel bag, his hand made contact with a small metallic object. He drew it out carefully and flipped open the cover.


8:55, read the antiquated clock hands.


"I'll be late if I stay here any longer," he griped to himself, deciding to just follow the first group he chanced upon and hope that they were headed the same place he was.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Kat turned to Marcus, ignoring the new girl. "Hello, Marcus! It's nice to meet you!" She said, noticing his extended hand. But instead of shaking his hand, she pulled him into a tight hug.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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