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private Soul Eater


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Seth looked at him "Your porbely right" he sighed "She knows how to use her soul wave length as an attack and she's a wepon" these wasn't like him if Keshamaru had taunted him before sula was injured he would have gave him a punch or two

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"Have you found her weakness yet?" Keshamaru asked smiling. He had for sure. But it was nice to give Seth a heads up on what strategy he should use. "If not I could tell you..." This was more fun than he thought.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"No I haven't but she I'm pretty sure she found mine" he was tired he was up all night trying to think of a way he could have help sula "I really don't care about that right now I have a lot on my mind"

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""Well stop having alot on your mind!" Keshamaru said. "Dont be so juvenille the only way you can beat her is strategy! If you dont care then that will lead to your downfall definitely. Shizu got knocked out by a huge book coming straight at the back of her head? So for one that spot is still weak and mending and two if she let herself get hit by a book that big she either didnt se it or has poor reaction times. You need to use both of these to you advantage! If she cant sense attacks from behind use it. If she has poor reaction time use it. If you dont you will be embarassed by the whole school as the guy who got beat up by the girl who reads all day." He said leaning back in his chair. Seth was strong no doubt. But with this information he would have a bit of a chance. No doubt Shizu knew his weakness to but that wasnt Keshamarus concern. His concern was helping Seth in any way he could.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth listened and went through all this again and again "If she's like stine she'll be fast" he thought "But if she knows my weakness..." he stopped and relized he was talking aloud "Almost told Keshamaru about my fragile soul" he thought

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Keshamaru was preoccupied. "Your weaness is most likely your lack of control over your wavelength. Im not sure as to what else makes you weak but I can assure you. Keep it hidden. Take what I have told you and make a plan. Stein said Shizu could beat him in a fight that isnt good for you not one little bit." Keshamaru said rrunning his fingers along the desk. "I know you will figure something out." Keshamaru said grinning. He had faith in Seth but his money was on Shizu. He had already placed several bets around the school. Some people were total suckers and put money on Seth solely because he's a guy. Keshamaru smiled. "Im rich." He thought to himself happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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All the sudden got up "You may be right about my weakness but soon enough I'll learn if Shizu is as strong as stein then I'll be in for a tough fight and also Keshamaru you might want to get your money back" he said with a smuge smile

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Shizu smiled and gasped excitedly, "I finally finished my book!" she yelled only to be shushed by the librarian. "Heh, oops.." She blushed feverishly as she packed up her things and headed to class in an exceptionally good mood. "Good morning!" she said in a chipper voice as she entered and met up with Seth and Keshamaru, who were sitting at a desk. "Hey, you don't look as good as Seth did here last night..." she said curiously eying him as she got uncomfortably close to Keshamaru and poked at his wound. "Why didn't Stein or Nurse Red Heart send you my way?" she asked as she eyed Keshamaru curiously, as Stein walked in, "Because Shizu, you knocked your self out again... Why do you insist on tiring your self out? You know that when you do that you make yourself susceptible to your environment, I'm not surprised you passed out for almost whole day.." he sighed as he took his seat. "Yeah, but I feel fine today!" she stretched a bit to show him so, "See? Perfectly fine and energized." she smiled. "That reminds me, Class as well as being advanced in her studies, Shizu here will also be helping the nurse in her work, so if you have anything of that sort and cant find nurse Read Heart, feel free to go to Shizu." Stein said as he invoked a blush in Shizu.


(OOC: sorry, couldn't come up with a nurse name so I just thought of Nurse Red Heart from MLP X3 hope no one minds.)

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Seth found that help full "He's just tired that's all so Shizu you ready?" he asked he belived if he tried hard enough he could beat her "This battle will be a good one" he looked at her with a warm smile

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Sula walked in to class aided by crutches. She had a bandage on her face and one of her arms was in a sling. "Sula!? What why are you out already?" Keshamaru asked astounded. Sula smiled and said happily "If that old woman thought she could stop me from seeing Seth get his @$$ kicked shes sadly mistaken!" Sula said taking her seat next to Keshamaru. "Hey where is this duel happening anyway?" Sula asked the class seemed a bit cramped but it was Steins call. Keshamaru patted her on the shoulder. "So your out huh? How long til we fight Kishins again?" Sula shrugged and said. "About a week but I should be fine in three days." Keshamaru agreed and turned to the two who were about to duel. "This will be good." She said enthusiastically.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Whatever, breech, I cant be late again. Er We cant be late again, so i'm just leaving you here. We got lucky enough that we got into this school, I dont wanne get kicked out." He walked out, slung his bookbag over his shoulder and jumped out the window, and ran to school. He was lucky, too, because there was apparently a duel going on. He looked over at Keshamaru with a look of "Can I sit with you guys?" and WAITED FOR HIS ANSWER


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Keshamaru shruuged his shoulders and made room on the seat. He wasnt sure about this kid but he wasnt gonna get into fights with his and Sulas injuries. "Nice to formally meet you. I am Keshamaru and this is my weapon partner Sula." He said as warmly as possible.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth couldn't wait to fight Shizu "So Keshamaru do you think I have any chance?" he knew Keshamaru thought he would lose he heard kids making beats on Shizu and some on him a bit not that many "I understand if you don't think I can"

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Nat was already in class and nodded to everybody when they walked in. "What happened to you?" He asked Sula after he saw the crutches she was using. "You look like somebody ran you over." He said with a snicker.

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(OOC, If my character needs to be going to school or something like that to keep up with the rest of the group, please just assume he did. Dusk Blade, I didn't reply your posts were at 12:30-4:30am for my timezone, idk you live but when you're posting online, I'm asleep)


Breech was with Tobi when they got to school. "Sup guys," he said to Seth, Keshamaru, Sula, Shizu. "Heard about that Kishen you guys fought last night, and by heard about I mean I heard you guys f%#$ that thing up. Oh, Seth, if you lose your fight to Shizu, I don't care how badly she leaves you, I'm gonna beat the hell out of you. I've got 50 bucks on you winning this duel of yours so don't prove me wrong, kick her ass like you kicked Tobi's!" he jokingly ordered, Tobi is a prettty strong fighter and Seth beat the crap out of him until Breech couldn't bear to watch anymore, Breech had confidence that Shizu would have trouble trying to beat this guy.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Seth laughed "You beat me ok will see about that and for beats I might lose just do you lose money" he laughed "I'm joking I'm flattered that you would beat on me" he yawned "I got no sleep last night"

Edited by GreenWind
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Sula smirked at nat. "At least I have an excuse!" She said taunting. Keshamaru nodded at Breech and looked at Seth. "You know I wouldnt let there be a possibilty of me losing. I had Sula place money on you Seth. Any way this goes down we get paid!" He said with his hands behind his head. Sula moved her crutch and leaned back in the seat. "I hate tentacles..." She said randomyl Keshamaru didnt want to know what she meant so he focused on Shizu. "Shes well rested and fit. You are tired and nervous." He said to Seth. "I would at least try and form a strategy. One that involves you not gettting beat by a girl and also not looking like the ass who hit a girl." Keshamaru said. "I must say Im looking forward to this!" Sula exclaimed happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth didn't care if he hit a girl but that was beside the point "Well I can make one when the time comes and for you sula thanks for beating on me and yeah I exited too" he sat there "When is he gonna get here?"

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"Uh... that doesn't remove the possibility of you losing, that garuntees it, unless it ends in a draw, somebodys going to win and somebodys going to lose, no matter what, if you bet on both sides, you don't get anything, you win the money to pay off what you lost..." Breech said with a 'sorry to be a buzzkil but..." attitude.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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"Sily breech thats the beauty of it!! We put twice as much money on Shizu. Now if we lose we still get a litle back and if we win we get a ton back!!" Keshamaru said. "Lets go Shizu!!" Sula said and smiled at Seth. "Hey look on the bright side. You could win!" She said smiling.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth frowned and slammed his head against the table "Thanks guys nice friends I have" he smiled at them "Well Keshamaru be prepared to lose a lot of money!" he joked in return for his gambleing probleam

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"Then what was the... oh forget it, all that matters is you're gonna lose. I've seen Seth fight, Tobi is a dumbass but he's a tough a dumbass, and all he ended up doing was annoying Seth," he told Keshamaru, then turning to Seth he cheered, "You got this man!"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Seth healed out his fist for a fiat bump and said "I know" he smiled this was te first time he had been happy in years "all we need is Shizu and stein to get here you would think the teacher would be here by now"

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Keshamaru grinned at Breech. "No doubt in my mind Seth is tough. But considering he is fighting the daughter of the greatest meidter in DWMA history who by the way has beaten her father Seth is at a disadvantage." He said grinning. "Shizu also has the benefit of turning into a weapon so Seth is at an outstanding disadvatage still I feel as if we are in for an interesting match..." He said. Sula flinched in pain and grabbed her rib cage. "Damnit..." She said the pain subsided and she was fine but still she didnt like the coming and going pains.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Weopns shweopns who cares" he heard sula cuse "You alright sula te injures not to bad" he tryed to sound cheerful but every time he saw sula he felt worse about himself and his powers "I I could only"

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