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private Soul Eater


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Nat all bt jumped over his desk. "I'll take you down a peg or two," he said smugly as he turned to face Stein. "I think you might want to get up out of that chair," he told him as he got ready for a fight.

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"Hes dead..." Keshamaru said aloud. No way could Nat take Stine on. Not without a strategy... Or a meister.

Sula shook her head and looked at Keshamaru. "Do you have a plan?" she asked quietly. Keshamaru nodded. He had a great plan... but first he had to see Stines fighting style.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Stine saw the boy's soul wave length, 'He's arrogant and over confident, but he's strong.' Stine analyzed as he started at the boy's soul, 'Maybe I could get him angry so he'll try and attack me.' Stine smiled, "My dear boy, I could beat you while sitting in this chair with my eye's closed" he said she he stared daggers at the boy "Go on, make your move there sport."


Stine thought to himself as he prepared himself mentally before the boy had a chance to decide if he would attack first or not, 'If I'm correct he's a ranged weapon from what I heard about his performance in his last class, if he moves first I'll dodge it and counter with a kick to his shins, and make him lose he's center balance... If he doesn't make his move first, then that will give me a chance to be creative.'

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"Why did he want to go first? How cocky and arrogant is he?" Keshamaru thought. Sula nodded and said "Maybe he thinks because hes a ranged weapon he can take him... Witch isnt true Keshamaru look." Keshamaru already knew. Like he said he was the best at reading emotions and reactions. Stine had already come up with the perfect plan... Nat was a dead man. "I saw Sula... That glint in his eye the lopsided grin. He has a plan... A damn good one by the looks of it." Sula always tried to read emotions like Keshamaru but she just wasnt on his level no matter how hard she tried.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Whatever old man," Nat told him as he turned his right forearm into the barrel of a musket and let out a quick three round burst. 'He's known for using his soul wavelength to attack, but I am a weapon so I should be able to project his wavelength back' he thought.

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"Nat has a plan too... But its risky and has alot of holes not as detailed as Stines... But maybe thats the way he wants it. Nat really is somethin else maybe his whole plan is to forget detail and use a bit." Keshamaru smiled and looked at Sula. "Hey Keshamaru you gonna do a run down after the battle." Sula always liked it when Keshamaru told losers why and how they lost. Hes like captain hindsight she thought and almost laughed out loud. "Alright Sula pay close attention to the battle..." Sula nodded and looked back at the floor where the match would soon begin.


((ITS ALIVE!!! I thought it was dead for a minute there...))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth saw how much coincidence Keshamaru had. But there was still worry "Keshamuaru good luck" he said to his new friend "Let's hope he does good" he thought "If I fight stine I'm sure to lose when he throws the first punch"

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Keshamaru looked over at Seth. "No I have to wait and you do too. Nat is a fool to volunteer first or maybe he is just extremely confident. I have to know the full extent of Steins ability before I can decide a complete strategy. As for you your best bet is to use that stamina you possesed when you fought kid... Even then you will have to attack him indirectly if you go for the obvious attack he will know about it, he's a genius." Sula listened to Keshamarus words. If he really is that smart wouldnt he have already figured out strategy for all of them. Thats when it hit her. My god... Maybe he has! no no... All he has to go on is our records from the last class. Im pretty sure he wont be worried about the kid who blew up a desk... She thought. Above everything else she wanted to see Seth at least try to beat him.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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As the dust settled from Nat's attack, Stine still sat in his chair unscathed. He mockingly faked a yawn and sighed, "Surely that isn't all you can do?" Stine stood up and rolled his head to the side and cracked it. "Your soul wave isn't self-sustaining like Justin Law's, you have a long ways to go if you plan to be anything like him." Stine pointed a finger at Nat's transformed arm "Your aim is off by 2.376 centimeters because you have no true sight behind your actions, if kid were here he would be disgusted in your accuracy, but I'll just have to take advantage of it" Stine snickered a bit and again tuned the screw to his head to clearly see his path to the student, in a way of distraction Stine tore off his lab coat and tossed it in the air as he sped towards Nat at a break neck speed as he dropped to his hands and round gave a round house kick which connected right below his knee.

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Nat dropped to one knee with gritted teeth. "Nice one," he muttered before making a bayonet extend from below his wrist and swiping at Stine's leg. "I've got a few tricks left!" He yelled as he threw his foot, which was now a musket stock, at Stine.

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Seth stood up in his seat "What te heck!" had never see this find of speed he stared at stine shocked "Hey you stine" he didn't care if he was making a seen "Your supposed to teach us not beat the crap out of us" he couldn't belaive this guy

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Stine quickly acted as the bayonet nearly missed his arm, he took position and slammed his hands against Nat's chest "Double Palm Soul Force-Twin Spears" he grunted as he connected his soul wave force at Nat's chest knocking him back before he could get a shot off from his leg cannon knocking him on to his back, possibly unconscious, but not as powerful as he usualy hits so not as to cause Nat any serious internal damage.


"The purpose of this Seth, is that you're all supposed to be working as a team, no matter how slim the odds are, you always back up your comrades." Stine said coolly as he stood up and adjusted his glasses, "But so far you're all failing to see that fact, and are going to fail if this keeps up." He extended his hand to has head and twisted his screw a few times and looked towards the other boy and girl, "Care to make your move yet you two?" he glanced over at Seth "Or maybe you?"

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He clentch his teeth "Fine" he hoped over his desk and was a good distance from stine "You get first shoot" he opened his arms as of wanting a hug but no "It's only fare some one your age beside its good to see what you can do"

Edited by GreenWind
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"I've seen quite enough... Sula transform!" Sula nodded and lept in the air transforming into the heavy bow. "Sorry proffesor but as it seems that is my friend you just knocked out... Kekoshi go!" Kekoshi yipped and lept off the table crabbing onto stines labcoat and pulling him backwards while Keshamaru notched a paralysis arrow. "If this hits stein will be unable to mave for a while allowing Seth to give it a go..." he thought as he took aim at steins leg. "Alright screwhead... its our turn..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Going all out huh?" Stine grunted as felt the dog tugging at him, he then saw the arrow coming at him and smiled he picked up Kekoshi, his next move needed to be quick to be able to pull off the distraction he needed. "Experimental Ectoplasm", he softly said as he focused his soul wave length to create his expanding soul double, but with enough wave length to make the soul double black, as well as fake Kekoshi's soul wave length and to block the incoming arrow. As this all occurred Stine injected Kekoshi with a sedative to put him to sleep for an hour, he then matched his soul wave length to Kekoshi's and set an aura around him as he then set his double to explode covering the class in a thick smoke. He then took the opportunity to run behind Sula and her meister, he needed to wait for the smoke to settle before he could start the next part of his attack, it had to work off the shock and surprise of his presence.

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"What the hell!?! Sula dagger now!" He yelled as the smoke clogged his lungs Sula transformed into a dagger and Keshamaru looked seeing Kekoshi unconcious on the floor. "Where-" Suddenly he heard the breathing behind him. He dropped to the ground and tried to sweep kick steins legs out from under him. Keshamru still couldnt see but before he could continue fighting he had to get to Kekoshi.

He hated hand to hand combat the only way he stood a chance of getting down there would be too use the dagger and its potent nausea poison. But stein was incredibly fast and strong. Keshamaru was worried he wouldnt stand a chance. "Seth help! I cant take this guy!" He yelled to his friend who he couldnt see clearly, in the thick black smoke.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth stine in the same spot closed his eyes "Stine is 1yard away if I run at him he'll dodge and attack as a counter" he tought "But if I use the smoke to my adavatge..." he opened his eyes and swiftly ran into the smoke he senced stine in front he lifted his fist an electric charge sparked against it as he hit stines back

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Stine grunted as Seth attacked him from behind 'Bingo... Just as planed' He smiled maliciously as he changed his soul wave length to that of Seth's, canceling the electric shock from his attack. "Glad you could join us in the fight Seth" Stine said coldly and smugly as he reached behind him grabbing Seth by the neck and flipping him over him onto the desk in front of him and sent the same pulse of electricity down Seth's spine as Seth had tried, paralyzing his legs and arms so he couldn't move. "Two down, two to go", he said solemnly to him self as he set sutures over Seth's moth so he could give out Stines position again in the smoke.

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Seth's body was completely still "I can't let them down!" he tought as his legs twitched "I have to keep trying!" he mumbled as he struggled to sit up "Stine!" he yelled as he got on his feet unbalanced he swiftly ran at him this time he kneed stine with his soul wavelength a burst of green light flashed

Edited by GreenWind
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Keshamru cursed under his breath. He turned around and saw the conflict between Seth. "Alright Stine you like paralysis... Lets see what you do about this." He said as he turned Sula back into a bow and took aim. "Good night screwhead..." He said under his breath.

as he let the arrow fly. Unfortunately it missed its mark through the smoke and it only just cut stines arm. "Damnint! Well that should restrict some movement..." He said as he notched another arrow and aimed it at stines feet. "Oh man this school is so going to sue me for property damage..." He said the explosive arrow aimed at its sight.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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-Walks near the classroom, going to class late because its my first day, but hears fighting-Dad? o,o,,,,,-Sees someone walk by and asks them what the F*CK is going on-

Person:Oh, Its just a quick sparing lesson.

Ah. Okay. -Sets my books down and walks in-

(You peeps cool if I'm steins kid also?)


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Breech walks in after his meister, slightly amused to see the fighting going on in the class room, though his amusement faded as soon as he saw who the students were fighting. "Tobi... is it just me, or is your dad fighting those student over there..." Breech asked, a bit concerned to see his meister's father in a fight with students who were clearly having difficulty keeping up. "You wanna jump in? I don't think this is really organized..." he said, observing blast marks all over the room. "Your call man, Chain blade, Claw Gauntlet, or Scythe form?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Claws -Smiles- This is gonna be fun...-Sees Stein beating the sh*t out of the other students-HEY DAD!!!!

Stein:-Stops then looks at me-Tobi? So glad of you to join us.-He runs at me-

You better hurry, and this is organized...but going a bit too far.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"Okay man," Breech said as he formed a claw gaunlet on Tobi's arm, "And if you try to block your Dad attacking with his soul wavelength by using me as sheild, I'm going scythe just to screw with you," Breech teased, vaguely aware of the pun he'd just unintenionally made as he began focusing on fighting Proffesor Stein.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Haha. Alright, lets do this-Stands ready,holds hand out and gets ready to Soul Force him- *Mumbles under my breath*I know his wavelength well......-Runs at him-Soul Force!-Slams my palm right into him and he spits a bit of blood from the blow, tthen swipes up and stops right as I'm about to take off his face-I win -Smiles and sticks tounge out, then kicks him across the room-


Hammerfist, but dont Resonate all the way, I dont wanna kill him.. -Starts to resonate-I'm waiting for you, (Whats yer characters name? I never got tola that yet XD) *Insertnamehere*

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Filler not necessary. Your post has passed the character limit.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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