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¨well Jyarimon i guess we are out of this battle this time¨ Leo sighed seeing the tough enemies ¨dont be like that Leo we can still help the others why would we go with them anyways if we was not going to help them¨ Gigimon replied with his usual annoying voice ¨well i guess your right in 2 ways of 1 but they are still too strong for us but we can do it anyways right¨ Leo replied ¨Yeah lets go!¨ Jyarimon said as he got ready but suddenly turned into Gigimon ¨Jyarimon digivolve to....................Gigimon!¨ he had no symbol this time but he was different somehow. ((ooooooooooh guess what hes stronger becouse he ate some of Shellmons data by biting him with Hot bite :D))

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Alice flinched at the sight of the Digimons in front of them. The one known as Ladydevimon made her feel very uncomfortable, but she tried her best not to show it towards the others. Wizardmons focused on the Digimons who had just appeared, trying to read their moves plus staying close to Alice. He didn't have the power on his side, so he needed to be smart.

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Sakura looked strong, she swallowed in fear mostly. She looked at Kyubimon who stood next to her. She smiled, "everyone, we wait for them to come to us" she sighed. She took a deep breath, "this will be a fight to remember"


Kyubimon looked up and nodded.


Lady Devimon giggled slightly as she heard them speak. " Oh, good luck" she giggled.

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¨But thats no fun¨ Gigimon said back to sakura as he was looking more and more dangerous, ¨Gigimon it can be dangerous if we dont wait for them to attack us¨ he whispered to him ¨but i want to battle¨ Gigimon whispered back ¨just deal with it¨ Leo commanded his partner (i spin mah tail right round right round when we are virus when we are are virus)

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Chrysalimon grunted. "Speak for yourself im done waiting!" Axe lept forward "No dont!" But it was to late. Chrysalimon was already using his tentacles to go right after Deputymon first. They wrapped around Deputymons limbs and tightened up. "Come here you pistol spitting freak!" Axe stood back and looked over at Sakura. Then back at Chrysalimon. Chrysalimon used his tentacles to drag Deputymon to the ground. Unfortunately Deputymon got a shot off that his Chrysalimons side forcing him to let go.

"Damnit!" He said as he recoiled. He lashed out with his tentacles again hoping to land a solid blow.

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Kyubimon let out a slight growl of annoyance as Chrsalimon didn't wait. She ran forward and before Lady devimon started laughing.


Lady devimon sent bats out of her wing which picked up Kyubimon. "You and I are not so different Kyubimon" she told her.


Kyubimon looked away, she tried to struggle free but if she touched one of the bats it brunt into her data. She gave a slight scream in pain.


Lady devimon laughed as she moved over to Kyubimon, "You and I are one in the same, Nightmare solders threw and threw" she laughed.


Kyubimon looked away as the bats finely dropped her.


"Awww don't look so sad" Lady devimon grinned.


Sakura watched but was frozen in fear. As she watched a purple version of Kyuibmon stepped out be hind Lady devimon.


Kyubimon growled, as she jumped in to battle with was the true form of Kyubimon.

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¨Leo, i dont feel so well its like something is gnawing me from the inside¨ Gigimon said with a sad tone ¨huh?¨ as soon as they spoke Gigimons face turned all devilish smiling looking at the enemy ¨so you want a piece of me i guess hehehe¨ he said with a demonic voice

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Chrysalimon slashed at Deputymon again making a small hole in his hat. "Partner do you know who I am? I'm a virus buster kid!" He pulled out two silver pistols and began opening fire on Axe and Chrysalimon. "Axe behind me!" Axe dove behind hrysalimon and watched as his partner was repeatedly struck by the guns ammo. "Its vaccine data, it hurts like hell!" Chrysalimon said as he lashed out with a tentacle to throw Deputymon off and make him lose his aim. "Kyubimon are you okay!?" He shouted over to Kyubimon he barely noticed the giant ball of vaccine data hurling at him. Deputymon had hit him with justice bullet and Chrysalimon shouted.

"Chrysalimon no! Stay focused okay?" Chrysalimon got back up and grunted. "Yeah I got it..."

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Alice tried to swallow her uneasiness and turned to her Digimon partner.

"Please don't tell me you have another version of yourself who wants to kill you"

"Can't say I don't, but I'm fairly sure he doesn't want to kill me."



After his comment, Wizardmon flew to the two fighting Kyubimons to see if he could be for any help. He aimed a thunder-ball towards the newcomer but tried to keep at a hopefully safe distance. Alice went over to Sakura. "You okay?"

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Axe raced over to Alice and Sakura. "Chrysalimon is holding his own but Deputymons relentless. How are you two?"

He wanted to be of any help he could. He decided to stay over by Alica and Sakura just in case the digimon attacked them.


Deputymon let out a heart "Yee-Haw!" As he fired round after round at Chrysalimon. Chrysalimon used his tentacles to move block the bullets each one whiiring around him like windmill blades. "Gettin tired partner? Surely not even you can put up with this!" Chrysalimon struck out with a tentacle and made a small cut on Deputymons arm. "Next time I'll take the whole damn thing!" Chrysalimon laughed coldly. Deputymon fired quicker not knowing how Chrysalimon could sneak a hit in while under so much pressure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I'm doing well, considering the conditions. I just hope Wizardmon knows what he is doing" Alice answered with concern in her voice when she looked over the the Digimons fighting. Her mind was blank for anything that could help them, the only thing she could think about was what could happen to their Digimon partners. "Get your act togheter Alice, figure out something instead" she thought to herself.

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¨Hey you¨ Leo was looking at Alice ¨you should cheer on your digi partner you know that helps alot to know you trust and believe in them¨ Leo started cheering for Gigimon when it jumped up on the evil kyubimons back ¨HOT BITE¨ the bite mark was there with smoking steam coming from it he continued to hold the bite longer after each bite he did.

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Chrysalimon whistled past Axe and hit a tree. "Damnit..." He choked out as he got to his feet (tentacles?) And launched a heavy offensive attack at Deputymon. Axe looked over and shouted, "You can do It Chrysalimon I believe in you!" Chrysalimon yelled back "I could use help here?!" He clearly wasn't finding Axes words very encouraging. Axe sighed and looked at Sakura. "If I don't come back from this alive. I want you to know I'm glad I got to meet you. All of you." He didn't know what to do next as he heard Chrysalimons voice "Anytime now?!!??" Axe rushed up and hugged Sakura before swallowing his fear and charging full speed at Deputymon. He halted about five feet in front of the digimon and froze not knowing what to do.


"Err hey Deputymon! Long time no see since you know, you um... Died." Deputymon grunted and looked dead ahead. "Oh hey! Do you like dancing? I can tap dance pretty well. I took a class at the YMCA!" Axe was mildly embarrassed that he wasn't even lying.

He pulled off his jacket and did a short little shuffle ending with jazz fingers. Deputymon looked at him and began to say

"What the f-" When Chyrsalimon attacked from behind and wrapped him with his tentacles. "Got you, ya bullet blasting freak!"

Deputymon shouted for help but Chrysalimon squeezed him, ending his code. Deputymon disappeared gone. Again.

Axe fell fell backwards and lie spread eagle on the dirt. His face was totally red. He had just hugged Sakura AND showed his tap dancing skills. He was almost hoping Deputymon had killed him.


(( ITS NOT DEAD?!!?!))

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Sakura blushed as she returned the hug, her heart was racing and looked back at Kyubimon. She watched as she howled in pain, Sakura looked so confused the hug, the battle. She screamed in confusion before dropping on her knees.


Kyubimon looked back in shock her heart raced, hearing Sakura scream made her finished the digimon quickly. She ran back and looked on in horror before sighing in relief as Sakura got to her feet. She ran to Axe and through her arms around him, she didn't care what happened what it looked like. She thought she had lost him.


While in the hug she didn't notice that Kyubimon had run up Lady devimon and sank her teeth in to her arm before getting throw away like nothing.

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Gigimon jumped at the third shadow (lets say its black greymon) ¨ILL RIP YOU TO PIECES IN ONE BITE YOU LITTLE RAT¨ he had lost his sanity in the fight because of the heavy amount of virus ¨HAHEAHEHAHEAHEHAHEHAEHAHEHAEHAEHAEHAHEEH¨ he lunged at the shadow striking right through it with his bite leaving a mark at its side burning smoking hot deadly.

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Axe blushed and held tightly to Sakura. Chrysalimon had regained his bearings and shot off. "I'll be back." He told Axe. He raced over to where Kyubimon had landed and scooped her up. "You took a nasty hit. Come on we need a strategy." He held onto her and with the remaining tentacles he managed to get them both back to Axe and Sakuras side. "Kyubimon are you hurt?" Chrysalimon wasn't sure just by looking at her. "Axe any time now?" He grunted at his partner.


Axe let go of Sakura and smiled. "Sorry about that. I'll try not to die so much in the future?" He grinned and looked over to Chrysalimon.

"We need to regroup. Leo and Gigimon are fighting extremely well, but they can't run off of that virus' power forever. We need to have all of us together to take down Lady Devimon, Kyubimon and Chrysalimon can't do it alone."

Chrysalimon didn't like being told he couldn't do something. "Watch me." He said, and rushed Lady Devimon head first.

Axe ran after him glancing back at Sakura somehow he didn't think following Chrysalimon was such a good idea considering he had just promised he wouldn't get into such rough situations anymore. He looked dead ahead and chased after Chrysalimon not sure what he was trying to achieve, just knowing he had to stop him before he got himself killed.

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Alice was so concentrated in watching how Wizardmon was doing that when Sakura screamed Alice almost fell over too. She managed to keep her balance and turned towards Sakura. With concern in her eyes she at last tried to stretch out a hand to comfort the girl next to her, but at that moment Sakura stood up and ran over to Axe. Alice withdrew her hand back to her side.


Wizardmon had flew back slightly closer to Alice, keeping both an eye on their enemies and his digimon partner. "Any plan?"


"I... I don't know..." Alice answered. She felt so useless, a feeling she had been feeling almost since they came to this world. She looked down at the ground, her glasses moving slightly by the force of gravity and she notices the little scratch she had gotten on them earlier. It disturbed her vision.


Wait... if they managed to block Lady Devimons vision for just a little moment, wouldn't they be able to attack all of them without being thrown back?

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Sakura smiled and nodded, "Yeah, that would be nice" she said smiling whipping a tear from her check. She turned to Kyubimon, "are you ok? Your not hurt are you?!" she asked in a panic.


Kyubimon got up, and grunted a bit "Sorry, for scaring you I...I" she stuttered and shook her head before spreading her tail and smiling. "Forget about it, we have a mission to do" she said.


Sakura looked at Kyubimon with a grin on her face, before turned and looking at Alice. She walked over even with Lady Devimon firing at her she kept a steady walk. She smiled and grabbed Alices hands and held them up. "Don't look so sad, we can do this I promise" she turned and nodded to Kyubimon still holding on to one Alices hands.


Kyubimon ran forward jumping over all the attacks, and ducking under the rest. She jumped up in the air spinning as fast as she even span before. Building it up waiting for the rest to build up there attacks, they needed to do this all at once if they were to even make a dent in her.

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"Thank you Sakura" Alice answered with a small smile. She turned her head towards her Digimon partner, who tipped his hat in response, and then turned back to Sakura. "Glad I met you guys." She continued to say while squeezing the other girl's hand a little, before reaching up her opposite hand and getting lifted up in the air by her Digimon partner.


Letting go of Sakura's hand, Alice got carried over in a circular motion towards Lady Devimon who was occupied with the other Digimons to notice her. When she arrived right behind the evil Digimon, Wizardmon let go of her hand and she grabbed onto the devil digimon's back and head - obscuring her eyes in the process. Struggling to stay in place, Alice tried to stay so long it was possible for the others to be able to attack.

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¨HEY GIGIMON ATTACK LADY DEVIMON¨ Leo yelled at his partner who did as he commanded ¨HOT BITE BARRAGE¨ he bited her several times leaving nearly no damage at all ¨W-what happend¨ Gigimon quickly devolved into Jyarimon getting kicked away by the shadow digimon protecting the queen ¨JYARIMON¨ Leo ran up to Jyarimon ¨Jyarimon, are you okay?¨ Leo asked him as he looked at sakura and the others ¨Guys i dun think Jyarimon and i can help much more now.¨.

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Axe had grabbed onto Chrysalimos back and held him there. "Hey, let go!" Chrysalimon threw him off and charged lady Devimon wrapping his tentacles around her wrists and pulling her with all his strength.


Axe spotted Alice on Lady Devimons back. He was worried that she might get hurt in the crossfire. "Chrysalimon keep an eye on Alice! Don't let her get hurt." Chrysalimon nodded and held tight not letting Lady devimon reach back to attack Alice.


Axe ran over to an empty area and watched Chrysalimon. His tentacles were strained to keep Lady Devimon down and he was still weak from Deputymon. Axe could almost see the little energy left disappearing before him. Suddenly Chrysalimon shouted out a word Axe didn't think Digimon should know and fell backwards. He went to Keramon again and he got to his feet but fell over instantly and dedigivolved again, back to Tsumemon. Axe forgot all about what he was doing and rushed in headfirst Blazing past Kyubimon and grabbing Tsumemon in his hands. "No damnit no!" Tsumemon groaned and dedigivolved again back to Kuramon.

"Damnit stop that!" Axe tripped and felt the small digimon fly out of his hands. His head hit a rock but he ignored the pain and scrambled over.


"Sakura! Chrysalimon is exhausted its up to you now!" Axe looked down again and noticed something strange. Axe wrapped him up in his jacket and then ran to Sakura. "Don't let him get any worse. I have to help Alice..." He ran back again and got in front of Lady devimon. He gulped and tried to grab her arms like Chrysalimon did but he was batted away easily. He was useless now, Alice still had her blinded though and right now she was a deciding factor in the fight, if she let go Lady Devimon could see and attack with precision.

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Sakura looked in shock over at Chrystalimon and Axe. It was all up to them? she echoed in her mind. She started to run forward, ok, you have to be brave she told her self.


Kyubimon carried on spinning before shouting "Dragon wheel" a dragon came off her fur. Hitting Lady devimon in the chest and she watched as she went back again bit laughed. Kyubimon turned in Renamon but carried on running towards Lady Devimon. Her paw started to glow the blue flame "power paw" her paw hit right threw Lady Devimon and in shock Renamon let her guard down.


As Lady devimon was disappearing, she shouted "Black wing" Her arm turned into a spike and drove threw Renamon.


Renamon gasped in surprise, before looking down. She sighed as now her and Lady Devimon were disappearing she turned to Sakira with smile on her face. "don't be scared Sakura, you have great friends around you and i'll be back" she said.


Sakura stood there in shock as tears rolled down her check. "But Renamon... you can't leave me" she stuttered out and carried on running to wards them.


Renamon smiled and just before her data went into the sky. "Sakura i'll be back" as her voice echoed around the castle. An egg landed in Sakura arms. Sakura stood there confused before cuddling it.

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¨Hey Sakura i think the egg is you know renamon¨ Leo looked at Sakura with belief that it was since he saw what happend he just knew she wouldnt step out of that ¨hey hey what happend and why do my mouth taste like.... chicken¨ Jyarimon looked at Sakura and the egg in confusion.

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Kuramon fell to the ground and his eye began to water as he raced over to the egg. Axe pulled himself off the ground and stared in unbeleif. "They... Did it..." Then he spotted Sakura with the egg. "Oh no, wheres Renamon..." He saw her tears and instantly knew what had happened. "Oh god no..." He kneeled down and wrapped his arms around Sakura. Kuramon got behind Axe and sobbed lightly.

"Its all my fault. If I had been there to hold her this wouldn't have happened. I did this, this is because of me..." Axe turned and shook his head at Kuramon. "There was nothing you could have done. You were exhausted from the fight with Deputymon."


Kuramon wouldnt stop he kept blaming himself. "If I had stayed closer to Kyubimon throughout, I could have been there to save her..." Axe as sick of hearing him blame himself. "Kuramon, enough." Kuramon finally stopped but kept muttering under his breath.

Axe turned his attentin back to Sakura. "It'll be okay. I know it will." He let go of her and rubbed her back. He felt like a loser a loser who couldnt even help his friends. He walked over to a tree where no one would see him and slammed his fist into the wood as hard as possible. He punched it over and over and then stopped slunk to his knees and let his head rest against the trunk of the tree.

"Damnit..." He said as he looked at his fist, it was bloody and probably broken. He shook his head and shoved it into his jacket pocket not wanting anyone to see it. He didnt have the strength to get up from the tree so he just sat there, not wanting to move again ever.

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(OOC: writing this on my phone so I apologize for any weird language mistakes and such)


Wizardmon tried the best he could to help the others with attacking, but since he had stayed in his champion form so long his powers were drained. But then he saw Kyuubimon, then Renamon who finally managed to beat the female devil his partner was desperately clinging to. He hurried over to Alice to catch her when the digimon she hung on to disappeared in pixels.

Alice was heavily breathing and her hands looked almost burned, but otherwise she was okay. Wizardmon flew down wih her to the other humans who had circled around Sakura and the egg she held close to her.


Putting togheter the pieces she had missed, Alice limped over to Sakura and put a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. Wizardmon followed, but looked down on the egg instead. He streched out a hand towards the egg, and a warm green light started to glow. Before any if them could ask, Candlemon once again stood before them. "Don't worry, just gave her a little energy boost." the candle said with a small smile. The least I could with how useless I was in the fight, he continued but only in his head.

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