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private Mystery Island ~


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"Yeah. Maybe we should camp out on the ship for a couple of days, and since you're wound up in books like Lapis, there's a library in one of the rooms by the cabins. You can take the cabin beside it if you like. My cabin's on the end." Jupiter said, getting everyone on the ship and carefully taking everything back onto board. She rolled the barrels very fast, so the crocodiles made it on the sand just as she rolled the last one on. Jupiter pulled up the plank and they where safe. "Good, good."

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"Oh I got tons, they are all in the chest; in the library in-fact." Jupiter said, her goof pointing to the door that led down to the cabins and the small-ish library. It was a pretty good sized one for any on the move places though.

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"Yes." Quillusion said, running twords the library. Once she got in there, she marvled at the books for a few minutes, brfore turning her attention to the paper. She got one out and lifted a pencil up. The Journeys of a Bookworm, she wrote. Chapter One: Everypony has heard of the place known as Mystery Island... She continued to write, telling everything from the time she first woke up at mystery island to the crocodile attack. She picked up her four pages of writing and went to the room next to the library. She sat down on the bed, and drew out the forbidden book she had, thanking that know one knew about it yet.

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Jupiter began to set up all the things in the ship, and move everything into it's rightful places. She was dreadfully tired since she stayed up for two days straight with no sleep. She went into the library, and dusted off most of the shelves and books - to be tidy, then she moseyed on down to the end of the hall, entering her cabin. She jumped on the bed, pulled over the covers and went to sleep.

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Quillusion read the book for awihlle, before finnaly laying down. She couldn't fall asleep, so she went into the library and settled into a chair. She just sat there, wondering why she was even on the ship. She wanted to go home, but knew this would make one heck of a a story. SHe eventually fell asleep in the library.

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Splinter was still awake. ''How long have I been awake again?'' Splinter said to himself while rubbing his eyes. He yawned and spun his head around. ''I need to get some rest...'' Splinter said while shrugging. Instead of going to a bed, he fell on the floor of the ship and closed his eyes.

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Jupiter waited for the others to go to bed too. Probably they where going to goto bed soon. If they weren't she'd have to force them! They need rest, especially if they are going to run away from scary animals - or stuff like that.

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Lapis had gone to his room as soon as they'd returned to the ship. The prospect of unexplored territory was exhilarating. After planning out all that he was going to do once they returned to the island, such as soil samples, flora and fauna analysis, etc., he went to the library. He was hoping he'd find something to help settle his mind so he could fall asleep. But, when he got there, he found Quillusion sleeping in a chair. Lapis reached out his hoof and lightly tapped the young mare. "Are you alright?" he said with mild concern. It was nice to see a young pony enjoying the library, but it was healthier to sleep in a bed.


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"W..What. Oh did I fall asleep." She said. She looked around and noticed she was in the library. Oh dear, this is embarrising. "Your Lapis right? Oh and yeah I'm fine, I think." She asked, hoping there might be another book lover on the ship, or at least somepony who had read more that one or two books.

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"Yes, that's me. Jupiter said you like books right?" Lapis asked. "I always enjoy a good book. Perhaps you'd like to get in your bed. Allow me to escort you back to your cabin. You will get a better nights sleep in a bed over a chair."He helped Quillusion out of the chair and propped open the door.


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"Thank you Lapis." She said walking out the door. "Well I guess I should try to sleep," She said as she walked to her door, "I'll see you in the morning then, night." Quillusion said, opening her door and walking in. She laid down on the bed, but couldn't get to sleep, so she just laid there, thinking, which for her, was usually not a good thing.

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Lapis stood there, with the door to Quillusion's cabin still open. "Your still awake. What's on your mind? Something troubling you?" he asked politely, realizing that it wasn't really his business, but he could just leave the young mare in limbo. "May I come in?"


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Jupiter smiled as she heard them both going to their cabins, it was almost midnight. She fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of what it would be like to stay on the island forever. She began to snore, not too loud though.

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Midnight realized it was starting to get dark. She went to her cabin to sleep. She heard a tap on her window. (what window?) A crocodile was swimming against it. "CROCODILE ALERT!!!!" she screamed. "Heh... heh..." She backed away from her window.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Jupiter woke up to the sound of After Midnight screaming about a crocodile. "Don't worry, just ignore it. It can't bust the thick windows." Jupiter yelled back and immediately fell on her bed again, restlessly.

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Midnight watched the crocodile carefully. After it swam away, she gave up on her window watch and tried to sleep. She thought she heard some growls on the island, but this was the boat. She sighed and went to sleep.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Oh, well, you seem smart." Lapis said, trying to be reassuring. "Here, I'll make you a deal. I'll try my best to protect you, and you shall be my temporary assistant." His thoughts immediately returned to Asteria. His faithful little helper was back home because she was feeling home sick. Since she wasn't here with him, he was going to need somepony to jot down his findings.


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"Oh, ok." Quillusion said. "What will you need me to be doing as your assistant?" She asked, hoping maybe it would involve writing of some sort. "Wait, you seem a little distracted. Is something on your mind?" She asked him, hoping to find out more about this pony, and maybe to finnaly make a friend.

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"Oh, I was just thinking of a friend of mine. She couldn't come with me on this trip. But no matter, I will see her again when I return to the mainland." Lapis replied, refocusing himself. "As my assistant, you'd be writing down my findings. Whatever I learn on this island, I'd like you to keep a record of it for me. This island is relatively unexplored, so I am expected some important data will be recovered." He looked around and realized something. "You came on this trip by accident, right? Do you not have any supplies for yourself?" Lapis asked.


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The sun was slowly rising, but it was still night time. "Alright ponies, stop chit chattin' and get some rest. You're gunna' need it." Jupiter told them, giving a yawn before falling asleep again.

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Lapis returned to his cabin, filled with delight at the opportunity the island could provide. As he lay down, he once again thought of all the things to be discovered. Since it was an island, there could be undiscovered species lucking in the jungle. "And then, when I return, I can show Asteria my findings. She's sure to enjoy a sample!" he whispered to himself as he drifted off to sleep. His dreams were a tumble of unusual images.


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The sun rose up, and the tropical birds began to sing, the ocean waves swaying the boat side by side. Jupiter yawned and stretched out of bed. She put on her adventure hat and walked down the hall, knocking on the cabin doors. "Up up up! We have a big day ahead of us, we're going into the jungle!" Jupiter giggled. She was so excited.

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