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private Everfree Fugitive


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Carrick gave a sigh, "They have a big stack of evidence saying it was you. Your expertise on explosive, the high end explosive the placement. Everything had to been plan correctly. You were also there on the scene of the crime. Eyewitness accounts saying that you didn't do it and so much more. "


"The only thing that would make this easier would be a confession on your part, though if you'd kidnapped me. I doubt I'll get that." Carrick said.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"You want the truth? I didn't kill that mare. She wanted a path to Canterlot and I offered to help. The blast caused a bigger explosion than I had planned. I tried to explain, but nobody would listen. That's the truth." Blaze said as he played the event over in his head.


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Carrick shook his head. Though his words felt sincere, there were still piles of evidence saying otherwise. "and why should I believe you? You don't seem to understand that you stunned me and dragged into a random cave. All that doesn't look like a pony that's innocent or in this case, not guilty. All I have is your word and though they do seem truth...we all force ourselves to believe the lies to hide the truth. "

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"If I was guilty you'd be tied up now. But I have no reason to keep you tied up. The stun was a precaution" Blaze said trying to explain the situation


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True, but that could just be being a poor criminal. "Well than. Mister Blaze, let me humor you for a bit. Let's say I do believe you. Than are you saying it was just an accident? I find that hard to believe, somepony like you. Who had been great with explosive saying that they did overdone it. Is this what you're telling me? " Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"I don't know I think I got a little cocky and didn't fully analyze the situation..." Blaze said, ashamed

Edited by Songbrony


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"Carrick, I know this situation looks bad, but you need to trust me. Blaze isn't a murderer" Rook said, "Sure, he's somewhat dangerous and annoying as hell sometimes, but he always means well"


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"So you're saying that you believe Blaze here?" Rook gave a nod.


When the detective first saw the situation. He never felt right with that look on his face. It had always thought it was all wrong. His statement were sincere and he doesn't seem like he's lying. Hell, Rook is even on his side. Rook is a smart cookie. He could tell the truth from lies, but this isn't any criminal it's one of his longest friends. Maybe he's subconsciously doing it or maybe he know him even more so to see if he has a tell.....Do I trust my career on this?


Carrick gave a sigh "Alright, I'll take your words for truth, Blaze. I just hope you aren't lying to me."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"I'm not lying. But I need a way to clear my name. If I don't then I'll never have a normal life. I'll always be on the run." Blaze said as he layed down next to Lily. "So unless you can clear my name with Celestia herself, I'm still a criminal."

Edited by Songbrony


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''And I'm an Assassin.. Don't make me assign a New Target.. Sherlock.'' Linus said while smirking. ''Can we get some rest now? It's Been a Long Day..'' Linus Moaned.

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Carrick ignored Linus's words. He had been threatened many times to bother to have a reaction. He sat down and relaxed. What have I got myself into?

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Fine" Rook was getting a bit sleepy, too, but stood guard. He had just been dragged into a game of cat and mouse thanks to Blaze and Lily, and he was sure as hell weren't they weren't the cats.

As the fire died in the night, Rook doze off. He woke up when he heard a rustle out side the cave. At first, he thought it was just a mouse or something, so he dismissed it. It was probably time to switch guard, but Blaze and Lily looked so peaceful, cuddled together.

Rook rolled his eyes, I could be there now. I am so getting back at them for ruining my date

Just then, the rustle came back. Rook looked at the opening, "Who's there? Hello?" He doubted it was a cop. They would be arrested by now if they were there.

Suddenly, there was a deep voice, "... where do our paths lie? How strange it is how two, three, hundreds of us are connected.... How one, small act can destroy..." A hooded pony came out, "Or create...?"

"Who are you? What do you want?" Rook said, trying to appear to stand his ground and make sense of what he heard.

There was a silence between them. "... You are not the one I wish to see."

"Er... Ok then?"

Suddenly Rook found himself picked up with magic and thrown against the wall of the cave. "Oof!" Rook hit the wall so hard, that he blacked out.

With Rook out of commission, the stranger continued on, "What are we? Ponies of limited existence, but why are you here?" He stood over Lily "How do you still exist..." The stranger took out a knife and got close to Lily. Suddenly, he screeched in pain. Behind him, Linus just stabbed a knife into the base of his skull.

"Take that!" Linus yelled. The hooded pony didn't seem to die, but grew angry.

"Who are you to defy NOVA!" Suddenly, Linus was thrown against the wall. Lily started to wake up. When the pony noticed this, he quickly teleported away.

"Wha- What's going on?" Said Lily.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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"Where's Rook?" Blaze asked. He saw him against a rock with some blood trickling out from his head


"Shit Rook?!" Blaze exclaimed worried about his friend


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''He had this hood.. And he was about to stab Lily! I sent a knife through his head.. But nothing happened!'' Linus screamed hyperactivity. He began to cough up blood. ''SON OF A.. I'm not going to say it.'' Linus said while stomping his hoof on the ground.

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"So let me get this straight, some random pony in a hood, got past Rook, tried to kill Lily, and when you stabbed them, nothing happend....." Blaze asked doubtfully. "Well thanks for saving Lily."


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''No Problem.. And Just so you know for later.. I take Cash.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. ''You should go try to Comfort Her.. I'll go see if Rook is Okay.'' Linus said while running to Rook. ''Oh, and Rook is over here!'' Linus Said.

Edited by The Scout
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