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private Everfree Fugitive


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"Let's get going. As much fun as it being here, I don't think we should stop until we get to the house." Blaze said quickly taking another drink.

Lily led them to the house. It was pretty secluded. Surrounded by trees and wildlife. They would be safe. But for how long?


"Hey Rook? Is that your real name or just a nickname since you're so good at chess?" Linus said smirking.


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"Well we're pretty safe here. Looks like it's time for Rook to tell the story." Blaze said. "Remember when you and I went to watch the Wonderbolts and you were too busy looking at a all the surroundings to even watch them?"


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Rook rolled his eyes "It was a new area, I was interested. I saw that routine before." Lily giggled, That was a very 'Rook' thing to do. "Anyway... Lily was the one who introduced Blaze to me when we were foals. She taught him how to play chess, and he was better than her. So as a prank, she found me and asked if I wanted to play him. Seeing how Blaze was scary in my opinion, I declined. However, she was... forceful about it."


Lily frowned, "I'm sorry I turned you into a mango... for the record, I turned you back into a pony right afterwards... "


"If would have been nice if you said please... Anyway, I played Blaze and beat him within five minutes or so. The next day, A bully tried to beat me up... again. But this time, Blaze and Lily stopped him. After that, they started to hang out with me and call me their friend!" Rook began to tear up. "Blaze, I'm sorry I've shut you guys out lately. I hope you can forgive me"


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"Yea but with a missing police officer, my face all over Ponyville, and the fact that I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in days just means that I'm being searched for even more. Sorry Rook, but it's not safe for me back there. Or you for that matter. Don't worry. I'll talk to her and see if I can get her to understand." Blaze said.


"So you are going to talk to a mare for a friend, who ditched her and their date for some pony who is causing a ruckus back home, and you are going to somehow make her believe that she should stay with Rook?" Lily asked in a somewhat questioning tone. "No offense, Blaze, but you aren't really the best when explaining a situation."


"Hey I'm trying to help him." Blaze said, to tired to think of a good thing to say back.


"Why not just ditch the mare? There are plenty of others out there." Linus said, right before getting hit in the head with Lily's hoof.


"Well it's been a long day. I'm beat. I'm going to go hit the hay. Maybe we can finally have a peaceful night for once." Blaze said in a daze.


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Lily waited for the others to be occupied then snuck up into the attic of the old house. She new the stairway well, what stairs to dodge and which were safe. She sat on a pink fluffy cushion. She had come here many times, so often she had lost herself in her dreams. She opened a small box laden with jewels, she picked out a small book and flipped through the old, crinkled pages. Her diary. She wrote in it with great care. After placing it back, she looked around the room. All her drawings she had done since she first came here. She had no memories before it. Only this house, a knock, then being carried away by other ponies. She was only 2. She sighed. The drawings were all her dreams. She had a family, a house, a life. She wept quietly. She didn't want to loose her chance to a normal life in ponyville, but blaze was her friend, so it had to be done. What was she saying, he was more than a friend. She dare not admit it, but he was the only one she would ever want to be the stallion of her family.

Edited by lilymalady123
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"Look Rook, I promise, that after this is over I'll talk to her. Maybe she'll understand once my name is cleared. Besides, I think you would need a shower before the date." Blaze said humorously, unaware that Lily was no longer in the room.


"What is this? 4 ponies in an abandoned house? None are who I want. Where is the Alicorn?!" Kent exclaimed to himself. He searched the perimeter of the house, hoping that Lily would be out there. He returned to his rock and stared at the house. Why did she bring them here? To this house? Kent thought, contemplating what he should do next.


He noticed a tiny light, one so small that it was barely visible. So that is where you are. Kent thought enthused by finding her. Soon, my little Alicorn. Soon you will be mine. He thought waiting to put his plan into action.

Edited by Songbrony


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"Ah. Ok." Blaze said. He had secrets of his own that he wouldn't tell anyone. So he wasn't going to force the story out of him. "What about you Murphy? When did you learn that you wanted to be an officer?" Blaze asked


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"Pretty much when I was ten years old. I used to read a lot of mysteries. I got into a small case in Ponyville as a kid. The case of the missing apple. I got my cutie mark because of it." Carrick pointed at his notepad cutie mark.


"From there I wanted to be detective. I went into the academy than from there I been a detective and here I am now, helping a pony because his word said so." Carrick chuckled.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"There was a case a while back. There were some missing ponies around the city of Canterlot. I was sent in as a replacement after more ponies keep disappearing from the police division. Rook was already there investigating. At first, I didn't like him. I thought he was too smart for his own good, but if it weren't for this pony. We wouldn't of found the clue that opened that case up ."


" After since then, I've seen him in a few cases. We have team'd up in a few and when that happens...It usually a problem for criminals." Carrick said.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Two smart officers after one criminal? Doesn't sound to fair to the criminal." Blaze said, pointing to himself jokingly. "Well I should probably get some wood for a fire. Would be nice to have a little light, since I probably wont get much sleep tonight either." Blaze said as he headed for the door.

Edited by Songbrony


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After the fire started up, Rook made some tea for the group. "You know, I've been thinking about the guy who attacked us. I think he is part of a ancient order known as the "Brotherhood of Nova" Linus suddenly perked up when he heard of that. "The are followers of this Unicorn named Nova. Right after Equestria was founded, he tried to take over using these Super Soldiers he created known as the "Alicorn Soldiers". They were a mix of Malumai, Changelings, and Buffalo. The Brotherhood follows his teachings... or something."


Lily walked out of the attic to join the group "What did they want with me?" Lily asked.


"Oh, hey Lily. Honestly, i'm not sure. the Alicorn Soldiers and real Alicorns are not the same thing. I am not sure why they want you."


"Maybe he really liked you mane?" Linus cracked





Out side the house, a meeting was taking place. Two hooded ponies were waiting for a queue.


"So she's inside?"


"Yes. We need her for out plan."


"How do you intend on getting her? She is well protected, not to mention she has powerful magic of her own"


"Once the fire starts... we move"

Edited by AnonyPoni


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"What happened to Nova?" Blaze asked.


"He died in a battle that decided the fate of Equestria. Once he died, most of the Alicorn Soldiers retreated and eventually died out. However, his teachings were still alive and some ponies still follow them." Rook explained.


"So we're being chased by somepony who knows this 'Nova' and his teachings?" Blaze asked.


"Not just knows what they are, but knows how to make them come to life." Said a hooded figure by the door. "Now before things get messy, hand over the Alicorn!" He demanded from the group.


"Who the hell are you? And why do you want Lily?" Blaze shouted, jumping in front of Lily.


"Why, we are those who know what you seek. What you all seek. You see, Blaze, the one you are protecting right now, is the last descendent of Nova himself. While he wasn't an Alicorn himself, she is still the descendant from a long line of generations. You are the last one." He said "Lily, have you ever wondered what happened to your parents?"



"What about my parents?" Lily said hesitantly.


"Why, how you ended up growing up without them in your life. How come they never came looking for you. You see, they were part of the Brotherhood, but had strayed from the path. They didn't want to stay in it, and they left in the night. We chased them all over Equestria. But we weren't able to catch them. Most of us had given up looking for them. But I had an idea. Why not wait for their daughter to grow up, and use her for our plan? So we snatched you up, took your parents, and locked them away. They suffered the worst kind of pain you can imagine for leaving the Brotherhood. Sadly, one of the torturers went too far, and killed them. You can imagine what is happening to him now. We've been keeping a close eye on you. Watching and waiting for you to be old enough. But then something unexpected happened. Blaze. You befriended him and that made things difficult for us to get closer to you so we could bring you in. So we had to think of a way to separate you two. So, while he was helping a little mare in the forest, we added some extra explosives to make the bomb bigger than anticipated. We got the cops after him and we thought that would split you two apart. But it only seemed to drive you guys closer. So we tried to kill her in her sleep. We only needed a drop of blood, but we didn't want 'Pony in Shining Armor' to come looking for us. But we didn't realize you had a guard set up. And here we are now. Strange she picked this house to bring you here. But then again, it isn't too surprising. This was, after all, her parent's house." The hooded pony said with delight at the memory. "Now give her to us! Or we will make you all suffer."


"You will never get Lily!" Blaze exclaimed, fury running through his body at what the Brotherhood had done.


"Fine then!" The pony yelled, and threw Blaze across the room, making his head hit the wall, knocking him unconscious. Lily screamed and ran over to Blaze crying. "Aww. I'm sorry about your boyfriend Lily. But it had to happen. Now, you can either come willingly, or we can kill you here and now and you'll never see him again!"



"I'm not coming with you. I'll never help you!!" Lily yelled through her tears.


A bright flash was seen in the room. Lily had just transported them. But to where? Even Lily didn't know.


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Lily yawned and sat down next to rook. She sipped at the tea. "lovely, as always." she said to him. She got lost in thoughts and started to hum.


"one more time, guilty pleasure.

Enemy finds the hidden treasure.

Flash of light, then she is gone.

Where is she that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she?

Where is she that alicorn."


"why is teleporting so trying?" she shook her head. Suddenly the memories came flooding back. "BLAZE!!!" she yelled and ran over to him. "oh, holy celestia. Um, um." there was a light flash as lily tried to heal his wounds with magic. She tried so hard she ran herself out. She fainted next to blaze.

Edited by lilymalady123
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