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private Everfree Fugitive


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Blaze sighed. "We can try. But if anything goes wrong, I'm jumping in. I don't want anypony hurt if we do this." Blaze said. He still worried about everything that could go wrong, but pushed those thoughts away for now.


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(OOC I should probably stop being lazy and actually color my posts again <..<)


"Rook, I need you to calm down"


"Gr..." Rook was tired of having ponies not listen to him. This was probably the only way for this to work.


"Rook?" Starbolt walked up to them. "Are you ok?"


"He's fine," Carrick said, "A little annoyed, but ok. I'll leave you two alone" Carrick walked off to talk to Blaze and Lily.


Starbolt walked up close to Rook. Half of him was afraid she would be upset at him fore losing it with Blaze, the other half was somewhat scared about another kiss. Luckily, Starbolt simply ran her hoof through is hair and kept smiling. Gah, why are mares so confusing!? Rook thought


"So, What shall do we do next?" Starbolt said.


"Well, I recommend we take a break and think through it more. If this goes wrong either way, Blaze will have my head..."


"Aw... don't say that! You two are far too close for him to do that..."


"Lately he's getting way too protective of Lily. Sometimes he won't let me around her. He's forgetting that I'm her friend."


"He's going through some hard times, and she his 'one shining light', if you will. Besides, you're still his best friend"


"I hope so..." Rook said as he drooped his head.


Starbolt flirtatiously tickled Rook's nose. "C'mon, Lets go find some ingredients for some of your herb. I think the group needs it" She said with a wink as she began to walk into the forest.


I will never understand that wink....

Edited by AnonyPoni
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Lily sat next to the fire and stared into the flame


"stop the running, end the chase

Cease the never ending case

A simple trick

To make her fall

Will she be, that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she

Why is she

Will she be that alicorn?"

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"Hey Carrick, where's Rook?" Blaze said as he noticed Rook missing. "I hope he's not too upset with me. Guess we know why he drinks tea all the time." Blaze said jokingly.


"He'll be fine. He's with Starbolt." Carrick replied.


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Carrick looked at Blaze and Lily. " Let's think about this. This plan, I mean. Not Rook. How are we going to do this? A magic spell? Fake blood? Maybe something that would stop her heartbeat, if they check the pulse. We can't just kill her without some sort of idea of how we're going to do it."


Carrick thought about it. "To actually make this plan work, Lily would have to stop her breathing and heart beat for a certain amount of time. As well as not moving at the same time. How do you plan to achieve that?"

Edited by NinjaCPU
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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"If we could make an accident happen, or look like one happened, I could probably make an explosive that would unleash a sound without any actual shrapnel getting thrown around. That should draw their attention to the area. Lily, you think you could find a spell that would make finding a pulse impossible?" Blaze asked as he thought about what they should do.


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"gimme a sec." Lily magics up a book. "this book is a magical conjurance so I need absolute silence to read it." lily flipped through the book. "picnic, pollen, p- p- p- pulse! got one!!!" the book disappears and she turns and smiles at blaze.

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"I take it you found one?"Blaze said cocking an eyebrow. "Are there any specifications to the plan we need to add in before we explain to Rook what we will do? Blaze asked Lily. "We need this to look like an accident."


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"Hmmm, well, when the spell is cast, I will be unable to move. I will cast it in the confusion of your explosion." lily explained "we should do it soon before they catch on to what we are doing." she concluded. Lily sat by the fire to stay warm.

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"Ok. Let's wait for Rook to get back though. He'll know where to set it up, and when to activate the explosion. I don't know if we will be able to watch from a distance to keep you safe, or if we'll have to leave completely until you give the all clear." Blaze said. "As soon as Rook gets back we can tell him our plan and then move on to the actual scenario."


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(OOC sorry guys, I was kinda lazy in this post)


Rook and Starbolt came back to the camp fire where everpony else was relaxing. Rook didn't waste any time in making his tea and giving a cup to everypony. As they all sipped, Lily told Rook that they were going to go through with the plan, and they know they can do it. Rook didn't look cheered, but on the inside he was happy that ponies listened to him.


"Well then, we better hurry." Said Rook, "The longer we wait, the closer the brotherhood gets..."


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The group set out to find a place to set up the explosive. They found a Mountain side that could be used for the explosive. " Rook, help me out with this." Blaze said to Rook. "Rook, I just want to apologize for being such an flank hole lately. I've been worried about Lily and the whole situation with that mare and the explosion. You are my friend, but I've been a douche as of late. Sorry."


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"That's Ok. Ever since you and Lily got real close, I started to drift away...But I am here for you two now." Rook said as he helped pack explosives with Blaze. "...Blaze, a lot can go wrong with this plan. This is our only real option, but I just wanted to let you know that Lily might...."


(OOC Blaze's reaction....)


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"Rook....I know....I really wish that there was a different way. But what is running going to do? We'll just be living on the run. Lily really wants to go through with this plan.....She doesn't want to run anymore. So, we're going to make a stand." Blaze said forcing the explosive into a crevice. "What do you think will happen once they think she is dead?" Blaze asked


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"Yea. This is the last block. You sure you really want to go through with this?" Blaze asked concerned. " I really don't want anything to happen to you." Blaze was starting to really worry about what could wrong.


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"shut up, blaze!" lily said jokingly. "I'll be right!" she smiled warmly. " let's do this!"

Lily shoved blaze and rook behind a tree about 15 meters away.




((Filling up space lol, dum de dum de dum. Lollage))

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"Ok Lily...After the explosion goes off, use the spell. Carrick and Linus will give us the signal when the Brotherhood starts to come. Once the Brotherhood comes and goes, we will wait for the spell to wear off." Blaze said, hoping that this would work. "Lily...." Blaze was debating on whether he should say it.


"Just say it you big bloke." Rook whispered to Blaze. "We all know that you guys are more than close friends.


Blaze grew red. "Lily, I love you."


"See was it that hard?" Rook said before receiving a kick to the knee.

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The explosions rocked the forest. Most of what was in the forest rushed out of the forest. The only living souls in the forest were the 5 ponies. Lily cast the spell and she fell to the floor. Blaze heard the signal from Linus. The Brotherhood was coming. All they could do now, was wait, and pray.


"It came from over here!" A hooded figure said. A group of 3 hooded ponies stepped out from the tree line. "Is that....is that the Alicorn?" One of the Brotherhood members said. "Damn! It is! What the hell are we supposed to do now?! We needed her for Nova's resurrection." Another hooded pony said. "Well check her pulse. Maybe she's just unconscious." The leader of the group ordered.


The smallest of the group stepped forward. He put his hoof to her neck and checked for a pulse. "Nothing. It's silent." The leader of the pony became enraged. He picked the small pony up and threw him against a nearby rock, snapping his neck. "WE NEED HER! GRAB HER AND TAKE HER TO THE BOSS!" the leader shouted to the remaining pony. He grabbed Lily and threw her onto his back.


"Shit this wasn't supposed to happen!" Blaze said to Rook. "I'm going out there and stopping them." Blaze said as he prepared to jump out and attack. "Blaze no! You can't go out there. If you do they will take you as well. You saw what he did to the smaller one. That'll be you if you go out there!" Rook told Blaze as he held him back. "We will get her back. I swear to you on my life." Rook promised Blaze. The two hooded ponies left with Lily on their back.


I swear Lily, I will find you, get you away from them, and kill all of them. Blaze thought, ready to tear Equestria apart.


"What the hell happened?" Carrick asked as he returned to the group. "Why do they have Lily?"


"They took her to their boss. I don't know why. But I swear I will kill them all to get her back." Blaze said. "Rook...." Blaze started, and head butted Rook. "That's for holding me back!" Blaze exclaimed. "When we find her, stay out of my way." Blaze said threateningly.

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"Hey smart one," Carrick said to Blaze. "as much fun as it is to go straight into a battle that will end in death. Let's try to think rational, shall we?"


"We need to find the place of resident than plan a attack. Using plain instinct isn't going to work. We're in the middle of the damn forest." Carrick looked on the ground, as he slowly saw the soft indent on the grass. It was hard enough to see as it from the as the drag of the cloaks blocked some of the tracks.


"There are some small tracks here. We could try to lead for them for a bit, but they won't be good after we go deeper. We'll have to find something else after this." Carrick wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wasn't used to the temperature inside the forest, it made him feel...unpleasant.

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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Fine. I'll listen to any ideas we have that will get her back. But if I see one of them anywhere near her, then stay away from me. Because I may lose it." Blaze said, the fire glowing behind his eyes. He marched off to help Rook up. Blaze was in no mood to talk. His mind was completely focused on getting Lily back.

Edited by Songbrony


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(OOC I have been designated by Songbrony to do this creepy post... I just want to point out that that nothing in this post is supposed to show my personal views or raptures, I swear... even if this post looks like it looks that way.)


(OOC BTW, This thing deserves a brohoof. It was really hard to write)



“We should follow Carick, He’s real good with tracking...” Rook said...





"...one more time, guilty pleasure.

Enemy finds the hidden treasure...”


I know this song....


“...Flash of light, then she is gone.

Where is she that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she?

Where is she that alicorn..."


Where am I? Did the plan work? Why hasn’t Starbolt waken me up... Did I really die?... Why am I hearing that song? Where is it coming from?


"...true loves kiss, together at last

Trouble caused by a single blast

Running away because she was born

Why is she, that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she?

Why is she, that alicorn?..."


I must be dead... or my mind is playing tricks on me... Where are the others? Rook? Blaze?... can anypony hear me?... I guess not. So this really is death... Cold, dark... lonely... like that song... it feels... lonely...


I guess this is it for me... My existence fades away... no Rook... no Blaze.... Blaze... I will miss you so...


I was once told that death is the new beginning, but this doesn't seem like a beginning... it seems like the end...


"...stop the running, end the chase

Cease the never ending case

A simple trick

To make her fall...”


I suppose it’s true... my life could be this song... but this song has an ending... will that be my end too?


“...Will she be, that alicorn?

Who is she, where is she


Death isn’t as scary as I thought it would be... but will miss you, my friends... hopefully you can live without me...


Good bye...


"...Why is she

Will she be that alicorn?..."





Suddenly, Lily felt a sudden surge of breath as her eyes shot open. She was blinded by the bright light flashing in her eyes... She tried to cover the, but found leather straps bound her hoofs to a table. Lily tried to maneuver her head. It was held in place by a brace, but she could see that she was surrounded by hooded ponies, the Brotherhood. Lily’s hooves were bound in a way that her stomach was in the open, her back on the hard table.


“Well, you were hard to wake up. That spell you did to make you look like you were dead was very dangerous. It would have worked, too, If we weren’t so desperate...” Lily struggled to see who was talking. He was on the other side of the table. His placement there began to worry Lily. “For a moment there, you really died... well, you were close to it. But that doesn’t matter now. Do you know why we are all here today?”


Lily tried to something, scream, anything, but couldn’t speak. She could hear the hoofsteps as the pony got closer...


“You, my dear, will give to Nova... The creator of the Superior Alicorns...”


Lily struggled more. She tried to break the straps with her magic, but wasn’t working... her magic wouldn’t work.


Suddenly the voice came from her right. “Don’t worry. I know what you thinking. There are no knives, no creepy instruments... or stallions... We don’t want the future mother of the world ruler to feel in danger... Give me him...” Using magic, a pony levitated the test tube in above Lily so she see it. She couldn’t see much in it. “Isn’t he precious? It took thousands of failed attempts before this... this one, perfect, clone. You can’t see him just yet... he needs a place to grow. However, we made some... distinct changes to his DNA to make him a perfect version of his greatest creation... a Alicorn. A bit different than you, but we found that we need Alicorn to carry another Alicorn... you are special... You are directly related to Nova himself. Your parents cherished you, until they found out what our plans were... But no matter. Brothers, Sisters... Hold her down”


Without warning, Lily’s body completely stiffened up. She was being held in place with a magical spell.


“Don’t worry, my dear, this won’t hurt a bit. I just can’t have you squirming. It could hurt Nova...” Lily freaked out and tried to move, but it was as if she was frozen. None of her muscles would respond. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her abdomen, but it wasn’t a knife. After that, she felt a slight tingling sensation...


“Congratulations. A simple magical procedure. Nova is now a part of you. Your son, if you will, will rule the world. I believe we should let you sleep right now... you two need your rest...”


Lily suddenly started to feel her eyelids drop like lead weights... No... this can’t be happening... I can’t be... Lily’s mind drifted away...


“...Who is she, where is she?

Why is she, that alicorn?..."



Edited by AnonyPoni
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(OOC: God Anony....)


"Carrick, are you able to track them again once we find a place to rest?" Blaze asked. "I don't want them to get far. We don't know what they'll do to her." Blaze said frantic.


I knew we shouldn't have went through with it. I knew what could've happened. But here we are, searching for LIly and the godforsaken Brotherhood. Blaze thought angrily. He kicked a small stone as hard as he could, still upset at what had happened.

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