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private Everfree Fugitive


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Lily looked around. She sighed, she had to tell them sometime. "really, I don't remember much, but..." she looked around "I distinctly remember them saying something about me being the 'mother of nova'" she sighed. "I think they..." she looked out the window. She ran out of the room crying. She ran up to the attic.

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"Lily--" Blaze started to say but was cut off by Rook. "Let her go Blaze. What they've done is done. If she is the mother of Nova, then that means they did some sort of magic on her. They couldn't directly clone him through a pot. They...put Nova inside her." He said with his head to the ground. Blaze was frightened for Lily, angry at the Brotherhood, and angry at himself for not being able to help her in time. "I need to talk to her. Comfort her." Blaze said as he tried to get up. The juice not only made the pain go down, but his legs completely numb. He staggered as he tried to stand, but to no avail. He crashed to the ground.


"Blaze you need to stay in bed. Your burns are worse than they appear on the outside. You can't walk around yet. You need to let her handle this one." Rook said as he helped Blaze back into his bed.


"Rook, I can't just lie here, useless." Blaze said. "Look, how about I have Carrick go to town and see what the situation is with you and your arrest warrant. Sound good?" Rook said. Blaze knew he was trying to help, and was grateful for it. "Ok Rook. Go ahead and send him to town." Blaze said.


After Rook sent Carrick to town, he and Linus went to bed. Blaze knew that Carrick was going to get a hotel room at Ponyville and that Rook and LInus wouldn't wake up unless a tornado ripped through the house. He carefully climbed out of bed and crawled to the staircase. He whispered Lily's name. "Lily? Lily please come down. Or help me up. I can't sleep and want to make sure you're alright."


"I'm fine! Go to bed Blaze. Good night!" Lily yelled angrily.


Blaze didn't budge. If she wouldn't allow him up, he was just going to stay by the stairs all night and wait. "Good night Lily." Blaze said quietly.

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Linus stayed up flipping a knife. ''Hey, Blaze.. What's it like to be loved?'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow. ''Because in my 20 years of life.. I've never been loved... But I don't really give a sh*t.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. He noticed Blaze wasn't there. ''Crap.'' Linus said to himself while frowning.

Edited by Linus The Assassin
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Blaze was drifting in and out of sleep. How could he after what happened? The others barely got out before the explosion. If they hadn't.... He didn't want to think about it. He got up after a little while. The numbing had started to go down, but that also meant the pain was back. He painfully walked over to his bed. He noticed Linus was still awake.


"Linus, where did you grow up at? I know you didn't want to talk about it before, but after what I saw you do..." Blaze said, trailing off. "You are the one person who hasn't opened up about how he became what he is. Hell I'd understand not wanting to say anything to the others, but I just killed a large number of ponies in under 10 seconds and I accidentally killed that mare. I've had nightmares ever since of that little mare. Her scream of terror as the boulder slid down the mountain. The sight of her body being crushed. I see her and her family. They yelling, the crying. They keep shunning me and I keep feeling like it's always my fault, always will be. That they will never forgive me. I know it was the Brotherhood that added that extra amount of explosives, but if I hadn't offered to help her, if I hadn't used the explosives and just escorted her around the mountain, maybe she's still be alive.


Ever since the explosion I have been having nightmares. The screams, the shouts, that unmistakeable stench of rotten flesh. I know what it's like to kill. So...tell me. What happened?" Blaze asked. Linus was the only person that he knew that had killed before. He knew he could trust him. He was the only one who would understand.


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''Okay.. Here is the short version... My Parents were murdered when I was Six, I was kidnapped by Celestia, She Ditched me, I set out for revenge, and now I work as an assassin for some wacko stallion.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. ''Here is the long version.. For the first six years of my life I lived in a very dangerous neighborhood with my mother and father.. There were drug addicts, killers in house arrest, and many other types of insane ponies.. I didn't go to school. Instead, My father would teach me everything he could, and my mother would struggle to find food for us everyday.. One night I heard screaming and I thought it was nothing.. The next morning I found my parent's brains splattered against the wall of the living room. I cried for 6 days straight without eating or doing anything but crying.. Than a strange hooded pony went into my house and threw me into a bag.. I was taken to Celestia to be protected and cared for... She cared for me for about 5 years.. Than I killed a random mare at the Grand Galloping Gala with cold murder in my eyes. She threw me out of the castle and left me with nothing.. I quickly stole a knife and food to last at least 2 days.. I lived in the wild for 6 years and then another hooded stallion found me and took me.. He said he knew what happened at the Gala, and he offered me a job as a hired assassin.. Now I'm here.'' Linus said while a tear rolled down his eye. ''There, are you happy now? I told you everything... My life is a pile of shit.'' Linus said while hanging his head low.

((I am crying while I write this..))

Edited by Linus The Assassin
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(OOC ...)


Rook and Starbolt were together in another room. Rook was having a hard time falling asleep. The last couple of days had happened so fast. He wasn't sure what to think of it.


"Rook, please go to sleep. You're starting to worry me." Starbolt said sleepily.


"I'm sorry. I just... I can't sleep. I'm worried about Lily and Blaze..."


"Yes, I know... Lily's current situation is hard for all of us. But we need to make the best of it."


"I just feel like that it's my fault that she was impregnated..."


"Well, I guess we're all a big family now..." Starbolt said as she drifted off to sleep.


A big family? That's a different perspective... I hope she wasn't including us... not yet.


Rook laid down his head, and tried to rest...


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Blaze had given Linus his full attention. He knew what it was like to lose your parents and not be able to do anything. "I'm sorry Linus. Thanks for sharing. I know it's hard. It seems like both our lives have been piles of shit. If you haven't found out who it was who did it, I'd like to help. Maybe another explosion will do the trick. Or would you prefer I stay out of that matter? I owe you for helping me out." Blaze said. It was obvious that Linus had a lot of turmoil inside himself. The fact that he helped Blaze out with rescuing Lily was all Blaze needed to try to start out another friendship. "And hey, with Rook and his marefriend huddled together now, I'll need a new friend. You hear that Rook? You're getting replaced!" Blaze yelled jokingly.

  • Brohoof 1


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Linus laughed. ''That won't be necessary.. I tracked them down last month.. And let's just say we had a little meeting...'' Linus said while smirking. ''I really should go to bed.. I haven't slept in a while.. Good Night!'' Linus said while closing his eyes. He fell on the floor and began to sleep. He had very strange dreams.. But he would have to deal with it. He hadn't gotten rest in days.

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Blaze still had so much on his mind. Lily, the Brotherhood, Nova, and what Carrick was getting back in Ponyville. He hoped that he may be able to return. He missed home. He knew the others did too. Lily, talk to me when you're ready. Until then, I won't ask any questions about it. Blaze thought to himself. "Hey Rook? Can you stop playing scrabble? Some of us are trying to sleep!" Blaze said with a grin, knowing it would urk him. Carrick, please bring good news. I want to go home.


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(( OOC: I guess I'll do my job. ))


"Alright, boss....I understand," Carrick walked out of the police station in Ponyville. It has been a long night for Carrick. He had to made a decent amount of excuses for his long absent away from his investigation. Fortunately, his good record was able to be avoid any misconceptions they thought of. Carrick held a portfolio on his right hoof. He read the notes from the investigation. His eyes slowly read each and every word, inputting the information into his brain. Hm...


Carrick opened the door to the house ((Where are we anyway, so I can edit this. )), his face with the same expression of indifference on him. Blaze came up to Carrick "So, what are they saying."


Carrick walked to the table and sat down, he opened the portfolio with the name Blaze on it with the picture of him on the cover. "I'm not going to lie, you're even more in trouble."


"There was an investigation over at the cave. They reported over twenty death and counting, they doing various dental records to found out each and every one of the ponies that were killed. They found out the cause of the death for each of the ponies was that explosion. They found out....it was your explosion. Ponyville seems to have a good department on finding out explosion signature. What chemicals were used, what size...everything. They have your name all over it since it has the same signature as the explosion over in Canterlot ."


Carrick gave him the notes on the explosion. "I should be arresting you right now...however, I know the truth. I tried to look to see if there was information of the Brotherhood, but there wasn't much. You scorched the place down. So...in laymen terms, you're bucked."

  • Brohoof 1

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"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze couldn't believe it. "So....we're still running." Blaze said quietly. His face turned red with anger. "DAMMIT!" He yelled, slamming his hooves against the table ignoring the pain from his burns. "I'm tired of running! I'm tired of putting everyone in danger!" Blaze was hot with anger. The others rushed in, awakened from his rage. "I'm probably the most wanted now! 20+ people are dead because of me, and all the authorities know is that I blew them up with a bomb without any knowledge of why I did it!"


He was about to lose it. He stormed out of the house and took off. He flew to the one place he knew that would be abandoned. Where he could be alone and just unleash his anger without hurting anyone. He flew home. Not his home in Ponyville. His real home.


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Linus snorted. ''Eh.. He'll be back in a few hours.'' Linus murmured while sleeping. ''He always is..'' Linus murmured while smiling. He continued dreaming of very weird and strange things.

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Lily heard blaze's rage. She sighed. "I better go talk to him." she thought.

She looked out the window as blaze flew off. She stretched her wings. "I haven't used you guys in a while." she smirked to herself. She went to the attic window. It was small, but big enough to take off. She flew after blaze, staying far enough away to not be seen. She landed at an old burnt house. Blaze was yelling and kicking things around.


"got a problem have we, blazey boy?" lily said jokingly

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"Yes I do actually. The cops are still after me. They think I'm a cold blooded killer and don't have any proof that all I want to do is kill. I'm tired of running Lily, I'm tired of putting you, Rook, hell even Linus and Carrick, into danger. I just want it all to end..." Blaze quietly. He wasn't in a fit of rage anymore. He was crying uncontrollably. "I don't want anything more to happen to you, to us, to anypony back at the house."


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"oh, blaze!" lily hugged blaze tightly. "we all know the truth, isn't that all that matters?" she thought to herself for a second. "look, I'm not wanted, I'll go into town. If they try and attack me..." she tapped her horn. "I'll be right." she smiled warmly. "come, let's get back to the house." she kissed blaze and wiped his eyes. "we'll be right, blazey boy"

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"Lily...Thanks." Blaze said. He hugged her back. It felt nice to hold her again. He was glad that she was here.


They walked back to the house. When Blaze got back to the house he collapsed onto the floor. The juice's effects had worn off. He could barely walk, and his burns seemed worse after flying around. "Told you he'd be back." Linus said half asleep. Blaze promptly kicked him. It hurt, but it was worth it. "Yea, and I only came back so I could kick your sorry face." Blaze said.


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Linus and Carrick had woken up Rook and Starbolt when Blaze left. When Rook saw Blaze collapse, he he immediately went to Make some more medicine for him. When He was done, he gave it to Blaze


"So," Rook said, "I guess we're on the run for good, eh?"


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"I guess so. I wish there was something we could do. Something to keep the cops away from us." Blaze murmured. "We won't be able to settle in a city. We'll be far away from any other ponies and any major cities. Until we can figure out a way to ditch the cops without arousing suspicion, we will always be running." Blaze said. He wasn't sure who would stay. "So...if you want to leave, leave now. I've kept you guys from living your lives for too long."


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Lily smiled. She walked out the door. She flew away to ponyville. She wasn't wanted by the law, so she went to the store and collected a few things. She then went to the DIY store, got some more things. She went to the police station, leaving an anonymous note, saying that it was all a misunderstanding. She was careful to not leave any prints and to change her writing style. She was a premium flyer and multitasker, so this cycle took about 4 minutes. She then returned to the house, carrying tons of stuff. She placed it infront of blaze. " wanna help redecorate?" she asked.

Edited by lilymalady123
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''How much for you work out?'' Linus joked while laughing. ''Just kidding.. But what are we going to do with all this stuff? And why is there PINK?!'' Linus complained while looking at Lily and the stuff she had brought.

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"It would look great on you Linus" Blaze said jokingly. "What? Is it not dark enough a color for you?" Blaze asked tossing a pink coat his way. "Now let's get to it. It'll keep our minds at ease. Oh and Rook? Go easy on the numbing part. I'd like to be able to walk this time around." Blaze said as he searched the bag.


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" we'll, I don't know about you, but blaze and I are going to fix up this house. " lily winked at blaze. "there are plenty of rooms. I think there are about 9 in total." she looked at the pink paint. "that's for redecorating the attic."

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Linus ripped the suit in half. ''The only colors I like are red, Dark green, and pitch black.'' Linus said while throwing half of the coat at Blaze. ''I'm going to stare at this wall for a few hours and rethink my life.'' Linus joked while staring at a wall.

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"You know, you're lucky she got two of the same coat." Blaze said pulling out another pink coat. "And you aren't ripping this one up. So Lily? What's your decorating strategy? Tie Rook up to the wall and throw paint at him? Or use Linus' mane as a brush?" Blaze asked smiling.


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''HEY! I AM OFFENDED!'' Linus yelled while his face turned red. ''Although it would make a pretty good painting brush..'' Linus said while smiling and nodding his head.

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