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private Everfree Fugitive


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Lily smiled. "blaze, come with me." she led him up to the attic stairs. "don't touch the second or fifth step, they'll break." she led him up the stairs into the attic.


The attic was certainly very girly. It had peeling pink walls and rotten wood floors. There was a window seat and a big, pink, fluffy cushion on the floor. There was tons of paintings and drawings all over the wall. There was a pink and purple rug on the floor and stuffed toys in the corner.


"This is where I have my first memory, and your the first I've shared my special space with" she smiled. She magically locked a small jewel encrusted box. "but that I will never share" she laughed

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"So this is where you keep disappearing to. Well I must say, it does need to be redecorated." Blaze said looking around, smililing. "It's a pretty nice and quiet place." Blaze said with a smile. He didn't want anyone else to hear what he was going to ask. I'm probably ruining a perfect moment, but.... "Lily? Can I ask you something? I know what they did to you. What do you plan on doing with Nova? I'm sorry if I ruined a perfect moment, but I felt like it needed to be asked away from the others." Blaze said.


Lily turned her head. "Blaze...you should know me well enough to know what I want to do with him. I can't just let him be on his own. Not as a foal. And if the clone ends up just like the original Nova, then I will somehow feel responsible." Lily stated. She couldn't leave a helpless foal to fend for itself. She knew what that was like. What it was like to not know much about your parents. To always wonder what they were like. No. She wouldn't do that to him. "And, I was kind of hoping....that you would help raise him." She said slowly. She wasn't sure how Blaze would react when she asked him. Maybe yell, or ask why she would do such a thing, but he knew her to well.


"Yea. I'll help. I know he won't be like the real Nova, at least not in personality. We can make things work out." Blaze said.

Edited by Songbrony


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Rook had enough of Lily hiding in the attic. He needed to see if she really understood her situation and what she planned to do about it. Once he was up the rickety stairs, he knocked on the door.


"Um... Lily, can I come in?"


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lily sighed. "Sure. Come in. " lily stuffed the box under the cushion. She unlocked it quietly and opened the door. "what do you want?" she asked. She started to take down all her childhood drawings so she could repaint.

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"Shouldn't you be with Starbolt? I mean, after all, I did make you ditch her. Twice. Hang out with her. Play some more scrabble if you want to." Blaze said teasingly. "We're about to start painting. Now if you don't mind, tell us what you want or leave so we can paint. We need to get over the door, and you are in the middle of it. Or we could just tie you up and throw it at you. Your choice. By the way, get scissors and cut Linus' hair while he sleeps. I want to see his reaction. Now go on. Spill it."


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"Whoa, Take it easy Blaze. I just wanted to know if Lily was ok... and what was your plan with Nova." Blaze and Lily just stared at him "...Or I can just go and do the scrabble thing...."


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"Yea...you go do that." Blaze said. "He always had a knack for picking the wrong time to show up. But he means well." Blaze told Lily as he started to take down some pictures. "When did you start to draw these?" He asked


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"my first memory is being in this room at 2 years of age. I've been drawing them since." she looked at the large pile of drawings. "I'm not even half way done yet, and the pile looks like the royal canter lot castle!!!"

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"You still have more? By the time you're done you could make a scale model of Canterlot itself!" Blaze said with a grin. He always tried to make people laugh. His jokes were absolutely retched. "I wonder what Rook is telling the others downstairs."


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Linus shrugged. He had painted the walls with his mane. ''Blaze! You owe me 10 bits! Now my mane is pink!'' Linus yelled while frowning. ''When I get my hooves oh him..'' Linus said while shrugging. Meh.

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Carrick walked in as he saw Linus with his pink mare. He blinked, Well, that happened. Carrick examined it as he rubbed his mane on the walls. "Should I ask? Or did you decide that you would be more in camouflage with that hair?" Carrick joked.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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''They wanted me to paint the walls with my mane.. I'm not complaining. Pink actually looks pretty sexy on me.'' Linus said while smiling. ''Where have you been?'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow.

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"Lily I'll be back. I going to grab some brushes." Blaze said as he walked down the stairs. "Limus where are the brush---" Blaze started as he stared at Linus' freshly painted pink mane. "What the hay? Linus did you really paint the place pink with your mane??" Blaze said while laughing. He couldn't believe it. Linus was wearing dark green clothes with pink hair. It was too much for Blaze to handle. He laughed even harder. "If only Lily could see you!"


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''Screw you.'' Linus said while looking at Blaze. ''Does it look good on me? I'll wash it off if ya want me to.. But look! I painted the walls.. So that's good.. Am I right?'' Linus said while shrugging.

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Lily heard blaze laughing and rushed down the stairs. She saw Linus. "Wait a second... Wait for it..." then she burst into laughter. She leaned on blaze and laughed until her stomache hurt. "no but seriously, it looks good on you!" she said smiling.

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Linus picked up a full bucket of pink paint and dumped it on his clothes. ''I am the pink knight!'' Linus said while raising his hoof in the air. I look like a idiot.. Meh.. I have before. At least I'm not wearing a hot dog.

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"I still have a job to do, It would look suspicious if I just drop out of existence.." Carrick said. The other ponies come and laugh at Linus seemed like he wasn't suppose to paint with his mare. Carrick blinked, "Yeah, I don't think that was the case Linus."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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lily burst into laughter again. Her stomach began to feel ickish. "be right back..." she said quickly and ran for the window. With a quick puke, she wiped her mouth and spat out the leftovers. She looked at blaze "it begins..."

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Rook rushed downstairs to see Linus... pink. He facehoofed. "Well, now we know you will follow orders..." Rook looked to the side and saw Lily sitting in a chair, with Starbolt was checking to see if she was alright. "Lily, are you Ok?" Rook asked.


"She threw up. That foal is really doing a number on her." Starbolt said, jokingly.


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Lily chuckled. "I'm fine, just a little off." she smiled. Thoughts of starbolt and rook together made her giggle. "oh, nevermind me, I'm just thinking about things. Lily stood up. "hmmm, I'm hungry." lily noted.

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"What would you like? Rook is pretty good at cooking." Blaze said as he started to control his laughter from LInus. "Are you sure you're all right? I don't want you to be feeling bad." He knew what happened during the stages. But he had never dealt with it. "Hey Rook? When was the last time you cooked a big meal for all of us? Like, 4 years? Still think you got what it takes?" Blaze said.


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"Well," Rook looked Blaze, "seeing as I have been cooking for myself of several years, and that we don't have ANY supplies. I probably can't-"


"Ooh! A stallion that cooks? That's pretty sexy if you ask me." Starbolt said giving a wink to Rook. "Is he a good cook?" She asked Blaze.


"Are you kidding? He'd make Prince Blueblood beg for seconds!" Blaze said. He wasn't lying.


"Hm.... Rook, It's been a while since our last real meal. I guess we'll get our fancy dinner date after all!" Starbolt said with a sparkle in her eyes.


Lily cleared her throat "If a fancy atmosphere is what you want... I think that can be arranged."


"Rook, why dont you get dinner ready, and we'll have the fancy date that we should of had!" Starbolt said enthusiastically


Rook blushed a bit. He couldn't believe this was happening "Well then m'lady... My place, 8:00?" Rook said playfully.


"You can count on it" She said with a wink. "I look forward to seeing you in your tux."


"I do for your's too...I - I mean, your dress." Rook corrected quickly. He was sweating a bit.


Blaze and Lily chuckled. Classic Rook.


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''You okay, buddy? You'd usually be asking me if I was dressed in pink.'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow. He smiled at his pink mane. ''I think pink is my new favorite color.'' Linus said while grinning.

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Lily spread her wings. "I'll go to the shop and get the supplies! If you figure out how to use he oven, it should still work, I'll make the best chocolate self-saucing pudding you've ever tasted!" she walked over to blaze, "wanna come? I can use a disguise spell I learnt ages ago."

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