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Mentioning Scootaloo



Blog entry #6



Sup everypony, Rainbow Dash here for another blog post!



Not a whole lot to report about my day today. I saw Scootaloo though. She was with her friends decorating some sort of clubhouse. I thought I might try and talk to her about the whole 'Do you have anypony to teach you how to fly', but she seemed pretty tired. She seemed to have trouble following my words, which is really odd for Scootaloo. She usually follows everything I say to a T.


I just decided to save it for another time and let her play with her friends.


I'm not going to let this go, don't get me wrong, just it wasn't the time I guess. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I would feel awful If Scoot had no one to teach her how to fly...


She's a good kid, and she deserves better.



Well, I'm probably going to finish my day off with the new Daring Doo book :wub: Just picked up a copy this morning, I can't wait!



This is Rainbow Dash, signing out of the ponynet for now.

  • Brohoof 2



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(Mentioning Derpy a lot. You might need to plan your next post accordingly)


Vinyl Scratch's Blog

Post #4


Yo, it's everypony's favourite DJ, Vinyl Scratch!


Damn, my colour option doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but that doesn't really matter.


So anyways, I was playing at the club last night(I also threw in an epic guitar solo at the end of my set, it was bucking awesome!) when Derpy flew onto the stage, crashed into the speakers, fell over, got back up, started dancing to the music, then fell off the stage! She is really clumsy, that pony, but it's not her fault. Maybe she drank too much punch. I bucking love that mailmare, she does the funniest things!


Well, I don't really have much to talk about, I'm still playing my guitar. Maybe I should start a band? I dunno,


Vinyl Scratch signing out!

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(It may be a surprise, but no Rainbow Dash mentioning. However, there will be Twilight and Applejack mentioning. Post in accordance! And by the way, this post will be only the TEENIEST, TINIEST bit off spelling, because I wouldn't think a filly would be able to spell THAT well, and this time it's writing, not typing, soo... yeah. Anyhow...)

Entry Four, 2012

Heya, Scoottalo again! Tuh keyboard kies broak and need fixing. I'm trying to spell right, but without a Ponyooter to correct my spelleng, it's a tiny bit hard. Ish cud be gud spelleng Um... yah. Anyhow, today I got bored so I went to visit Twilight to read a book. I chose on about scootirs. While I was reading it, I got an fidlea idea. I rode my scooter to go visit Appeljack. I don't remember what happened the rest of the day, except for an apple pie.

Bye for today!


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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((Mentioning Scootaloo, Twinkleshine, Spike, Fluttershy and Princess Celestia))

Friday July 27th, 2012 - Entry #3


Good morning everypony,

It's the first day of the C.D.D.M.L.E. and I am so excited! We did team building exercises this morning and I was in charge of describing the puzzle we were supposed to put together while my team tried to put it together without knowing anything about the picture besides what I was telling them. It was much more difficult than it sounds I assure you. This afternoon I will be attending a workshop on proper methods for nonmagical supervisors to use when approaching magical workers. It's a sensitivity course and I will be there to add my expertise, but I am not the one running the workshop, my old school friend Twinkleshine will be. It's nice to see that she has gotten her priorities in order. I remember back when we were in school together in Canterlot, she just spent so much time making friends and going to parties. She never focused on her studies, but now she has become such an expert that Princess Celestia herself invited Twinkleshine personally to appear as the expert on magical worker sensitivity. I'm very excited to attend the workshop and see an old classmate.


As I was packing I had a small surprise, Scootaloo stopped by to see if a book could cure her boredom. After quite a search she found something on scooters that seemed to occupy her for a little while, but she quickly left again on her scooter. I wondered why she didn't take the volume with her so I left it out for her with Spike, in case she comes back for it.


Spike decided not to come with me to Canterlot because he wanted to prove that he could take care of the house by himself. I trust him, but I hid the ice cream anyway, I don't want him to get sick. I also asked Fluttershy to check in on him this weekend while I'm gone.


I have to go now though because I have scheduled myself an early lunch so I don't miss any of the sparsely attended, but still very important, presentations that take place around lunch time.


See you around Ponynet!




P.S. here is a picture of me helping in a panel on magic's place in handycrafts


Posted Image

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Cadance's Blog, entry 1

Shining Armor is mentioned in case anyone wants to RP him later.


Hi there everypony! This is Princess Cadance! I've never done one of these before, it'll be great to catch up on everypony's lives.

Currently Shining Armor and I are on our honeymoon <3 Manehattan, not too special but I haven't been here in so long! The city is just so lovely, all of the landmarks and important monuments. There's so much history, Shining Armor made a great call.

We're heading out soon, sorry about such a short post! I'll be back soon, everypony.

  • Brohoof 2


no rest for the wizardly.

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Blog entry #7


Hya everypony! Rainbow Dash back for another blog entry.


Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days, I've just been really busy. You see, there's a Karate tournament next month that I'm looking to win :wub:


Not a lot of ponies know this, but I'm actually a black belt in Karate! I've been training for about eight years now, and I just earned my black belt a couple years back. I really enjoy it, and I look to improve my skills all the time. I'm pretty good if I do say so myself, then again it must come easier to a world class athlete like myself B)


Most ponies think that all I like to do is fly and race, but I ain't no one trick mare. I happen to also be pretty good at swimming, running, karate and a ton of other sports.


Don't get me wrong, flying will always be my number one focus and it's undoubtedly what i'm best at.



Still, I got to get back to my training if I want to win that first place trophy! Wish me luck everypony!


Posted Image


this is Rainbow Dash, signing off.

  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Blog Entry 4: Super busy!


Woohee, sorry everypony, haven't blogged in a little while. Between visits from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, hangin' with mah friends, takin' care of all my chores, and helpin' mah little sister do everything from do her homework on time to keepin' her sweet-tooth lovin' hoof outta the cookie jar, I haven't find the slightest bit a' time to come on here lately. Huh, I sure as hay thought we'd be gettin' lotsa time off after last week, but, turns out between supervisin' my sister's little group of friends and other things, time has just slipped right on out the window.


Anywho, all ah I can really say that's been going on lately is that Apple Bloom's been actin' mighty sneaky and rebellious. Big Macintosh and ah both know all fillies go through that phase, but it's been worse than ever thus far. Sorry little sis, if you may be readin' this at some point, but let that be a lesson to ya: You make your big sister angry, she may just go and tell all her pony friends about it on er' blog! Heh.


Somethin' tells me all her attitude is a big huff for attention, though. I'm gonna try n' spend some more quality time with her this week. See if ah can hug my way right through that attitude! It's sure worked before!


Ah well, ah best be goin' now, so see you all hopefully a bit sooner than this blog entry has been. Till then, everypony!

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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((Mentioning Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and Spike))


Monday July 30th,2012 - Entry # 4


Good Morning Everypony,

I want to apologize for not maintaining a running commentary at the C.D.D.M.L.E. this weekend, but this was my first time going and I didn't realize that I have to schedule for a lot of "unscheduled" discussion between important formal presentations, workshops, and the like.


My entire schedule was thrown off :wacko: I was running around like a crazy pony. My peers got a lot of amusement out of my stress though. It has been well documented. These are some of the shots that are being passed around the magically focused community:

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My favourite picture from the "breakdown series" is this one. I was teaching a polymorph workshop. I was showing how a pony can change form, but my nerves were already shot so I did successfully transfigure myself, but I was... let just say... noticeably distressed...

Posted Image


This put me even farther behind schedule because I hadn't accounted for the amount of time tasks would take me while I was twitching agitatedly. Anyway, I did have a great time. I didn't get to see Cadence and Shining Armor because they are still on their honeymoon. It's so romantic :o.


I was very happy to come home to see Spike. Thank Celestia he didn't get into the ice cream. :P


I gave Princess Celestia my notes as soon as the closing ceremonies of the C.D.D.M.L.E. finished and I had concluded saying goodbye. She appreciated my hard work, and she thanked me. She escorted me personally from the castle as the bell-stallions carried my luggage behind us. It was good to catch up with her.

Edited by Pinkie Shy

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(Mentioning Rarity)


August 5th, 2012. 3:57PM

Hello there, anyone who's reading this!

I've just found out from my friends what a blog is..

So I decided to make one too..

If that's okay..

I hope so, because I think it would be so much fun!

This is Fluttershy by the way...

Hm, well, I think you're supposed to write stuff about your life here..

Let's see.

Today Angel threw his salad at me. It didn't look right, or have the right veggies on it.

He wouldn't eat it until I made it perfect.

I really love that bunny, but.... He is kinda mean sometimes..

Anyway, does anyone know how to make a bunny behave?

Oh! And I also got my new dress back from Rarity~ She made it just for me, and it's beautiful.

She said that I looked gorgeous in it, so. I hope I do....

OH! Oh no!

Angel just jumped in the lake! Oh gosh.. I have to go!

Until next time, this is Fluttershy!!

Edited by MachineGunLola
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  • 2 weeks later...

(So, what? Someone get's banished and we suddenly stop posting? Let's continue this guys, I like this RP idea :3)


Blog Entry #5


Hey everpony, been a little while since my last post. Truth be told, it's lookin' like a lot of pony-folk are busy these days; I'm seein' less blog entries. Ah well, I suddenly stumbled back up on mine and decided it was time for a good update.


No chores for me today, ah get a break, on account of mah little sis' bein' sick. Ah told her not to eat the purple berries in the southern forest, but did the filly listen to me? Course' not. But that's just fine, ah'm typin' away on the side of her bed right now, as she's takin' a nap. It's been fun readin' her stories and bein' with her all day, ah certainly don't mind spendin' time with her when she needs it. Matter of fact, I enjoy it! This particular cold's already hit me n' Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith won't be back for another week, so there's no need to try and quarantine the filly, since nopony in the house can catch it again. All the more cuddlin' opportunity, I say, heh.


Well that's about it, there's not a whole lot else goin' on at the moment. I'll leave everypony be now, so thanks for readin', and seeya'll next time!


PS: Apple Bloom says hi!

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Blog entry # 8


Hey everypony! Rainbow Dash here.


Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been really focused on the tournament I mentioned in my last update.


Good news though! I won first place :wub: All of my hard work paid off!


What can I say, I guess I'm just born for first place B)


I'm going to take a few days off and celebrate! I'm going to see if my friends are free, I would like to hang out with someone.


After a few days of relaxing, I'm going back to my flying schedule.


Sorry for the short post, But I'm headed into town.


See ya guys!

  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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