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private Equestrian War

~The Snowy Wolf~

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"My name is Striker, your Majesty, I am a fellow merc looking for a job, my specialty, is stealth, and assassination, if you hire me i will do whatever job you ask me to, though you should know, all my loyalty will not be to you, as i am a merc, my loyalty will be to who ever will pay me more, otherwise i believe that if you hire me, you will have a great asset on your side, if you wish for a demonstration just ask." Striker said in a calm voice but you could hear that he was trying to talk fast so not to go past the 5 minutes given to him.

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"Hey, Wits... Wits. Wake up."

The colonel shook the sleeping pony. Wits looked like he was twitching and he was having bad dreams. "Wake up, Wits." The truth was Nightfall needed to go train his men and make sure they could be ready for departure. He wanted Wits to come because Wits want to know pretty much anything about everything.

Edited by Nightfall
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Wits jolted awake, and quietly got out of bed. "Don't wake Fleur," he said, and they walked out.

"I explained the situation, and she knows I'm leaving. Where do we go, then?" Wits said, gathering his coat, hat, and camera. "This is going to be great!"


Celestia considered. A mercenary.... she normally frowned upon such. They were too easily bought. But then, she had plenty of money, and NLR currency was far too weak to support such a pony for long.

"The Elements of Harmony. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. I want them alive. 50,000 bits a head."


The Solar Empire militia was taken by surprise, but quickly drew up and formed ranks. With a long line of ponies in tow, they slowly began to advance towards the NLR forces, taking it one step at a time.

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Wits jolted awake, and quietly got out of bed. "Don't wake Fleur," he said, and they walked out.

"I explained the situation, and she knows I'm leaving. Where do we go, then?" Wits said, gathering his coat, hat, and camera. "This is going to be great!"


"We're heading down to the training area. I want to see the troops Celestia has given me." Nightfall sighed, then walked in silence. He couldn't help but think that something bad was going to happen. He hadn't seen General Daeva in sometime. He wondered how she was doing...
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"For 50,000 bit's ahead i would catch all of them, if i had to, you my Highness!" striker said with a small chuckle "It's a deal then! May i ask where i can find these three? Also where i can get the transportation to get there?" Striker said now serious, he was always serious about work, and he made sure that his customers new that.

Edited by jdor11
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Celestia looked at him. "You will have 10,000 bits ahead of time. Plenty enough to complete my tasks, if you are wise. I leave the rest to you." She sent him out.


"New troops, eh? I can see it now! Your full heroism is just about to show up, I promise you! You seem to have everyone's admiration and approval. You are the picture of the SE war hero!" Wits said.

Then why can't I get these nagging doubts out of my mind?

Edited by InfinityWhale
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"New troops, eh? I can see it now! Your full heroism is just about to show up, I promise you! You seem to have everyone's admiration and approval. You are the picture of the SE war hero!" Wits said.

Then why can't I get these nagging doubts out of my mind?


Nightfall laughed. "You know how I hate being extremely popular, Wits. And stop calling me a war hero. I haven't gone out to fight yet!"

Nightfall was still thinking about Daeva, but he felt Wits was hiding something from him. "Wits? Are you... ok?"

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"Yeah, I'm all right. Just thinking about this next article. It's about time I got you in the papers, isn't it?" he laughed it off. "C'mon, let's get ready to kick some flank!" He trotted ahead, ignoring his thought. He knew why he had taken this job, and he was going to find out what was happening. All that he needed was to talk to the rebels. If they were as bad as they were portrayed, it was be very easy to tell, and decide once and for all which side he was on.

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As Striker left the throne room, he was both pleased and confused, 10,000 bit's would cover him for life, but he still didn't know exactly what to do. Striker got all his supplies from his house in the everfree forest and went back to the castle, hoping that a general or Colonel might give him the information needed. he walked around and then he noticed all the ponies training for the war, >this could be to my use.< thought Striker.

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Nightfall smiled slightly and shook his head. He knew that Wits was in some kind of conflict with himself. But he couldn't interfere with his friend's desicions right now. He went on and caught up to Wits with long strides. "Me? In the papers? You really think that would work?" They were almost at the training grounds.

Edited by Nightfall
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"Of course! You know I've been meaning to, but up until know other topics have been taking up space. The attacks in New Seaddle, the establishment of diplomatic relations, other countries recognzing the NLR. With this movement, though, it will be no time before you are in the papers and declared a hero!"

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"Of course! You know I've been meaning to, but up until know other topics have been taking up space. The attacks in New Seaddle, the establishment of diplomatic relations, other countries recognzing the NLR. With this movement, though, it will be no time before you are in the papers and declared a hero!"


"Declared a... Do you hear yourself, Wits?" Nightfall laughed. He then turned and faced the 1,000 ponies standing in the training area. "Fall in line, soldiers!" They formed four lines faster than Rainbow Dash could preform a sonic rain boom.

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Red writes in his journal. There must be more of a shortage on troops than I thought. I got yelled at and sent right back out. Now to actually hit a SOLDIER instead of civvies. He takes up his rifle and casts around for a target. (Do I have permission to shoot at people now?)

Edited by The Soldier



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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((You always had permission to shoot people. We just had a couple of spoil-sports. But don't forget, you're using a musket.))

Wits laughed and snapped a couple of pictures, taking notes about the efficiency and what not. At this point, it was necessary for Nightfall to go into commander mode, so Wits stepped into the background to let him more effectively assume his role.


The Solar Empire militia charged into battle, clashing with swords and hooves against the NLR soldiers. They weren't full time, so they weren't as strong, or indeed as motivated, as the NLR forces, but their organization and practice kept them from panicking. Still, it was clear that they were outmatched, and without support soon, they couldn't hold the ground.

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As Striker was watching all the troop's train he saw what he was looking for, Colonel Nightfall, he had just ordered all the troop's to line up, and to Striker's amazement they lined up faster then any other armies he had seen before, behind the Colonel Striker saw the reporter Wit's, so Striker decided to go say hi, "Wy hi there, your the reporter Wit's, right? I thought i would meat Nightfall here." Striker said pleasantly.

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Nightfall looked back and saw Striker. He kept his stern military face on, and turned to the troops.

"Soldiers! We have been assembled here for the reason that we are being sent to the Ponyville front as reinforcements." Nightfall slowly paced up and down the the front of the lines. He never took his eyes off of the troops. "We leave Canterlot on the day after next. Until then, I need each and every one of you to make sure you are prepared physically and mentally for the challenge ahead. Do you understand?"

The reply came in complete unison. "Yes,sir!"

"Now, soldiers! Prepare for physical training!" Nightfall paused. "Marines! Oorah!"

"Oorah!" The soldier's reply sent slight chills down Nightfall's spine. He never got tired of that.

"Dismissed!" The soldiers began filing for the doors into the gym. Nightfall turned to Wits and Striker. "All right, Striker. What can I door you?"

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"I will need a few thing's..." striker looked at Wit's, "Your a reporter aren't you? You will take no information about anything said here, understood?" striker said in a menacingly calm way, "i will need to know where i can find, appeljack, pinky pie, and rarity, i will need a few supplies, and a private transport, also don't worry about weapon's i have my own." striker said looking back at nightfall

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"Wits, while you were asleep, I took him to see Celestia. It probably has to do with a job she gave him."

Nightfall looked at Striker. "They will most likely be at the Ponygon. And what sort of private transport?"

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"I will need some sort of way to get there, if you can get me a carriage of some sort i will be set." Striker said, "or even better a ticket on the train, as for supplies, i will need a few thing's but nothing too expensive, some nail's, if you have a numbing agent around that would be preferred too."

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The resulting carnage wasn't pretty. Many of the shots went askew, and couple were deflected off the guard ponies, but those that hit did their jobs. As half the guards fell, medics rushed into treat wounds, gunshot wounds not being their specialty. Still, the militia continue onward, drawing blades and taking to the grisly work. With devastating unison, they swung their blades, turning them from volunteers into a wall of blades.

Unicorns sent messages to the Citadel, utilizing every band available, shooting off flares and scrolls. With surprising efficiency, the bureaucracy responded, and within minutes nearby platoons were mobilized. The empire had become a stallion, biting and kicking and pulling their enemy down.


Wits whispered to Nightfall. "This guy's a jerk, and kind of nosy, too. I don't really trust him. I say we keep him close."

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Nightfall thought for a moment. "Well, Striker, I hate to disappoint you, and I don't want to sound rude, you have wings, yeah? Would you be able to use those? As for supplies, I am required to ask what the are for, exactly. Meet me inside the castle later. I must train my men."

Nightfall bowed, barely but it was a bow, and walked to the gym doors with Wits.

"Wits... I would like to keep him close, but I don't know if Celestia has hired him. If I impede upon his duties, I could be punished, even if I didn't know what his duties were. But he does seem suspicious..."

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Striker watched the two walk back to the troop's, he decided he would look around the castle look at the painting's and sculptor's as he waited for the colonel to come back, as he was walking he thought to himself >it is obvious to see they don't trust me but what is a merc to do? I kill for a living so they are right not to trust me.< Striker thought about how many time's he was betrayed by his customer or had to persuade a pony to trust him.

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Just then a call came over a dead pony's radio, "Valiant! Valiant! Valiant?" Vinyl knew that Valiant wouldn't last long–which was why she offered to buy him a drink–but she didn't think he would die this early on. He was one of the few ponies that she gave two shits about. Then a Solar Empire soldier picked up and answered.



Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"This is... uh... Private Starlight, for the NLR," said a somewhat quick-thinking SE. "We have the situation... uh... under complete control. We do not need reinforcements."


Wits scoffed. "Yeah, but Celestia's never exactly put her cards out there. She plays it close to the chest. She could punish you for NOT stopping that guy just as much as she could for doing so."

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