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Ya know, I've heard people complain about ponies being everywhere, yet I've yet to see them in an everywhere that would make them more everywhere then other fandoms. On one of the forums I visit, thees a pony thread. Yay. People have pony avatars and signatures. Yay. Oh, and theres also Pokemon, LoZ, Homestruck, Mario, and Halo stuff at around the same amount. (Except the Pokemon one, theres a Buck-load of stuff). And the forum has absol-utly nothing to do with any of those. All of that is people expressing their opinions how they want to.


I'm just saying, I don't get out internet wise much (Oh wait- yes I do!) so I might not have seen the power of thousands of ponies on a forum of only 20 users.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yeah, I have to agree with Tom. I hang out on a lot of different places on the internet, and I really haven't seen more pictures from this fandom than I have of any other fandom. In fact, I see more people hating on ponies than bronies shoving the show down other people's throats.


Of course, I'm sure there are exceptions, but they are not the rule. I don't think every person who doesn't like MLP is a brony-hater, so I don't see why anyone should have to believe that all bronies are zealots.

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Ya know, I've heard people complain about ponies being everywhere, yet I've yet to see them in an everywhere that would make them more everywhere then other fandoms. On one of the forums I visit, thees a pony thread. Yay. People have pony avatars and signatures. Yay. Oh, and theres also Pokemon, LoZ, Homestruck, Mario, and Halo stuff at around the same amount. (Except the Pokemon one, theres a Buck-load of stuff). And the forum has absol-utly nothing to do with any of those. All of that is people expressing their opinions how they want to.


I'm just saying, I don't get out internet wise much (Oh wait- yes I do!) so I might not have seen the power of thousands of ponies on a forum of only 20 users.


This has everything to do with pre-concieved notions of what My Little Pony is supposed to be, which in the eyes and minds of the general public is a girl's thing. We all here in the community know that's not the case, so we just have to keep spreading the love, tolerance, and friendship until they can see it and us for what we are...BRONIES!


case in point:


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Honestly, I don't think it really matters. That's basically saying: "if you are a part of a certan religion, that's great, but don't talk about it anywhere except your religious community!" Obviously being a brony isn't like being religious, but you get my drift...


We can post whatever we want. If somepony doesn't want to see ponies, then ignore them. It's not like they can change what we post. It's on the internet, it really doesn't matter that much...


Also, I have never seen an instance where a brony tried to shove MLP down anothers throat. (ew) I know it does happen, but not as often as people like to pretend...

  • Brohoof 1


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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I usually am on the other side, because where I used to go was flooded with ponies. I haven't had bad experiences with the pony/brony haters because they knew that I wasn't going to constantly post ponies.

I can see where a lot of the haters come from and have even detached myself from the fandom at times because I couldn't stand some people. The brony fandom has it's regular fans and has extremists, for lack of a better term. These fans do exist, and regular bronies can get too obsessed and not realize that they are going too far.

Now, I'm not saying all pony haters do no bad, but some have a point.

  • Brohoof 1
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I wasn't around for the beginning of the brony fad on 4chan because I avoid 4chan like the plague so my experience is more recent than the entire history of the fandom, but still I have to agree with most of the posts here. I don't see ponies more than any other fandom. Especially not pokemon, which is everywhere, but I have yet to hear people complain about it. It seems to me that a lot of this opinion is coming from 4chan and SA (although I could be wrong, I've been wrong before). And I'm sorry for them that they were inundated with things they don't like but in spite of what some people seem to believe 4chan and SA are not the majority of the internet. It also strikes me as a bit of hipocrisy as well, really.


I hate homestuck. I'm sorry to the people who love it, but it's just really not for me. I remember when it first started getting popular and I started seeing it pop up everywhere as well. You know what I did? I avoided the two or three homestuck topics on the boards I frequented, avoided the pictures I found while crawling the internet and just didn't stare at the homestuck avatars showing up. And you know what? I was relatively happy. It's really not that difficult to avoid things you don't like regardless of how popular they are.


One other thing that irks me is the whole 'bronies think they're better than everyone else' thing. I don't understand where this notion is coming from unless it's because people are upset about trolling attempts not getting people angry enough. As I said, I've been wrong before, but I haven't really seen anyone claiming to be better than other because they're a bro... wait. WAIT. Is this because of 20% cooler? Because that's a joke meme that means adding ponies to things. It has nothing to do with being better than other people.


My issue is that I don't usually see people who dislike the series being fair about it. What I often see is people attacking the community for usually very poorly defined reasons. I know this is because it's the people who are angry that are most likely to be vocal about it and I know a great many people who don't like ponies but have no problem with bronies. Still, the log from thine own eye if you don't mind.


Alright, rant over.

  • Brohoof 5
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It seems to me that a lot of this opinion is coming from 4chan and SA (although I could be wrong, I've been wrong before). And I'm sorry for them that they were inundated with things they don't like but in spite of what some people seem to believe 4chan and SA are not the majority of the internet.

No, not the majority, they're just the loudest and most obnoxious part.


One other thing that irks me is the whole 'bronies think they're better than everyone else' thing. I don't understand where this notion is coming from unless it's because people are upset about trolling attempts not getting people angry enough.


I think a large part of that is our whole "love and tolerate" attitude. Trolls see us taking their crap calmly and maturely, and not getting worked up about it. And what every good troll really wants is a reaction from his target. When we get trolled and just respond with "Love ya, bro," they get angry that we're not getting angry. I guess they might even see us as "better" than them in a way sometimes because of our mature response, so they seek to turn this around by claiming we think we're better too.
  • Brohoof 1

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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I have gotten hundreds of comments on my videos. Two of them were hateful. And they were downvoted into oblivion.


So I don't really get where this "haters" thing is coming from. I haven't even experienced it.


And as for fads, sometimes people don't dig on the show but the love the things that come out of the fandom. For example, Touhou makes me nauseous, but I love Bad Apple. And I don't care for the core Star Wars films, but I love the extended universe stuff.


It's also worth noting the fragmentation in the fandom. Many bronies prefer pretending that the furry segment of the community doesn't exist, despite the fact that they make a huge portion of the quality fanart. Personally I steer clear of the odd phenomenon that is shipping, and Rule 34, and consequently I pretty much stay away from fanfiction. There's also the grimdark stuff... it's a little perplexing to me why it even exists, considering this show's major draw is how unflinchingly bright and cheerful it is. That's just me tho. ;) Judge not eh.


"Dear Princess Celestia,


Today I learned that it's okay to be passionate about the things you like, but that it's important to not to be a derp spaz who thinks lack of shared enthusiasm is like persecution or something. Derr, how does I subtlety?


Your faithful student,

The Internet"

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Bronies wouldn't be so bad if some of us weren't such morons...


But as I always say:

"Don't hate the group, hate the people IN the group."

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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"If someone doesn't like the show at all, hush now quiet now"


I may have to start using that as a polite way of telling people to shut up in the future. The way she said it got a chuckle out of me.

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I present to you the average hater.


(WARNING: Anti-brony Propaganda!)



He's trying so hard...


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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I present to you the average hater.


(WARNING: Anti-brony Propaganda!)




He's trying so hard...


(...)My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic... I hate to break it to you, but that show just sucks and people who like it are pretty much disgracing manlihood (sic) because people who watch that show are just a disgrace to mankind because how could you like a show that is (about?) talking ponies and rainbows and all this gay little kid stuff and actually like it(...)

I dunno man, his argument is pretty convincing and compelling. I think he may be on to something.

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I present to you the average hater. (WARNING: Anti-brony Propaganda!)


He's trying so hard...

I don't even see him as making a legitimate argument... :(


How can this be?!?!

Edited by Akaraah

WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that,

I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps

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I dunno man, his argument is pretty convincing and compelling. I think he may be on to something.


my point made my freind. they dont have a game because the show SUCKKKKSSSSSS. yea thats right. the only game in the making is a freaking FAN GAME and its probably gona SUCKKKKKKT TOO.


Sweet Celestia... you're right. That esteemable persistence, the empowering emotion in his caps, that eloquent argument. Just observe way he executes adjectives. Grammar? Screw that, this kid doesn't even care, you can tell he types with purpose.


We could learn a thing or two from this guy.

  • Brohoof 2


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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Would someone post a link to a legitimate review of someone who didn't like the show, and actually...you know... Reviews it? Goes over why or what things set them off? I have no problem with people not liking it but I'm tired of just seeing people using the same "it's my little pony so it is girly and stupid. You are no longer a man if you watch the CARTOON," rant. Without bashing the fanbase, I simply want to see a thorough, GOOD review from the perspective of a person who genuinely did not like it. Just like I can find legitimate reviews for the cartoon from people who enjoy it just as much I do. Not the "Bronies Suck" vid where it just boasts implication after implication.


The reasoning isn't all that well developed in most cases, not in my eyes anyway. For instance, I'm not the biggest fan of certain manga and anime, or have grown out of them, but I provide reasoning to say the least for anyone who asks. An example, I used to like cartoons such as Dragon Ball Z more when I was younger, but I can say that as I got older I realized there wasn't much of a plot, moreover just an elongated, repeated journey after the last big foe. As someone more into reading and character depth this in-turn made me feel that I can't care that much for the character's goals, even if the personalities of some of the characters aren't completely static. I don't want to expand that subject for too long, but I consider those at least decent feelings to harbor as far as reasoning goes. I could easily say DBZ is for kids but even now I can enjoy watching it.


So on and so, I care less for action and more for an sympathetic, relatable characters nowadays. Or my like of actiony stories hasn't gone down, it's just I want more variety and simply some fun in all I decide to watch. The person who made the Bronies Suck video claims he has seen much better shows. But can he name what shows specifically that he can compare it to? For instance, there is a huge difference between watching/comparing Naruto Shippuden and/to watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. In the comments he compares it to... Myth Busters?


The shows have to be similar in genre inorder to make a better, but not just better, but VALID comparison. Like comparing Adventure Time to Regular show. Or comparing Marvel to DC. Maybe even comparing Young Justice to Thundercats/Heroes. I don't believe I'm ranting because I don't really feel upset or angry, I just would like to see people who dislike the show just to make a video review detailing the show, like the Nostalgia critic in his reviews. He goes over movies he hates, but I can say at the very least he flips through and tells their flaws or what accuracy or inaccuracies, or even the inconsistencies he noticed. Even if in the most bizarre ways. :blink:


Or this video will do the trick as far as implications go:


Note that I don't think he made this himself, rather someone snagged a clip from one of his videos and aimed the message at people who are all out against the FiM or its garnered audience.

Edited by Akaraah
  • Brohoof 1

WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that,

I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps

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