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open Waking up in Ponyville


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For OC's that used to be Humans:


You've been a brony for quite a while now, you've watched every episode memorized each of the songs, and even have you own Ponysona, who would of guessed that one day of all the days, you'd wake up in Ponyville, not only that but you're a pony, you think this is a dream come true, but then a thought of realization hits you, where will you live? where will you work? Where is Pinkie Pie to throw me a welcome party?


For OC's that lived in Equestria:


It's a wonderful day, eh? Sun is shining, Flowers are blooming, The weather ponies have changed this day to perfection, and all of a sudden, random ponies, who've you've never seen start showing up on Ponyville "Now who in the hay are they?"


For Canon Characters:


You've as well been seeing this mysterious ponies appearing day after day in Ponyville, your job is to find out why they're coming here, and where they are from.






1. Be kind to each other, no drama in the OOC and/or the RP, if you have a problem with another pony, PM me, and I'll let them now that they have one strike down.


2. No alicorns, I'm sorry but most Alicorns lead to god-mod.


3. Multiple characters are allowed.


4. Okay, I get distracted easily when I see spelling errors, improper grammar, anything along those lines, all I want is for ya'll to TRY to use it properly.


5. Since, I'm a bit of a pushover sometimes, I'll give everypony 3 chances, breaking any of these rules will result to get the boot.







1.Fauny - Filly Pinkie Pie (HOC)

2.Discere - TheBronyHeart (POC)

3.Connor - Eljordo (POC)

4.Spectral Flame - Error (POC)

5.Cosmic Meteor - LoneWolf1000(POC)

6.Sugar Rush - Me (HOC)

7.Byron - Shade (HOC)

8.Toushitei Heartlocke - Zhinzo

9.Chall - weegez (POC)

10.Cerulean Blue - Cerulean (HOC)


Canon Characters:



Twilight: Me

Fluttershy: Filly Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie: Filly Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash: Resolution





((((Also, one more thing you guys wake up close to sweet apple acres (on the ground) ))))

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Byron wakes up with a moan. "What happened?" He says. He proceeds to scratch his head, then realizes he can't move his fingers. Byron moves his hand to his face. What would be more accurate is, moving his hoof to his face. "OH GOOD GOD!" Byron yells. "I'm a pony!" Byron tries to stand up, and finds it difficult to. "How did this happen?" Byron asks to, well, nobody. Byron finally gets the hand, erm, hoof, of walking with four legs. He then proceeds to wander around. Taking in his surroundings, he realizes he is in Sweet Apple Acres. He gasps.

Edited by Shade
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A light blue unicorn woke up just inside Ponyville. "Huh? Oh, Ponyville... I'm still dreaming, or this is a dream come true!" She looked at herself. "I'm-I'm a pony!" she cried. "Wait," she whispered, "why am I here? And what am I going to name myself?" She stretched out her hoof to try and stand up, but wobbled. She then realized a barn on a path in front of her, and to her side an apple orchard.


(Starting out as just Fauny, soon to be other ponies too!)

(EDIT:Never read the rules until a few seconds ago, fixed post.)

Edited by Filly Pinkie Pie
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Rainbow was flying around Ponyville, issuing orders to a couple of pegasi for the downpour this afternoon. She was waiting for this downpour for a while, and told the pegasi to leave a small area un-clouded so she could practice her Sonic Rainboom. She wan'ted to master it, even though she knew that at the Royal Wedding she did it in about 2 seconds, doubling or tripling her speed. Twilight did scientific studies and told her she got about 20% Cooler, or Faster, in 10 seconds flat. She wanted to get about 200% Cooler in 10 seconds flat, so she was practicing.

After the ordering, she stopped in a nearby tree in Sweet Apple Acres and prepared herself for a nap. A small patch of clouds was nearby, so she decided to play a prank on that pony that was below her. She could at get some laughs by cracking a patch of clouds to the hiccups, like she did with Pinkie and Spike. She the cracked the cloud as loud as she could, and begun to laugh.

"Ha ha! Good one, RD!" Rainbow Told herself, crying from laughter. But then she noticed she never saw this pony before. It was a dark blue unicorn with wavy hair. Oh, and creepy green eyes that didn't have little white dots. Oh look, Rainbow is proceeding to laugh even harder. She leaned her head out, tears still in her eyes. "Who-HA!-Are you?" Edited by Resolution
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Cerulean let out a big yawn. She reached out to grab her Pinkie Pie plushie, but It wasn't there. Neither were her fingers. "What... what happened to my hand?" she mumbled to herself. Cerulean suddenly became aware of how cold it was. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up. It felt different. She opened her eyes, and shrieked. "AAAAAAAAHHH!!! What happened to me? I'm a pony! How am I a pony? AAAA- Wait, I'm a pony!" She stood up, and examined herself. She was a blue pegasus pony, with messy dark blue hair. "Strange... Just like my OC!" She examined her surroundings. In front of her was a dirt pathway, leading off to a barn. Behind her was a field of apple trees, and another path. She was in Ponyville, right next to Sweet Apple Acres. "So. AWESOME!" Cerulean said, trying to imitate Rainbow Dash's voice. "Hmm... maybe Twilight knows why I'm here! I should probably head towards her place." She started to trot down the path behind her (towards the apple trees), but fell over. "Ouch! I guess I'm not used to walking as a pony..." she said. Curiously, she flapped her wings. She could fly! "OK, now let's get to the library!"


((Edited! Just reread the rules, forgot about the Sweet Apple Acres thing))

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(I'm a call myself Pinkazoid because I already do that irl lol)


Pinkazoid woke up, it was gonna be an awesome day, sitting in front of the computer for over 13 hours, and spending all of them on the forums as always "I wonder how many notifications I got" she said with a yawn her eyes still closed, she rubbed her eyes as she opened them, in front of her stood a clear blue sky, various apple trees were on her right, and a small town could be seen ahead "what the heck?" she asked herself "where's my laptop?" she asked as she stood only to fall backward, she looked at her hands, a pale white coat of fur instead of her tan-ish skin tone, not only that her hands have been replaced with hooves, she shook her hair from side to side, the colors Blue and Pink could be seen in a blur, she slowly began to grin "No way!, I'm a pony!" she fell over with glee, she gasped as a thought hit her, she looked at her sides, to see a pair of fluffy wings "Awww Yeah!" she shouted, standing on all fours "Here me, Here me, I'm Sugar Rush, the Pegasusususususus!" she shouted falling over laughing "this is so awesome" her wings fluttering in return, she stood on all fours. and tried taking a few steps, "huh, guess they were wrong walking on all fours is easy!" she said just before she landed on her face "okay, not easy, but still, so awesome!" she said pressing her white hooves against her face

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The pale blue unicorn started to try to stand up. "This is hard..." she muttered. She stumbled, trying to walk. "Must do this... There!" She started to walk around to test her new body. "Hmm... I wonder if anybody else is aorund here? I mean, anypony." She walked straight into Ponyville curiously.



(EDIT:Checked out Shade's OC and fixed my post. Also, get ready for some mane 6 in my next post!)

Edited by Filly Pinkie Pie
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"Ugh... Where am I?" said Comet as he opened his eyes. He looked around the dimly lit room and noticed all the papers lying around. "Oh yeah, now I remember. I was observing the stars last night. I must've fell asleep while trying to write this report about astronomical anomalies." He thought. He felt like he had taken a rock to the head, but nevertheless, he stood up and went down the stairs.


Suddenly, his stomach started to growl. "I guess I shouldn't have skipped dinner yesterday. Well, I should probably head to Sugarcube Corner to get some breakfast. I'm too tired to do it myself." said Comet to himself as he apporached the door. "The report will have to wait."


(OOC : That's it for me today. I'm going to sleep.)

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Sugar Rush continued attempting to stand up, after a few minutes she finally got the hang of it "Definitively not gonna try flying yet" she said chuckling as she started taking cautious steps towards Ponyville

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Cerulean flew halfway through the orchard, ready to give up, and find another path to follow. Suddenly, she froze. She heard voices! She tried to figure out what character was making them, but gave up. They were too far away. "Maybe I can ask them the way to the library!" she said to herself. Her wings were too tired, though. She lifted her hoof forward, and paused. Then the other hoof. And again. "Hey, I think I've gotten the hang of walking!" Cerulean exclaimed. She trotted through the trees, until she saw two light blue ponies: one pegasus, one unicorn. "RAINBOW DASH!!!" she screamed, and flew at full speed towards the blue pegasus. Unfortunately, she hadn't tried that before, and BAM! Straight into a tree behind them. She got up, dazed, and looked backwards. "So you really do exist, Dash!"

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Cerulean flew halfway through the orchard, ready to give up, and find another path to follow. Suddenly, she froze. She heard voices! She tried to figure out what character was making them, but gave up. They were too far away. "Maybe I can ask them the way to the library!" she said to herself. Her wings were too tired, though. She lifted her hoof forward, and paused. Then the other hoof. And again. "Hey, I think I've gotten the hang of walking!" Cerulean exclaimed. She trotted through the trees, until she saw two light blue ponies: one pegasus, one unicorn. "RAINBOW DASH!!!" she screamed, and flew at full speed towards the blue pegasus. Unfortunately, she hadn't tried that before, and BAM! Straight into a tree behind them. She got up, dazed, and looked backwards. "So you really do exist, Dash!"


((Sorry, wouldn't let me post any more))


She flew up high, with a smile on her face, "Can I get your autograph?" she asked.

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Discere was out for a stroll on the outskirts of Ponyville. He was on his way to Sweet Apple Acres to get some apples when he stopped to examine the dark storm clouds on approach. Suddenly a blue pegasus flew unsteadily past him. "Hm" Discere thought to himself. "I've never seen that pony before." But Discere shrugged it off because he was new to ponyville and still did not know everypony.

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Byron started to trot towards Ponyville. "This must be a dream, it has to be!" Byron suddenly stops. Determined to wake himself from his "nightmare", he yells toward to the sky "WAKE UUUPPPP!", so loud, that the ground shakes a little.

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(Hey FPP, are you sure you can handle controlling 3 ponies?)


Sugar Rush walked into town a loud scream filling her ears "that's strange" she said not able to get the grin of her face, as she walked into Ponyville, her eyes searching wildly for Pinkie Pie

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Before saying anything else to Rainbow Dash, Cerulean heard a loud yell echo through the town, probably waking up everypony else, if they weren't already up. She turned to Rainbow Dash. "Gotta go, bye!" Cerulean ran through the trees until she came across the rest of Ponyville. :If that yell did wake everypony up, then that means I can ask for directions to the library!: she thought. She stopped when she got to the statue of Celestia. "Maybe if I wait here, some ponies will show up! Then I'll know that I'm not alone, and that maybe this isn't some crazy dream!"

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Connor woke up with a heavy sigh. He has had a rough couple of days, filled with restless nights spend falling asleep at his computer. Wait... Falling asleep at his computer.


Then it hit him, he wasn't at his computer at all. In a bed? Connor didn't ever recall heading to bed, and this wasn't the same bed he was used to.


He wen't to stumble out of his bed when he noticed something. He was very unbalanced. He tried to get up onto his two feet, just to realize he was too top heavy.


'What is going on?' he though to himself.


That's when it hit him. He looked down, and to his horror he found that his hands...Were not hands at all. They were a set of blue hoofs!


"What the hell?!?!" Connor began to freak out. He stumbled through the unfamiliar house as fast as he could until he found the nearest bathroom. He looked into the mirror and was shocked to discover a blue pony looking back at him.


Not just any pony, but this pony seemed to have wings!


"This isn't possible!" He shouted.


Scared out of his mind, he bolted towards the exit. As soon as he opened the front door, he realized his house was floating in the clouds! He continued to run, until he lost his balance.


He began to plummet towards the earth at great speed! He began to flap his wings as fast as he could, but he would not take flight.



He began screaming at the top of his lungs! He was falling towards the earth onto what looked like a farm. An apple orchard to be exact.

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('Course I can.)

Pinkie Pie bounced out of Sugarcube Corner, only to see two new ponies. "Hi!" she said, bouncing to the closest one. "Are you new?" she asked, though the answer was obvious.


Fauny saw Pinkie Pie. She ran over to her as the pink pony greeted a white pony.

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Discere was stopped in his tracks. He had just heard someone scream "WAKE UP!" at a volume comparable to the canterlot royal voice. Deciding that this was worth investigating, he turned and hurried off in the direction of the sound.

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Dyliscious slowly awoke, his mind still spinning from the party last night. DJ Pon-3 was rocking the bass canon, and, of course, the whole thing was planned by pinkie pie. But where was he? There was fresh grass brushing against his face, The sounds of the apple family at work echoed in the distance. There was a string on his finger, and scrawled in ink on his hoof was the word "remember!"

Dyliscious had to find out why he had awoken in sweet apple acres, and what he had to remember.

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After repeatedly hitting his face, he realized that this was not a dream. He also realized that with that loud yell, everyone would have heard it. Byron gallops toward Ponyville, falling once in a while, determined to get answers from Twilight Sparkle. He thought to go to the statue of Celestia to see if anyone was there to help. Before he could reach Ponyville, however, a pony approached him. "Who are you?" Byron asked?

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Suddenly, the ground shook and Dyliscious fell flat on his face. The words "WAKE UP!" screeched through the air. Dyliscious decided to investigate. As he began to walk towards the sound, he saw a pony he recognized as Discere.


"Did you hear that" Dyliscious asked.

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Cerulean turned around. "Pinkie Pie! Am I still dreaming? Can I have a cupcake? You are best pony!" She had to put her hoof in her own mouth to stop herself from talking. She had just harassed another pony today! What would Ponyville think if she assaulted everypony with questions? She saw another pony coming closer. ((OOC: Hi Shade/Bryon!)) Trying to be calm, she said, "Hi, do you know where Twilight Sparkle is?"

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Dyliscious slowly awoke, his mind still spinning from the party last night. DJ Pon-3 was rocking the bass canon, and, of course, the whole thing was planned by pinkie pie. But where was he? There was fresh grass brushing against his face, The sounds of the apple family at work echoed in the distance. There was a string on his finger, and scrawled in ink on his hoof was the word "remember!"

Dyliscious had to find out why he had awoken in sweet apple acres, and what he had to remember.


(Errm, sorry, but you didn't join...)


Fluttershy woke up to the sound of the end of a loud yell. She jumped in her sleep as her eyes open. She peeked out the window. "H-Huh?" she whispered. "What was that? That voice didn't sound like anypony I know..." She slowly approached the door.


Pinkie Pie saw a light blue pony approach her.

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