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private SoL: Canterlot

~The Snowy Wolf~

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"Oh my gosh! Flying at high speeds feels great! All this fresh air and free-" BAM! Jaide hit a wall with a great force that made her faint. She came tumbling down and fell on the ground with a loud THUD! She was knocked out cold and couldn't move.


Blossom Bloom heard another loud crash and the sound wasn't too far away. She squinted in the dark and looked towards where the noise came from. Yet another pony was on the ground and not moving. She saw that it was Jaide and gasped loudly. "JAIDE!!! Oh please excuse me! I'll be right back!" she said to the colt that she was helping. Blossom raced over to Jaide and kneeled down next to her. "JAIDE!JAIDE!PLEASE ANSWER ME!" she shook her not too hard but not too soft either.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"Where..." said Wits. "Where the moon am I? I was just..." suddenly his head began swimming, and he saw an elsewhere, far too similar and far too different from this one for his liking. He shook it out. His visions had never been reliable before, no need to get caught up in them now.


"I was just running. Where am I? I need to get home."

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Jaide didn't move at all. Her glasses were chipped and messed up. There seemed to be some red, think liquid coming down from her forehead. She wasn't responding... Or breathing...


(Prepare to be shocked Tune Twist)


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Jaide didn't move at all. Her glasses were chipped and messed up. There seemed to be some red, think liquid coming down from her forehead. She wasn't responding... Or breathing...


(Prepare to be shocked Tune Twist)


Blossom Bloom saw the blood trickling down her forehead and saw that she was not breathing. "No time to panic! I need to get her to the hospital now!" Blossom loaded Jaide onto her back and zoomed off to the hospital.


She crashed through the doors of the ER quickly with Jaide still on her back and shouted "I need a doctor! A nurse! Anypony! Please!" she looked around frantically. A few colts and mares rushed over.

"What happened?!" two colts took Jaide off her back and carried her over and on a stretcher.

"I-I don't know! I think she crashed into a wall too hard! I found her at the base of one and she was not moving or breathing!" Blossom cried.

"Ok. We'll get her some medical attention quickly." a unicorn doctor said as he patted her back softly and levitated a box of tissues over to Blossom Bloom.


She watched as they took Jaide away and rushed her through some doors. A nurse came over to Blossom Bloom and led her to a waiting room,asking her to fill out a form.

Edited by BlossomBloom


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Sky awoke due to hearing Blossoms shouting again. "Tch. Troublesome mare." Just then the door opened to Sky's room and a male doctor entered. "You passed out due to exhaustion. We patched up your cuts so you can leave when you want."

"Thanks doc." Sky said as he got up and began to leave the hospital.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Tune Twist was still on his balcony when he heard a huge thud on the other side of his building. He went over to his window and saw the crumpled form of Jaide laying on the ground at the foot of his building. "omygoshomygosh" he exclaimed as he ran downstairs and outside, but he was too late. Blossom and Jaide were gone already. Tune Twist started running to the hospital frantically.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Blossom Bloom had already been in the waiting room for about an hour. She sat down in a chair with her eyes closed and head down. Balled up tissues littered the floor and chair in Blossom's area. Every so often she would lift her head to see if a nurse or doctor was coming to tell her Jaide's health status...but no one came.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Tune Twist rushed into the hospital lobby. "I'm looking for Blossom Bloom and Jaide. Do you know where-" The nurse at the desk pointed to the waited room on the right. Tune rushed in and saw Blossom Bloom sitting down with her head down. "Is everything ok?" He asked.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Sky was about to leave the hospital when he noticed blossom in the waiting room. "Well ive been wandering around in this hospital lost for an hour may as well see whats wrong with blossom." Sky thought to himself. "Hey, Blossom whats the matter?" Sky asked as he walked over to her.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Blossom Bloom heard someone call to her and her head snapped up quickly,hoping it was a doctor or nurse but all she found was Sky. "Oh hello Sky.How are you feeling?" she asked with a concerned tone in her voice.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"Im feeling fine I only passed out due to flying for 12 hours and the doctors cleaned up my cuts. But the thing im more concerned about is how are you feeling? You seem pretty upset." Sky asked concerned.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Vinyl, completely oblivious to the situation with Jaide, continued on her way home. She kept looking around to see if anypony was following or trying to sneak up on her. It took about twenty minutes, since she was on the outskirts of Canterlot, to get home to the castle.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Im feeling fine I only passed out due to flying for 12 hours and the doctors cleaned up my cuts. But the thing im more concerned about is how are you feeling? You seem pretty upset." Sky asked concerned.


"do you remember the mare from this morning?the one that offered you a bandage?Well,she's been in a terrible accident.I found her unconscious at the base of a wall...she was bleeding and not breathing so I took her here and now I'm just waiting..." Blossom Bloom sighed sadly and put her head down again.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"do you remember the mare from this morning?the one that offered you a bandage?Well,she's been in a terrible accident.I found her unconscious at the base of a wall...she was bleeding and not breathing so I took her here and now I'm just waiting..." Blossom Bloom sighed sadly and put her head down again.



"Has anybody given you any news? Anything?" Asked Tune Twist worriedly. "I really hope she isn't hurt. I heard her bang against my house's back wall. I turned around and I saw her laying down. When I got down there you were gone, so I rushed here."


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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"Has anybody given you any news? Anything?" Asked Tune Twist worriedly. "I really hope she isn't hurt. I heard her bang against my house's back wall. I turned around and I saw her laying down. When I got down there you were gone, so I rushed here."


"Huh?Oh,Hello, Tune Twist.When did you get here?Well no I haven't received any news yet.That was your house that she crashed into?I see...Well I really hope that she is ok and I hope they give us news soon." Blossom looked up at Tune Twist with a worried face and began to tear up a little "Oh I can only imagine what you're feeling right now.."


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"Huh?Oh,Hello, Tune Twist.When did you get here?Well no I haven't received any news yet.That was your house that she crashed into?I see...Well I really hope that she is ok and I hope they give us news soon." Blossom looked up at Tune Twist with a worried face and began to tear up a little "Oh I can only imagine what you're feeling right now.."


"I was going to ask her to The Gala..." Tune Twist said sadly. "Why did this have to happen right now?" He walked over to a chair, sat down and put his head in his hooves.


(Yeah, and then she died.)


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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"I was going to ask her to The Gala..." Tune Twist said sadly. "Why did this have to happen right now?" He walked over to a chair, sat down and put his head in his hooves.


(Yeah, and then she died.)


"She would have said yes. She was actually planning to ask you." she said as she dried the tears that trickled down her face. "But..." she sniffed a little "It's not like she's dead. Hopefully she is ok." Just as she said that, a doctor came into the waiting room and called Blossom Bloom's name. She stood up and walked over to the colt doctor slowly.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"Well im sure everything will turn out fine." Sky said to tune twist. "This is Canterlot. Some of the best Doctors work here im sure she will be fine." Sky said trying to comfort him.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Well im sure everything will turn out fine." Sky said to tune twist. "This is Canterlot. Some of the best Doctors work here im sure she will be fine." Sky said trying to comfort him.


"I sure hope so." He said, still worried. "I only knew her for a few days. She was one of my first friends here since I moved from Baltimare. Before I met her I didn't have any friends." He said sadly.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Jaide slowly opened her eyes. She had this horrible headache that she couldn't sustain. "W-Where am I?" she thought. She opened her eyes completly and was shocked. Jaide banged her head against a metal bar which made her headache worse. "Ouch..." she moaned as she rubbed her head.


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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"I sure hope so." He said, still worried. "I only knew her for a few days. She was one of my first friends here since I moved from Baltimare. Before I met her I didn't have any friends." He said sadly.


After talking to the doctor, Blossom Bloom walked back over to Tune Twist and Sky. She wiped away the last of her tears and smiled "She's awake. She's ok and she's awake. The doctors said that we can go into see her as soon as she's ready.Oh thank goodness.." she laughed a little,relieved.


Jaide slowly opened her eyes. She had this horrible headache that she couldn't sustain. "W-Where am I?" she thought. She opened her eyes completly and was shocked. Jaide banged her head against a metal bar which made her headache worse. "Ouch..." she moaned as she rubbed her head.


A colt doctor walked into the room that Jaide was in and looked at her with a smile "Oh good. You're awake. How are you feeling?" he walked over to her bed side and began to take out his tools to do a quick check up on her.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Jaide looked at the doctor with a puzzled expression. "Well, I am doing fine. Just a big headache and that's all," she replied. Jaide watched as the doctor took out his tools. She didn't know why she was here but she decided not to argue or anything.


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Wildcard woke up and found himself in the hospital. "Well great, first day back in Canterlot and already in the hospital" he thought.

"How did I get here anyway?" Wildcard glanced through the room and he couldn't see anypony. He tried to get up but a strange feeling from his right front leg made him stop. He had a bandage on the lower part of his leg and he could feel stiches. He must have cut himself last night. The pegasus decided to sit down on his bed and wait for a doctor


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Jaide remained silent as the doctor performed the tests on her. "Ouch!" she shouted as the doctor poked her with something sharp. "Hehe... Sorry," he replied as he removed the sharp object. "How in the world did I get here?" she thought as the doctor finished up the check-up.


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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Jaide remained silent as the doctor performed the tests on her. "Ouch!" she shouted as the doctor poked her with something sharp. "Hehe... Sorry," he replied as he removed the sharp object. "How in the world did I get here?" she thought as the doctor finished up the check-up.


The doctor took down some notes as he continued on with the tests. Once he was finished he looked up at her "Now, do you remember anything from the events that took place this evening? anything at all?" he clicked his pen and got ready to take down some more notes.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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