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Clover began to sprint as fast as she could towards his house, she was finally going to do it, she was going to control her magic and become powerful enough to help her elders turn the water into ice, that way the Pegasi could create snow flakes out of the ice that the Icicle family create after going to cloudsdale.


"It's just a matter of time..." Clover said out loud from excitement

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When the two of them caught up, Lapis went inside. "He's going to get a book. He'll be back soon." Asteria explained. Lapis soon returned with a book entitled "Magic for Unicorn Foals". He placed in on the ground and cleared his throat. "This book will help you begin. I will try to help you along the way. But first I must see what you can do at the moment."


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((OOC: Okay maybe i'll go back and forth between mega man x and this))


Discere went out to look for the mysterious mare who had hoofed him in the face, and was the only link to his past. Maybe he didn't remember her, but she was obviousll very important to him back then. And given how angry she was... he probably STILL means something to her. He rubbed his now sore face, she sure had an interesting way of showing she cared about something.


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Clover nodded and began to get ready and then she politely asked "Could I have a glass of water please?" She was awfully nervous and was afraid that she would mess up, but she was going to try her best.


"You see, my family are known as the 'Icicles'. Every year the Pegasi need to hand craft snowflakes for the long winter, otherwise there won't BE a winter. My family is allowed to go to cloudsdale for one day to create the materials for them to make the snowflakes. The material is just a lot of ice, and my family's job has been to create the Ice from water in massive amounts since we began the tradition of having a 'Winter'." She explained at a rather slow pace.


"I hope you understand." She said shyly "I never went to any schools or anything, the only time I ever did anything even close to impressive was when I got my Cutie Mark."

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Asteria returned with a glass of water floating in front of her. "I never knew that. This is very interesting, but we should move along." Lapis said when the water was placed in front of Clover. "And it's okay if you're nervous. Take your time." Lapis attempted a smile, but it probably came off odd.


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Clover tilted her head at Lapis for a moment, and then tried concentrating on her limited magical abilities, and focused as hard as she could on the glass of water, thinking about winter, and snow and cold, and the water slowly began to turn into ice, after about a minute the whole thing was ice, and Clover stopped, now that it was made completely in to ice. However, Clover was exhausted, even though it was not that much, is was very embarrassing for her to barely be able to do something so simple.


"Ugghh..." She grunted in distress "See? It was hard for me to do something even THAT simple." She stated with disappointing .

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"I see where you are having trouble. You may have some magical blockage. It's most likely connected to how you visualize when casting." Lapis said after a moment. He opened the book to "Magical Blockage". "As you can see here, in the book, this is a common problem in foals. First, you may want to take a short rest. You've already expended your Mana."


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Clover was disappointed in herself


"Aww, do I have to? I was really hoping to keep practicing for a while... Magical blockage? How do I fix it? If it's common it is really easy to fix right?" She said as if she were worried. "How long should I rest for? I mean, I want to get better as fast as possible..." She said trying to stay calm.

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"Take a deep breath Clover. You just need to take a break and eat. You didn't get a chance to eat breakfast, remember?" Lapis said in a steady voice. Clover being upset certainly wouldn't help the poor unicorn. Asteria had already gone inside and cleaned up the table. "Just ask Asteria to make you something. After a few minutes of rest, you should be ready again."


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Clover looked at the ground and scratched the back of her head "Okay, I guess you are right Lapis..." She said with her head still hung down, she wasn't sad she just disliked waiting. After getting back inside of the house, she sat down where she was before the incident this morning, and she looked over at Asteria and smiled at her now that she decided it would be better of her to wait and be patient and listen to Lapis' advice. "Hey Asteria, Lapis told me to come inside and ask you to make me something, I never got any breakfast and said that I should eat. I am not picky so whatever you wanna make is okay with me, I already feel kinda weird asking you to make me something inside of your own house." She said trying to be as polite and respectful as possible, which she wasn't very good at because she used to be spoiled when she was a little filly and lived with her elderly parents.

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"Oh, of course! It's not a problem. Here, take these." Asteria levitated three apples to Clover. "That should really help. Also, you a guest in our home, and I was taught to treat guests with respect. If you need me, I'll be in my room." Asteria smiled at Clover and went off on her own to read some books.


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Clover smiled at her and then once she left she ate the first two apples, and then began to think about her brother, who she missed very much, even though he began growing distant to her after he joined the royal guard for Celestia "I wish he didn't have to go, I still don't understand how he is a Pegasus and the rest of my family are all unicorns...' She accidentally began to speak out loud. "I just don't get it... I wish I could give him my horn just so he coulda stayed at home." She said, then she quickly ate the third apple after she started to rest her head on the table before her.

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Discere had looked all over Ponyville for the mare. This whole ordeal was really starting to upset him, so he decided to take a break and go to the fountain he always went to when he wanted to relax. Every step he took on his way to the fountain, was filled with unprecedented sadness , despair, and confusion. He had come this far in life not knowing anything about his earlier years, and he had come to accept that. But now she arrived, and she is stirring old feelings that Discere thought died long ago... He shook his head abruptly and cleared his thoughts, he was here. However, sitting in his usual spot was a white pegasus... her. She was just sitting there prodding the water with her hoof, she looked sad still but she was not crying atleast. Discere couldn't help but feel bad, even though it was not his intention nor was it his fault that the mare was upset. After all, he didn't even remember her.


He just sat down where he was for now, he didn't bother approaching her because he didn't know what to say. What could he say? She had followed him here in hopes of finding a reason to why he had left her.... but he didn't know why exactly. "What am I supposed to do?" he asked himself.


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Asteria heard Clover mumble something, but she didn't pay her any mind. Whatever was troubling her, Asteria could help her later. She quickly returned to her book. Outside, Lapis Lazuli was studying the book he had taken out. The information in the book was simple enough for anypony to understand. It was of course written for troubled foals.


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Clover closed her eyes, and for about 5 minutes her mind was clear and she almost fell asleep, but because it was the middle of the day, she couldn't fall asleep now, after resting a bit she felt re-energized and decided it was time to keep going, she stepped outside to see Lapis and Asteria. "Hey Lapis, I think I am ready to keep going." She said, then she gulped because she was afraid Lapis was going to tell her to rest some more. "I mean I feel rested I could do that spell again but it would tire me out again..." She said to him trying to make sure he was convinced.

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Discere watched as slowly the mare drifted off to sleep. She certainly didn't seem like a violent and angry pony, she seemed like she has a sensitive and loving side, but masked in anger and sadness. In the end, Discere supposed that it was his fault that she was sad, and he walked over to the now asleep mare. Her foot was still in the water and Discere carefully removed it. He looked down at her, she wasn't just cute, she was downright adorable.


He knew he would have to talk to her about all of this, so he decided to just sit and wait next to her... untill he himself drifted off into sleep. But this time, he didn't have that dream again...


There were only two other ponies in the area, both who saw the two sleeping next to each other and decided to leave the two alone. After all, they WERE meant to be together, and they looked so happy together... even if they didn't know eachother anymore, and even if they were asleep.


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"If you say you feel ready, the it's time to move forward." Lapis said confidently. "Okay, this time, I want you to visualize slowly, and take me through your thoughts as you go along." Asteria had already set down another glass of water. "Don't push yourself, ok?" she said reassuringly. Asteria knew what it like to not have control over her magic. When she was younger, she had accidentally over did it and ended up in a coma for a week.


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He imagined that he met a strange mare who him chased him through the park. Then he imagined Clover, sad and alone, crying to herself. Sky woke up in a cold sweat. He got up, put on his jacket and headed out the door. He walked over to the now piles rubble that used to be his house. He walked over to the rubble and saw a huge boulder over the basement door. He gave a heave and a shove and pushed it over. He opened the door and walked down to basement.


"It's still intact..."


He glided his hoof over it with a touch that only a loving musician could have. Than he began to play.




  • Brohoof 1
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'Starbolt the pony called Clover is taking some magical lessons, maybe you should help her.' Fae told Starbolt.

'Also I suggest you try to practice your target teleportation.' Fae added as she flew to a clearing in the Everfree Forest.

Starbolt agreed, she headed home and picked up several of her potions, some ingredients and a book about basic spell casting.

She visualized Fae and concentrated in a flash of light she appeared next to her.

"It worked." She told Fae. The both of them headed to Lapis's house.

Arriving there Starbolt knocked on the door.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"I'll get it!" Asteria exclaimed. "Hello? Oh, it's Starbolt. Come on in." Lapis looked up from his book to see the light blue mare he had spoken with yesterday. "Good day to you Starbolt. What brings you to my cottage?"


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Snow Flake and Cherry Blossom were on their usual duties of the day. They walked around Ponyville after a long week of work. "It's been about time that we got some time to spend together." Snow Flake said as he outstretched his wings. "Yeah I totally agree with you." Cherry Blossom replied.


(OOC: Sorry guys I've forgotten about this RP!)

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Clover gulped, and began to concentrate, but slower this time. "Okay... I see a pool of water, it's floating though... I can see an ice cube falling into the water and turning the rest into ice..." She said, her horn started to grow brighter than usual as she was trying to be calm and collected while doing this, but as she started hearing a piano being played, she thought it was in her head, because her brother used to play, before Queen Chyrsalis' changeling's crippled his right hoof, the day before she decided to leave on a journey to awaken her powers, her brother had told her he would play for her, but his hoof still didn't recover, and he was gone all day, he tried to get off work long enough to see her before she left, but because he was so distant from her, she simply thought he no longer cared about her.


"I don't know what I did wrong..." She thought to herself. The thought of her brother when he didn't have to go to work helped her, she began to focus on her magic again after a long pause during the time where she should have been telling Lapris what she was thinking, and started to speak again. "The water is almost completely ice... There..." She said, she opened her eyes expecting to see a failure because it was a lot less stressful this time, she was not that tired at all, and when she saw the cup of ice she was very excited, she looked up and saw somebody at the door, and Lapris and Asteria welcoming somepony in.

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"Fae told me a unicorn named Clover is here trying to get better at magic." She replied to Lapis as she entered the cottage.

"Hello Asteria." She said.

Fae flew in behind Starbolt looking through the different reagents and ingredients she had brought with her.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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((OOC: this happens while the Jar of hearts song is being played))

Star Light opened her eyes to see Discere sleeping right across from her, She wasn't mad at him, she just didn't understand why he didn't remember her. But she did know that seeinghim with her made her happy. She scooted over closer to him and she drifted off to sleep again.

  • Brohoof 2


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"Well, this is some good luck then. I don't mean to be rude, but I have studies I should be doing. If you don't mind, could you please take Clover for a little while?" Lapis asked, pointing at Clover. He had been watching the whole time, and was very proud she made some progress. But, he really didn't want to get behind. ((OOC I'm going to be busy for a little while. Please take care of Clover while I'm gone.))


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