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Byron noticed out of the corner of his eye that Clover was glaring at him. "Before you say anything, Clover, I have come here to get help with controlling my magic" Byron said. "I hope you can forgive me for that magic outburst earlier."

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Clover, if you have a problem with somepony, it can help if you deal with it." Asteria said, surprised at Clover's avoidance. Asteria picked up the books with her magic. "Come on, let's just go." Asteria went right for the door and looked back towards her friend, hoping that leaving would be the best opinion for Clover.


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((OOC: I am REALLY sorry everypony! My modem crashed a few days ago so that is why I have not been on... but I got a new one yay!))


Discere was exhausted. He had been trying everything he could think of to reason with the truly stubborn pegasus that was running amuck in his house. She seemed extreme, to say the least. After all she had nearly cracked his skull open so that she could DRAG him home without him WAKING UP. He had tried to be nice and tolerating of everything she did, but it was as if she was purposefully going out of her way to act snobbish and inconsiderate... perhaps her own form of revenge? Now howver she was tearing away at all his possessions , rummaging through EVERYTHING. Discere didn't bother questioning let alone dare to try and stop the pegasus from whatever it was she was doing. "Let nature take it's course." he kept thinking to himself.... because for the sake of being opptimistic he imagined this pony as a wicked hurricane, and it will do it's damage and eventually stop. And suddenly, everything did stop. There was no noise, and this actually worried Discere... "Do I dare go up there and see what she is up to?" He silently asked himself.


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Clover wanted to leave, but she wasn't sure if now was the time or not. It was bothering her, she wanted to do something to make him pay, but everypony told her that was unethical and she shouldn't seek out revenge. "Don't think this is over..." She thought to herself while giving Byron a quick look "Okay Asteria." She said as she followed her out of the library.

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The two of them were trotting at an average pace. Asteria looked over at her friend. "Hey, what was up with that back at the library? Lapis warned you about trying to get revenge on Byron. I'm sure Twilight Sparkle can help him. I've heard that she is very skilled at magic." She floated the books in front of her and looked them over. Neither of them looked all that special. Just two brownish covers with words on them dictating what they contained. She looked back at Clover thoughtfully.


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Discere cautiously approached his bedroom door, and he slowly opened it. Inside was the mare sitting in front of his desk with her nose almost buried in a book. Well if she was just reading then there was really no need to- ........ wait, that wasn't just a book. That was, HIS JOURNAL! He dashed over to her and ripped the journal out from under her eyes.


"Well that wasn't very polite, now was it? I was reading that." She began to giggle from what she read.



Discere's face turned red. "Not Polite!?" he was practically shouting at her . "What gives you the right to go looking through-"


Star Light shoved her hoof over his mouth to silence the annoying dribble pertruding from his mouth. "Well maybe now you know how I felt when you always used to read my diary." she started giggling again.


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Clover her the rage in her eyes with her mane "I just can't stand people getting hurt for no reason, especially when it's because the person hurting them simply can't control themselves or they just want to hurt them for pleasure or some other sick reason..." She said with a tone different then the tone she usually speaks with "He gets mad and he expects everypony do treat him the way he wants, he wants to control his powers, but if he could control his anger then he wouldn't have to." She said bluntly, trying not to sound like somepony who just wants a fight. "People like him should learn to control their anger..." She continued to think to herself.

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"I could probably try to help him, there are also others that could like Twilight Sparkle." Starbolt told Lapis.

Fae followed Asteria and Clover. 'Starbolt you're going to need to talk to Clover later.' She told Starbolt about what she was saying.


"Sure thing Byron." Twilight replied levitating a book from one of the shelves.


Lapis respond please.


Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Asteria looked down at the ground. She had no idea Clover felt so strongly about it. Now that she thought about it, she should be feeling the same way. She'd almost been killed by Byron. She looked back up. In her eyes something strange shone. Her eyes watered as well, but she didn't cry. "I understand." was all she said. After that, she remained quiet.


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She was still giggling, and Discere noticed again how cute she could be... when she wasn't destroying his stuff or beating him up that is. Discere asked her "Soooo, what exactly did you read in there?" he asked trying to stay calm.


"She grinned a devilish smile. "Oh, I only read the parts where you talk about those dreams you have... of me!" She couldn't just giggle anymore, she had to laugh.



Discere's face turned bright red again... it's true, he had been dreaming about this mare for years now, and now she was in front of him laughing because of it.


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Clover looked back at the library, thinking to herself, about how she would go about this, there was only on thought on her mind. "It won't be long... You better watch yourself, Byron, it won't be long..." After realizing what she had thought to herself, she began to realize who she had sounded like, but decided, it may be for the better.

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The two young unicorns arrived at Lapis's cottage just as the sun reached it's peak. The shade of the forest felt nice after walking in the heat. "So, what do ya wanna do first? I think Lapis and Starbolt might still be talking, so let's stay out here." Asteria put down the two books. They still seemed pretty bland, but she knew she shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. She had learned that lesson the hard way....


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Clover began to think about levitation, but since the teleportation book was there too now, she decided she'd take a look at it and show Asteria before giving it to Starbolt. With this she could move around Ponyville more freely "Hey Asteria, we should check this out first before giving it to Starbolt, whataya say?" She said slightly childishly.

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'Er, okay I guess. Twilight didn't say not to look in it. She just said to give it to Starbolt, who I'm sure is busy. So it wouldn't hurt to learn so more." Asteria replied, immediately opening to book. She tried not to seem eager, but if she could learn more about teleportation, she could better exploit her power to return to her home town.


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'Starbolt they are outside, and the book you asked for is here.' Fae told her.

Starbolt walked outside and glared at Clover. "Why are you so angry at Byron? You realize it was an accident and he didn't mean to do it? Also what you said about him controlling his anger. Even if he doesn't express himself as angry the magic will still react to the contained anger. He just needs to learn how to control it, it's unfair that you treat him that way just because he has difficulty with it." She said rather angrily.


(OOC U mad Starbolt? :P)

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Clover tried to understand, but still had trouble piecing it together. "It's not only his anger, but it is like he doesn't care whenever he does something that hurts somepony..." Clover looked off to the side, reminding herself of somepony like Starbolt who she had met before "There is something different about Byron though... I can feel it" Clover looked back at Starbolt "I guess I should listen to you, i'm sorry Starbolt, it's just-" She cut herself off before continuing "Unicorn shouldn't have that much power, I didn't even know it was possible... He must... There has to be something different about him... I guess that's why I keep getting so upset when I am around him." She added.

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"It's okay. Sorry for snapping like that. Clover, Byron has a lot of magical power, but he never had the chance to practice it." She told Clover. "I see you are reading the teleportation book. Do you want to try teleportation?" She added.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Clover recalled what she was doing, which was reading the teleportation book. "Well, I was hoping to learn how to use it, I don't plan on using it for long distances, I want to use it for short distances like maybe 10 meters away or so.." She said while looking through the visualization and the preperation for post-teleportation.

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Asteria knew what Clover meant. She remembered that Byron wasn't really a pony. But, something in her gut said to keep quiet. Her gut rarely spoke to her, so it must have been important. "Yeah, me too. I already know a teleport spell that takes me back to my home town, but I want to get better with it. Hey, Starbolt, did you have a chat with Lapis yet?"


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Clover continued to study the book, she was already quite a few pages in, and she thought she was ready to do a simple spell now. She began visualization and it felt much easier than levitation to her for some strange reason, about half way through she opened her eyes, but instead of teleporting a few feet in front of her, she simply flipped herself upside down a few feet in the air, and landed on her head. "Oww... I guess that's why it said not to try it yet." She said to herself as she began to stand back up on all fours.

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"Are you okay." Starbolt said as she helped Clover stand. "That wasn't that bad." She said encouragingly.

"Yes, I've spoken with Lapis." She told Asteria.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"What did he say? When I told you to go see him, I'd forgotten what it was he wanted. Was it really important?" Asteria asked a bit wide eyed. She was coming to see Starbolt as an intelligent pony. And since Lapis was also, it had to of been something important. Smart ponies usually conferred to solve problems.


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Clover thanked Starbolt for helping her up, and proceeded to read the book again, not paying attention to what Asteria and her were talking about. Clover had originally planned on getting revenge on Byron, but now that that she thinks it's only because he has too much magic, she is thinking of other things to do.

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"We just talked about how to solve Byron's magical problem. Fae told me he is talking to Twilight so he should be okay." She said.

"You know I also am having difficulty with teleportation, that's why I needed that book." She told Clover smiling.

'You know Starbolt ever since I started helping you channel the spell you never had a miscast.' Fae told her.

"Yeah, thanks Fae, but I want to be able to cast it on my own." Starbolt replied.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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