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private Prison Break RP


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(OOC: color designations yay!)


Martin got to the cafeteria and ate his breakfast with Lionheart. He noticed Vinyl Blade talk with the big earth pony with a bunch of guards around him. Martin took note and the guards released them to the courtyard for a few minutes for morning yard time. Martin went over to Krystal and talked with her.

I think we may have a problem


That earth pony in high security. What do you know about him?

All I know is that he's the only other pony that has more guards around him than me.

I don't know anything about him. He must have done something really serious because any files that exist about him had to have been classified, even for me.

So what are we going to do about him?

I don't know. We've got to find out what he's up to first. But in the meantime we can finally get started on the plan.

Why's that?

Because we're on PI and PI is remodeling the guard's lounge over there. Martin pointed to a square building near the courtyard that couldn't have been more than one room big inside.

I know you're not going to give me a straight answer until were all over there so I'm not going to ask.

Martin smiled You know me too well, Krystal.

Edited by Krystal

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Luke began walking around the yard telling all the old members of PI that they were out, "WHAT, No way I am going out without a fight im telling the guards." said one pony. "Now now no one likes a tattle tail," Said Luke pulling out a shiv and placing it on the pony's throat. "Alright alright," Said the pony with his eyes open wide.

Something something something something


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Vinyl trotted outside to the yard and saw Martin talking to Krystal. She walked over to them and said, "Sorry to interrupt anything, but when are we going through with this plan of yours?"


Martin and Krystal both looked at Vinyl Blade As soon as work time begins. Krystal and I are on PI and we can get started today. I'll need to talk to Luke to get you and Sky on PI. He won't be happy about it but I'm sure he'll do it.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Back in his spot on the yard. Oh wow. Look at little Luke and how far hes come. Calling his boys over. We need to get this show on the road. But first i need to get out of lock down. How are you going to do that? I have my ways. Guard comes over. Hey yall get away from there. Unless you want to join him. Go on guys its cool. Warden wants to see you. Oh this should be good. In the wardens office. Surge. Warden. I have been reviewing your progress and behavior. And your case is being reviewed. This review will allow you to be moved to a normal cell. You will be treated as a normal inmate. Now dont make me regret this. Well thank you warden. Ill be sure to make you proud.

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Martin and Krystal both looked at Vinyl Blade As soon as work time begins. Krystal and I are on PI and we can get started today. I'll need to talk to Luke to get you and Sky on PI. He won't be happy about it but I'm sure he'll do it.


"Ok. Is there anything that you need me to do?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Sky sighed and instead of walking towards his corner he went straight towards Martin and Vinly Blade. "I have your meds" Sky said as he passed the meds too Martin. "Sorry about nearly killing you yesterday" Sky said quietly he knew that if he was g. oing to escape hed have to get on the good side of everypony.

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Once Luke had finished kicking people out of PI he walked over to where Sky Krystal Vinyl and Martin where talking,"Martin I thought I would sign everyone up for PI so we would have time to talk about the plan and such." He said.


(OOC. So Lets just pretend that I already know martins name, I forgot asked before )

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


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Thanks Martin said as he took the meds from Sky. He turned to Luke So now that it's just us in PI we can get started The guards announced that it was work time and all of the prisoners went to the labor areas of the prison. PI was assigned to remodel the guard's lounge just as Martin said. Their was no deadline for them to finish and they had full access to the tool shed as long as all tools were accounted for at the end of the day. The inside of the guard's lounge consisted of an old couch in the center on top of an old rug with an old TV (that probably couldn't get anything but static) on top of an old wooden table in front of the couch. There was a empty mini fridge in the corner. The floor was concrete and the walls were made of drywall and were starting to rot away from water damage.


(OOC: let's just pretend that Lionheart is following along and is part of the group in PI and such)

Edited by Krystal

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Okay, here's the deal: The guards won't care how long it takes us to finish this so we don't really have to do anything. But they'll get suspicious if they don't see any progress. So Lionheart Martin pointed to Lionheart You'll actually do some of the work that they want us to do. Take your time now. And the rest of us will work on the escape. Here's the plan: below us right now is the prison's main drainage pipes. They run straight underneath the infirmary until they get too small for anypony to be able to fit in it. The infirmary is the weakest link in the prison's security and the outer wall is close enough to throw something like a rope to it from the window. So while we're in here we need to dig a hole to the pipes. Martin grabbed a sledge hammer The guards will hear us hitting the concrete so don't remove the carpet. If we bash away at the ground through the carpet it will muffle the sound. He looked at the group There's not much else to say... Well then let's get started Krystal said while pushing the couch to the wall and grabbing a sledge hammer. She started to pound away at the ground. Martin was right, it was quiet, and she could feel that the concrete beneath the carpet was slowly starting to turn into rubble.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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It will leave a dent in the carpet and if the guards ever come in here they will see it so we will need something to cover it up with, He said pulling up the corner of the carpet and looking around the room, Did anypony see a board or something in the tool shed ? Asked luke. Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


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Back at the prison Surge is being moved early. Warden has ordered your transfer be moved to today. So get up and get your things. Oh goody. Now im going to have a friend to talk to. They get to the new cell. No one is home due to all the other ponies being on work time. Here we are. Your new cell. Good.....What can you tell about who lives here. I dont know much. I do know that a "blue pegasus" live in here. Thats all i know. Ha. i have a good feeling of who it is. You made sure all the paper work was legit right? Yea. All the papers show that you have been moved for health reasons. You make me proud son. When i get out of here it will just be me you and where ever our hooves take us. I cant wait dad. How are your escape plans going? Everything is perfect now. i just need you to do your part now and get me those things i need. Gotcha. Ill work on it. Locks the cell. Your cellmate should be back in shortly. The work shift is about to end soon.

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"So anypony here have any plans for when they get out?" Sky said as he grabbed a sledgehammer and began to help Krystal with the breaking of the floor. he then looked at Luke and said. "I think I saw a few"

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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" I plan on leaving the mob life and building a small house on the coast and start a fishing business or giving tours or something,

and Sky no hard feelings eh, I think that if we are escaping together than we should probably get any problems we have towards each other out of the way, And where did you see the boards ? " Asked Luke looking over at Sky.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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" I plan on leaving the mob life and building a small house on the coast and start a fishing business or giving tours or something,

and Sky no hard feelings eh, I think that if we are escaping together than we should probably get any problems we have towards each other out of the way, And where did you see the boards ? " Asked Luke looking over at Sky.


"I think I saw some near the back" Sky replied.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Maker made his way to PI.

Apparently they were remodeling the guards' lounge. It wasn't too much of an inconvenience, it just seemed a bit pointless. At least it was better than laundry or outside work.

Maker Was working on a wall. He was breaking down the rotting drywall there, and would then replace it with new drywall.

He listened to everyone else around him. He was really paranoid, especially in a prison.

He noticed the group of ponies that always seemed to be in the same place, and we're always talking to eachother. That's it. He knew it, they were definitely up to something by now. I mean, an earth pony, a unicorn, and a bunch of pegasi get along all of sudden? It was too suspicious.

Now, they were up to something, but Maker didn't know what. He didn't know if he should confront them or not.

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When Luke got back from getting the boards He stared into the corner of the room where he saw a pegasus putting drywall up, He dropped the boards on the ground staring at the pony. "Oi what the hell do you think you're doing here ?" He said looking at the pony.

Something something something something


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Work time ends, Martin goes to see the nurse just as he does every day after work time.


(fast forward to when everypony is going back to their cells for the night)


Lionheart had gotten to their cell before Martin and was laying on the bottom bunk. Martin entered the cell and checked outside to make sure that nopony would be coming since their cell doors haven't shut yet and they technically still have the freedom to roam the cellblock for the next ten minutes. Martin reached under his mattress and grabbed the bolt he shaped. He started to unscrew the screws that held the toilet to the wall.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Sky walked back into his cell and jumped onto the top bunk straight away he was pretty tired from smashing the ground so hard. But then he realised that there was a difference of water moisture in the air. "Someponys been in my cell" he thought to himself.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Just after Sky got in the bed Surge come around the corner. Hello roomy. As Surge let out a devious laugh. So tell me Sky. Did you miss me? Now if i remember right you use to have a cellmate. But you did not like him so much so you killed him right? As the cell door closes behind him Surge moves closer to the beds. Now what you dont know or maybe you did at the time, that was one of my boys. Now i was going to kill him anyway but then i got put on lock down. So first off i would like to thank you. Second if you ever kill one of my boy again i will take yours down one by one, starting with your higher ranks. And lastly i like your guts kid. What do you think about freedom?

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Sky swallowed hard for a moment. "Dam I hate having roommates especially this guy" Sky thought to himself. He then began to think about Razors question. "pffft, freedom is overated id rather stay here where I have a business" Sky lied.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Oh really now? Because i heard through the chain gang your planing an escape. Now i dont know if that sounds "overrated" to but i find that rather funny. Want to make this a game? As he sat down on his bunk.

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