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private It has begun

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The only way i know how to. Crushing one under his hoof. Burn this building to the ground. Save whatever food we can from here. Pushing bales of food out the store. Connor go check the other stores for more bugs. Sets a nest on fire. Some ponies just want to sit back and watch the world burn. Tosses a grenade in the store. Boom. The store explodes and as it is set a blaze. Burning parasprites fly and roll out of the store and fall to the ground turning to ash.

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Connor nods as he is handed some grenades. He has never used one of these, and he never intended to, but they needed to kill off the parasprites. Food was scarce enough as it was without those pests eating it all. Connor began to help out as best he could.

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lightning hearing the shouts of the men outside, "are we under attack?" she thought to herself

She knew the best thing to do was stay with the kids, she was left in charge and she intended to keep everyone from harm.

*starts calming the worried ponies.


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Stepping on the last bug he saw as it crawled out of the flames. Connor hows it going over there? I could use your help putting these fires out. Sees Dizzy running from out of the black night. Diehard we have movement by the outer gates. Diehard is wide eyed as he hears this. Damn it.They fallowed us here. Connor!!! Get what you can and take it back to the palace. Dizzy come with me. We are going to need weapons. And lots of em.

Edited by Razorwing58

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*Lightning hears more shouting from outside the hold.


She locks the door and tells the kids to take cover behind whatever was in the room


Someone starts running down the hall, then proceeds to bang on the door and fiddles with the knob


"YOUR NOT GETTING IN HERE!!!" Screamed lightning at the pony on the other side of the door

"it's me... conner" he said.


Lightning quickly unbolts the door.


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Dizzy is running back to the palace with a wagon full off weapon. All colts grab some weapons. All mares grab all the food and clothes you can. We are under attack!! Back down in the city I knew it only be a matter of time before they found me here. Sets explosive charges around the city. I always hopped i would never have to use these. As a figure comes out of the smoke. So....You thought you killed me off didn't ya?? But now this time i will make you wish you were dead.

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Dizzy storms into the palace "The City... Is being... Taken! he panted.


"What!?" lightning and connor both exclaimed


"we need to grab what we can and leave the city through the tunnels!" dizzy said as he turned to tell the others"


Lightning turns around and starts rounding up the fillies to be ready to run!

"Connor jason is over here!" she yelled over the screams to conner.


They both started after a group of soldiers with the kids and other pony survivors to the entrance of the tunnels.


the soldiers block off the tunnels after everyone makes it through.

"what do you think will happen to the soldiers and diehard?" lightning asked conner

"i don't know" he replied.




Diehard rallies the soldiers behind the 2nd defence gate

"no matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground!" he barked (LOTR Reference was so needed)


The soldiers and diehard waited, for what was about to come through that gate, was... unpredictable..

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Fire Force was preparing for battle, he closed his eyes and prayed for himself and his new friends to be safe. "I'm ready..." he thought to himself,"Do you know you know who or what is behind those gates?" he asked Diehard with a worried voice.


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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I think i do. I just hope its not what i think it is. Hope is for those who fear death. And you will pay for what you have done. Throws the head of his dead son at Diehards hooves. And in shock Diehard whispers one name as he looks at the head. The...King...

Back at the palace Dizzy locks down the whole palace and rounds up all the women and children and takes them to the catacombs. Quickly this way. The catacombs are the safest way out of the city. Just keep going till you see the words Underground. I still have one thing to do for Diehard Flashback Dizzy if we are ever under attack and im not here i need you to do something for me. First make sure everypony safely gets to the catacombs. Second go to my lab and pull the lever on the wall. It will show you a map of the city and where i placed explosive charges. Press the arm button. And lastly i need you to go to my study and get all my notes under Light the Darkness and bring them with you. Can you do that for me? Yes sir. I wont fail you.

So now that time has come.

Edited by Razorwing58

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In the catacombs, it was chaos, the screaming almost impossible to hear over now.

Parents scrambled to lightning and connor to find their children.


Each one was returned to their parents, but still the screaming didn't cease.


"well we must be getting close" lightning said as they saw the words etched into the cave "underground"


connor still struggling to keep jason from shaking himself apart.


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Back in the city the other men and Diehard hold their ground. Diehard is still shocked that this day has come. I cant believe this. I knew this day would come but not this soon. Whats the matter? Have you finally figured out who i am??? Dont fear im not going to kill you...yet. Im going to let THEM DO IT!!! A swarm of wastelanders flood in and over the city gates. Hold your ground! We will slowly make our way back to the palace. But for now WE FIGHT! YES SIR! Back at the palace Dizzy is doing as he was told. Ok. lever lever lever. Where is the lever.....Found it! Wall opens up to show a city map with light on it. Wow he was not joking. Button button button...Here we go. The whole map lights up in little red dots. Ok now to his study. Gets to the study and finds a room full of books and papers. How the hell am i suppose to find one set of notes in all this crap?!?! Looks to the left Oh here it is. Ok now to get to the catacombs. Back in the city Diehard and his army are falling back little by little. Sir we just lost our left flak! what should we do? Looks to where he put some bombs and sees they are armed. Good job Dizzy. Wait for my signal then run back to the palace. Throws some flash bang grenades. NOW! Do you think im going to let you get away that easily?? Grabs Diehards fake leg and rips it off. I will rip you apart for what you did. Run! Get to the catacombs!

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The dizzy and the men rush into the catacombs

"The city is taken!" one shouted

"we need to get out of here" another yelled


"where is diehard?" conner asked dizzy

"he's been captured... he's gone" he replied


"WHAT!? we have to go back for him" lightning exclaimed as she dashed for the exit only to be stopped by dizzy and conner

"you can't go out there" conner said

"there are thousands of them" dizzy added.


"there is nothing you can do" conner said.


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Looking at the hole in his chest where his arm use to be. Ohhh yes im going to have fun pulling you apart. Diehard shouts Right arm detonate! The arm explodes launching steel frags into the kings face. AHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!!Running as fast as he can back to the palace. Ok they all made it to the catacombs. Mister Diehard wait for me!!! Looks back to see the child he fixed up limping toward him. Just then he saw a changeling coming in to kill the child. Kid look out!!! As the child stood there frozen, Diehard jumps in front of him and is stabbed in the back. Run....kid... Killing the changeling he pulls the horn out and limps toward the child and picks him up. We are almost there. Yells at the door. OPEN THE DOOR!!!! ITS ME DIEHARD I HAVE A CHILD!!!

  • Brohoof 1

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Dizzy and fireforce go to the barred door and open it up and quickly bar it again once diehard is in.

"we need to get you medical aid stat!" dizizy said

"hang in there" fire force said


*Diehard passes out and is taken from the door to a corner of the cave where the medical supplies were on a wagon.

"Stand back!" a medic shouted.


The mother of the child rushes up to the kid.

"Why did you leave Lightning and Connor!?" she yelled, breaking into tears.

"i wanted to thank diehard... mom?" he said

"well..." she said, breathing in and sobbing "your safe that's all that matters.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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While fading in and out of consciousness is says. Long live the Underground.....A steel door drops down over the other, and the floor starts to descend deeper into the ground. And before he passes out for good. They will take the Sun city and bring forth a never ending darkness..................................

  • Brohoof 1

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*medics quickly tend to diehards wounds.

"even the best of us can fall" said lightning to dizzy who was standing there in disbelief.

"he'll pull through" dizzy said."he always does"


"So what do you think he meant by all of that underground business? " asked lightning to dizzy


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Well all i can think of is the Underground movement from the war. He told us he was in the Underground during the time of the two kingdoms. They had no side in the war.They just fought for the balance between the two kingdoms. And these catacombs was where they hid. My mother told me about it when i was younger. She said its an underground gem mine that goes from here to anywhere in all of Equestria. But for now we will stay here until he wakes up. Hes convulsing again! Im going to have to shock him. Using his magic to shock him. Clear!!! We're losing him! Clear!! Heart stabilizes. Ok we got him back. Lest close this hole up on his back. Ill have to make him a new arm as well. Its a good thing he ripped off the fake one and not his real one or he might be dead.
  • Brohoof 1

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"well i'll let you tend to him, your busy, but when he wakes up i have questions for him" said lightning

*lightning leaves dizzy and the medical team

rejoins conner and jason


"This is getting intense, we have to find out how we can end this feud and get rid of the wastelanders soon...or..."

"or what?"connor said

looking at jason, then to connor "...we may all perish".


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In diehards mind. Princesses! Why? Why would you do this to each other?

As the sun goes dark. And the moon goes black.

The sisters will fall and all will be black.

The sisters will fall and all will be black.

No you cant die on us. This is no suppose to happen this way.

The stars will fall. The world will go cold.

And all will freeze in the days of woe.

And all will freeze in the days of woe.

I dont understand what does it mean? What does this all Mean?!

Tossing and turning on his bed. As if he is having a bad dream.

Edited by Razorwing58

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(i'll use dizzy for this part)

*Diehard starts to wake up

"sir..." dizzy said

"how long have i been..."

"24 hrs sir" dizzy said.


*all the survivors begin to get restless,

"we need to move sir, the enemy will find us soon if we don't begin to continue" he said.


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Sits up on the bed. Ouch. This still hurts. Looking at the stitch on his back. Well its been a good minute since iv been down here. Im just happy the password still works. And why is it so dark down here? Did somepony forget to turn the light on? Shouts out. Light the Darkness! And the catacombs come to life. The gems in the walls, roof, and floor light up reveling a working army base. Good everything still works. Hey Stitch, is my new arm ready yet. Just got done with it. Its got some new tools in it as well. Stitch where would i be with out you. Puts on new arm. Ok.Everypony get some food in you and get some rest. We have a long trip ahead of us. Mister Diehard sir, have you seen my daddy? He did not come in yet, are we going to go back for him? Diehard looks down at the child and pick him up. Sigh. Your father was a brave colt you know that? But your father will not be joining us. He...sigh..He died fighting the wastelanders off. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs the child as he cries, then lets him go to his mother. If you look around a number of colts are missing. Some of your fathers, husbands, brothers,.....family died in battle to make sure you were safe. But i will tell you this. They will not have died in vain.

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*as the lights come on

"wooaaaah" everypony exclaimed in unison

*lightning goes to see diehard

"I heard you were awake diehard" she said "you feeling alright?"

"how long has this place been hidden down here?"

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Well Canterlot was built on top of these catacombs for the riches in the ground. Once the war broke out ponies who did not want to pick sides or fight at all ran and hide in caves that led down here. After me and my family moved here when our war ended we found ourselves in the middle of another war. And when we found this we set up our base and joined the war for peace. And the rest you know.

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"ya don't say" lightning said.

*conner joins the group

"what do we do now diehard?" said conner.

"are we gonna move out?" lightning said "we can't stay down here forever... they will get in... eventually"


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Well we can stay here forever, but it not the best thing to do. This is the real safe house. And we will be moving out in the morning. But for now i need you three to come and look at this. Pulls out a map. We are going here to what is now Fogsdale (cloudsdale has fallen to the ground over the years). My brother runs a safe house there. But there are a lot of Lunar troops that think the war is still going on. That is where we are going.
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