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private It has begun

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lightning"i remember cloudsdale when i was youner... that's a shame. the used to be my home."

connor "wait lunar troops?"

lightning"oh great that's just what i need to hear." (being an ex solar soldier and all)

"well i'm in if your in." lightning said to diehard and conner

conner looks at die hard "when do we move out?"


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Like i said in the morning. But there is something more important than that that i need to tell you. Do any of you recall what i said before i passed out? Thinking about the dream he had while he was passed out as well.

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"you said long live the underground" answered lightning.

"and something about taking the city and never ending darkness" connor pitched in

"what do you mean by all of this diehard?" lightning asked hoping to get some information out of him.


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The long live the underground was to bring us down here. But the second thing was a prophesy i decoded in these books and i think......I think i may have found a way to fix all of this. Its a long shot but its the only thing that i found that just might work.

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Fire Force was listening to their conversation, he was very tired after that recent battle with the Wastelanders."What is it Diehard? How can we help?" Fire Force asked in a weakened voice. He was desperate to know how to end this apocalyptic war.

Edited by RainbowDashLoyalty
  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Going through his notes

Well last night i had a dream. Well it was more of a nightterror. I re-saw the Princesses last moments, just as i saw it ten years ago. And i remember them saying this to me.

As the sun goes dark. And the moon goes black.

The sisters will fall and all will be black.

The sisters will fall and all will be black.

The stars will fall. The world will go cold.

And all will freeze in the days of woe.

And all will freeze in the days of woe.

And thats not even all of it. But this part that they said was in a book. Word for word just as they said it. But theres more in another book. Looks for the book and the notes but cant find it. Throwing the books and notes around. No. No. No! No! NO!!!!! Where the hell is it?!?!

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"What do you mean where is it!?" said lightning loud enough for everypony to hear her. "is it a necessity for us to continue with our plan diehard???" she asked with an authority about her like no other.


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Yea very!!! That book has the whole prophesy and the way to fix this whole thing. Ahhhhhhhggggggggggggg.....We have to go back. Its to important to leave behind. Its this worlds last hope. And in the wrong hooves things can get worse.

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Standing for a moment getting her wits about her lightning finally said "...Alright let's go get that book!"

"if it's out only hope, then I'm in this for every pony and all of Equestria." she declared "when do we head out?"


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Now. But first your going to need some gear. Diehard you cant go out there its suicide. You know the wastelanders have taken over the whole city and palace. Plus they almost killed you...twice. So why would you go back out there knowing whats out there? I dont like the way your questioning me Dizzy. And ill tell you this, if it weren't for your child standing there i would buck you in the chops for your lack of faith. Dizzy looks at Diehard in shock at what he said. Im......Im sorry sir. It..it wont happen again. Good because your coming too. So gear up and get ready. Edited by Razorwing58

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Fire force spoke up "what can i do to help?"

(borrow your character for on line razor)

"I need you to stay and guard these survivors because dizzy is coming with us" diehard answered

"I won't let you down" fire force said


"alright let's get this show on the road" said lightning haughtily


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Ok lets go. On the platform that brought them down. To the uprising. As the platform goes back up to the palace. Ok it sounds like things have died down. If i know their type they are eating the food and using my weapons for fun. And the king is siting on the throne. Pulls out map of the palace. Now we are here, and my study is over here. So if we take the back halls we should get there and back without being detected. You guys ready?

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"LETS DO THIS!!!" lightning said pumped and ready to go "So we get the book, and get back out, without being noticed?"

(LOL remembered rainbow dash episode, books + ninja)


"i guess it is pretty simple, so lets go"

  • Brohoof 1


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(lol did not see it that way till now ^_^ )

Dizzy shut the door and move quietly. As they make their way through the palace the pass a room full of wastlanders. Shhhhh. Points in the room. This way. It should be right around the corner. Here we go. Dizzy keep watch on the hall. Yes sir. Lighting help me find the book. Its called the Sun and Moon: Prophesy of Equestria

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browsing the entire wall on one side lightning said "it's not over here diehard, did you put it somewhere aside from the rest?"

*would really suck if a wastelander took it just adding that thought in there*


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This is not right. It should be right here under light the darkness. Scratches chin. Where did i put it? It should be right......here???? Finds a box in the books place with the initials UG:RW. What? Oh i know that little ass wipe did note. Opens the box and finds a letter. it reads. To whom it may concern and i mean you Diehard. I took the book of prophesy for safe keeping. Just in case some crazy shit goes down in your palace. Love your one and only brother Razorwing.

Long live the Underground.

Looking at the note and rips it apart. That little asshole. He took my book.

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"aw hell no" said lightning "i didn't know trolls were inhabitants of Equestria!!!"

"what are we going to do about this diehard? We do need that book otherwise we ALL die"


*dizzy still standing guard at the door.


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Dizzy looks down the hall and sees nothing. We are still in the clear out here Diehard. But looks up on the roof. Oh s*it! They know we're here. They are on the roof! We gota go now! Diehard and Lighting look up and see the swarm of changelings on the roof. Oh s*it! Run!!!!!!

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*Everyone running through the palace as the changelings pursue

"I thought that the changelings were banished for good." stated lightning.

"How did they get out?" questioned dizzy "celestia put them away."


*As they run they look back down the hall and they collide with lookalikes. now nobody knows who is who.

"who is who?" shouted a dizzy.

"me" lightning said

"no me" lightning also said.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Fire Force heard multiple voices outside the door, he was first confused then he instantly knew it was changelings taking over as he once encountered them before, it was hell. He couldn't bare to lose his friends, he decided to join them."Be safe everypony, I'll be back soon" he said to the survivors. He prepared to charge outside the door and see what kind of mess his friends are in and hoped to help.


"On three, I need you to open the door okay?" Fire Force said to one of the survivors standing near the door. "1...2...3!!!" The door opened and Fire Force flew straight the door in a blink of an eye, then flew down next to the hall seeing hundreds of Diehards, Dizzys and Lightings. He didn't want to be seen so he pretended to be a changeling until he passed to the other end of the hallway.

  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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"guys! it's me lightning!"

"no don't listen to that two faced loser I'm the real lightning!"

*how do i show them it's the real me thought lightning*

Then it his her

"Diehard if you can hear me i can prove i'm the real lightning!"


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Fire Force looks back and hears Lightning, "Lightning! If you can hear me, I'm gonna try and save you guys! Just hold on!" Fire Force knew that he lost his cover, and dove right in the crowd of changelings, not knowing who is who. He can already see the changelings changing into his body "This isn't good..." he thought to himself, now his chances of saving the real ponies have dropped dramatically. It was like a mosh-pit, everything has shaking and getting knocked over, a lot of ponies had cuts and were bleeding. But something was strange about the changelings blood...it was green, Fire Force was the only pony in the crowd who was bleeding red, he thought that if he could see anypony who was bleeding red or anything that isn't unusual to a normal ponies body, he could find the real Lightning and everypony else.

Edited by RainbowDashLoyalty
  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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As they were surrounded by the mob of changelings Get back to back now. I know how to tell who's who's. As they all get back to back he hands them a pill. This will up your natural scent so we will be able to smell each other. Now charge the door. Tossing a grande. Run and only kill the ones in the way. Clear a path.

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Ahhhh buck not you again. Keep running! Tossing another grenade behind them. You may have got away from me once, but this time your mine. As a hand reaches out for Diehard Oh no you dont. Stabbing the middle of the hand. You got my leg once, and you never will again. Cutting the hand open and stuffing a grenade in it. Ahhhhhhh! What did you do? Hand is blown off. AHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An arm for an arm. As they continue to cut through the changeling mob they see the door. Look we're almost there. Dizzy is then tripped up and swarmed by changelings. Just go ill be fine. Killing a few before they form a pile on him. You damn fiends! Get off of me! Feeling his body being cut as hes pulled to the ground he lets out a powerful burst of magic. I......Said....Get......OFF!!!!!!!! Wounded and out of breath he tries his best to run. Dizzy come on! We're at the door let go! Running and limping as fast as he can. Im coming.......I can make it......I got to make it.....For my little girl. Just then a changeling jumps in front of him. I said stay out of my way. As he swung his blade at it it changed into his mother. Stopping before making contact. M.....m....Mother? Dizzy is then stabbed by it. But.....why???? As Dizzy falls to the floor. Damn it get him out of there!!!! Diehard rushes and kills the changeling and picks up dizzy. Your a real dumb ass if you would fall for a trick like that. Runs back through the door and says the password. Why mother..........why would you do that............Coughing up blood. Why........... Ahhhhh s*it we're losing him.

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