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private It has begun

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A dark figure can be seen through the doorway

Light escaped him except his main which shone with literally the intensity of the stars.


as he steps forward the figure reveals a blue Pegasus named nova


"hello again diehard" nova said sneering "my my your motive has changed since we last met hasn't it?"

"we all know there is no prophecy diehard..."


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Hey Diehard you remember Nova right? Lunar army, stealth flyer, ect you remember right. Diehard just stood there shocked. I thought you were dead. I remember hearing the Solar army had you exactitude.

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"well your not the only one who can elude death more than once diehard

but some of us... don't need to" nova said with a grin.


he takes a few steps forward


"you see diehard... i can't let you destroy our city... my people thrive here, and we know that the prophecy won't ever come true."

he said smugly "so why don't you just give up?"


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Takes a breath. Why dont i give up? Because giving up is not in my nature. Giving up is not in my name. Giving up is something that i just dont BUCKING DO! I know there is a slim chance this wont work but i dont care! I dont care if its just a fools dream. Im not going to watch my home die again! And you of all ponies Razor should feel the same way. Oh yea! Why should i? I got everything i ever wanted here. So why would i change that? So you really have everything you ever wanted? So thats how you feel then?What about Blossom Bloom? And i guess mom and dad died in vain too then. And to you Nova. I could give two shits about these ponies here. Walking out of the bar. Because if you had faith like me, you wouldn't except your death so easily. Maybe thats why they named me diehard and not you Razor. Fuck you Diehard. And im leaving these survivors in your care till i get back. Razor looks at his brother as he walks off and starts to think. Diehard goes to the cloud graveyard and finds Lighting there. Do you mind if i join you?

Edited by Razorwing58
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Fire Force saw Lighting looking depressed, "It's okay Lighting, I'm sure they'll be proud of you when we end this." Fire Force said to try a cheer her up. He knew how she felt, losing loved ones, he flash-backed to when he saw his best friend get taken away from a soldier during the war. It was a painful thought.

Edited by RainbowDashLoyalty


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(she lol one of many OC's)


Lightning tried to give a pained smile "yeah... they will be "

looking back at the graves then back to diehard and fireforce

"so i guess it didn't work out so well with you guys?" she said through her teary eyes, trying to work a bit of humor in there.

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My brother will come around. He says im wasting my time. That the prophesy is not real. but thats because we have been through a lot to find this info. For you see Walks over to two graves we lost our mother and father as well.

Head stones read

Here lies Surge. Father, Husband, Leader, Friend

Here lies Windscar. Mother, Wife, Fighter, Lover

And this one means the most to my brother.

Here lies Blossom Bloom. My Light in the Darkness

We have all lost something or somepony we loved. And thats why i fight to bring this world back, and everything we lost in it. Because i lost everything my world stood for.

Here lies Heartstich. Till we meet again my love. I will wait for you Diehard

Here lies Hardheart. You will always be Daddy's little girl. Till we meet again Daddyhard.

As tears roll down Diehards face

I will fix this and bring them back. I promise. I gave them my word. I will save the world and get my family back.

Now i see why you fight.

Edited by Razorwing58
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the group looks through the tears in their eyes and sees razor at the entrance to the cemetery...

"Did you come over here to get us while we are down razor?" lightning asked him, practically gnashing her teeth.


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Pulls a book out of his sack. No. I came to give you this. I had to check myself after you left brother. And i remembered why i use to fight. I remember why we traveled all over the world to find the truth. And who am i to stop you from saving the world. Thanks brother. I will not fail you....or our families. Razor goes to Blossom Blooms grave. I miss you so much Blossom. I could really use you here with me right now. I need you to light my darkness.
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"There's also another problem" stated Fire Force "What are we going to do with Nova? He won't give up Fogsdale so easily..." he said. He was hoping that everypony would leave when we tell them whats going on, but nothing is ever that easy. "Do you have a plan Diehard"?


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As they walk back to the bar. I have somewhat of a plan i just hope it works. They see that ponies outside were lining the streets around them. As they get to the bar they see a gang of ponies and Nova standing in front of it. Nova what are you doing?

Well Diehard i see you got your book back. So now what? You going to destroy the only place we can call home? Me and the other guys here dont like that. Other ponies start to surround them. We have made a living here and you will not take that away from us. We have a place to call home now and you want to take that from us??And plus you have the nerve to bring a Solar troop in to my town. Pointing his hoof at Lighting. You have just been bucking up my whole day Diehard. As the surrounding ponies move in closer they can see that they all have on some kind of Lunar armor. In a slightly crazed voice. The sun and moon may have gone dark. But the black moon is called a new moon. THE NEW MOON SHINES FOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC!!!! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!! As the other ponies charge the group. I did not want to have to fight here but it looks like we have to now.. GO!!!

In Diehards mind. And they will clash in the clouds for what is right. Their blood will shed only for the moon to fall again. Then in the mist of the fight a roaring boom will silence the night. And just like the kingdoms before, the cloud city shall be no more.

Edited by Razorwing58
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"I'm sorry for this mom and dad..." lightning thought as she stood fast on her ground.

A pony a little larger than herself began to approach. She gave him the first blow

He looked at her dumbfounded.

*a moment passes and they began rapidly exchanging attacks and blocking them with equal ferocity.

Lightning gets a clean hoof to the pony's temple and he drops.


"Whose next!?" she yelled

three more ponies begin to approach her


*she looks to the left and sees that diehard is preoccupied with his brother

"Fire force... a little help? " she called out.

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As Fire Force called for help, more ponies were trying to pile up on him. "Get off me!" he yelled out with anger as one of them tried to pick him up, then he flew straight up to shake him off, then he flew down with great speed, knocking down a pile of those thugs. He looks back to see more ponies charging at him, he had to be defensive, so he used his agility and speed to dodge all their attacks and objects getting thrown at him. "How long will this last?!" he yelled out.

  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Diehard knew that blood would be spilled today. As much as he did not want to kill anymore he had to. I dont want to kill any of you. And i wont. Im just going to leave you in a world of pain. With every attacking pony he cut near their major vanes, sliced the wings off the pegasus, and broke the horns off the unicorns. Diehard looks at Nova as he stands and watches, and then mumbles Their blood is on your hooves. As he cuts one of their horns off. But back at the graveyard Razor sits and looks at Blossom's grave. I wish you were still here to light my darkness. Hears a voice in the fog. So what now Razor? Are you going to give up on me? Blossom!? You have the power to fix this and bring us all back, dont you want that Razor? Where are you Blossom? I need you to help me! Sees a vision of Blossom. You are one of the chosen ones to save the world. But i dont know if i can do it. Your brother and his friends cant do this alone. This your destiny. To be a hero. But i cant. Im just not strong enough. Blossom lifts his head and kisses him. And as she fades away. And they will clash in the clouds for what is right. Their blood will shed only for the moon to fall again. Then in the mist of the fight a roaring boom will silence the night. And just like the kingdoms before, the cloud city shall be no more. Light the Darkness Razor. As i once did for you my love. A tear fell from Razors eye. He could hear the fighting in the city. Then he knew what he had to do. Thank you Blossom. I love you. Razor flies as fast as he can to the help his brother. As he said in his mind. And they will clash in the clouds for what is right. Their blood will shed only for the moon to fall again. Then in the mist of the fight a roaring boom will silence the night. And just like the kingdoms before, the cloud city shall be no more.

Edited by Razorwing58
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Lightning saw fire force take to the air

"well why didn't i think of that?" she said as she took flight to help fireforce in the combat.

other Pegasus took to the air to meet up with the two.

"oh it is on" lightning said

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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As Diehard stayed grounded and fought the other earth ponies as Lightning and Fire Force went skyward he began to get piled on. Get off....of....ME!!!!! Just then Diehard went Deathdealer and had no mercy for no pony. YOU FORCED MY HAND NOVA! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! Nova still sat and watched as the new blood lusting pony killed off his men. But then something in the distance caught Novas eye. I know thats not what i think it is. Razor was speeding right at Nova. You have clouded my mind for the last time Nova! Flies right into Nova and takes him to the upper atmosphere. The air was freezing, as they could see ice forming on their wings. Lets end this Nova! Fillies first.

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"razor!!!" nova shouted "What do you think your doing!??"

"don't you realize we will both be killed???"

"stand down now!!! that's an order!!!" he screamed as he slammed his hoof into the side of razor's head.


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Recovering from the hit and darting at Nova. Im doing whats right. Im doing what i should have done in the first place. Puts Nova in a wing lock. Im fighting for what i believe in. And even if we both die i will for fill my half of the prophesy. Flies to the highest altitude that he could. Razor took them so high that they saw the true night sky and stars just as they were ten years ago. Then he dives down through the clouds flying at his maximum speed. I may die doing this but ill be taking you WITH ME!!!! At that moment Razor did the Sonic War Boom. This is the end for both of us!!

Edited by Razorwing58

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Lightning and fire force look up after an explosion was heard above,

She saw nova and razor wing falling at incredible speed towards the ground

"No..." lightning and fire force said

lightning turns to diehard

"Diehard!" she shouted "your brother!!!" as she points to the 2 falling ponies in the background.


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Diehard looked to where the boom had come from and saw Razor in a wing dive with Nova. Hes going to do it. Hes going to do whats right. Diehard runs to the bar to get Dizzy and the other refugees. Come quick! We have to get you out of here NOW! As they run out of the bar Razor gets closer to the ground. This the end for us Nova. As they hit the ground a great explosion ripped a hole in the cloud city and created a crater in the ground. In doing so the clouds started to evaporate into the ground. The rainbow factory turned into a black river. The buildings began to settle on the earth. In faint voices. Razor.....you....idiot........Nova blacks out.Razor looks to the sky at the hole he ripped in the clouds. And he can see the sky and what it use to be.

And they will clash in the clouds for what is right.........

Their blood will shed only for the moon to fall again...........

Then in the mist of the fight a roaring boom will silence the night..........

And just like the kingdoms before, the cloud city shall be no more...........

Diehard ran to the hole where his brother was. Razor!!!! Razorwing!!! Razor are you ok?? Holding Razor in his arms. Razor you did it. You did it razor. Now we can finish this....together...just like we said we would. Razor looks to his brother and speaks in a faint voice. Oh dear brother of mine.....we may have done it....but his is where my story ends. Coughs up blood. I have for fill my part of the prophesy.....and now...you must finish it. Tears start to roll down Diehards face. No. Dont you leave me here on my own. We were going to do this together. You said we would save the world as brothers. I cant do this without you Razor. Razor puts his hoof on Diehards face. Oh come on man...you cry to much....ha..ha...ha. Coughing up blood again and starts to cry as well. You can do this Diehard.....You can save the world...I believe in you. Holding his hoof to the sky as the clouds close up. We all believe in you......Light......The....Darkness..........And as Razorwing said his last words the life faded from his body and his hoof fell to the floor. Diehard was stunned. Everything around him went silent and time stood still. His brother had died in his arms. He calls out to his brothers lifeless body. Razor?....Razor??....No no no no no no Razor get up......Wake up Razor.....Get up Razor.....Razor...Razor!!! Razor!!!!!! Razorwing wake up!!!! As he yells into the sky. RAZOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A piece of paper falls from the sky and lands on Diehards face. He looks at the paper

It reads:

And the flyer will fall from the sky with great power and speed destroying the cloud city.

But just as he fell from the sky he will willingly sacrifice his life.

Dear brother,

I kept this from you all of these years because i knew if you knew you would never have let me do it. We are in this to save the world at any cost. So it is with much love that i hide the truth from you. But it is for the betterment of the world. Light the Darkness Diehard. You are our last hope.

Much love from your one and only brother, Razorwing

As Diehard finished the letter he drops his head an looks at his brothers corps. Why Razor? Why?....I Will fix this and get you back.

Just then Nova woke back up. Now.....do you see......why i said......this is.......foolish? As he pulls himself from the dirt.

Edited by Razorwing58

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"like i said earlier diehard... you can't win, and there is only one thing i can't do... die" nova said to diehard sneering.

"you see what this has cost you diehard? everything, you are now completely alone in this world."


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Diehard sit and begins to get in-raged as Nova talks. How dare you. You think you know everything about life and death? Stands up and shuts his brothers eyes. I may be all alone in this world now, but you want to know something? Now there is Nothing that can hold me back. Diehard begins to change into Deathdealer(DD). And you know something Nova.....My brother may not have been able to kill you.......BUT I CAN!!!! Runs and pins Nova to the ground. You will pay for all the pain you have caused me! Nova tries to fly away but DD pulls his wings down and stabs them with a blade to the ground. Now you cant fly away. DD proceeds to punch Nova in the face and furiously beats his body. You have taken everything from and you dare mock my brother!!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU NOVA!!!! As DD was about to finish Nova....Take all my love, my anger, and all my sadness!!!! AHHHHHGGGGGG!!!! Lighting and Fire Force grab Diehards arm and stop him. And Lighting says. Its not worth it.

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"Diehard you're better than this!!!" shouted lightning "He doesn't have anything to lose, we've already won. Let his memories be the source of his suffering..."

"come on diehard!!" fire force pleaded.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Diehard starts to calm down. You will live for now Nova. But if you ever cross me again. I will kill you. Diehard pulls the knives out of Nova's wings and walks over to his brothers corps. I will give you a proper burial. Puts Razorwing on his back and takes them outside the city. This looks like a good place. As he puts his brother down he sees eight stones in a line. Whats this? Walks over to them and sees that they are tombstones. Each one had a name on it.

Flare Flash,Thunder Flash, Surge, Windscar, Heartstich, Hardheart, Blossom Bloom, and the last one had a note on it

I knew you would give me a proper burial. So i went ahead and dug my own cause i knew this was going to happen. And i brought the others with me and gave them new graves due to the fact that Cloudsdale is gone now. But i want to thank you brother for doing the right thing and showing me the light.. Much love from beyond the grave Razorwing. The last grave : Razorwing

Diehard started to cry again but out of happiness. Razor you fool. Ha, only you would would think of something like this and dig your own grave. After he buried his brother and payed his respects he looked in the book of prophesy and found something that Razor pointed. What is this???? With a smirk on his face. Razor you little asshole. Haha. Love you Razorwing. As he runs back to town to find the others. Guys! Guys! You wont believe what i found!

Edited by Razorwing58

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