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Thunder could see dizzy poking his head around the door.

"what are you doing dizzy?" thunder asked

Dizzy motioned for him to come over, and gestured towards the group

"what are they saying?" thunder asked

dizzy shrugged

All that could be heard was muffled chatter

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Dieheart looked as the other mares blushed a bit. So what do you girls think? I mean i know this is just my new body talking but he does look awfully good. Just look at him, those big wings, those strong bucking legs, that strong face, and his soft warm coat. Mmmmmmm he just feels so good. Derpy and Flower look at Dieheart as she hugs herself and talks about Thunder. I mean even when he was a mare i had never met a girl with that much fight in her. She....made me think of my wife.....and now he makes me think about......the old me. Derpy puts her wing over Dieheart. Its ok muffin. But you do have a point, he is good looking. Dieheart and Flower look at Derpy wide eyed. What? I am a lady too you know. And lets just say i would do some things to him that you girls wish you knew how to do. When he confronted me earlier i was just so........mmmmmmmmm.........I just wanted him to take me there. Whoa now Derpy, there are young mares in the room. But now that you mention it, i would not mind letting Thunder take my new body for a spin. What about you Flower? Flower was just siting there trying to hid her blushing face. Just then the conductor came on the intercom. We will be in Appleloosa in 30min's. 30 min's we will reach Appleloosa. Dizzy and Thunder's faces were shrunken at what they were hearing. Dizzy looks at Thunder and whispers. Dude. My mom is a cougar for you.

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Thunder turned to dizzy, "I can't believe i didn't notice this before" thunder said grinning "i mean... i had my suspicions... but this changes everything dizzy"

Dizzy just stares in disbelief... "my.... mom...and..... oh my"

Thunder chuckled at dizzy.

"oh, well we will just have to see how this plays out" thunder said smugly.

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Dizzy just looks at Thunder. Dude man. You cant do that to my mom man. Thats not cool. Now im cool with Deiheart and Flower liking you but my mother is a no no man. Come on man. Colt bor to clot bor promise me you wont fall for my mother. Because she has her ways when she wants to put it on somepony. Promise me you wont fall victim to her whiles. Looking into Thunders eyes

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"promise man... don't worry i just think it's funny" thunder said to dizzy "but the two on the other hoof... well we will see."

As the two kept eavesdropping the conductor walked in and announced the arrival time.

We should get back in our seats soon before we arrive...

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As Fire Flower was trying to hide her blushing face, she started to talk "Well...I sorta did have this thing for Lightning when I first met her, but now I just feel so relaxed near him. I mean just look at his perfect body, it's just like every colt's dream. That posionjoke sure did a good job at making him a mare." She paused for a second after describing her feelings for Thunder and started to speak in a loud voice "Hey! After we get cured Dieheart, we must promise not to speak about any of this! Understand?" Her cheeks turned bright red and looked away.

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Flame slowly awoke hearing voices from the coach next door, Something about liking somepony and something about someponies... mom. What the buck are they talking about. Flame thought, Putting his ear to the door. Heh heh it almost sounds like those pony's have turned into the opposite gender.... Oh my dear gentle Celestia... can I still say that ? Flame Thought listening to the ponies conversation.

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Derpy and Dieheart nod at Flower. Of course. What happens between mares, stays between mares. Yea and i would hope you do the same for me. Hey lets go get the guys and let them know its almost time to go. Ill go find Dizzy and see if i can find that little Flame muffin too. Dieheart and Flower raised an eyebrow. ok....you do that.

Dizzy and Thunder. Dude we need to act like we are just walking in.

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As thunder and dizzy walk into the cab, dizzy walks out of the cab.

Thunder and dizzy take their seats again

"we were just uh... checking our luggage again, making sure they didn't get messed with a second time." thunder said bluntly.

The two mares were looking around the room avoiding eye contact...

"are you two alright?" thunder asked...

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Oh yea we're cool. Everything is just fine. The two mares look at each other and laugh. So was all of our stuff ok? Looking at Thunder and all his definition. Well as long as we have some time why dont you come sit next to us Thunder. Flower and Dieheart patting the seat in between the two of them.


Dizzy found his mom looking for that blue pony from earlier. Mom you ok in here? Oh yes. Im just looking for that little blue muffin i was talking to a moment ago.

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Thunder made his way over to his seat between the two mares "Yeah, i did hear correctly" he thought as he sat down.

The two studied him, he pretended not to notice.

"yeah our stuff was fine, it's all accounted for, right dizzy?" thunder said with a wink to dizzy.

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Dieheart leans back on Thunder for a while. This has been one crazy month. All the fights and moving from place to place. And then the past ten years have not been easy either. The loss of our homes, family, princesses, everything but we are still going strong. Maybe after all this is over we can all become one big family. Me, you, Flower, Dizzy, Derpy, everypony. We can start a new Ponyvill and a new Equestria. That would be great. (sigh) Just great. As she settles into shoulder.

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As dieheart leaned on him he felt like a chair, in a good way.

"family..." thunder thought to himself "it's been over a decade since i have seen mine... i've almost forgotten what that was like"

he stared lazily into space and daydreamed of his family and a new equestria.

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While Thunder was daydreaming, Fire Flower looked at his face and she dozed off into his eyes. Her heart was racing, everything in her mind was blank except her thoughts for Thunder, she felt so lucky just to sit next to him, "It's okay Thunder, we're all here for you" she said happily, she then lays on Thunders back.

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Derpy and Dizzy had found the little blue pony off on his own in the next cart. What seem to be the matter my muffin? Yea kid are you ok?


Back in the other cart the three daydreaming ponies just sat in thought. Then they felt a big thud from the outside. They all jump out of their seats. Whats going on!? The conductor. Remain in you carts we are just being....................OH NO! OH GOD NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME! STAY BACK! HEY LET ME GO! GET YOUR HOOVES OFF OF ME! PUT HIM IN THE FIRE! NO NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAHG! They all horrified at what they just heard. What the hell is going on? They look out the window. Oh no. Shadow Bison! As they train rocks back and forth on the track. They're trying to tip us over!

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Oh hello, Yea i'm fine... I just... Flame stopped half way threw his sentence to listen to the conductor. Oh no. He said standing up and looking out the small window at all the bison, And then they smashed into the cart for a second time causing Flame to lose his balance and fall to the floor.
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Thunder was flung from the seat and to the aisle...

As for the two sleeping mares... they got a surprise wake up call. Everyone was shaken violently.

"I need to get derpy and dizzy" he thought

he tried to make his way to the cab upfront as the train was hit a second time, this time, was more violent than the first...

Thunder smashed into the wall.

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As the train was hit again. Just then the two carts broke apart from each other. DIZZY! DERPY! Oh buck the trains broke apart. And the Bison are tilling the other cart. We have to go back for them. We cant. We're almost to the town. We will get some help there. Ok mom. In thought. We will find you. The cart starts to slow down and tips even more. Oh no were going to flip over. As the cart jumps off the track the three are dazed. Oh man my head. Are you guys ok. As they get up and walk out the train they see they are surrounded by shadow bison. Oh buck.

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Flame lay on the ground, Everything was spinning around him, He felt a sudden jolt the cart behind them had been unhooked and had toppled over. Oh No. We gotta do something, We can fly over and help them. He said trying to stand up. Wait a second. Why am I trying to help them ? I don't even know them. He thought, Managing to get to his feet.

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thunder, dieheart, and fire flower stand up to face their last moments...

"alright, if it has to end like this, we might as well go out with a bang"thunder said as he finally gained his wits.

His right wing was in a lot of pain, but he managed to get over it.

The bison stepped in closer...

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"We're not going to die like this, we can take them on together!" Fire Flower's left leg was in pain and she has a big headache from the train crash, as the bison stepped in closer, she looked at Thunder and Dieheart then back at the bison and took her fighting position.
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Before the first blow was dealt the ground vibrated

"what was that!?" asked thunder

It happened again.. this time more violently

"seriously is it just me or?"

The ground now quaked and a large dark figure could be seen rising over the heads of the bison that encircled them.

Thunder looked to the two mares

"We gotta run!" he shouted to them.

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Flame stared at the beast that had risen from the ground. Is that a...a....an Ersa Major He asked staring at the monster. Wait a second,The conductor has been killed... So who is going to stop the train when we get to Appleloosa ? Flame stared at Derpy and Dizzy.

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Dizzy and Derpy looked at each other and forgotten about the conductors death. Oh crap! As they run to the front cart they see the conductors body still in the fieriness. They looked around for they break, but to no avail. I think i found the break. Its broken tho. This is not good. If the train keeps going we're going to crash into the city.


As the Ursa stood up the bison looked at it and started to fight with it. With each swing of its paw it took out more and more bison. As Thunder and Fire Flower took advantage of the Ursa attack to get away, Dieheart stayed till the fight was over. After a few minutes the bison took their wounded and fled. Dieheart stood there looking at the Ursa. It looked back down at her and roared in her face. Thunder and Flower thought it was going to eat her. They ran back as fast as they could. Just then the Ursa swung its paw at Dieheart picking her up. Holding her to his face he growled at her as they locked eyes. Thunder and Flower did not know what to do. Just then the Ursa opened its mouth and looked as if it were going to eat DH. Just as things started to look grim it licked its tongue and licked DH. SHADOW! ITS YOU! DH hugged the Ursa's face. I thought i would never see you again.

Edited by Razorwing
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Flame followed Dizzy and Derpy too front cart. We gotta get of this train. He said staring at the broken leaver that controlled the brakes.

He looked out the window and could just make out Appleloosa on the horizon. We'll be at Appleloosa in a couple minutes. Flame turned around and started running to the back of the train.

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