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Thunder held back his laughter... just barely.

He didn't want to know what he now owed her, but knowing Dieheart... it could be anything...

As she started to leave thunder said "Good luck"

As she left the scene thunder turned back to fire flower

"ouch flower..." he said with a big ole smile

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The guard looked at the mare as she walked in. Well miss how can i help you? Well....its my little brother ya'see. Hes been missing for some time now. And i just dont know what to do. Hes all i have left, after our mother and father died a few years back. Can you help me? Sure miss. Whats his name? Razor. Razor Wing. Hes a pegasus. He has a maroon and black coat with stripes. Ok anything else? Yes his main and tail are in a spiked formation. Ok......is this what he looks like? Showing her the sketch of her brother made her tear up. Are you ok miss? She leans in his chest as she cries. Its just that......it looks just like him.....Its been so long since iv seen him. Will you do whatever you can to find him? Placing his hoof on her back. Ill do everything i can to find him miss. Thank you sir. How can i ever repay you? Looking at Flame and winks at him.

Edited by Diehard
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Thunder and Flower watched in amusement.

"She's a real pro ain't she?" said thunder with a smile

They sneaked around the receiving department without any detection.

"so far so good" he said to flower who was following closely behind.

He could see the holding area now... and there was the troublesome blue pony they were looking for.


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Flower and Thunder turned their heads and looked at Flame "There he is!" she said with a small voice. "Let's get you outta here while we can, okay?" she started to get nervous as another guard was coming closer to their position. "Hurry up before you get caught!" she whispered over to Flame Dancer.


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Back in the Breach at Anima's citadel. Why is this not working!!! I have the both of you. I know what i need to do. But why is it not working?? Picking up Flare and Nova. The two of you must be doing something wrong. What are you not telling me about this spell?

Im not telling you a damn thing. I would rather die than help you bring the hell on earth your planing. Anima throws Nova at the wall. Thats.....kill me....and you will never.....find out how to do it the right way. Flare goes down to her brother to see if hes hurt. Put them back in their cage. Ill find a way to remake this world. Even if i have to kill you two to do so.


(OOC: feel free to talk for Nova and Flare in the next post)

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Thunder walked up to the bars.

"don't worry bud, we'll get you outta here." he said to flame, but as he looked to the bars he realized there would be a problem...

He turned to Flower "ummm... there is a slight issue" he said "we need a key." *facehoof*

He lookeed down the hall and saw a key hanging on a hook, but there was a guard near it, luckily his focus was elsewhere...

"I'm going for it."



He woke up after blacking out when he hit the wall.

"ungh..." he said all glarbled.

Anima stood acrossed from him now holding Flare. He was yelling something at her but he realized he couldn't hear, his ears were ringing...

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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The guard heard something in the back gong on. Whats going on back there? He pushes DH to the side. She had to think of something quick. Grabbing his hoof. It was probably a mouse. But sir i have also been very lonely lately. Could you maybe keep me company tonight. The guard raised an eye at the mare. He looked back in the room and back at her. Well he is the only one in here. And hes not going anywhere and time soon. But i guess i could keep a lady as yourself some company for the night. You can stay the night with me. Come on my shift is about to end. Why thank you sir. Your so kind. Looking in the back room. You guys need to get him out of here tonight. Kill the other guard if needed. But dont get too crazy ok. And i will say this. If i have to do "anything" with this guy, the two of you will be in such a world of hurt. Walking out the door with the guard. So where are we going first?


Anima was yelling at Flare..... Why do the two of you continue to anger me? Your going to die after this anyway. But you will me more memorable if you do it my way. I would never do such a thing. I have held out this long and i can wait even longer. Squeezing her a little bit. You and you brother are really pissing me off. I have not tried to kill the both of you for a reason. But if thats what it must come to....then so be it. Throwing her next to her brother.

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Thunder snuck over to the keys bumping a bin on the way.

He froze... but the other guards didn't seem to notice... He grabbed the keys and slid them over to Fire Flower.

"think fast" he whispered to her.

Then the guard in the room started to shift around, he could wake up.


(Diehard... I feel bad for that Guard you just took with you, I don't want to even know what you have in plan, but knowing you... He's a gonner. ^^ )

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The guard takes DH to his place. Its not much but i keep it looking nice. Everything went to hell after the Dark Freeze started. Tell me about it. Iv lost so much over the last two years. Sometimes......its just to much. Its more than a mare can take. Leans against him.

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Thunder and Fire Flower unlocked the cell containing Flame Dancer.

"We need to move now!" thunder said loudly as he could hear some hoofsteps coming downt the hall.

They made there way to the exit, so far so good.

"Where is Dieheart!?" thunder asked, we need her and we need to get out of this town before our faces are the most wanted in town.

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"I think the guard took her to his place" Flower answered, "Should we go get her? She might be in trouble and go to jail, or even worse" bad thoughts were flowing through Flower's mind."C'mon, we've got Flame, now let's get outta here!" she said, but it's easier said than done with all the guards walking around.
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"I agree, we should head out before all of us get caught." he said in reply "I think she is capable of handling herself...we'll wait at the forest on the edge of town, if she hasn't found us by tomorrow, we'll come and find her." he said as he started to trot towards a nearby alley,

"This way" he motioned for the two to join him, and they started to sneak their way out of town.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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Its alright miss. Can i get you anything to drink? Oh yes please. Whatever you have will be nice. Ok ill be back. Walks in the kitchen. So what did you say your name was? My name is Dieheart. Im not from around here. Is that so. *slips something in drink* Is that so? Swirling the mix in her drink. Here you go. Thank you *drinks it* Its been a long time since iv seen my own home. With it being destroyed and all. You dont say.*waiting for drink to take effect* So how do you feel? Now that you say something about it.....i do feel.....a lil......*blacks out* I got your right where i want you. Maybe i can get that bounty now. As he ties her to a chair. Dizzy and Derpy looked in a window and saw what happened. Mom we have to help her. You go and find the others. Im going stay here and keep an eye on her.....Ok be safe Dizzy. Flies off to find the others. She sees some ponies running out of town. Thunder! Thunder wait! Dieheart....whatever.....I know who you are Diehard. And i know what you've done to this world. I know quite a few royals who would pay well for you. But they are looking for a colt. No wounder they couldn't find you. How clever of you. *pulls out a needle with the poison joke cure* That should do it. Dieheart changes back into Diehard. Edited by Diehard
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Thunder could hear his name being shouted out. He was about to run when he saw it was a frantic Derpy trying to get his attention.

He motioned for her to come meet him and flower behind a building.

"What is it derpy!?" thunder asked frantically, waiting for derpy to catch her breath.


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Derpy lands next to Thunder. Its DH. The guard is a bounty hunter. He drugged her...i mean him...Oh and he changed her back into a colt. He has a cure for the poison joke. Hurry he really needs our help.


Back at the guards house Dizzy watches him. What the hell did he use to put DH out like that? And whats he doing now? The guard gets on a radio. Yea i got something that you might like. What is it this time? You know i have grown tired of you. I know but this time i have something good. What if i told you i had Diehard in my house right? I would say whats your price?

Oh buck they are going to turn DH in. But what did he do?

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Wait wait wait... Dieheart is a colt now ? and why is she... er He wanted ? Flame asked, with a confused look on his face. Also, um thanks for breaking me out of prison... and saving my life. He said quietly.


(OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post, I was really confused about what was going on, But were good now, I read all of the posts.)

Edited by Flame Dancer
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Something something something something


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Flower was at shock "Are you serious?! How could they capture him so easily? DH must have been tricked! C'mon let's go get him so we can save him and get our bodies back to normal!" Flower started to panic like she never did before, "I hope Diehard's safe, he's the only one who knows what we're doing here." Flower said.

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Thunder nodded at what flower had just said.

"She's right we need to go and get her...him out right now!" thunder said. "Let's go get him out"

He quickly dashed off towards the street "come on flower" he said " we gotta be really careful, they may have reinforcements."

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The guard was still talking on the radio. Whats the Oh greaton DH's head? two-million bits? Now if that is the bounty price...i wounder how much the remaining royals will pay for him? I know what your trying to do. And my bounty still sits at two million bits. No more no less. Is that so.....Well i think ill just take him to the Moose tribe. I know they will pay very well for the colt that killed the world. Ok ok...five million bits in hoof if you come to my shop today. Mmmmmmmm.....ok Deal, ill see you in an hour. Hangs up. Dizzy was outside and can hear the others behind him. Oh great you guys are back. He just sold DH off to some bounty hunter. I guess DH is a wanted colt for what happened to the world. He said he will meet them in an hour. What should we do?

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The door opened and the guard left the home.

Thunder ducked down and gathered everyone around him in a huddle...

"alright here's the plan" he said, his voice barely audible. "Flower and I will track the guard, Dizzy, you stay here and keep an eye over diehard and flame alright? Let's go"

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Why do you need to keep an eye on me ?... Would somepony please explain what is going on ? He said in an exasperated voice.

What the buck is going on right now ? He thought, peaking threw the window of the guards house to see a rather scary looking pony tied too a chair.

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Dizzy nods and looks at Flame. Hey kid. Do you know how to fight or anything? Because form the looks of things your going to be coming with us. With you being an escaped con and all. DH stars to move a bit. But he is dreaming about what the princesses said as they died



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Flame's eye's widened. Fight ? I um... I used to take ninjutsu when I was a... foal. He paused after the last word, Thinking of his Foalhood (Childhood... Yea I know.) was painful. Um, anyway, I learnt a little bit about using a katana... But where are we going to find one of those in a time like this ? He asked.

Something something something something


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Ill tell you this kid. Knowing Diehard hes bound to have a weapon on him or in this town somewhere. And if you dont know much you will learn a lot. We may not look it but we all have a violent fighting past. Thunder was in the Solar army, Derpy was a General in the solar army, Flower is a good fighter, DH has been training me, and as for DH........Lets just say he is one bad dude. So trust me kid you will learn. One way or another.
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I am eager to learn.

So what exactly are you guys trying to do ? are you just traveling to get away from the law or... are you doing something else.

Also when we get... um DH, I think that's what you called him. anyway, when we get DH I wanna state a couple requests that I kinda hope you all agree with.


(OOC: I ment to say Jujitsu Not Ninjutsu, My bad)

Edited by Flame Dancer
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