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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/27564-welcome-to-fillydelphia/

Celestia gazed down onto the six ponies in front of her. She spoke softly as she surveyed the damage around here done by the parasprites. "I see... I have a place you may be able to stay but I warn you it is a bit hectic... Heres the address ask for a pony named SolarWind. Twilight sparkle you should know him you two went to magic school together. He will help you in this time of need him and his friends. I'll charter you a train to Fillydelphia immediately. I will see you soon my little ponies" She said happily. She then left the six to gather their things for the long tain ride to Fillydelphia.


Back at the house Solarwind read the letter his princess had sent. "What in the- You guys did you see this its from the princess... She says we have guests? This evening?! What !! Come on we have to clean this place up before her royal fussiness arrives. I want to know who exactly she thinks we are some sort of bed and breakfast!" He said angrily at the nerve of Celestia. She hadnt kept in touch with him over the years and now she was springing this on him? He shook his mane and sighed they would have to put up with it for now...




Mod Note: Remember to use the full editor when editing this post so the OOC link stays up.

Edited by Ice Storm

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rascal overheard Solarwind and turns to him and laughs a bit " It's royalty we're talking about here anything less can disapprove i'm no good with it myself but " he stopped taking a big gulp and his face fills with fear " I'd rather not displease her who knows what she's is capable of... " he said but shakes it off " I'll help out anyway i can! " he said proudly putting his hoof over his chest

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Applejack began getting her things from Sweet Apple Acres. She was saying her final goodbyes for now to her family.

Well, Ah don't know how long this whole fix up will be, but don't worry, I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me.


She began heading for the train.

Whew... carrying all your belongings on yer back is harder than it looks. Good thing I've been working hard for so long! I wonder how everypony else is doing... and I wonder if the house owner would be kind enough to let me set everything I need there. I don't mean to just barge in, but I'm not having this on my back the whole darn trip!

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Sky woke up in the morning, he stretched and yawned. He was a little tired and had a small headache from the party last night. He DJ'd at a client's party and it was pretty swell but he might have gone overboard. He chuckled to himself for a little and drank a bottle of water. Then he got his jacket and went out for his morning jog in the city Fillydeplhia. He went around al the mane streets with carts, taxis, and stagecoaches with occasional shouts form drivers to get the traffic moving. There was always a guard on traffic duty at the intersections and he had his hands full at the moment. Later that morning Sky got back to his flat and noticed a letter...he was being invited to a party as a celebrity guest.


"I might try to give that a go but seems a bit formal for my cup of tea..."


((Again I derped, so sorry fixed it.))

Edited by Twilight Sky
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SolarWind shook his head. "Superstar is out on the town and the princess will be here in a few hours... Dont worry Rascal shes harmless... Still I wish she wouldnt drop in we have a peacful life and Im not sure what to expect from these guests... Oh man this so uncool. Well no need to worry I think I'll go take a nap.

Im sure her royal pain in the flank wont be here for some time so Im guessing we should go track down the others." He said yawning. This wasnt his thing. He was just the zero motivated Alicorn not some over active neat freak. He wont bend over backwards to please the royal nuiscance. He was just glad Rascal was here to help him keep things together.


Pinkie pie grabbed her instruments and her alligator and packed them into a saddlebag. She bounced over to the train and waied excited until she saw Applejack. "OH MY GOSH AJ!! arent you just soooo excited to see the new town I hope were near a bakery that would be spectacular!! Gotta make sure I packed extra sassparilla. It gives you SASS!!!" She said happily bouncing around Applejack. and smiling like a big pink hyperactive piece of cotton candy.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" And by "we" you assuming me? " he questioned Solarwind after hearing him saying he wanted to take a nap " Lets just go find the others that way you could get it we're gonna be beat by the time she comes anyway " he told Solarwind as he started to walk.

Edited by Rascal
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Applejack noticed Pinkie talking to her.

Yeah, it's always nice going from the farm once in a while to see other towns. Just... not when a bunch of buggers destroy Ponyville. Heh heh... Traveling is nice, like I always remember going to Manehatten, tryin to be all fancy and stuff, but always felt like Ponyville was where I wanted to--

She stopped her talking when she heard her stomach was rumbling.

I'm pretty hungry. Hope yer right about a bakery being around those parts.

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Rarity was already in Fillydelphia visiting family, so it was pretty conviniant the princess wanted to meet them there.

Rarity gathered her things, put out some things for opal, and then walked out the door. She looked absolutely FABULOUS.

Posted Image

" An audience with the princess...of course I need to look my very best! Isn't that right, opal darling? " Rarity asked Opal, with a meow back. Rarity winked. She strutted out of the door, ready for the princess (With her fancy new dress).

" Dear me, I hope this goes better then last time... " Rarity told to nobody in particular, referencing to the Parasprites. Edited by Resolution
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Rascal then stopped and thought " If were gonna see the princess..." His eyes opened wildly with a smile " Hang on for a sec! " He dashed up to the room he was given and searched in his stuff to find a uniform and some bands he placed the bands on and put the uniform on and came back down " What do you think? " he asked showing it " It's been a dream of mine for an Equestrian soccer league maybe wearing this will make her consider it. " he said hoping for it

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SolarWind grinned at Rascal. "All right... Lets grab superstar and find the cold heart THEN I'll have my nap." He said as he trotted out the door. He knew finding sky would be easy considering he always jogged around the town but his other room mate would be a lot more difficult to locate.


SolarWind looked over Rascal... "Erm... I heard theres a fashion designer here in ponyville. Im just the lazy shirker so im not the best person to ask for fashion advice." He said. "I think the soccer leage has potential but dont expect me to join. Im much happier with a long nap. Im sure somepony else will support you though." He said smiling as he walked out the door into the street of Fillydelphia.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" Super star? cold heart " he pondered of why he added cold heart but shakes the thought out of his head " Ya think so? " he asked and smiled as he begins to follow Solarwind to wherever he was going obviously he was happy and wanted to see the new guests

Edited by Rascal
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On the way to the train, Applejack was thinking about Rarity.

Rarity was lucky she didn't go on the train trip with us. Knowin' her, she would probably whine, or... complain as she says, about (Impersonating Rarity) "Oh Applejack, can I use your room for some things?" Or: "Everypony else is being too loud!" Just like when we went to Appleloosa... She just needs to learn to not have everything be fancy.


...Okay, that sounded a little harsh. Guess I'm a but upset about the town...

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"Ugg, I thought the last one of these was annoying," Twilight said to herself as she was finishing getting a few things together. A few of her important books, and notes regarding some of her experiments were a must. As well as ink, quills, and scrolls for spike so that he could take the letters to the princess for her. Just because they had to go to Fillydelphia for a while didn't mean the lessons on friendship were going to stop. In fact she thought that there would be even more to learn on the subject in a place such as Filly.


She made her way to the train station after she had everything and passed by AppleJack on the way. "Hey AJ,.. How are you holding up?" Twilight asked concerned. Out of anypony in Ponyville Applejack had the most to lose. Sure every pony had their personal belongings and their house. Applejack had Sweet Apple Acres, one of the largest apple orchids in Equestria. If the parasprites weren't stopped soon, it would be almost completely destroyed.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Oh, howdy Twilight. I'm doing fine. It's pretty terrible when years of Apple Bucking go to waste, and nearly your entire farm is eaten by some tiny little flies. I'm leaving Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith here because I think they can probably fix up the place while I'm gone. We always have tools to fix any problems we have.


...What about you? Did your mighty big selection of books make it? Or did Spike's ice cream stash get all eaten up? Hah hah! She said jokingly.

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Pinkie pie gasped and said "Oh twilight!! my goody goodness thats alot of stuff you have how long are we gonna be in filly and how many seats will there be on the train. Ohhh I hope we get there soon whats holding us up?" She said exuberantly.


Princess Celestia was in Fillydelphia seeing to some of the preperations. At the moment she was going to see Rarity and then she had to meet with that lazy SolarWind and everypony else in the house where the six would be staying. She was interested to meet Rascal, and Sky, but she hadnt heard to much about ice storm or Lily to get to know them. The only person she didnt want to see was SolarWind the lazy smart aleck who somehow managed to pass magic school right behind Twilight. Celestia detested Solarwind she had always felt that he was so smart and was wasting it on his lazy antics.

  • Brohoof 1

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"I understand what you mean, I hope at the very least the farm isn't hit too bad. Then were will we get Equestria's best apple Cider?" she laughed jokingly. Applejack also asked her how her books were holding up, and if spike had lost his ice cream stash.


"It sure did.... stupid parasprites eating my ice cream... They'll pay!!" spike yelled from behind shaking his fist towards a small group of them.


Twilight couldn't help but giggle at it. "Thankfully I learned from the last time these things were here to not use magic on them. So if were luck, anything that's not food won't get eaten," she finished just as pinkie there next to her being pinkie. "Hey Pinkie. I wish I knew how long we were going to be there, but the truth is I have no idea! I just grabbed the most important notes I had and the supplies to write letters with. As far as he hold up goes, we just haven't gotten o the train station yet. It's not exactly easy leaving your home behind..." she added

Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

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I'm with ya there, Twi. I've been in Sweet Apple Acres all my life! But no need to be all mopey about it. It will be a while, but I know Ponyville will be restored!


...So, I heard the pony's place we're staying at is somepony you know! Why don't you tell me a bit about him while we wait?

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Solarwind led Rascal around a corner to where he found Sky jogging. "Hey superstar! Come on we have to go find ice storm!! The princess needs us for something. Have you seen her around?" Solarwind said yelling out to sky.

He was ticked at the princess for commanding so much of the ponies but it was her "royal privilege" to provide any homeless pones with a place to stay.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Looks at Solar Flare then looks at Twilight Sky and seems a bit puzzled " Why do you call him "Superstar" ? he asked tilting his head to the side in confusion but is quick to dismiss it from his head

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"The ol' fancypants wants ME, to do something?"


"You must be bluffin' mate..."


Sky wasn't too eager to help out the princess as he wasn't the royalty type. Yet his interest was peaked by this question.


"He calls me superstar because he thinks I'm good with music and I tend to get around but I don't like to bother 'bout it..."


"If anybody is a superstar it's this guy here, since he is on the soccer team."


He smiled at the young pony.

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Twilight paused for a moment. They were staying at a place where she knew the pony? She couldn't remember any pony that she had met in Fillydelphia but perhaps maybe if she saw the pony she'd remember. "Well right off the top of my head, I can't really remember much of anything. It's been so long it's hard to even imagine what he's like at this point," Twilight said as AJ commented on Sweet Apple Acres was where she'd been her entire life. "I know it will as well. With Princess Celestia spearheading the infestation. It should be good as new in now time," she said confidently having every bit of faith in her teacher.

~~Ice Storm~~

Ice was extremely uncomfortable being back in Fillydelphia. It was bringing back far way too many painful memories for her, and she made absolutely sure to avoid the district where her parents lived. At this point she wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. If she wasn't important enough to them to stop them from throwing her aside, then they weren't important enough to be worthy of her time. She had already made her way to where they would be staying and she approached SolarWind. "I'm right here," she stated bluntly the anger inside from her own emotions showing through "What can I do to help? anything would work as long as it helped take my mind of the painful past I've had here..." she asked a bit snarkly, but sincere at the same time. It was obvious that the memories were jarring more anger than hurt, but not by a whole lot. Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Applejack was feeling better with Twilight's confidence.

Your right, Twilight. Besides, Filly ain't such a bad place! I'm just hopin' the pony we're staying with won't be all grumpy having house guests around... We dont even know what this feller is gonna be like!


Say... did you ever see Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? I don't think I saw em' today.

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Rascal smiles at Sky's complement " Thank you but i'm not on the team just yet and the uniform i'm wearing isn't exactly official but it does mean a lot that you said that. I'm Rascal " as he introduces himself his eyes turn to Ice Storm noticing some of the anger " Umm hi " he said

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