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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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" Shut up " he said giving Solarwind a small hit with his hoof laughs a bit then smiles but is thinking about it and grows a bit quiet for a while then snaps out of it looking back at Clover still keeping his distance " Yeah... interesting " he said returning his sights back at the train

Edited by Rascal
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Clover looked around after stepping away from Celestia, wondering who she should greet next, she was feeling slightly shy because she was in the presence of so many wonderful pony who had accomplished so much more than her. She tried to find somepony who didn't seem too famous, and she saw a little green colt, and decided to go talk to him "Hi there..." She said, standing at eye level with him.

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Solarwind nudged Rascal with his shoulder and darted off to where Sky was standing. "Hey Sky whats up with you? Your usually not so... Quiet." He said glancing over to where Celestia stood. "Whats with you?" He asked the grey stallion.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" Hey! " he said quietly after Solarwinds nudge slowly turns around and notices Clover " Umm hiya welcome to Filly. " he said " I hope your trip was great and i hope you like it around here can i help you with anything? " he asked just saying non important things no real conversation in it

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" The trip mustn't have been kind to your mane seeing how your fixing it " he said pointing it out but then his ears drop not making the best first impression " I apologize i didn't mean anything by it my name is Rascal a real pleasure to meet ya and when it comes to the city try to take it one step at a time then it's not so scary. " he said " Wait you've lived to Canterlot!? The royal city wow i've heard of it but never really placed one hoof on it. Must not have been your place since your here " he said

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Clover scratched the back of her head not knowing what to say about her mane, then heard him going on about Canterlot "Oh, I only get to live there cuz of my family, haha..." She said quietly. "It's all just luck I guess, maybe you'l get to go there because of your family one day!" She said encouragingly

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" Yeah i doubt it. " he responded " My family is somewhere else... " he said quietly then looks back " The're not dead there just back at the village i used to live in before i left " he smiles looking to the skies " Ya know i was dreaming to come to Ponyville more of the reason i left but... " he sighs

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Clover noticed he was getting upset about something, she was unsure if it was because Ponyville was gone or if something had happened with his parents, but she had to help "Hey don't worry! I am sure Ponyville isn't gone forever, it will be rebuilt, after all the elemental six live there!" She said as she put her hoof on his shoulder.

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Is silent for a while then smiles at her " Right those heroes the princess was talking about that saved the place more then once. " he said " Umm thank you " looks at her and gets up feeling better " There's still hope for it" he said " She's alright" he thought as he stretched

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Applejack responded to Solar's question. Why yes, all my friends are mares. Well, except Spike, but he's a dragon, so that kinda doesn't count. Why, is there some kinda problem ya got with a bunch of girls at your house? She chuckled at her sarcasm.


AJ then looked at Rascal and Clover talking. Hmm, now what can they be doin? She thought to herself.

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the train had finally come to a stop in Fillydelphia, but it was still a bit worrisome because they hadn't been able to figure out exactly what was wrong with Fluttershy as she had not answered anypony that tried to approach her. At the very least Twilight made sure everypony got off the train and made sure that she had everything before getting off. Leaving something as important as one of her study books behind was something she most definitely didn't want to do.


As soon as she got off of the train she saw the princess already greeting some of the other ponies that had gotten off of the train already. She approached, "Good morning Princess," twilight stated happily. It seemed that with the exception of the want it need it incident and the Gala, she couldn't really find herself to be unhappy around the princess. To Twilight, she just radiated joy and happiness. "And you're Solar Wind if I remember correctly," she added looking towards the yellowy Alicorn.


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Solarwind coughed and looked around "Oh dear god..." He thought to himself. He sighed and looked at Twilight. "Yes and you are Twilight sparkle correct?" He only knew her name because the princess said it not five minutes ago and he still had a hard time remembering. "Nice to see you again he said." He wasnt sure what to do next so he sort of awkwardly waved a hoof.

He sat down and looked around. "Seven mares..." He thought sighing. "This will be more difficult than I thought..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Hey everyone!! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm feeling Pinkie keen today! Who wants cake? I think we should all go get cake! Sounds fun, right? Gummy is starving and exhausted from the long ride, and I bet some cake will cheer him right up!


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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Fluttershy, who quickly took cover by the nearest bush, was surveying the area before she moved forward. She saw a bunch of ponies she did not know. Which, due to her shy nature, didn't want to introduce herself yet. Just as she was about to exit her hiding place and go inside whilst the others were busy she noticed Celestia. A chill ran down her spine, she couldn't be able to sneak past Celestia, could she? And if she was caught, who knows what would happen! Oh my, oh my...what should I do....should I try to sneak past, or should I wait and see what happens? She said, quite unsure of the the choices she made


Because she was taking such a long time to decide, the second choice of just sitting there was already in play. She continued to argue with herself contradicting every other statement and option she made beforehand whilst everypony proceeded on their blissful chat with one another.

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Rascal turns and notices the other ponies he first turned to Pinkie Pie and laughed a bit " Seems like someone remembered to add sugar " he then notices Twilight Sparkle talking to Celestia amazed they're talking so openly but pays it little mind looks back at Clover " I'll be back " he said beginning to trot and stops not far away from where Fluttershy is hiding and plops down to the ground and lets the wind blow in his face and smiles needing a bit of time to collect himself


" Everypony is so interesting that pink one seems extra cheery that Rarity is no less then a beauty queen " he said leaving out drama " Applejack seems cool and that violet one seems like she knows the princess from before maybe she's from royalty? he kept questioning the possibilities but then thinks about Clover and smiles " I guess the princess was right. Maybe it won't be so bad and be like a vacation. " he grinned lays on his back looking at the sky his stomach growls again " Honestly i can't have a moment to myself without you growling all the time you just gotta wait umm i mean i gotta wait " he said placing both hooves over his face

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Clover began to go back to her friend Applejack, thinking things would go better if she stayed around somepony she knew and simply waited until they actually were on there way to Solar's house. She stood near AJ and didn't say anything, just continued to try and fix her mane.


(OOC Rascal, your new Avi scares me O.o)

Edited by Dashery Rain Bowington
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"Well for starters I must say that I greatly appreciate you letting us stay with you on such short notice. I can guarantee you that no pony planed for a Parasprite invasion in Ponyville. Hopefully things will go over smoothly back at home and we'll be out of your mane in no time," Twilight told him with a smile before looking around to everypony else. Fluttershy seemed to have gotten off of the train, and the fact that she is in a completely new area means it's going to be hard to get anything out of her at the moment as to why she was so upset.


She turned back to Solar Wind. "So how far away is your place from the train station? I have pretty much everything that I was able to salvage, and once we are able to get there I'll be able to stay pretty much out of your mane for the most part. I have my most recent logbooks and spell books with me that I need for the latest experiments that I've been researching so apart from anything going haywire things should be easy going," she smiled ready to get out of the station and explore and see what new types of magics she could find here to experiment with.


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Applejack chuckled nervously at Clover standing so close to her. She inched to the right a bit. I see your still all worried about your Mane there, Sugarcube. Don't worry, my friend Rarity is a designer, she'll help ya with that. Just... don't take it personal if she gasps at you first...


Applejack found out Fluttershy got off the train, but was nowhere to be found. Fluttershy? You still here?

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Solarwind looked at the pink pony get off the train. She seemed extremely hyperactive. Not cool celestia! he thought.

You did this on purpose! The princess looked over and grinned at him. He smiled back and turned around.

Oh how I hate her... He thought and shook his mane. These new ponies were all quite nice and he no longer had a problem with them staying. In fact it would be quite nice to have company for once. Solarwind looked questionately at Twilight.

"Oh the house isnt to far fom here only half a mile or so... I see you like reading... Alot." He had a faint memory of a filly in his old class who always had a ton of books. Like him she pretty much stayed seperate from everypony else. Solarwind didnt have a ton of friends growing up. Not like he cared about a ton of friends all that much he thought maybe these ponies werent so bad after all.


Solarwind saw Fluttershy get off the train but he decided against telling anyone. She clearly wanted to be alone and he respected that. She was also a fairly pretty mare and that made Solarwind twice as nervous. I'll talk to her later... He thought as much as he wanted to say hi to her he was just to nervous to even say anything.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Well this isnt exactly a pick your team for kickball moment... But I suppose we had better do it that way. I PICK FIRST!!" He said happily and smirked at Sky. "Since she seems to be the calmest one of you that I have met or rather not met I choose... You there with the pink mane!" He said quickly so he wouldnt stutter. She seemed the calmest and most quiet of the three "Sky please choose the pink one!" He thought to himself.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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After a good moment he then realizes something " Wait i'm doing it again! Horse Feathers! " He gets up stomps the ground 3 times mad at himself at leaves the area back to the train station and stopping behind Solarwind and sees Sky and notices there both talking to each other he doesn't want to intrude but as a first does " I'm sorry for breaking your conversation but do any of know if we got a carriage? " he asked as his plan was to place a horse collar over his neck hook himself to the carriage and carry the ponies things in it

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